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Describing wonderful Tourism place

Text 1

Mandalika is a special tourism economic zone located in the south of Lombok

The beaches around Mandalika are Seger Beach, Serenting Beach, Selong Belanak Beach,
Kuta Mandalika Beach and Tanjung Aan Beach. The tourists can spend visit more than one
day for a beach trip. (IDENTIFICATION)
Kuta Mandalika offers white sand and crystal clear water while Tanjung Aan,20 minutes
away from Kuta Mandalika, offers a sandy beach consisting of two bays. Unlike Selong
Belanak which is very popular as tourists destination, Serenting is like the region’s hidden
gem. It offers blue waters and great waves. Tanjung Aan is also believed as the birth place
of a legendary princess from the region, Princess Mandalika whose monument can be
found on Seger Beach.
As a comprehensive tourism economic zone, Mandalika also has Sade Village
making, the traditional houses and dance performances.
Mandalika has become more popular because of the international street circuit named after
the region, Mandalika.(DESCRIPTION)
Text 2

Chicago is one of the biggest cities in the United States. It is also a very populous city. The
city is located on the shores of Lake Michigan and well known with its architectures offering
the view of sky scrapers at its every corner. Chicago is said to be the pioneer of sky
scrappers with its first steel-framed high building, the Home Insurance Building.
Chicago has four seasons. Spring is when people can enjoy the blooming flowers and the
hustle bustle in the parks or along the lake. Summer is the most lively season in Chicago
since it’s full of festivals and special events. In the Fall, the city is still busy with the leave
sturn yellow and orange. The temperature gets colder coming from the cool wind. Winter in
Chicago shows the snow city decorated with colorful lights.
The city provides various transportation systems such as Chicago Transit Authority (CTA),
Metra Rail (high speed commuter rail train), taxis, ridesharing, water taxis, shuttle and limo
service, and rented bikes.
Text 3

Prambanan Temple Compounds consist of Prambanan Temple (also called

LoroJonggrang), Sewu Temple, Bubrah Temple and Lumbung Temple.Prambanan Temple
itself is a complex consisting of 240 temples. All the mentioned temples form the
Prambanan Archaeological Park and were built during the heyday of Sailendra’s powerful
dynasty in Java in the 8th century AD. These compounds are located on the border
between the two provinces of Yogyakarta and Central Java on Java Island.
WhileLoro Jonggrang,dating from the 9 th century, is a brilliant exampleof Hindu religious bas-
reliefs,Sewu,with its four pairs of Dwarapala giant statues,in Indonesia’slargest Buddhist
complex including the temples of Lumbung, Bubrah and Asu (Gana temple). The Hindu
temples are decorated with reliefs illustrating theIndonesian version of the Ramayana epic
which are masterpieces of stone carvings.These are surrounded by hundreds of shrines that
have been arranged in three partsshowing high levels of stone building technology and
architecture from the 8thcentury AD in Java. With over 500 temples, Prambanan Temple
Compounds represents not only an architectur a land cultural treasure, but also a standing
proof of ,past religious peaceful cohabitation
1. Social Function (Fungsi Sosial):

Descriptive text is used to describe particular person, animal, or thing.

A. Generic Structure of Descriptive Text

 Identification (identifikasi): gambaran umum tentang suatu topik.

Bagian ini biasanya ada di paragraf awal. Struktur descriptive text ini bertujuan untuk
menjabarkan apa yang akan dibicarakan di paragraf tersebut. Makanya baru berupa informasi

Misalnya kalian mau membuat contoh descriptive text tentang tempat. Bagian identification
bisa kalian isi tentang di mana letak tempat tersebut, berada di negara apa, atau daerah apa.

Tapi perlu diingat ya bagian ini penjelasanya belum spesifik, hanya pengenalan dengan
tempat tersebut. Penjelasannya cuma informasi umum ya.

 Description (deskripsi): penjelasan berisi ciri-ciri khusus yang dimiliki benda, tempat,
atau orang yang dideskripsikan.

Nah, di bagian ini baru spesifik pembahasannya. Kalian bisa deskripsikan objek yang kalian
pilih dengan lebih detail.

Kalau kalian mau deskripsikan gunung misalnya, bisa membahas tentang ketinggiannya,
jaraknya hingga temperatur saat berada di situ. Bisa juga kalian tambahin informasi tambahan
seperti aktivitas apa aja yang bisa dilakukan di situ.

Untuk bagian ini kalian bisa pakai 5 panca indera untuk membuat descriptive text, lho. kalian
bisa tulis tentang apa yang kalian lihat di sana atau indera perasa kalian buat membahas
suhu di tempat tersebut.

Balik lagi ke apa tujuan dari descriptive text ya. Pembaca tentunya harus bisa ikut
membayangkan apa yang dideskripsikan. 5 panca indera kalian tadi bisa jadi guideline.

B. Language Features (unsur kebahasaan):

 Specific participant: memiliki objek tertentu, tidak bersifat umum dan unik (hanya ada
satu). Misalnya: Uncle Jack, Borobudur Temple.

 Penggunaan adjective (kata sifat) untuk memperjelas noun (kata benda). Misalnya: a
handsome man, a beautiful woman.

 Action verbs: terdapat kata kerja yang menunjukkan sebuah kegiatan (aktivitasnya
dapat dilihat). Misalnya: run, walk, cut, etc.

 Penggunaan simple present tense: Pola kalimat yang digunakan adalah simple
present karena menceritakan fakta dari objek yang dideskripsikan.
Simple Present Tense

Rumus simple present tense

a. Nominal sentence
Positive form: S (they, we, you) + are
S (he, she it) + is
S (I) + am
Negative form: S (they, we, you) + are + not
S (he, she it) + is + not
S (I) + am + not

Interrogative form: are + S (they, we, you)

Is + S (he, she it)
Am + S (I) + am + not

b. Verbal sentence

Positive form: S (they, we, you, I) + verb

S (he, she it) + verbs

Negative form: S (they, we, you, I) + do + not

S (he, she it) + does + not

Interrogative form: Do + S (they, we, you)

Does + S (he, she it)

Simple present Positive form Negative form Interrogative form

Tailor is a person Tailor is not a Is tailor a person
who sews clothes person who makes who sews clothes?
Nominal sentence
a building
I am a student I am not a teacher Am I a student?
He usually works in He usually does not Does he usually
a small shop work in a big shop work in a big shop?
Verbal sentence They deliver letters They do not deliver Do they deliver
to many people money to many letters to many
people people?
Lampiran 2
Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik\

Kelompok : Petunjuk belajar

Nama anggota : 1. Tulislah nama (peserta didik) sesuai
1. kelompok yang telah dibagi.
2. 2. Bekerjalah sesuai arahan
3. 3. Diskusikan dengan kelompok setiap
4. tugas yang diberikan
5. 4. Silahkan bertanya pada guru jika
mendapati hal-hal yang
5. Bukalah kamus apabila masih
terdapat kosakata yang tidak
diketahui artinya
Tujuan pembelajaran

1. Setelah disajikan text bergambar dalam power point peserta didik dapat
mengidentifikasi kosakata sulit terkait dari teks deskripsi dengan baik dan benar.
2. Setelah disajikan text bergambar dalam power point peserta didik dapat
memahami kosakata baru terkait dari teks deskripsi melalui penggunaan media
flashcard dengan baik dan benar.
3. Setelah menyimak penayangan powerpoint peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi
fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan terkait dengan tingkah
laku/tindakan/fungsi orang, binatang, benda, sesuai dengan konteks
4. Setelah memahami kosakata baru peserta didik dapatmembuat kalimat sederhana
terkait tingkah laku/tindakan/fungsi orang, binatang dan benda dengan benar.
5. Melalui teknik jumbled word peserta didik dapat menyusun kata-kata acak menjadi
kalimat yang baik dan benar dengan tepat.
Task 1.
Work in a group and do this task

Kegiatan POST-it!


Nama Anggota Kelompok:

No. Words


Task 2.

Read the text carefully and try to find out the sentence of Simple Present Tense

Mandalika is a special tourism economic zone located in the south of Lombok

The beaches around Mandalika are Seger Beach, Serenting Beach, Selong Belanak Beach,
Kuta Mandalika Beach and Tanjung Aan Beach. The tourists can spend visit more than one
day for a beach trip.
Kuta Mandalika offers white sand and crystal-clear water while Tanjung Aan, 20minutes away
from Kuta Mandalika, offers a sandy beach consisting of two bays. Unlike Selong Belanak
which is very popular as tourist’s destination, Serenting is like the region’s hidden gem. It
offers blue waters and great waves. Tanjung Aan is also believed as the birth place of a
legendary princess from the region, Princess Mandalika whose monument can be found on
Seger Beach.
As a comprehensive tourism economic zone, Mandalika also has Sade Village
making, the traditional houses and dance performances.
Mandalika has become more popular because of the international street circuit named after
the region Mandalika.
Text 2

Chicago is one of the biggest cities in the United States. It is also a very populous city. The
city is located on the shores of Lake Michigan and well known with its architectures offering
the view of sky scrapers at its every corner. Chicago is said to be the pioneer of sky scrappers
with its first steel-framed high building, the Home Insurance Building.
Chicago has four seasons. Spring is when people can enjoy the blooming flowers and the
hustle bustle in the parks or along the lake. Summer is the most lively season in Chicago
since it’s full of festivals and special events. In the Fall, the city is still busy with the leaves turn
yellow and orange. The temperature gets colder coming from the cool wind. Winter in Chicago
shows the snow city decorated with colourful lights.
The city provides various transportation systems such as Chicago Transit Authority(CTA),
Metra Rail (high speed commuter rail train), taxis, ridesharing, water taxis, shuttle and limo
service, and rented bikes.
Text 3

Prambanan Temple Compounds consist of Prambanan Temple (also called Loro Jonggrang),
Sewu Temple, Bubrah Temple and Lumbung Temple. Prambanan Temple itself is a complex
consisting of 240 temples. All the mentioned temples form the Prambanan Archaeological
Park and were built during the heyday of Sailendra’s powerful dynasty in Java in the 8th
century AD. These compounds are located on the border between the two provinces of
Yogyakarta and Central Java on Java Island.
WhileLoro Jonggrang, dating from the 9 th century, is a brilliant example of Hindu religious
bas-reliefs, Sewu, with its four pairs of Dwarapala giant statues, in Indonesia’s largest
Buddhist complex including the temples of Lumbung, BubrahandAsu (Gana temple). The
Hindu temples are decorated with reliefs illustrating the Indonesian version of the Ramayana
epic which are masterpieces of stone carvings. These are surrounded by hundreds of shrines
that have been arranged in three parts showing high levels of stone building technology and
architecture from the 8thcentury AD in Java. With over 500 temples, Prambanan Temple
Compounds represents not only an architectural and cultural treasure, but also a standing
proof of, past religious peaceful cohabitation.
After reading the descriptive text1, fill in the blanks with the correct part of the text.

Generic Structure

N Material Description Skor

1 Identification
2 Description

Language Features

N Material Example Skor

1 Focus on specific
2 Use present tense
3 Use adjective
4 Use action verbs
5 Use adverb of frequencies

Generic Structure

No Material Description score

1 Identification
2 Description

Language Features

No Material Example Score

1 Focus on specific
2 Use present tense
3 Use adjective
4 Use action verbs
5 Use adverb of frequences

Generic Structure
Text 3:

No Material Description Score

1 Identification
2 Description
Language Features
No Material Example score
1 Focus on specific
2 Use present tense
3 Use adjective
4 Use action verbs
5 Use adverb of frequences

Task 3

Read the text about Mandalika and answer the questions!

Mandalika is a special tourism economic zone located in the south of Lombok Island. The
region offers us the view of savannah hills meeting exquisite beaches. The beaches
around Mandalika are Seger Beach, Serenting Beach, Selong Belanak Beach, Kuta
Mandalika Beach and Tanjung Aan Beach. The tourists can spend visit more than one
day for a beach trip.
Kuta Mandalika offers white sand and crystal clear water while Tanjung Aan, 20minutes
away from Kuta Mandalika, offers a sandy beach consisting of two bays. Unlike Selong
Belanak which is very popular as tourists destination, Serenting is like the region’s
hidden gem. It offers blue waters and great waves. Tanjung Aan isalso believed as the
birth place of a legendary princess from the region, Princess Mandalika whose
monument can be found on Seger Beach.
As a comprehensive tourism economic zone, Mandalika also has Sade Village and Ende
Village. They are traditional villages where people can see the process of Songket tapes
try making, the traditional houses and dance performances.
Mandalika has become more popular because of the international street circuit named
after the region, Mandalika.

After reading the text, please answer these following questions.

1. What does the text tell you about?
2. What makes Mandalika a comprehensive tourism economic zone?
3. According to the text, which one is less famous among the visitors? Selong
Belanak or Serenting beach?
4. What is the main idea of the fourth paragraph?
5. Where can visitor stake a picture of the statue of Princess Mandalika?

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