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Group 3 Advertisement
Member Name:
Afifah Azzahra (01)
Amalia Rizky (04)
Naila Ruhama (14)
Class: 3A

1. Customer persona:
 Goals: Eliminate the desire for snacks and customer confusion in finding
 Challenges: people are looking for delicious food and they are lazy to walk
 Solution: They can go to AN Canteen guaranteed that hunger will disappear
 Pain Points: hunger, unfocused because the stomach is empty, and the feeling
of wanting to snack.
 Target Viewers:
Age: 18-25.
Gender: All gender.
Marital Status: single
Location: Politeknik Negeri Malang.
Occupation: Student of Politeknik Negeri Malang.
Annual Income: <1.000.000
Level of education: currently studying in Polinema.
2. Theme: The theme we use in poster advertisements is promoting one of the facilities
in Building AB. The facilities in the Department of Commercial Administration are
Canteens. We want to promote the canteen. Although located inside the building, AB
canteen provides a variety of snacks, snacks, heavy food, drinks and Office
Stationery. The price offered is very cheap according to the student's pocket money.
The target consumers of AB canteen, namely students of the State Polytechnic of
Malang. We observed that the consumers of AB Canteen are students majoring in
Commercial Administration. So, we want to promote to other major friends that the
AB Canteen can be a solution for students in times of urgent need, and a solution
when hungry.
3. Concept: The concept of the following advertisement is to promote the canteen of the
AB building or the commercial administration building. Visualized with actual
pictures from the AB canteen, as well as the addition of several product animations
sold in the AB canteen such as softdrinks, and snacks. Then we used a purple
background, because purple is a color that is identical to the commercial
administration major. In addition, coupled with simple and attractive copywriting,
also a description of prices starting from Rp. 500 which seems very cheap. This can
provoke the interest of consumers.
4. Copy writing:
1) “Bingung Mau Jajan Apa?”
“Kantin AB ajah”
Meaningful When students are confused about what to eat and want to go far.
The best solution to overcome the confusion of hunger is snacks at the AB
2) Big posts Starting from Rp 500
Meaningfully attracts the attention of consumers. In the mind, consumers
seeing the figure of Rp. 500 immediately thought that all AB Canteen products
are cheap.
3) Start form in each product category sold.
Meaningfully confirms to consumers that all product prices in the AB Canteen
are very cheap and affordable for students.
4) Grab it fast
It means hurry up and buy snacks at the AB Canteen before it runs out.

5. Media Planning
 Brand Name: AB Canteen
 Product Name: Stationary, Meals, and beverages.
 Target audience analysis: 20- >65. The target audience of the AB canteen is
polinema students. However, there are opportunities for lecturers and
employees to buy products in the AB canteen although not as many as
polinema students.
 Geography: State Polytechnic of Malang.
 Media: Organizations in Polinema, such as PLFM, BKM, BEM, DPM, and
social media.
 Media Objectives:
1) Strengthening brand awareness in Polinema student.
2) Increase review from polinema student.
3) Increase sales.
 Selection media:
We will invite the cooperation of existing organizations in Polinema to
promote the AB canteen. The form of cooperation is in the form of a media
partner so that there is no need to spend costs in choosing promotional media.
The reciprocity that the organization will get is the installation of a logo on our
advertising poster.
We choose social media as a promotional medium. By making reels on
the Instagram account of polinema, the Student Association of Commerce
Administration, and the AN Department. So, the consumers obtained can
exceed the planned target audience. We will ask the admin of that Instagram
account to post on weekdays and at 09.00. We do not need to spend money in
this promotion because the target audience is only the scope of polinema.

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