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MKT2080 Sales

Activity 3 -Style Flexing (5%)

Step 2 - Take the

Step 1: Review all Step 3- Observe the Step 4 - Record
Social Style Quiz
Unit 3 Materials people around you your 3 minute
and find out your
including the for a day - what video. Upload to
social style. Take a
SmartBook social style are the dropbox with
screenshot of your
Assignment they? your screenshot.
result to upload.

Objective: To practice adapting one's sales style and personality to different types of customers


Step 1 – Review Unit 3 materials and complete Unit 3 SmartBook Assignment to have a base of understanding
about this topic.

Step 2 - Take the short quiz to find out your social style:
title=what-is-my-social-style (This link is also in eConestoga)

Step 3 - Take a screen shot of your result showing your Social Style to upload with your assignment.

Step 4 - Observe and analyze the behavior of people around you at work, home, school for a day, to identify your
social style and others. Try to guess what their social style would be.

Step 5 - Create a short video (3 minutes maximum) where you will pitch a product specified below and that is
tailored to YOUR social style. Then you will select a different style and re-pitch the product tailored to that social
style. Make sure you take a creative approach; your video should be different from everyone else!

Suggested flow of video:

 1 minute – Introduce yourself, and specify your social style, pitch the product specified below
tailored to your own social style.
 1 minute – Specify a different social style and re-pitch the product specified below tailored to that
social style.
 1 minute – State what the differences were between each pitch. State what you have learned from
this exercise.

Example: You completed the social style quiz and discovered you are AMIABLE. You will then pitch the
product tailored to your own style (AMIABLE) and then you will re-pitch the product tailored to another
style (CHOOSE any other style that is not yours). Make sure you identify your style at the beginning of the
video and then the alternate style. You are now flexing your style! What were the differences? What did
you learn from this exercise?

Step 6 – Upload your video or video link and your screenshot of your social style quiz results to the dropbox.

Product to be Pitched: Newest version of Apple Watch

Evaluation: You will be evaluated on the following areas – all details are on the rubric posted to eConestoga:

 Social Style Quiz Result Uploaded

 Video content – Your Social Style Pitch
 Video content – A different Social Style Pitch
 Video timing - max 3 minutes long
 Creativity in approach

Rubric is posted in eConestoga

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