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Republic of the Philippines


Institute of Education
Pinaod, San Ildefonso, Bulacan, Philippines 3010
Cert. No. 19.67.PH212501.00

Detailed Lesson Plan in Grade 7

Date: Week 7, April 4 – April 8, 2022

Time: 1 Hour
I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
a. identify beliefs and convictions;
b. classify good beliefs and false beliefs;
c. relate the feelings expressed by the material viewed; and
d. express one’s beliefs or convictions based on the given material.

II. Content:
Topic: Expressing One’s Beliefs/Convictions Based on a Material Viewed
Learning Resources
A. Reference:

English – Grade 7
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 3 – Module 4: Expressing One’s Beliefs/Convictions Based on a
Material Viewed
Additional reference:

B. Materials:
For the Teacher
Laptop, Power Point Presentation, Cellphone, Internet, Visual aids
For the Students
Laptop/Cellphone, Pen, Internet Connection, and Paper (Bond paper)

Teaching Strategies
Discussion, Participation, Individual Activity, and Quiz
Values Integration
The students will know wherein to believe their own belief and also
stating it in a manner that the students will understand and briefly explain what are they belief or

III. Procedure
Teacher Activity Learners’ Activity
A. Daily Routine
a.1. Greetings
Good morning/afternoon class! Good afternoon Sir, Jesrille
How are you today? We are fine Sir
Very Good!

a.2. Prayer Annalisa: Dear Lord and Father of all,

Before we start, Let us Pray. May I call on Thank you for today. Thank you for how
Annaliza to lead the prayer. you provide for us all. For Your protection
and love, we thank you. Please help us
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BASC-IED-QSF-01/Rev.00 (02.03.2020)
Republic of the Philippines
Institute of Education
Pinaod, San Ildefonso, Bulacan, Philippines 3010
Cert. No. 19.67.PH212501.00

focus our hearts and minds now on what we

are about to learn. Inspire us by Your Holy
Spirit as we listen and write. Guide us by
your eternal light as we discover more
about the world around us. We ask all this
in the name of Jesus. Amen.
a.3 Classroom Conditioning
Okay class, how do you feel today? We are good sir.
Very good
Before we start, make sure that you are quite
and listen to our discussion.

For our classroom rules, please make sure to

- Be prepared
- Be attentive
- Be respectful and kind
- Take note in our discussion

Is everything clear?

Yes, Sir
a.4. Checking the Attendance
For your attendance, please type your name Yes, Sir
and section on the chat box. Thank you.
a.5. Checking of Assignment
Okay Class have you answered your Yes, Sir
Very Good! Let us check it.
B. Review of the Past Lesson
Before we proceed, what have you
remembered in our previous lesson? Sir

Yes, Bianca. Bianca: Sir, our lesson last time was all
about Influenced by Culture, History,
Environment and Other Factors

Very Good. Now, what is Culture? Sir

Yes, Clarriss Clarissa: Sir, Culture is the characteristics

and knowledge of a particular group of

Excellent! What is history? Sir

Yes, Danica Danica: Sir, History is the study of the

human past.
Very Good! Anyone else?

Yes, Eva Sir

Very Good! What is traditions? Eva: Sir, traditions

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BASC-IED-QSF-01/Rev.00 (02.03.2020)
Republic of the Philippines
Institute of Education
Pinaod, San Ildefonso, Bulacan, Philippines 3010
Cert. No. 19.67.PH212501.00

Yes, Francis Francis: Sir, traditions are religious practice

or a social custom.
Very Good, what else?

Yes, Jamaica Jamaica: Sir, Environment

Very Good! So what is environment?

Yes, Gilbert Gilbert: Environment is the surroundings or

conditions in which a person, animal, or
plant lives or operates.

Very job everyone. Culture, history,

traditions and environment in the Philippine
heritage can be experienced, not only in
textbooks and museums but also in
beautifully preserved historical sites across
and around the country.

Did you understand the imperative sentence

class? Yes, Sir
Very Good, let’s us move on.
C. Motivation
Before we proceed let us have a short
activity to begin with our new lesson.
Instruction: Introduce yourself to the class
and share something about your beliefs in
life. Questions may follow as, what is your
conviction in your beliefs that can be
relatable to others.

Are you ready class? Yes, Sir

(The student’s will introduced the


Thank you for your wonderful beliefs and

conviction, for now let us move on.
D. Unlocking Difficulties
Before we go on with our lesson, I want you
to watch a short video clip. After watching
the video, I want you to answer the
following questions: (The students will watch a video clip about

Expressing One’s Beliefs/Convictions
Based on a Material Viewed)
Okay, class, let us answer the questions
based on the video you have watched. Are
you ready? Yes, Sir

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BASC-IED-QSF-01/Rev.00 (02.03.2020)
Republic of the Philippines
Institute of Education
Pinaod, San Ildefonso, Bulacan, Philippines 3010
Cert. No. 19.67.PH212501.00

1. What can you say about the video?

Yes, Gracia Yes, Sir!

Gracia: Sir, The video is asking a questions

That’s Right! Very Good! if it is belief or conviction.

2. What is the video all about? Ivy: Sir, it is all about Expressing One’s
Beliefs/Convictions Based on a Material
Yes, Ivy Viewed

Yes, Very good Ivy.

E. Lesson Proper

The short text you have just read and

answered in the previous activity
unexpectedly shows your good beliefs in

Do you know the difference of belief from No, Sir


If you don’t know let us discuss what is

belief and conviction?

What is belief? Joshua: Belief is the mental acceptance or

Kindly read Joshua. something that a person holds of what is
true. A belief system is a set of beliefs held
by a particular society or group, culture or
tradition, religion or spirituality, values or
attitudes, or individual.

Thank you
This belief system will tell whether a person
or society’s set of belief is right and wrong
or true and false.
Samantha: Since all humans are created
Next kindly read Samantha equal, they are shaped and influenced in
different factors. These factors make the
people to be what they are. The way how
they act and the way how they speak are
affected according to their beliefs.

Thank you
But this can change once some factors affect
what you believe in. Critical thinking and
reasoning are highly needed in decision-
making. Whatever choice you choose is
based on your thorough thinking.

Another one, kindly read Frank Frank: Sometimes there are some words
used as hints for belief like “I think/feel, for
me, I believe, it looks/seems and others.
Thank you
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BASC-IED-QSF-01/Rev.00 (02.03.2020)
Republic of the Philippines
Institute of Education
Pinaod, San Ildefonso, Bulacan, Philippines 3010
Cert. No. 19.67.PH212501.00

Examples of belief
 For me, Filipinos are one of the
happiest people in the world.
 We all believe Philippines has
different cultures and traditions
compared to other countries.
 They feel it will rain tonight because
of the strong wind.

Can you give me on example of your belief

like in our activity last time?

Yes, Jinalyn Jinalyn: We think spending more time with

friends gives luck to friendship.
Very good, another one please.
Yes, Kimberly Kimberly: I can say that you are more
beautiful than her.
Excellent Kimberly

Contrary to this, there is also the so called


- This refers to the understanding of a
person’s belief or representation
which is contrary to reality or
contrary to what is good to a certain

Examples of false-belief
- She borrowed a ball pen without
returning back to the owner.
- Anthony takes a bath every other
- They all talk during online class.

Can you give me one example your false-

belief which is contrary to reality? Michaela: My cousin gives all he has in
Yes, Michaela
Remedy: Taking alcohol everyday makes
Good job, another one please me strong.
Yes, Remedy
Yes, Sir
Excellent, so did you understand the belief
and false-belief?

Very Good, lets us proceed.

What is conviction? Janine: Conviction is a firm and long-term

Kindly read Janine belief on a particular subject which cannot
be changed. Someone will be convinced
after knowing and understanding all the
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Republic of the Philippines
Institute of Education
Pinaod, San Ildefonso, Bulacan, Philippines 3010
Cert. No. 19.67.PH212501.00


Thank you
Meaning to say, conviction is created after
judging from the available information.
James: It mostly remains without changing
Next kindly read James. over time. Some of the words as hints here
are “convinced, convicted, certain,
confident, firm, sure/assure, determine,
definitely and others.

Thank you

- I am convinced that we need to help
- After staying at home for almost a
year, they are certain that families
become closer to each other.
- They are determined that all children
are entitled to receive an education.
Yes, Sir
Did you understand the conviction class?

Okay can you give me one example of

Jessy: She is confident that you did
Yes, Jessy something wrong.

Very good, another one please. Nicole: He is firm with the decision he has
Yes, Nicole just mentioned.

Excellent, Nicole

Did you understand the belief and Yes, Sir

conviction class?

Do you have any questions in our discussion No, Sir


If you do not have any question. Let us

review our topic for today.
F. Generalization

What is our topic for today?

Yes, Lea Lea: Expressing One’s Beliefs/Convictions

Based on a Material Viewed
Very good, Lea

So, what is belief?

Yes, Dannah Dannah: Belief is the mental acceptance or

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BASC-IED-QSF-01/Rev.00 (02.03.2020)
Republic of the Philippines
Institute of Education
Pinaod, San Ildefonso, Bulacan, Philippines 3010
Cert. No. 19.67.PH212501.00

something that a person holds of what is

Excellent, Dannah
Can you give me one example of your
Dominic: I can say that you are more
Yes, Dominic beautiful than her.

Good job, Dominic

So what is false-belief?
Crystal: False-belief refers to the
Yes, Crystal understanding of a person’s belief or
representation which is contrary to reality
or contrary to what is good to a certain
Excellent, Crystal

Lastly, what is conviction?

Yes, Jamaica Jamaica: Conviction is a firm and long-
term belief on a particular subject which
cannot be changed.
Very good, Jamaica
Can you give me one example of
Jerome: She is confident that you did
Yes, Jerome something wrong.

Good job, Jerome

Okay last one can you give an example of
Joana: He is firm with the decision he has
Yes, Joana just mentioned.

Excellent, Joana

Very Good! Now, you really understand our

discussed lessen.

To check if you really understand our Yes, Sir

lesson, let us try this activity. Are you ready

G. Application
Direction: View the given pictures below. These are leisure activities that Bulakeňos
love to do. Express your beliefs by completing each sentence. Introductory words are already
given to start your sentence.

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BASC-IED-QSF-01/Rev.00 (02.03.2020)
Republic of the Philippines
Institute of Education
Pinaod, San Ildefonso, Bulacan, Philippines 3010
Cert. No. 19.67.PH212501.00

IV. Evaluation
A. Directions: Read and analyze each of the questions below then write the letters of your
correct answers.

1. What word refers to something that a person holds of what is true but can change because of a
certain factor?
A. belief B. conviction C. false-belief D. false-conviction

2. Which of the following statements is true about belief systems?

A. Belief systems are always good.
B. Belief systems are solely created by how a person was raised.
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BASC-IED-QSF-01/Rev.00 (02.03.2020)
Republic of the Philippines
Institute of Education
Pinaod, San Ildefonso, Bulacan, Philippines 3010
Cert. No. 19.67.PH212501.00

C. Belief systems can change due to different factors.

D. Belief systems do not change.

3. Which is NOT needed in decision-making?

A. comfortability
B. critical thinking
C. reasoning
D. thinking the goodness of everyone

4. Which from the choices is a firm and long-term belief on a particular subject because of the
help of the information.
A. belief B. conviction C. false-belief D. false-conviction

5. A Grade 7 student encounters trouble with his classmate due to bullying but after a heart to
heart talk ho his adviser, everything went well. Where do you think the confrontation with the
adviser focused?
A. attitude B. culture C. religion D. values

6. Which from the following is the understanding of a person which is contrary to reality or
contrary to what is good to a certain person?
A. belief B. conviction C. false-belief D. false-conviction

7. What do you call a set of beliefs held by a particular society or group, culture or tradition,
religion or spiritualty, or values or attitudes?
A. belief systems B. conviction systems C. false-belief systems D. opinion systems

8. At the end of the short film which can be accessed to

v=ikGVWEvUzNM, the main character made a hard decision in removing her mask. What is
your belief about the reason of the girl’s removal of her mask?
A. because she has confusion about the people in her school
B. because she is intimidated with her mask
C. because she is irritated wearing the mask
D. because she wants the truth of being herself

9. What is your conviction to the girl’s confusion at the beginning of this short film?
A. her identity B. her love to a man C. her origin D. her weakness

10. When somebody announced to wear their mask before the start of the next class, I think it is
one of their rules in their school. What is expressed by the statement given?
A. belief B. conviction C. false-belief D. good belief

B. Directions: Read and analyze each of the given statements below then write True if it is
correct and False if it is not.

11. The people surrounding you like your family affect your belief.
12. You can make conviction without gathering and understanding information.
13. When a black cat crosses your way then you go back is a sample of belief.
14. Someone who suffers from humiliation experiences conviction.
15. We can tell that a belief is said to be worth accepting if it has not been proven wrong
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BASC-IED-QSF-01/Rev.00 (02.03.2020)
Republic of the Philippines
Institute of Education
Pinaod, San Ildefonso, Bulacan, Philippines 3010
Cert. No. 19.67.PH212501.00

V. Assignment
Direction: Answer the additional Activities

Prepared by:


Checked by:

Cooperating Teacher

Noted by:

HT – II, English

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