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Elizabeth Doolittle from Pygmalion

Elizabeth Doolittle is a girl that defied the expectations society had on her. One of
the main characters of the play "Pygmalion"; Eliza, commonly known as Liza, is an
intelligent and determined girl. Her socioeconomic situation determines how the
author writes her interactions with the rest of the characters. It may be that the
symbolism she holds is the transformational she has, and how she presents changes
throughout the play.

Her character is very determined, but she can also be very blunt, especially at the
beginning of the play. At first, she was a girl selling flowers on the street, but she
wanted to own or work at a flower shop. Since her desire was clear, she searched
for someone to teach her how to behave and talk like a lady. Despite not having a
proper education, she was quick-witted. She could tell when Mr. Higgins and
company were bad-mouthing her.

George Shaw presented this young girl as a dirty lower-class girl. At the beginning
of the play, there is a small interaction between her and Mr. Pickering from where he
recognizes her. Mr. Higgins and Mr. Pickering talked about her like she wasn't
present; there is even a moment when she is called baggage. Accents and language
are some of the ways the author used to make clear the level of education each of
his characters had. Liza Doolittle had poor speech and also poor manners.

Symbolism may be the incorrect word, but her character does represent change. Her
character is a clear example of a dynamic character. She undergoes an
extraordinary change in the play. We see her evident lack of education and her poor
economic situation, but she does not content with that. We get to read how she does
what is necessary to change that, and in the end, she makes it.

So we can conclude that her personality traits are blunt, determined, smart,
independent, and adapts to her circumstances. Liza is presented to us by the author
as a lowly flower girl but she transforms into this well-spoken lady.

That trip meant the world to the little girl. She knew that once it finished everything
was going to be like it used to, so she enjoyed it as much as she could. With that,
another chapter in this story was completed…

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