Constitution and by - Laws

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Department of Radiologic Technology

Association of Radiologic Technology Students (ARTS)

I. Overview
ARTS is the primary resource hub for Bachelor of Science in Radiologic
Technology (BSRT) students and serves as the main liaison between bona fide students
and Central Student Council and the School Administration. ARTS is the main pillar for
BSRT students who would has academic concerns and who needs support for extra –
curricular activities.
ARTS aims to promote unity, leadership, and professional development among
its members.

II. Officials
The ARTS officers shall consist of elected officers, including but not limited to:
 President
 Vice-President
 Secretary
 Treasurer
 Auditor
 Multimedia Committee
 Events Committee
 Peace & Order Committee (2 Elected officers)
 Ambassador
 Ambassadress (2 Elected officers)
 Year Level Representatives: 1 from year level (4 representatives)
The ARTS officers shall be responsible for the administration and coordination of the
Organization's activities.

III. Vision and Mission

ARTS Organization visions to foster a collaborative and enriching academic
environment for all students enrolled in the Radiologic Technology program at Medina
ARTS Organization aims to support the educational pursuits of our members by
providing opportunities for practical experience and by giving back to the community
that supports us through active participation in community outreach initiatives and to
raise awareness about the importance of radiologic technology in healthcare, while also
providing valuable services to those in need within Ozamiz City and its surrounding
IV. Job Responsibilities
The ARTS organization shall assists the Dean of the Radiologic Technology
Department to formulate and implement departmental programs and policies.
Additionally, it will actively participate in Central Student Council activities and will be a
role – model to its members towards the obedience of school administration general
school guidelines.
a. Academic Support
a. Plans and creates programs to enrich students’ knowledge in
Radiologic technology applications.
b. Creates opportunities to provide practical experience
b. Extra – Curricular Activities Enhancement
a. Formulates the yearly activities of the department
b. Implement the activities approved by the department
c. Implements Department Policies and School guidelines
a. Role Model to member students in application of the policies and
school guidelines
b. Assists in maintaining the application of By – Laws within the school.

V. Association of Radiologic Technology Students Constitution

Article I. Name
The name of the student organization shall be Association of Radiologic
Technology Students.
Article II. Purpose
The purpose of the organization is to foster academic excellence,
professional growth, and community engagement among the students
enrolled in the Bachelor of Science in Radiologic Technology program.
Article III. Membership
Section 1: Membership in the Organization shall be open to all students
actively enrolled in the Bachelor of Science in Radiologic Technology
Section 2: Active members shall have the right to participate in all
activities and events organized by the Organization.
Article IV. Authority and Responsibility
Section 1: Authority – The organization operates under the authority of
the Association of Radiologic Technology Students in Medina College.
Section 2: Power – The incumbent officers of the organization within the
current school year have the power to administer and enforce the
constitution and by – Laws of the organization.
Section 3: Responsibility - The officers shall be responsible for the
administration and coordination of the Organization's activities.
Article V. Notice of Non – Discrimination and Equal Opportunity
This organizations adheres strictly to the policy of Medina College and
their Board that there will be no discrimination or harassment on the
grounds of sex, race, color, marital status, sexual orientation, religion,
national origin, age, or disability, in any educational programs, activities or
Article VI. Notice of Anti – Hazing
This organization complies strictly to Anti – Hazing Policy of Medina
College. Any bona fide member shall not apply hazing to any prospective
member for the purpose of admission into or affiliation with the
organization. Student members are always free to leave without fear for
retribution or harassment.
Article VII. Officers
Section 1: The following comprises the Executive committee. The
organization shall have President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer,
Auditor, Multimedia Committee, Events Committee, Peace & Order
Committee (2 Elected officers), Ambassador, Ambassadress (2 Elected
officers), and Year Level Representatives: 1 from year level (4
Section 2. Qualification – All officers must be currently enrolled, carrying a
minimum of 9 units and members of good standing within the department
of Bachelor of Science of Radiologic Technology.
Section 3. Term of office – The term of office shall be from the Election at
the start of the school year until the end of the academic year in June. A
student may serve as an officer for no more than two terms.
Section 4. Election – Election of officers shall be held annually. No less
than two weeks’ notice shall be given before the election meeting.
Nominations shall be initiated from the floor. Candidates must accept the
nomination and speak about their qualifications for serving as an officer.
Elections will be done by “show of hands”. The person receiving majority
vote will be elected.
Section 5. Duties of the Officers:
Section 5.1 – The President:
1. Shall be the chief executive officer
2. Shall guide all elected committee officers
3. With approval of the Executive Committee, shall direct the
budget approved by the Department Adviser/Head for events
and activities
Section 5.2 – The Vice President:
1. Shall be the Parliamentarian for the organization
2. Shall assume the duties of the president should the office
becomes vacant or in the absence of the President.
3. Custodian of the document of the organizations By – Laws.
4. Coordinates with internal and external organizations for
programs and activities.
Section 5.3 – The Secretary:
1. Shall be responsible for keeping the minutes of all meetings and
the meetings of Executive Committee
2. Will provide a copy of the minutes for each officer and keep a
master file.
3. Shall maintain a complete and accurate account of attendance
and membership status.
Section 5.4 – The Treasurer:
1. Shall collect and keep a current record of all financial
2. Shall develop a quarterly report containing a list of all receipts
and disbursements and present it to the Executive Committee.
3. Will be responsible for checking the accuracy of all bills and
invoices, and paying them correctly and on time.
Section 5.5 – The Auditor
1. Audits submitted financial and accomplishment report
2. The auditor collects evidence to obtain reasonable assurance
the accounts are free of material misstatement.
Section 5.6 – Multimedia Committee:
1. Shall take photos at events
2. Shall hosting tech-related events
3. Shall manage things like the organization social media
Section 5.7 – Events Committee:
1. Shall maintain event budget.
2. Shall find a venue location for each event.
3. Shall look for catering if applicable.
4. Shall oversee each committee and their meetings.
5. Shall secure entertainment, speakers, and topics.
6. Shall build out a detailed schedule of event and present to
executive committee.
7. Shall create seating arrangements for each event if applicable.
Section 5.8 – Peace and Order Committee:
1. Shall help the presiding officer to maintain peace and order
during meetings
2. Shall act as disciplinary officer, if needed
3. Shall maintain peace and order within the premises of the
4. Shall act as chief peace officer and over all Sergeant – At- Arms
of subordinate organizations and classes
5. Shall perform such other duties assigned by the Executive
Section 5.9 - Ambassador and Ambassadress:
1. Shall call or find candidates for any events
2. Shall assist with campus tours
3. Shall offer Q&As sessions with freshmen and their families
4. Shall stay in touch with newly admitted students throughout the
enrollment process.
Section 5.10 – Year Level Representatives:
1. Shall conceptualize and implement programs and projects
approved by the Executive Committee
2. Shall recommend policies for their respective year level
3. Shall assist in the effective implementation of the ARTS
organization’s programs and projects
4. Shall perform such as other duties assigned by the Executive
Section 6. Resignation – An officer may submit a letter of
resignation to the Adviser of the organization.
Section 7. Removal of Officers – any officer who fails to fulfill the
responsibilities, duties, and/or minimum qualification of the position,
engages in abuse of power of office, engage in behavior and conduct
unbecoming of an officer/student leader may be removed from office by
an unanimous vote of other members of the Executive committee with
due process and had been proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt.
Section 8. Appeal for Reinstatement of Membership – Any officer or
member removed may appeal to the general membership and must
submit a letter of appeal to the Department of Student Affairs, with copy
furnished to the Dean of Radiologic Technology and organization adviser.
The appeal letter should be submitted with 30 calendar days after the
removal of membership was effective. The said officer or member shall be
considered reinstated with two - thirds vote approved by the general
student population of the organization.
Article VIII. Vacancies
A vacancy shall be declared when an officer leaves the institution, resigns,
or is removed from office. Any vacancy which may occur in an office shall
be filled by appointment by the President of the organization pending
ratification at the next organization meeting.
Article IX Advisor
Section 1: Eligibility – The advisor of the organization shall be a full time
employee of Medina College. A part – time faculty member may serve as
an advisor to the organization upon approval of the faculty member’s
supervisor. The Dean of Radiologic Technology is invited to appoint the
adviser of the Association of Radiologic Students Organization with the
approval of the school administration. The faculty advisor cannot vote in
ARTS matters but is welcome to attend any of the meetings as resource
person or for consultation.
Section 2: Selection – The organization is free to select any eligible
employee to serve as the advisor to the organization. Upon selection, the
advisor must be approved by the Administration.
Section 3: Term of Service – The advisor shall be confirmed yearly by the
general membership of the organization. Should the organization chose
not to confirm the advisor, the organization must select another employee
to serve as the advisor and have the advisor approved by the
Administration. The advisor may resign by submitting a letter to Dean of
the Department of Radiologic Technology if prior to yearly confirmation or
by asking to have his/her name withdrawn from confirmation.
Section 4: Duties of Advisor
1. The advisor shall assist the group in their execution of roles and
2. The advisor shall provide feedback to the organization regarding its
operation and functioning.
3. The advisor shall serve as a resource
4. The advisor should provide advice upon request, and also should share
knowledge, expertise and experience with the group
5. The advisor will be a nonvoting member of the organization.
Article X Voting
Section 1: Eligibility – Each member in good standing may vote.
Section 2: Quorum – Quorum in a general meeting of the organization
shall constitute a minimum of three officers and 5 members
Article XI Committees
Section 1: Establishment – The Executive Committee may establish both
standing and special committees. Members shall be appointed by the
President subject to ratification by the organization during a regular
business meeting.
Section 2: Responsibilities – The purpose and duties of the committees
shall be defined by the Executive Committee.
Article XII Finances
Section 1: Fiscal Year – The fiscal year of the organization shall be from
September 1 to August 30 of the next year.
Section 2: Dues – The organization has the option of charging monthly,
quarterly or yearly sanction for late or absence of every scheduled
meetings, upon approval of the Dean of Department of Radiologic
Technology and its advisors.
Section 3: Revenues – The organization may generate revenues through
fundraising activities approved by the Administration. Appropriate
accounting procedures shall conform to college policy.
Article XIII Meetings
Section 1: Notice of Regular Meetings – At least 3 days’ notice shall be
given for each regular business meeting.
Section 2: Special Meetings – Special or emergency meetings may be
called with at least 24 hours’ notice by the Executive Committee.
Section 3: Structure – The meetings shall include a quorum, order of
business, and disposition of the minutes.
Article XIV Parliamentary Procedure
Section 1: The rules of Parliamentary Procedure as contained in, shall be a
guideline for the organization in all cases to which they are applicable and
not inconsistent with the Constitution or any special rules of order as
determined by the Executive Committee.
Section 2: Suspension of Rules – the rules may be suspended by two –
thirds vote of the present membership.
Article XV Bylaws
The Bylaws shall be the lawful means by which the provisions of the
Constitution shall be implemented.
Article XVI Composition of the Association of Radiologic Technology Students
The Association of Radiologic Technology Students shall be composed of
the following voting members: The President, Vice – President, Secretary,
Treasurer, Auditor, Chairpersons of the ARTS Committees, namely
Multimedia Committee, Events Committee, Peace and Order Committee (2
elected members), Ambassador, Ambassadresses (2 elected members),
and Year Level Representatives from first year to fourth year levels.
Other ARTS sub-committee may be created and the chairperson of those
sub-committees to a two – thirds favorable vote of members present and
voting in a meeting held for that purpose.
Non – voting members of the ARTS organization may be appointment by
action of the ARTS’ majority decision.
Article XVII Interpretation
The interpretation of the Constitution shall be the responsibility of the
organization’s President, with advice from the Advisor. Initial appeals to
interpretation will be made to the ARTS Executive Committee. Appeals
may be made to the ARTS and subsequently, the Dean of Radiologic
Technology Department.
Any interpretation of the Constitution shall be made with the view of its
basic principles, which are to increase and foster students responsibility,
interest and participation in the activities and programs of the
Article XVIII Amendments
Amendments to the Constitution must be presented two weeks prior to
the ratification vote and may be initiated by any officers or members of
the organization. Amendments must be approved by three – fourths (3/4)
vote of the Executive Committee and ratified by a simple majority vote of
the member students. Amendments to any article or section of the
Constitution shall render each and every previously recognized
corresponding article or section null and void.

Article XIX School Administration

Concerned with the determination of corporate policy and the overall
coordination of production, distribution and finance.
Article XX Adoption and Implementation
The Constitution shall be implemented upon its adoption by a majority
vote of the ARTS.
Article XXI Calendar of Activities
August 23, 2023
 Orientation of College Student

August 25, 2023

 Election of new set of Association of Radiologic Technology officers

August 29, 2023

 Oath Taking ARTS

September 11, 2023

 Leadership Training 2023

September 22, 2023

 Foundation Day Celebration
 Miss Medina 2023
 Prelim Examination

October 20, 2023

 World Teacher’s Day
 Midterm Examination

November 5 - 11, 2023

 Radiologic Technology Week
 Community Outreach (Hospital – Based)
 Community Outreach (Barangay – Based)
 Symposium

December 11, 2023

 Christmas Party 2023 Program
 Semi Final Examination

January 2, 2024
 Resumption of Classes

January 29, 2024

 Final Examination

February 5, 2024
 Enrollment of Classes for 2nd Semester
 National Dental/Oral Health Month (Oral/Dental Check Up)

February 14, 2024

 Valentine’s Day Celebration

March 15, 2024

 Women’s Month
 Fire Prevention Month
 Prelim Exam (2nd Semester)

April 15, 2024

 Midterm Exam (2nd Semester)

May 20, 2024

 Semi – Final Exam (2nd Semester)

June 24, 2024

 Final Exam (2nd Semester)

July 1, 2024
 Enrolment for Summer Class

July 8, 2024
 Start of Summer Class

August 30, 2024

 End of Summer Class
Declaration of the Adoption of Constitution and Bylaws
The Constitution of the Association of Radiologic Technology Students was meticulously crafted
and formally proposed for adoption by the esteemed Executive Committee of the Association of
Radiologic Students Organization, under the sagacious guidance of the Dean of Student Affairs,
the Dean of Radiologic Technology, and their astute advisors. This foundational document
stands as a testament to our shared commitment to excellence and professionalism.

Regine Mae M. Mendoza Jenavic Calib-og Mary Joy M. Silva

Vice President President Secretary

April Grace E. Caseres Janine June L. Cabugnason Kalil Rouke C. Gozon

Treasurer Auditor Multimedia Committee

Crown Jims B. Montano Marlon Jr. G. Caballero Angelika M. Alvarez

Event Committee Peace & Order Committee Peace & Order Committee

Jemuel B. Dumaog Lovely Queen S. Maquiling Cheandyl T. Maslog

Ambassador Ambassadress Ambassadress

Suzi Latisha G. Henstock Kristiann Jose Abello

1st Year Representative 2nd Year Representative

Philip L. Casinto Maria Fe Paylaga

3 Year Representative
rd 4th Year Representative

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