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"What are some everyday tasks or challenges you

think robots could help with in your life, and how do
you feel about the idea of relying on robots for
these tasks? Share your thoughts on the potential
benefits and drawbacks of having robots assist us
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question by
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See the template in Slides 3
The feeling when a robot helps me in every
activity is that I will be very happy
because it will really help me and I won't
get tired, I can relax and relax, but the
effect of the robot is that I will get used to
being lazy and everything just depends on
the robot and that's not good for humans,
Nama : Joe Joswit Edo
Nim : 2211025
Nama : Diego JJ Will T Lamakey

Children's fairy tales invite readers to expand their imagination and dive into another world
where everything is possible.

In this way, a child will dare to dream big and imagine goals that have never been achieved in
the past.

However, as quoted from there are a number of children's fairy tales that originate from a dark
When i feel comfort in a bat then i
dont wanna move to everywhere, i
think if there is a robot, it could helps
me do anything i want, like make a
coffee for me, bring my charger and
turn off the lamp
Garth Allan
Ilmu Filsafat-2211027
NAMA: Bezatulo Gea

Answer: Benefits that robots could help such as efficiency and independence to study
everything we want without spend to much time, energy and money. Everything we can do
by ourselves and gain a lot of knowledge. But drawbacks of it, we become dependent on
technology lack of communication with people. However we are not robot but human who
have a high social needs.

Also, robot system could reduce accident on the road caused by human error, but the issue is
that many people loss their job.

Last one, farming more productive (planting,nurturing and harvesting) also less of pesticide.
but it might also lead to job displacement and environmental concerns if not implemented
Name: Edgar Shabat Adrian

Answer:of course when I use a robot to help me at home it is very happy

because the robot will do all the housework, for example sweeping,
washing dishes, cleaning the room. With the robot I can do other
activities. The advantage of using a robot is that there will be no mistakes
like humans because the robot has been programmed well to do its job
and there are no complaints there. but it also had a bad impact, namely
that it made me lazy and dependent on robots, which ultimately resulted
in illnesses coming from within me due to lack of movement.
Name : Fernando

For the Benefits if using robot for activity or tasks : 1. Robot helps ease human work. Various kinds of robots are made,
and each robot has its own abilities. There are robots made to clean the house, to take bombs, and all the robots are
formed in order to replace humans.

2. Do not have a sense of boredom,tired,emotional. Unlike human while working, robots will not be quiet, do not carry
out orders, or say “ I’M Lazy”

3. Robot easy and fast in repair. Humans need a long time to recover from injury.

So how about drawback ?

1. Humans will be lazy

2. Energy crisis
3. Global Warming
4. Narrow Employment
Nama: Tito Silaen

Robots make my work easier, long distances

should be close.
The bad effects of using robots, make us forget
about time and make us lazy
Nama: Rio Pratama M.
Robots have the potential to assist with various everyday tasks and challenges in our lives.

Some of these include:

Robots help with housework such as cleaning the house, washing clothes, etc

Robots can provide support medication management.

Robots can improve safety and efficiency in commuting.


Robots can complete tasks faster and consistently than humans, robots can handle hazardous work reducing risks to human


The use of robots can lead to job losses in certain industries, Excessive dependence on robots can lead to a decrease in human
skills, insecure privacy.
Nama: Yosafat Cristian

There are many daily tasks that can be helped by robots,

for example sweeping, mopping and washing clothes
The benefit of using robots in daily activities is that the
task becomes a little easier and the drawbacks is that
when the robot runs out of power, we still rely on human
Nama: Lydia Stefany
I think, my daily task that can be replaced by robots is housework. such as sweeping, mopping,
and ironing. and, in my opinion, having housework replaced by robots will really saving time. and
in my personal opinion, because i have a lot of responsibilities and a lot of work outside, i would
find it very helpful if there was a robot that could replace the housework. that way, i don't need to
spend a lot of time doing it.

The benefit of having robots do daily tasks is that they are more practical and really save time. But
there is also a drawback, namely that because we are used to being practical, we will not be used to
doing it manually.
Name:Robinson Pardede

Robots are very effective in being used to help us with our work at home, the advantage is
that they don't get paid and the work is completed quickly, they are easy to manage, the
weakness is that they can't communicate back with us. If there were robots, maybe the
world would be easier, but maybe it would be cramped if there were too many of them
Name: Ghilbert Osvaldo

The advantages and disadvantages of robots, the first are the

advantages: namely that they can help me in throwing out rubbish,
washing clothes, ironing clothes, drying clothes, cleaning windows,
polishing shoes, cleaning toilets, giving massages when I'm tired,
helping me buy something.
weakness: namely that I can't do anything, it can make me lazy and
Name : Yosep Rakmeni

Answer : Robots can help me with my daily tasks,

namely: vehicle drivers, factory workers and others. very
helpful and quickly completed an emergency job. The
potential benefits of using everyday robot assistance
make work lighter and more efficient. The downside if
robots help in everyday life is that it costs money to pay
bills for electric batteries and so on and makes humans
create a lazy culture.
Name: Yufra Benu

answer: the benefit of a robot is to help me do something that takes a long time, and also
don't waste a long time doing it because I can't do something quickly that's my weakness
and I believe that we all need people who can quickly help us. and robots are also not easy
to destroy or get hurt, that's what's extraordinary for me.

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