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Composing an

At the end of this lesson, you are expected
1. identify parts and features of an
argumentative essay;
2. use patterns and techniques in
developing argumentative claims; and,
3. write an argumentative essay.
In these global times, students like
you must be equipped with critical
thinking and analytical skills in order
for you to weigh the reliability and
credibility of the information you get
from people or on the internet.
Through argumentative writing, the said
skills can be developed. By means of
writing arguments, you will get to examine
your own ideas in order to arrive to a fair
and sound judgement on conflicting claims
and disputes about relevant and timely
issues in the community.
Directions: Complete the chart below
by writing your opinion about the

Read the excerpt taken from an
article entitled “We are Failing
Mother Nature”, then answer the
questions that follow.

“It is clear as day as to the environmental problems
we are facing nowadays. On the internet, we can
see the impacts of human greed to the environment
from rivers and seas being littered with our garbage,
wildlife going extinct, increasing temperature,
massive wildfires, and melting ice caps, among
many others.”

“Our human greed is putting the only
livable planet in our solar system in
danger. It is sad to note that the future
generation will not be able to enjoy the
beauty of earth because we have been
careless and greedy.”
1. What is the main claim or argument of the
2. Do you agree with the claim or argument
expressed by the writer? Why or why not?
An argumentative essay is a kind of writing that
aims to make the reader agree with the writer’s
opinion about a controversial or a debatable
issue. An argument in academic writing is usually
a main idea, often called a claim or thesis
statement, backed up with evidence that supports
the idea. A claim is the main argument of an
essay and the writer’s position on a problem or
Here are some examples:
1. “Filipino should be the medium of instruction in
Philippine schools because it is the national
language and it is already developed yet the
students have not mastered it.”

2. “Education is the key that balances the

opportunities between the rich and the poor.”
In writing an argumentative essay, claims or
arguments should be developed and supported by
evidences. You cannot write an argumentative essay
just by solely stating your opinion on an issue. Your
evidence can come from what you already know,
from expert opinions, and from reliable sources like
books and articles. You must use facts, reasons,
evidence or examples to support your claim as valid.

The argumentative essay has the following
1. presents and explains the issue or case through
the claim or argument;
2. gives reasons and supports these reasons with
facts, proof or evidences; and,
3. refutes or proves wrong the opposing

In addition, the argumentative essay
has the following parts:

1. Introduction. This is where you state your
claim, introduce the problem and give
background information needed for the
argument and the thesis statement. The
thesis statement is a short statement
summarizing the main point or claim of your

2. Body. This part contains the reasons. Note
that each paragraph must contain one reason
and the details supporting the stated reason or
claim. The supporting details may include
examples, statistics, personal experiences or
quotations. The body also contains the
counterclaim. A counterclaim is an opinion or
an evidence that others may bring up against
your argument. The counterclaim must be
accepted and refuted. 17
3. Conclusion. The conclusion restates the
main claim and gives one or two general
statements which exactly summarizes the
arguments and support the main claim or
thesis statement of your essay. You can also
end your essay with quotations or call to
action. Remember to conclude with a strong

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