PTU - Coalescer v2.5

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Associated Skills: Focus, Medicine Education

Coalescers are wielders of The Divine, a latent fabric of magic leftover from the creation
of everything. By focusing their hope and belief, the Coalescer is capable of bringing enough of
The Divine together to achieve marvelous effects. Some are believers in good and justice, others
in evil and chaos, and some have their own agendas they believe in. Regardless of reason, the
Coalescer is a welcome presence among allies, and is capable of turning the tide of battle quite

[Class] [+HP]
Prerequisites: Novice Focus, Novice Medicine Edu
At-Will – Standard Action
Effect: You attune to The Divine and become able to tap into its power; you are now Attuned
until the end of the Scene. While Attuned, you gain +1 to Skill Checks. As a Free Action you
may stop being Attuned. When you stop being Attuned you may choose to use Psychic ignoring
Frequency, though it cannot deal any damage.

Chromatic Core
Prerequisites: Coalescer
Effect: You become aware of a long-lost type: Light. While Attuned you may use any move you
know as though it is Light-typed instead of whatever type it normally is.
Light is Super-Effective against Poison, Bug, Ghost, and Dark.
Light is Resisted by Fire, Electric, Grass, and Fairy.
Light is Weak to Normal, Grass, Ice, and Dragon.
Light is Resistant to Electric, Fighting, Ghost, and Fairy.
Light is Immune to Dark.

Renewing Void
Prerequisites: Coalescer, Chromatic Core, Adept Focus or Adept Medicine Education
Effect: You gain the ability Regenerator. The Trigger text for it now reads as follows: “The user
Takes a Breather or stops being Attuned”.

Inner Reflection
Prerequisites: Coalescer, Chromatic Core, Adept Focus or Adept Medicine Education
Effect: While Attuned, the bonus to Skill Checks increases to +2 instead of +1, and you gain +1
to all movement speeds. You may now stop being Attuned as a Free Action (Priority). In
addition, when you stop being Attuned you may choose to do one of the following:
- Gain 1 temporary AP until the end of your next turn.
- Gain 1 tick of temporary HP.
- Spend 2 AP to become Attuned.

Unveiled Light
Prerequisites: Coalescer, Chromatic Core, Adept Focus, Adept Medicine Education
At-Will – Extended Action
Target: Your Pokémon with at least 2 Tutor Points.
Effect: The target loses 2 Tutor Points and replaces its type (or one of its types if it’s dual typed)
with the Light type. As part of the same action, it may change up to two of the moves on its
move list to the Light type. A Pokémon may be targeted by Unveiled Light only one time.

Resounding Dazzle
Prerequisites: Coalescer, Chromatic Core, Expert Focus, Expert Medicine Education
At-Will – Swift Action
Trigger: You hit with an attack.
Effect: If Attuned, deal an additional DB 4 of Light-typed damage. You may expend your
Attuned, ending it, to increase the damage to DB 8 and also inflict Suppression for one full
round. Otherwise deal an additional DB 2 of Light-typed damage. Do not add your Attack or
Special Attack stats to this additional damage.
Bonus: You may choose to make your Struggle attacks Light-typed.

Prerequisites: Coalescer, Resounding Dazzle, Master Focus or Master Medicine Education
Daily – Free Action
Effect: Receive a Perish Count of 3. While you have this Perish Count, you may take an
additional Standard Action, Shift Action, and Swift Action each round.
Bonus: You gain the Type Aura (Light) Ability

Credits: Art from Pokémon Sage, Type Chart from,
PTU ruleset from the PTU team. All other concepts homebrew by Austin C.

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