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Powered by Al Bing deta Certainly! Here’ led explanation of the best, average, and worst-case scenarios for binary search: * Best Case: The best case for binary search occurs when the target element is located at the middle of the array, which is the first place checked by the algorithm, In this ease, only one comparison is needed to find the target, and the search ends immediately. The best-case time complexity is therefore $$0(1)SS. + Average Case: The average case for binary search can be understood by considering that the target element could be anywhere in the array. On average, binary search will take a logarithmic number of comparisons to find the target or determine its absence. The average case time complexity is $SO(\log 1n)$S, where $$n8$ is the number of elements in the array. * Worst Case: The worst case for binary search happens when the target element is not present in the array or is located at either end of the array, requiring the maximum number of comparisons. In each step, the search interval is halved, so the worst-case time complexity is also $$O(\log n)SS. For space complexity, binary search is an in-place algorithm, which means it doesn’t require additional storage that depends on the input size. Therefore, the space complexity is $SO(1)$8. However, if the binary search is implemented recursively, the space complexity can be $$0(\log n)S$ due to the stack space used by the recursive calls, hope this clarifies the complexities of binary search for you. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask!

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