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Bachelor of Computer

Scheme and Syllabus
(According to NEP-2020)

Department of Computer Science

AKS University

July 2022
AKS University, Satna
Study and Evaluation Scheme
AKS University, Satna
Study and Evaluation Scheme
BCA 2022-25
(New Education Policy)
Sr. Subject Group Subject L T P Total
Code (In (In (In Credit
Hr) Hr) Hr)
1 Data Communication and Computer 4 - - 4
Major Subjects
2 Programming in C# 4 - - 4
2-P Programming in C# Lab - - 2
Minor Subjects
3 Data analytics & Visualization through 2 - - 4
Spread sheet
3-P DTP 2 - 2
4 Choose Any one (Open Elective)
Internet of Things 4 - - 4
Optimization Techniques - -
Elective Lab(Internet of Things/ 2 2
Optimization Techniques)
Total Credits 16 4 20
PART A: Introduction

Program: Diploma Class: B.C.A. Year: 11 Year Session: 2022-23

Subject:Computer Applications

1. Course Code S2-BCAAIT

2. Course Title Data Communication and Computer Networks

3. Course Type (Core Core

Elective/ Vocational

4. Pre-Requisite (if any) To study this course, a student must have the basic
knowledge of Computers.

5. Course Learning Demonstrate the Basic Concepts of Networking,

Outcomes(CLO) Networking Principles, Routing Algorithms, IP
Addressing and Working of Networking
Devices. Demonstrate the Significance, Purpose
and application of Networking Protocols and
Describe, compare and contrast LAN,
WAN, MAN, Intranet, Internet, AM, FM,
PM and Various Switching Techniques.
Explain the working of Layers and apply the
various protocols of OSI & TCP/IP model.
Analyze the Requirements for a Given
Organizational Structure and Select the
Most Appropriate Networking Architecture
and Technologies.
Design the Network Diagram and Solve the
Networking Problems of the Organizations with
Consideration of Human and Enviromnent.
Install and Configure the Networking Devices.

6. Credit Value 6 Credits

7. Total Marks Max.Marks : 30+70 Min. Passing Marks:33

PART B: Content of the Course

Total No. of Lectures(in hours per week): 3 Hours per week

Total Lectures: 90 Hours

Unit Topics No. of


1 Network goals and application, Network structure, Network services, 15

Example of networks and Network Standardization, Networking models:
centralized, distributed and collaborative. Network Topologies: Bus, Star,
Ring, Tree, Hybrid: Selection and Evaluation factors.

Theoretical Basis for Data communication,- Transmission media, Twisted

pair (UTP, STP), Coaxial Cable, Fiberoptics: Selection and Evaluåtion
factors. Line of Sight Transmission, Communication Satellites. Analog and
Digital transmission. Transmission and switching, frequency division and
time division multiplexing, STDM, Circuit switching, packet switching and
message switching,
Il 20

111 Brief Overview of LAN (Local Area Network) : Classification. Brief

overview of Wide Area Network (WAN). Salient features and differences of
LAN with emphasis on: Media, Topology, Speed of Transmission, Distance,
Cost. Terminal Handling, Polling, Token passing, Contention. IEEE
Standards: their need and developments.

Open System: What is an Open System? Network Architectures, ISO-OSI 20

Reference Model, Layers: Application, Presentation, Session, Transport,
Network, Data Link & Physical. Physical Layer - Transmission, Bandwidth,
Signaling devices used, media type. Data Link Layer - : Addressing, Media
Access Methods, Logical link Control, Basic algorithms/protocols.

Network Layer: Routing: Fewest-Hops routing, Type of Service routing, 15

Updating Gateway routing information. Brief overview of Gateways,
Bridges and Routers, Gateway protocols, routing daemons. OSI and TCP/IP
model. TCP/IP and Ethernet. The Internet: The structure of the Internet, the
internet layers, Internetwork problems. Internet Standards.
PART C: Learning Resources

Textbooks, Reference Books, Other Resources

Suggested Readings:
1. Tannanbaum, A.S.: Computer Networks, Prentice Hall, 1985.processing, Prentice Hall, 1983.

2. Black : Computer Networks : Protocols, standords and Interfaces, Prentice Hall International 1.
Tannanbaum, A.S.: Computer Networks, Prentice Hall, 1985.processing, Prentice Hall, 1983.

3. Fourauzan B., "Data Communications and Networking", 3rd edition, TataMcGraw-

Reference Books:

1. Comer D., "Computer Networks and Internet", 2ND Edition, PearsofiEducation

2. S.K.Basandra& S. Jaiswal, "Local Area Networks", Galgotia Publications
3. William Stallings, "Data and Computer Communication"

4. Book published by M.P. Granth Academy , Bhopal

Suggested Web Links:æsandipc/courses/cs31006/slides/application layer.pdf ee61/preview

Part D-Assessment and: Evaluation

Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods:

Maximum Marks : 100
Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) : 30marks University Exam (UE) 70marks
Internal Assessment : Class Test Total 30
Continuous Comprehensive Assignment/Presentation
External Assessment : Section(A) : Objective Questions Total 70
University Exam Section: 70 Section (B) : Short Questions
Time : 03.00 Hours Section (C) : Long Questions
Part A Introduction
Pro ram: De ree Class : Year: 111 Session: 2023-24
Sub •ect: BCA
1 Course Code S3-BCAC3G

2 Course Title Programming in C#

Theo )
3 Course Type (Core Elective
Discipline Specific Elective/
Elective/ Generic Elective
4 Pre-re uisite (if an )

5 Course Learning outcomes On successful completion of this course, the students will be
(CLO) able to:
l. Knowledge of the structure and model of the
programming language C #.
2. Determine logical alternatives with C# decision
structures utilizing iteration, class methods, fields,
and properties.
3. Using the programming language C # for various
programming technologies (understanding)
4. Develop software in C #.
5. Evaluate user requirements for software functionality
required to decide whether the programming
language C # can meet user requirements.
6. Use of certain technologies by implementing them in
the C # programming language to solve the given
6 Credit Value 4
7 Total Marks Max. Marks: 30 + 70 Min. Passin Marks: 35
Part B- Content of the Course
No. of Lectures (in hours per week): 3 Hrs. per week Total
No. of Lectures: 60 Hrs.
Module Topics No. of
Unit-I Introduction to C#: What is C#, C++ vs C#, Java vs C#, History,
Features, Variables, Data Types, Operators, Keywords, Comments. C#
Control Statements: if-else, switch, For Loop, While Loop, DoWhile
Loo , Break, Continue, Goto.
Unit -11 C# Functions: Function, Call By Value, Call By Reference, Out
C# Arrays: Array to Function, Multidimensional Array, Jagged Arrays,
Params, Array class, Command Line Args. 12
C# Objects and Classes: Constructor, Destructor, this, static, static class,
static constructor, Structs, Enum.
Unit -111 C# Properties. C# Inheritance: Inheritance, Aggregation.
C# Polymorphism: Member Overloading, Method Overriding, Base,
Polymorphism, Sealed. 12
C# Abstraction: Abstract, Interface.
C# Namespace: Namespaces, Access Modifiers, Encapsulation.

Unit -IV C# Strings. C# Exceptions: Exception Handling, try/catch, finally,

Custom Exception, checked unchecked, System Exception.
C# File I O: FileStream, StreamWriter, StreamReader, TextWriter, 12
TextReader, BinaryWriter, BinaryReader, StringWriter, StringReader,
Filelnfo, Directorylnfo, Serialization, Deserialization, System.IO.
Unit V: C# Generics, C# Delegates, C# Reflection.
C# Multithreading: Multithreading, Thread Life Cycle, Thread class,
Main Thread, Thread Sleep, Thread Abort, Thread Join, Thread Name, 12
C# Synchronization, C# Web Service.
Introduction to C#, C# Control Statements, C# Functions, C# Arrays, C# Objects and Classes, C#
Inheritance, C# Polymorphism, C# Abstraction, C# Namespace, C# Strings, C# Multithreading, C#
S chronization, C# Web Service.
Part C-Learnin Resources
Text Books, Reference Books, Other resources
Suggested Readings:

l. E Balagurusamy: Programming in C#, McGraw Hill Education, 4th edition, 2017.

2. Joydip Kanjilal: Mastering C# 8.0, BPB Publication, 2019.
3. J.G.R. Sathiaseelan: Programming With C Sharp .Net, PHI Learning, 2009.
Reference Book.
l. Bill Wagner: Effective C#, Pearson Education, Third edition, 2017.
2. Doyle B: C# Programming From Problem Analysis To Program Design, Cengage, 2014.
3. S. Thamarai Selvi, R. Mumgesan: A TextBook on C#, Pearson Education India, 2003.
4. MILES: Begin to Code with C#, PHI Learnin
Suggested Digital Platforms Web links:
htt s://www.eshiksha.m . dhe
Suggested equivalent online courses:

Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods:

Maximum Marks : 100
Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) : 30 Marks University Exam (UE): 70 Marks
Internal Assessment : Continuous Class Test Assignment/Presentation
Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) 30
External Assessment : Section(A) : Very Short Questions
University Exam Section Section (B) : Short Questions 70
Time : 03.00 Hours Section (C) : Long Questions
An remarks/ su estions:

Part A Introduction
Pro ram: De ree:De ree Class Year: 111 Session: 2023-24
Sulfect: BCA
1 Course Code S3-BCAC3R

2 Course Title Programming in C#

3 Course Type (Core Course/ Elective
Discipline Specific Elective/
Elective/ Generic Elective
4 Pre-re uisite (if an )

5 Course Learning outcomes On successful completion of this course, the students

(CLO) will be able to:
1. Knowledge of the structure and model of the
programming language C #.
2. Determine logical alternatives with C# decision
structures utilizing iteration, class methods, fields,
and properties.
3. Using the programming language C # for various
programming technologies (understanding)
4. Develop software in C #.
5. Evaluate user requirements for software
functionality required to decide whether the
programming language C # can meet user
6. Use of certain technologies by implementing them
in the C # programming language to solve the given
6 Credit Value 2
7 Total Marks Max. Marks: 100 Min. Passin Marks:35
Part B- Content of the Course
Total No. of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical (in hours per week): L-T-P: 0-0-1
Topics No. of Lectures -30
(2 Hours Each)
List of Practicals:

l. Write a c# program to print Fibonacci series without using recursion and using recursion.
2. Write a c# program to check prime number.
3. Write a c# program to check palindrome number.
4. Write a c# pro am to rint factorial of a number.
5. Write a c# program to check Armstrong number.
6. Write a c# program to print sum of digits.
7. Write a c# program to reverse given number.
8. Write a c# program to swap two numbers without using third variable.
9. Write a c# program to convert decimal number to binary.
10. Write a c# program to print alphabet triangle.
I l. Write a c# program to print number triangle.
12. Write a c# program to generate Fibonacci triangle.
13. Write a c# rogram to convert number in characters.
Ke ords/Ta s:
Part C-Learnin Resources
Text Books, Reference Books, Other resources
Suggested Readings:
l. E Balagurusamy: Programming in C#, McGraw Hill Education, 4th edition, 2017.
2. Joydip Kanjilal: Mastering C# 8.0, BPB Publication, 2019.
3. J.G.R. Sathiaseelan: Programming With C Sharp .Net, PHI Learning, 2009.
4. Bill Wagner: Effective C#, Pearson Education, Third edition, 2017.
5. Doyle B: C# Programming From Problem Analysis To Program Design, Cengage, 2014.
6. S. Thamarai Selvi, R. Murugesan: A TextBook on C#, Pearson Education India, 2003.
7. MILES: Be in to Code with PHI Leamin
Suggestive digital platforms/ web links:
htt s://www.eshiksha.m . dhe
Suggested equivalent online courses: courses/introduction-to-c-sharp

Part D-Assessment and Evaluation

Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods:

Internal Assessment Marks External Assessment Marks

Class Interaction /Quiz 30 Viva Voce on Practical 70

Practical Record File

Assignments (Charts/ Model Seminar / Rural Table work / Experiments

Service/ Technology Dissemination/ Report of
Excursion/ Lab Visits/ Survey / Industrial visit)

Total Marks : 100

An remarks/ su estions:
Part B- Content of the Course
Total No. of Lectures + Practical (in hours per week): L-1 Hr I P-1 Lab Hr
Total No. of Lectures/ Practical: L-30hrs/P-30hrs
Module Topics No, of
Computer Fundamentals - Generations of Computer, Advantage and disadvantage 8
of Computer, B1ock Diagram of a Computer, Description of Different parts of a
computer. System Software and Appljcation Software MS Office Introduction to
MS Office, Word Processing Software, Electronic Spreadsheet, MS Paint
PageMaker Introduction to various versions, concepts and applications of PageMaker 12
Guides & rulers. Drawing tools. Fills & outlines.
Photo Shop -History & introduction, the file menu; the tools, Drawing lines &
shapes. Photo editing /inserting starting with Setting Up, introduction of layers,
Understanding Design principles and color theory
Coral Draw - Drawing -lines, shapes .inserting-pictures, objects, tables, templates, 10
Use of various tools such as Pick tools, Zoom tools, Free hand tool, square tool,
rectangle tool, Text tool, Fill tool etc. and all fonts used in designing of monograms,
logos, posters, stickers, greeting cards, wedding cards, visiting cards, etc
Design Principles & Color Harmony Introduction to colors - Primary and
Secondary in both RGB & CMYK schemes/modes.
I. Using windows explorer and other windows elements
2. Creating and opening a document in page maker 30
3. Formatting and editing a document
4. Saving and printing a given document
5. Insertion of text and graphics in a given document from external source
6. Using columns utility, to give the document column look
7. a
Using various fonts and styles to make document more beautiful
8. Use of page maker to make transparencies
9. Saving and printing a file that has been created
IO. Formatting a given file by using undo/redo, repeat, cut, copy, paste, delete,
duplicate and clone utilities
11. Inserting objects in the drawing, aligning, ordering, grouping and ungrouping
of those objects
12. Use of combine, break apart, weld, intersection, trim and separate tools in a
given drawing
13. Use of mode edit tools i.e., to line, to curve, to stretch, and rotate
14. Creating special effects i.e., transform roll-up, envelop roll up, add
perspective, extrude roll up, contour roll up, power line, power clip, clear
15. To insert character and paragraph text in a drawing and frame, setting of tabs,
indents, bullets and spacing in paragraph text
16. Filling of text to a given path, aligning it to base line, straighten text and edit
Part A Introduction
Program:Di Loma Class:BCA Year:ll Year Session: 2022-
Subject.Com uterA lications
I Course Code S2-BCAC2G
2 Course Title Optimization Techniques

3 Course Ty e Generic Elective

4 Pre-requisite (if To study this course, a student must have had Certificate Course.
5 Course Learning The course will enable the students to:
Outcomes (CLO) l . Formulate real life problems into linear programming
2. Apply the simplex method to find an optimal vector for
the standard linear programming problem and the
corresponding dual problem.
3. Find optimal solution of transportation.
4. Formulate and solve linear programming model of two
person zero sum game.
5. Solve nonlinear programming problems using
6 Credit Value 06Credits
7 Total Marks Max. Marks: 30 + 70 = 100 Min. Passing Marks: 33

Part B - Content of the Course

Total No. of Lectures (in hours per week):3 hours per week Total
Lectures:90 hours
Unit Topics No. of
Linear Programming Problem:
I. 1Basic concepts oflinear programming problem
I .2Simplex method and algorithm
1 15
1.3 Artificial variables technique
1.4 Two-phase method
1.5 Big-M method
2. IDefinition and formulation of the dual problem
2.2 Primal-dual relationships
11 15
2.3 Economic interpretation of the dual
2.4 Dual simplex Method
2.5 Sensitivity analysis
Transportation Problems:
3.1 Mathematical model
3.2 Balanced and unbalanced problems
3.3 Degeneracy
3.4 Optimality conditions
111 20
3.5 Methods to find starting solution and optimal solution
3.6 Algorithm for solving transportation problem
3.7 Northwest-Comer method
3.8 Least cost method
3.9 Vogel approximation method for determination of starting basic solution
Network Analysis:
4.1 Constraints in network
4.2 Construction of network
4.3 Critical Path Method (CPM) 20
4.4 PERT calculation
4.5 Resource leveling by network techniques
4.6 Advances of network (PERT/CPM)
Game Theory:
5. I Formulation oftwo person zero sum games
5.2 Solving two person zero sum games
5.3 Games with mixed strategies
V 5.4 Graphical solution procedure 20
5.5 Linear programming solution of games
5.6Non-Linear programming techniques
5.6 I Kuhn-Tucker conditions
5.6.2 Non-negative constraints
Linear Programming Problem, Duality, Transportation Problems, Network Analysis, Game Theory.

Part C - Learnin Resources

Text Books, Reference Books, Other Resources
Suggested Readings:
Text Books:
1. KantiSwarup, P.K. Gupta and Manmohan: Opertions Research, Sultan Chand and Sons, New
Delhi, 2014.
2. Guillermo Owen: Game Theory, Emerald Publishing Limited, edition, 2013.
3. S. D. Sharma: Operations Research, KedarNath Publication, 2012.
4. Nita H. Shah, Ravi M. Gor and HardikSoni: Operations Research, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.,
5. Book published by M.P. Granth Academy , Bhopal

Reference Books:
1. Mokhtar S. Bazaraa, John J. Jarvis and Hanif D. Sherali:Linear Programming and Network
Flows, 2nd Ed., John Wiley and Sons, India, 2004.
2. F.S. Hillier and G.J. Lieberman:lntroduction to Operations Research, 9 th Ed., Tata McGraw
Hill, Singapore, 2009.
3. Hamdy A. Taha:Operations Research, An Introduction, Ed., Prentice-Hall India, 2006.
4.Prem Kumar Gupta and D.S.Hira: Operations Research-An Introduction, S.Chand &
SonsCompany Ltd.,New Delhi, 1995. Suggested Digital Platforms Web links:
Suggested Equivalent online courses:
Part D-Assessment and Evaluation
Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods:
Maximum Marks : 100
Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) : 30marks University Exam (UE) 70marks
Internal Assessment : Class Test Total 30
Continuous Comprehensive Assignment/Presentation
External Assessment : Section(A) : Objective Questions Total 70
University Exam Section: 70 Section (B) : Short Questions
Time : 03.00 Hours Section (C) : Long Questions

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