Bulacan State University Meneses Campus TJS, Matungao, Bulakan, Bulacan

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TJS, Matungao, Bulakan, Bulacan

Detailed Lesson Plan


I. Objectives:
at the end of the lesson, learners are expected to:
A. Describes the foundation of sport officiating
B. Appreciates the different roles of an officiating officials and;
C. Applies the qualities of an officiating official.

II. Subject Matter:

A. Topic: Foundation of Sport Officiating; Qualities of an Officiating Official.
B. Reference: Physical Education and Health 9 Unit I pg.24-pg.25.
C. Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, Laptop, Chalk, Blackboard and
Instructional Materials.
D. Values Integrated: Enhancing learner’s Social Awareness, attentiveness and
cooperation about the subject.
E. Strategies: Individual Recitations, Group Activity. Give and take learning.

III. Procedures:

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
Everyone stands straight for our
opening prayer.
Let’s bow our head and feel the
presence of God.
(The learner will start the prayer)
2. Greetings
Good morning class! And also
greet our fellow teachers.

Good morning, Ma’am Rodriguez! Good

How are you today? morning, Teachers! It’s nice to see you!

That’s good! We’re good Ma’am!

3. Checking of Attendance
Class monitor do we have
absentees for today?

None Ma’am.
B. Developmental Activities
As a review to our previous
discussion in Physical Education, I
prepared a short activity for you. I
have here manila paper. all you
need to do is put the components
whether it is health-related (students listening)
components or skill-related
are you ready class?
Yes ma’am!
but before we start, we will have a
code name. we will count and
whatever matches your number, it
will serve as your code name.

okay let’s start our activity. (the students start counting)

Student 5, what is body


Body composition is the proportion of fat and

non-fat mass in your body. A healthy body
composition is one that includes a lower
percentage of body fat and a higher
percentage of non-fat mas, which includes
Very good! Student 5. muscle, bones, and organs.

Student 21, what is cardiovascular


Ma’am cardio vascular endurance is the

ability of heart, lungs and blood vessels to
deliver oxygen to your body tissues without
Exactly! Very good! becoming overly tired.
Student 18, what is flexibility?

Flexibility is the ability of the joints to move

Very good! beyond their normal range of motion.
Student 3, what is muscular strength?

Ma’am, Muscular Strength refers to the

amount of force a muscle can produce with a
Very well said! single maximal effort.
Student 9, what is muscular
Muscular Endurance is the ability of a
muscle or group of muscles to sustain
repeated contractions against a resistance for
Good job! long period of time.
Student 15, what is speed?

Speed is the ability of the body to move fast

from one point to another, in the shortest
Very good student 15! possible time.
Student 23, what is agility?

Ma’am, Agility is the ability to move in a

sudden change of direction and body position
That’s good! quickly.
Student 10, what is balance?

Balance is the ability to maintain equilibrium

Good job! even when moving.
Student 22, what is coordination?

Coordination is the ability to use the senses

and body parts to perform tasks smoothly,
Very good! efficiently, and accurately.
Student 1, what is power?
Power is the ability to exert a maximal force
in the shortest time possible, as in
accelerating, jumping, and throwing
Good job! implements.
And the last one, student 7 what is
reaction time?

Reaction Time refers to the speed at which a

person's body responds to an external
Very good class!
Physical fitness is the ability of the
body to do day-to-day activities
without undue fatigue, and still has
time to do leisure activities and meet
emergencies. Physical fitness is
divided into two components, health-
related and skill- related components. (student’s listening)
Health-related components focus on
factors that promote optimum health
and prevent the onset of disease and
problems associated with inactivity.
And Skill-related components refer to
your ability to perform physical tasks
efficiently as it relates to a sport.
Are there any questions from our
previous topic?
None ma’am.
C. Motivation
Before we start the discussion, we will
have another short activity. We can
call it guess the picture game. Are you
ready class?
Yes ma’am!
Basketball referee ma’am.

Very good!

Next round,

Umpire ma’am.

Good job!
Last round.
Very good class! Let’s move to our
Based on our activity, can you guess
our topic for today?

Exactly! Very good! We will tackle

the foundation of sport officiating and Volleyball official ma’am!
the qualities of an officiating official.

D. Discussion
Sports officiating is a system of
managing a sport, specifically on
implementing the game rules and
keeping order in the duration of the
And what is the role of an official?

Very good! And what is the four

qualities of an officiating official?
It’s all about officiating officials’ ma’am.

Let’s proceed to the physical qualities.

Very good class!

What about the physical fitness?

They define the success or failure of a certain

physical activity.
To meet the goal of satisfying, complain-free,
And what is the ways to determine impartial, and successful game.
one’s fitness?

The four qualities of an officiating official are

the physical qualities, emotional qualities,
mental qualities and social qualities.

These qualities refer to the physical attributes

of an officiating official and they have high
That’s good class! I prepared short level of fitness to be able to perform his job.
videos so that we can understand it
Defined in preceding modules in Physical
Education, physical fitness is the capacity of
an individual to perform his or her daily tasks
without undue fatigue and still has extra
energy for recreation and emergencies.

By improving their body mass index, pmhr

What about the emotional qualities of and thr or personal maximal heart rate and
an officiating official? training hearth rate, fitness or exercise
program and nutrition and weight

(The student silently watching the video.)

The next one is mental qualities.

readiness of an officiating official to perform

his or her role in a game.
mastered all the rules and possesses a high
level of fitness.

And the last one is the social qualities.

This can be achieved by having a thorough
knowledge on the rules of the game, alertness,
vigilance which result to timely, decisive,
honest, and impartial judgment.
It’s the ability to deal with others at any given
situation. And it is the ability of an officiating
To develop such qualities requires official to settle disputes without sacrificing
practice just as the emotional qualities the integrity of a game and the officiating
do. team.

E. Application
Now that you have an idea about the
qualities of an officiating official, I
prepare an activity for you. I will
group you into four groups. All you
need to do is to create a scenario and
apply the qualities of an official. You
have two minutes to practice it and
three minutes to perform it. Goodluck
and enjoy!
Cooperation 10%
Delivery 30%
Presentation 20%
Officiating content 40 %
Total = 100%

Times up! You may now perform your

Assigned task.

Wow, good job class! You all perform

the task very nicely. Congratulations
to all of you because you all got
higher score, give yourselves a “ang
galing clap!”
(the students practice their assigned qualities)
F. Generalization
So, before we move to our last
activity, let us have a recap about the (the students start to apply their assigned task)
lesson. What is it all about?
Very good! And what is the four
qualities of an officiating official?

“1,2!1,2! Ang galing, galing!”

Exactly! All your answers are correct,
and we almost done class!

It’s all about the foundation of sport

officiating and the qualities of an officiating

Ma’am physical qualities, emotional qualities,

mental qualities and social qualities.


Get ¼ sheet of paper and answer the following questions.

1. How did the qualities of an officiating official influence your group's plan of action?
2. Why is it important for officiating officials to consider these qualities when making


Research and write a short reflection paper on a well-known officiating official,

discussing their qualities and the impact they have made in their field.

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