(AC-S08) Semana 8 - Tarea Asignación - Alrededor de Mi Ciudad

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Materia: Inglés II

Fecha: 08 de Octubre del 2023


Lima – Perú
Persona 1: Hello guys, how are you all?

Persona 2: Hi, I'm good and you?

Persona 3: Hi guys, i'm fine

Persona 1: I'm fine too Janet

Persona 2: Martín, Is it true that you're visiting our city?

Persona 3: Tell us tood Martin, what are you visiting about our city?

Persona 1: Well, I have decided to travel to Huaraz to learn a little about the tradition,
the food, its landscapes, the animals and many more things.

Persona 2: wow, I,m very surprised by your arrival, Paola and I am happy to be able to
meet once again

Persona 1: There will be time to get to know each other, but I would like you to help
me with an address

Persona 3: Tell us Martin, which direction do you want to go?

Persona 1: Right now I am in a lodging called "La Visitada" and I would like to find a
bank nearby

Persona 2: I understand, I don't know the address very well but Paola must know

Persona 3: Yes, I know a bank nearby for you, first you must leave the
accommodation and then turn right, once you turn you continue straight until you reach
a small market, then look for a sign that says "Feash Restaurant", you go to that
restaurant and you turn left and you will reach the bank

Persona 1: Thanks so much Paola

Persona 1: What place in the city should I go first?

Persona 2: You should know the "Laguna Llaca, it is one of the very beautiful lagoons
that exists

Persona 1: Do you know how to get to the lagoon, Paola?

Persona 3: I haven't been able to visit that lagoon, so I don't know the route

Persona 2: I know, first you must go directly to the market where Paola guided you,
then you wait for a bus that will leave you near the lagoon

Persona 1: Tanks so much Guys

Persona 2: Don't worry Martín

Persona 3: We are here to help you and make your stay excellent.

Persona 1: Once again I thank you, now I have to go rest and tomorrow start my new

Persona 3: It's ok Martin, good night

Persona 2: See u later Martin, take care

Persona 1: Goodbye guys, take care all.

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