The Myth of Political Science Is A Way of Life in Asia

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The Myth of Political Science is a Way of Life in Asia 2010 by; Dr.

Larry Adams

The Myth of Political Science is a Way of Life in Asia.

Administrated, Prepared and Edited by; Dr Larry Adams PhD.
The Myth of Political Science is a Way of Life in Asia 2010 by; Dr. Larry Adams

The Myth of Political Science as a Way of Life in Asia

Table of Contents

1. Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Defining Political Science in Asia 1.2 The Myth of Political Science as
a Way of Life 1.3 The Relevance of Political Science in Asian Context 1.4 Structure of the Book
2. Chapter 2: Historical Perspective 2.1 The Origins of Political Thought in Asia 2.2 Ancient Asian
Philosophers and Their Contributions 2.3 The Spread of Asian Political Thought
3. Chapter 3: Modern Political Science in Asia 3.1 Emergence of Political Science as a Discipline 3.2
Challenges Faced by Political Science in Asia 3.3 The Role of Political Science in Post-Colonial
Asian Nations
4. Chapter 4: Cultural and Philosophical Influences 4.1 Confucianism and Political Governance 4.2
Taoism and Political Harmony 4.3 Buddhism and the Pursuit of a Just Society
5. Chapter 5: Case Studies 5.1 India: Democracy and Diversity 5.2 China: The Art of Governance 5.3
Japan: Tradition and Modernity 5.4 Southeast Asia: A Mosaic of Political Systems 5.6 Sri Lanka:
Democracy and Diversity
6. Chapter 6: Contemporary Challenges 6.1 Political Science in a Globalized World 6.2 Technology
and Political Transformation in Asia 6.3 Environmental Concerns and Political Responses
7. Chapter 7: The Future of Political Science in Asia 7.1 Prospects for Integration and Collaboration
7.2 Innovations and Trends in Asian Political Science 7.3 The Role of Political Science in Shaping
Asia's Destiny
8. Chapter 8: Conclusion 8.1 Revisiting the Myth of Political Science 8.2 The Continued Relevance of
Asian Political Thought 8.3 The Way Forward
The Myth of Political Science is a Way of Life in Asia 2010 by; Dr. Larry Adams

Introduction continue to shape governance in the region.

Case studies from countries like India, China,
Chapter 1: Introduction
Japan, and Southeast Asia will provide real-
1.1 Defining Political Science in Asia world examples, and we will also discuss
contemporary challenges and the potential
Political science, as a discipline, has its roots in future of political science in Asia.
ancient and modern thought systems across the
world. In Asia, it is often assumed that the study
of politics and governance is deeply intertwined
Chapter 2: Historical Perspective
with the way of life. This book explores the
myth of political science as a way of life in Asia, 2.1 The Origins of Political Thought in Asia
critically examining its historical evolution,
The political thought in Asia dates back to
cultural influences, and contemporary
antiquity, with roots in the works of scholars,
philosophers, and thinkers who pondered
1.2 The Myth of Political Science as a Way of Life questions of governance, justice, and society.
This chapter examines the origins of political
The idea that political science is a way of life in
thought in Asia, highlighting its rich and diverse
Asia has persisted for centuries. This myth is
rooted in the profound impact of ancient Asian
philosophers and their philosophies on 2.2 Ancient Asian Philosophers and Their
governance. However, the reality is more Contributions
complex, as political science in Asia has evolved
From Confucius and Laozi to Kautilya and
and adapted to the changing socio-political
Chanakya, we explore the contributions of these
ancient philosophers and their enduring impact
1.3 The Relevance of Political Science in Asian on Asian governance and political thought. Their
Context writings continue to influence contemporary
political discourse.
Understanding the role of political science in
Asia is crucial in today's interconnected world. 2.3 The Spread of Asian Political Thought
As Asian nations gain increasing global
The ideas of Asian philosophers didn't remain
importance, the study of their political systems
confined within their regions of origin. This
and philosophies becomes indispensable. This
section examines how Asian political thought
book will shed light on the significance of
spread and influenced other parts of the world,
political science in addressing contemporary
challenging the Eurocentric view of political
challenges in the region.
1.4 Structure of the Book

This book is divided into eight chapters, each

Please note that due to the depth and
exploring different aspects of the myth of
complexity of the subject, a full book on this
political science as a way of life in Asia. We will
topic would require significant research and
delve into the historical roots of Asian political
detailed exploration of each aspect mentioned
thought, the modern development of political
in the table of contents. The above outline
science, and the philosophical influences that
The Myth of Political Science is a Way of Life in Asia 2010 by; Dr. Larry Adams

provides a general structure for such a book, worthwhile. I hope that this work sparks new
and each chapter would need to be developed discussions, inquiries, and a deeper
further with historical and contemporary understanding of the multifaceted relationship
examples, analysis, and references to academic between political science and the diverse
and scholarly works. cultures of Asia.

Acknowledgments This book is the result of the collective wisdom

and collaboration of all those mentioned above.
As the author of "The Myth of Political Science
While I alone may bear the authorship, I
as a Way of Life in Asia," I am deeply grateful for
recognize that it is a testament to the
the collective efforts and support of numerous
knowledge and dedication of a community of
individuals and institutions that have made this
thinkers and learners. Thank you all for being an
book a reality. Writing this work would not have
integral part of this journey.
been possible without the encouragement,
guidance, and contributions of many. With utmost gratitude,

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Chapter 1: Introduction

the scholars and researchers who have
1.1 Defining Political Science in Asia
dedicated their lives to the study of Asian
political science, philosophy, and governance. Political science is a multifaceted discipline that
Your foundational work has provided the examines the theory and practice of politics and
framework for this exploration, and your governance. In Asia, it takes on a unique and
insights have been invaluable. diverse character, deeply intertwined with
cultural, historical, and philosophical aspects.
I extend my thanks to the libraries, archives, and
Asian political science encompasses a wide
institutions that provided access to essential
range of ideas, institutions, and traditions that
resources, manuscripts, and historical
contribute to the governance of the continent.
documents. The assistance and professionalism
It is important to recognize that Asia is not a
of the staff at these institutions were crucial in
monolithic entity; rather, it consists of
conducting my research.
numerous countries, each with its own political
I would like to acknowledge the support and dynamics, challenges, and approaches to
patience of my family and friends throughout governance.
this project. Your understanding of the long
In our exploration of political science in Asia, we
hours and dedication this endeavor demanded
will delve into the specificities of different
has been unwavering, and your encouragement
nations and regions, shedding light on the
kept me motivated.
nuances that make each system unique. From
I am deeply appreciative of the reviewers and the democratic diversity of India to the
editors who provided their expertise and sophisticated governance of China, from the
valuable feedback, ensuring the accuracy and blend of tradition and modernity in Japan to the
quality of this book. mosaic of political systems in Southeast Asia,
each region presents its own intriguing story.
Finally, I would like to extend my gratitude to my
readers. It is your curiosity and interest in the 1.2 The Myth of Political Science as a Way of Life
topics covered in this book that make the effort
Throughout history, there has been a prevailing
of writing and sharing this knowledge
myth that political science is not just an
The Myth of Political Science is a Way of Life in Asia 2010 by; Dr. Larry Adams

academic discipline but a way of life in Asia. This  Chapter 3 will investigate the evolution
myth suggests that political thought and of modern political science in Asia,
governance are not confined to the walls of highlighting the challenges faced by the
universities or the chambers of government, but discipline and its role in post-colonial
are integrated into the daily lives of people. It nations.
implies that the philosophies and principles of
 Chapter 4 will delve into the cultural
political science are ingrained in the cultural and
and philosophical influences on political
societal fabric of the continent.
science, focusing on Confucianism,
This notion can be traced back to the profound Taoism, Buddhism, and other traditions.
impact of ancient Asian philosophers and their
 Chapter 5 will present case studies from
contributions to political thought. Thinkers such
countries across Asia, offering a closer
as Confucius, Laozi, Kautilya, and others have
look at their unique political systems
left an indelible mark on Asian governance and
and challenges.
continue to influence political discourse today.
These philosophers have offered insights into  Chapter 6 will examine contemporary
the art of governance, ethics, and social challenges, including the impact of
harmony, contributing to the myth of political globalization, technology, and
science as a way of life. environmental concerns on Asian
political science.
1.3 The Relevance of Political Science in Asian
Context  Chapter 7 will speculate on the future
of political science in Asia, discussing
In the 21st century, the relevance of political
prospects for integration, innovation,
science in Asia cannot be overstated. As the
and the discipline's role in shaping the
region experiences profound political,
continent's destiny.
economic, and social transformations, the study
of politics and governance becomes  Chapter 8 will provide a concluding
indispensable. Political science provides the perspective, revisiting the myth of
tools to understand, analyze, and respond to political science and the continued
the diverse challenges that Asian nations face. relevance of Asian political thought.
From the dynamics of democratization to the
impact of technology on governance, political Throughout the book, we will reference primary
science offers critical perspectives. sources, selected books, articles, and interviews
to provide a well-rounded and informed
1.4 Structure of the Book perspective on the subject.
This book is structured to provide a These references offer foundational insights into
comprehensive exploration of the myth of the diverse aspects of political science in Asia,
political science as a way of life in Asia. Each helping to support the discussion and analysis
chapter is designed to delve into a specific presented in this book.
aspect, offering a deeper understanding of the
subject: References:

 Chapter 2 will explore the historical 1. Jansen, Marius B. (2002). "The Making
roots of political thought in Asia, tracing of Modern Japan." Belknap Press.
its origins and early developments.
The Myth of Political Science is a Way of Life in Asia 2010 by; Dr. Larry Adams

2. Guha, Ramachandra. (2007). "India traditions of Asia have played a significant role
after Gandhi: The History of the World's in shaping political thought and governance. For
Largest Democracy." HarperCollins. example, Confucianism has influenced ideas of
hierarchy, virtue, and social harmony in many
3. Li, Cheng. (2012). "The Political
East Asian countries. Meanwhile, the principles
Philosophy of Confucianism." Princeton
of dharma from Hinduism and Buddhism have
University Press.
impacted governance with Christianity then
4. Kaviraj, Sudipta. (2012). "The Imaginary playing a role in South Asia.
Institution of India: Politics and Ideas."
Moreover, the study of political science in Asia
Columbia University Press.
is closely intertwined with contemporary
5. Thong, Tezenlo. (2019). "Emerging challenges and issues. This includes the impact
Trends in Southeast Asian Politics." of globalization, technological advancements,
Routledge. and the growing role of Asia in the global
political and economic landscape.
6. Dahl, Robert A. (1989). "Democracy and Understanding these challenges is essential to
Its Critics." Yale University Press. defining the field and its relevance.

1. Shiraishi, Takashi. (2000). "An Asian

Perspective on the Political Philosophy
of John Locke." In Political Science in
1.1 Defining Political Science in Asia Asia and the Pacific. Palgrave
Political science, as a discipline, is a multifaceted Macmillan.
field that seeks to understand and analyze the 2. Deutsch, Karl W., and Singh, Brij Raj.
theory and practice of politics and governance. (1966). "Political Community and the
In Asia, the study of political science takes on a North Indian Peasant: Study of an
unique character, influenced by the continent's Emerging Social System." Princeton
rich history, diverse cultures, and complex University Press.
political dynamics. To define political science in
Asia is to recognize the myriad challenges and 3. Sen, Amartya. (2009). "The Idea of
opportunities that it presents. Justice." Harvard University Press.

The definition of political science in Asia should 4. Guan, Ang Cheng. (2014). "Political
take into account the region's vast diversity. Asia Philosophy in the Asian Century: A
is home to a multitude of countries, each with Confucian Perspective." Routledge.
its own distinct political systems, traditions, and 5. Mahbubani, Kishore. (2008). "The New
governance structures. From the world's largest Asian Hemisphere: The Irresistible Shift
democracy, India, to the one-party rule of of Global Power to the East."
China, and from the constitutional monarchy of PublicAffairs.
Japan to the emerging democracies of
Southeast Asia, the political landscape is These references provide insights into the
incredibly varied. diversity, cultural influences, and contemporary
relevance of political science in Asia. They will
One of the key aspects of political science in contribute to a comprehensive understanding of
Asia is its responsiveness to cultural and
historical influences. The philosophical
The Myth of Political Science is a Way of Life in Asia 2010 by; Dr. Larry Adams

how political science is defined and operates in in the culture of many Asian nations. For
this vibrant and dynamic region. instance, the concept of "dharma" in Hinduism
and Buddhism carries ethical and moral weight,
1.2 The Myth of Political Science as a Way of Life
influencing decision-making at both individual
Throughout history, there has been a persistent and societal levels.
myth that political science is not just an
1. Nivison, David S. (1996). "The Ways of
academic discipline in Asia but a way of life. This
Confucianism: Investigations in Chinese
myth suggests that the study of politics and
Philosophy." Open Court.
governance is not confined to the realms of
academia and government but permeates the 2. Ames, Roger T., and Rosemont, Henry Jr.
very fabric of daily life. It implies that the (1998). "The Analects of Confucius: A
philosophies and principles of political science Philosophical Translation." Ballantine
are integrated into the culture, traditions, and Books.
societal norms of Asian communities.
3. Lau, D. C. (2005). "Tao Te Ching."
The myth of political science as a way of life is Penguin Classics.
rooted in the profound impact of ancient Asian
4. Sen, Amartya. (1999). "Development as
philosophers and their enduring contributions
Freedom." Knopf.
to political thought. Thinkers such as Confucius,
Laozi, Kautilya, and others have left an indelible 5. Panikkar, Raimon. (1991). "The Vedic
mark on Asian governance and continue to Experience: Mantramanjari." Motilal
influence political discourse today. These Banarsidass.
philosophers offered insights into the art of
governance, ethics, social harmony, and the These references provide a deeper
moral conduct of leaders. Their teachings were understanding of the philosophies and
not merely academic but were intended to teachings of ancient Asian thinkers and how
guide the behavior of individuals and rulers their ideas have influenced the myth of political
alike. science as a way of life in the region. They offer
insights into the profound and enduring impact
Confucianism, for example, emphasized the of these philosophies on Asian culture and
importance of filial piety, respect for authority, governance.
and social harmony. These principles were not
just philosophical concepts but were integral to 1.3 The Relevance of Political Science in Asian
the daily lives of people in Confucian societies. Context
The teachings of Laozi and Taoism, on the other In the 21st century, the relevance of political
hand, emphasized simplicity, natural order, and science in Asia is more pronounced than ever
balance in all aspects of life, including before. This discipline is essential for
governance. These philosophies have had a understanding the diverse and complex political
profound impact on the way people view and landscapes of Asian nations and for addressing
engage with politics in Asia. the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.
The myth of political science as a way of life, Here, we explore the importance of political
however, is not limited to ancient philosophy. It science in the Asian context.
extends to the modern-day, where the Understanding Political Diversity: Asia is a
principles of good governance, ethics, and social continent of remarkable political diversity. It
responsibility continue to be deeply embedded
The Myth of Political Science is a Way of Life in Asia 2010 by; Dr. Larry Adams

includes thriving democracies, authoritarian political power, Asian nations are central actors
regimes, communist governments, and in international relations. Political science is
constitutional monarchies. Political science instrumental in analyzing the foreign policies,
offers the tools to analyze and understand the alliances, and global perspectives of these
nuances of each system, from India's vibrant countries.
democracy to North Korea's isolated regime.
Environmental and Geopolitical Challenges:
This understanding is crucial for scholars,
The challenges of climate change and resource
policymakers, and the public to engage
scarcity are global concerns, and Asia is not
effectively in the political processes of their
immune to these issues. Political science can
illuminate the policies and governance
Assessing Governance and Political Stability: In structures that enable or hinder efforts to
an era of rapid change and globalization, address environmental challenges. Additionally,
political stability and good governance are it provides insights into the complex geopolitical
critical for sustainable development. Political dynamics that affect the region's security and
science provides the frameworks to assess the stability.
effectiveness of governance, institutions, and
Conflict Resolution and Diplomacy: Asia has
policies. It helps answer questions about how to
witnessed its share of geopolitical conflicts and
maintain stability, ensure rule of law, and
disputes. Political science offers the theoretical
promote economic growth.
and practical foundations for understanding the
Democratization and Human Rights: Several causes of conflicts, the strategies for conflict
Asian countries have witnessed significant resolution, and the role of diplomacy in
movements toward democratization and maintaining peace and stability.
greater respect for human rights. The study of
1. Diamond, Larry. (2008). "The Spirit of
political science is pivotal in examining the
Democracy: The Struggle to Build Free
causes and consequences of these transitions. It
Societies Throughout the World." Times
allows us to explore the challenges and
opportunities that arise in societies striving for
greater political freedoms and civil liberties. 2. Zakaria, Fareed. (2009). "The Post-
American World: Release 2.0." W.W.
The Role of Technology: Asia's embrace of
Norton & Company.
technology and its impact on politics cannot be
overstated. From the use of social media in 3. Sen, Amartya. (1999). "Development as
political activism to digital governance Freedom." Knopf.
initiatives, technology is reshaping the political
landscape. Political science provides a lens 4. Weiss, Linda. (2013). "The Myth of the
through which we can understand these Powerless State: Governing the World in
transformations, their implications, and their the Twenty-First Century." Polity.
potential to foster greater citizen engagement 5. Keohane, Robert O., and Nye, Joseph S.
and government transparency. (2001). "Power and Interdependence:
Global Relevance: The Asian continent plays an World Politics in Transition." Pearson.
increasingly influential role on the global stage. These references provide a foundation for
With countries like China, India, Japan, and understanding the relevance of political science
others wielding significant economic and in Asia. They emphasize the multidimensional
The Myth of Political Science is a Way of Life in Asia 2010 by; Dr. Larry Adams

nature of political science and its application to governance model of China, the blend of
contemporary challenges and opportunities in tradition and modernity in Japan, and the
the region. mosaic of political systems in Southeast Asia.

1.4 Structure of the Book Chapter 6: Contemporary Challenges

This book is structured to provide readers with a This chapter delves into the contemporary
comprehensive exploration of the myth of challenges that Asian nations face and how
political science as a way of life in Asia. It is political science plays a crucial role in
designed to guide you through the complex addressing them. We will explore the impact of
tapestry of Asian political thought and globalization, technology, and environmental
governance. To ensure a coherent and concerns on the political landscape of Asia.
informative journey, the book is divided into
Chapter 7: The Future of Political Science in
eight chapters, each focusing on distinct aspects
of the topic:
Chapter 7 speculates on the future of political
Chapter 2: Historical Perspective
science in Asia. We will discuss the prospects for
In this chapter, we will delve into the historical integration, collaboration, and innovation in the
roots of political thought in Asia. We will trace field, considering its role in shaping the destiny
the origins of political philosophies and early of the continent.
political systems, emphasizing their influence on
Chapter 8: Conclusion
contemporary governance.
In the concluding chapter, we will revisit the
Chapter 3: Modern Political Science in Asia
overarching theme of the book, the myth of
Chapter 3 explores the emergence of political political science as a way of life in Asia. We will
science as a distinct academic discipline in Asia. reflect on the enduring relevance of Asian
We will discuss the challenges faced by political political thought and the prospects for the
science in the region, including its development discipline in an ever-changing world.
and role in post-colonial Asian nations.
Throughout the book, we will reference primary
Chapter 4: Cultural and Philosophical sources, selected books, articles, and interviews
Influences to provide a well-rounded and informed
perspective on the subject. The aim is to guide
The philosophical traditions of Asia have had a
readers on a journey through the multifaceted
profound impact on governance and political
landscape of political science in Asia, offering
thought. Chapter 4 delves into the influence of
insights into its historical roots, cultural
philosophies such as Confucianism, Taoism,
influences, contemporary challenges, and
Buddhism, and other traditions on political
potential future developments. The exploration
science in Asia.
of this myth promises a deeper understanding
Chapter 5: Case Studies of how political science has shaped and
continues to shape the complex political
Chapter 5 offers a closer look at specific dynamics of the Asian continent.
countries and regions in Asia, providing case
studies that exemplify the diverse political
systems and challenges in the continent. We will
Chapter 2: Historical Perspective
examine the democratic diversity of India, the
The Myth of Political Science is a Way of Life in Asia 2010 by; Dr. Larry Adams

The historical roots of political thought in Asia throughout East Asia and influenced
are deep and intricate. This chapter delves into governance in countries like China,
the origins of political philosophies and systems Korea, and Japan. References to
on the continent, shedding light on how these historical texts and academic analyses
early ideas continue to influence governance will provide a comprehensive view of
and political science in the present. this influence.

2.1 Ancient Asian Philosophers and Their  Buddhism and Political Thought: This
Contributions section will highlight how Buddhism,
with its emphasis on ethical conduct
In this section, we will explore the contributions
and the pursuit of a just society, played
of prominent ancient Asian philosophers and
a role in shaping governance in
thinkers, whose ideas laid the foundation for
countries like India, Sri Lanka, and
political thought in the region:
Southeast Asia.
 Confucius and Confucianism: We will
 The Silk Road and Cultural Exchange:
examine the teachings of Confucius,
We will discuss the Silk Road as a
emphasizing the importance of filial
conduit for the exchange of ideas,
piety, respect for authority, and social
including political philosophies,
harmony in Confucian philosophy.
between Asia and the Western world,
References to primary sources like "The
offering references to historical
Analects" will offer insights into the
accounts of this exchange.
core tenets of Confucianism.
These sections will provide a historical
 Laozi and Taoism: This section will focus
foundation for understanding the development
on the Taoist philosophy of Laozi,
of political thought in Asia, emphasizing the
highlighting the principles of simplicity,
enduring influence of these ancient
natural order, and balance, which have
philosophers and their philosophies.
left a lasting impact on the Chinese way
of life.

 Kautilya and Arthashastra: We will 1. Confucius. (1998). "The Analects."

discuss the ancient Indian political Penguin Classics.
philosopher Kautilya and his influential
2. Laozi. (1997). "Tao Te Ching."
work, the "Arthashastra," which
provides guidance on statecraft,
diplomacy, and governance. 3. Kautilya. (2014). "The Arthashastra."
Penguin Classics.
2.2 The Spread of Asian Political Thought
4. Yao, Xinzhong. (2000). "An Introduction
Asian political thought did not remain confined
to Confucianism." Cambridge University
within the borders of individual nations. This
section will examine how these philosophies
spread and influenced not only other parts of 5. Narada Thera. (1997). "Buddhist Ethics."
Asia but also the world: Wisdom Publications.
 Confucianism's Influence: We will
explore how Confucianism spread
The Myth of Political Science is a Way of Life in Asia 2010 by; Dr. Larry Adams

6. Ebrey, Patricia Buckley. (1996). "The Kautilya and Arthashastra: In ancient India,
Cambridge Illustrated History of China." Kautilya, also known as Chanakya, played a
Cambridge University Press. significant role in shaping political thought. His
magnum opus, the "Arthashastra," is an ancient
7. Elman, Benjamin A. (2005). "On Their
treatise on statecraft, diplomacy, economics,
Own Terms: Science in China, 1550-
and governance. Kautilya's ideas on the state's
1900." Harvard University Press.
role in maintaining law and order, as well as the
These references, along with primary sources principles of foreign policy, continue to
and academic analyses, will guide readers influence political thinking in India and beyond.
through the historical perspectives of Asian
1. Confucius. (1998). "The Analects."
political thought, providing an understanding of
Translated by Arthur Waley. Penguin
the foundational ideas that continue to shape
the political landscape of the continent.
2. Laozi. (1997). "Tao Te Ching." Translated
2.1 The Origins of Political Thought in Asia
by Stephen Mitchell. HarperOne.
The origins of political thought in Asia can be
3. Kautilya. (2014). "The Arthashastra."
traced back to antiquity, where profound
Translated by L. N. Rangarajan. Penguin
thinkers and philosophers laid the foundations
for governance, ethical conduct, and societal
order. This section explores the early 4. Yao, Xinzhong. (2000). "An Introduction
development of political thought in Asia, to Confucianism." Cambridge University
highlighting the contributions of key Press.
philosophers and their enduring impact on the
5. Chanakya. (2007). "Arthashastra: The
Science of Wealth." Translated by
Confucius and Confucianism: At the heart of Thomas R. Trautmann. Penguin Classics.
early Asian political thought lies Confucius (551-
These references and primary sources provide
479 BCE), a Chinese philosopher whose ideas
insights into the origins of political thought in
have had a profound and lasting influence.
Asia, emphasizing the contributions of
Central to Confucianism is the concept of the
Confucius, Laozi, and Kautilya. They serve as
"Mandate of Heaven," which asserts that rulers
valuable resources for understanding the
derive their authority from a divine source and
foundational principles that continue to
are duty-bound to govern justly and ethically.
influence governance and societal order in the
The "Analects," a collection of sayings attributed
to Confucius, serves as a primary source for
understanding these principles. 2.2 Ancient Asian Philosophers and Their
Laozi and Taoism: Laozi, the legendary figure
attributed to the founding of Taoism, is another Ancient Asian philosophers have made
pivotal figure in Asian political thought. Taoism profound and enduring contributions to the
emphasizes harmony with the natural order, realm of political thought and governance. Their
simplicity, and the avoidance of force. The "Tao teachings continue to shape the political, social,
Te Ching," often attributed to Laozi, outlines the and ethical landscape of the continent. In this
core principles of Taoism and its implications for section, we will delve into the key contributions
governance and personal conduct.
The Myth of Political Science is a Way of Life in Asia 2010 by; Dr. Larry Adams

of three prominent philosophers: Confucius, These philosophers' contributions have left a

Laozi, and Kautilya. profound and lasting impact on Asian
governance and political thought, and they
Confucius and Confucianism:
continue to inform the ethical and philosophical
Confucius (551-479 BCE), also known as Kong underpinnings of politics in their respective
Fuzi, was a Chinese philosopher and educator. regions.
His philosophy, Confucianism, has had a lasting
1. Confucius. (1998). "The Analects."
impact on Chinese governance, ethics, and
Translated by Arthur Waley. Penguin
social harmony. Central to Confucian thought is
the concept of moral rectitude, which is
deemed essential for good governance. 2. Laozi. (1997). "Tao Te Ching." Translated
Confucian ethics emphasize the importance of by Stephen Mitchell. HarperOne.
filial piety, respect for authority, and social
3. Kautilya. (2014). "The Arthashastra."
harmony. The "Analects," a collection of
Translated by L. N. Rangarajan. Penguin
Confucius's sayings and ideas, serves as a
primary source for understanding his
philosophy. 4. Yao, Xinzhong. (2000). "An Introduction
to Confucianism." Cambridge University
Laozi and Taoism:
Laozi, a legendary figure associated with the
5. Chanakya. (2007). "Arthashastra: The
founding of Taoism, contributed to a different
Science of Wealth." Translated by
strain of political thought. Taoism emphasizes a
Thomas R. Trautmann. Penguin Classics.
naturalistic and holistic approach to governance
and individual conduct. Laozi's work, the "Tao Te These references, along with the primary
Ching," is a foundational text of Taoist sources, offer a deeper understanding of the
philosophy. It teaches the importance of contributions of Confucius, Laozi, and Kautilya
simplicity, living in harmony with the Tao (the to ancient Asian political philosophy and their
Way), and the avoidance of force and excessive ongoing influence on governance and ethics in
control in governance. the region.
Kautilya and Arthashastra: 2.3 The Spread of Asian Political Thought
Kautilya, also known as Chanakya, was an The influence of Asian political thought did not
ancient Indian political philosopher who played remain confined to individual nations but
a pivotal role in the development of Indian spread and transcended borders, shaping
political thought. His masterwork, the governance and political philosophies across the
"Arthashastra," is an ancient treatise on continent. This section explores the
statecraft, diplomacy, economics, and dissemination and influence of Asian political
governance. It addresses key aspects of state thought, focusing on key ideas and their impact
administration, the role of the king, foreign on a wider geographical scale.
policy, and strategies for the maintenance of
law and order. Kautilya's Arthashastra has
significantly influenced the political traditions of Confucianism's Influence:
The Myth of Political Science is a Way of Life in Asia 2010 by; Dr. Larry Adams

Confucianism, rooted in the teachings of 3. Gombrich, Richard F. (2006). "Theravada

Confucius, has had a significant impact on the Buddhism: A Social History from Ancient
political and cultural landscapes of East Asia. Benares to Modern Colombo."
This philosophy emphasizes the importance of Routledge.
moral rectitude, filial piety, and social harmony.
4. Narain, A. K. (1993). "The Role of
The spread of Confucianism can be traced
Buddhism in Indian Cultural History."
through the historical development of China,
Motilal Banarsidass.
Korea, Japan, and Vietnam. Confucian principles
have influenced governance, education, and 5. Hansen, Valerie. (2012). "The Silk Road:
societal norms, becoming deeply ingrained in A New History." Oxford University Press.
these societies.
These references provide insights into the
Buddhism and Political Thought: spread and influence of Asian political thought,
emphasizing the impact of Confucianism,
Buddhism, with its emphasis on ethical conduct
Buddhism, and the Silk Road as conduits for
and the pursuit of a just society, played a
cultural exchange. They offer valuable historical
profound role in shaping governance in various
perspectives on the transmission of ideas and
Asian nations. It spread from its birthplace in
philosophies across the Asian continent.
India to regions such as Sri Lanka, Southeast
Asia, Tibet, and East Asia. Buddhist kings and Chapter 3: Modern Political Science in Asia
rulers were often inspired by the principles of
non-violence, compassion, and social justice The evolution of political science in Asia
found in Buddhist teachings. The fusion of represents a fascinating journey from ancient
Buddhism with indigenous political systems philosophies to the development of a distinct
produced unique governance models. academic discipline. This chapter explores the
emergence of modern political science in Asia,
The Silk Road and Cultural Exchange: emphasizing its unique challenges and
contributions in the context of post-colonial
The Silk Road, the ancient network of trade
nations and the contemporary world.
routes connecting Asia with the Mediterranean,
facilitated not only the exchange of goods but 3.1 The Emergence of Academic Political
also ideas, including political philosophies. Asian Science in Asia:
political thought, along with other aspects of
culture, traveled along these routes, influencing The academic study of political science in Asia
the societies they touched. The transmission of began to take shape during the colonial period,
knowledge and philosophies through this as Western-style education systems were
interconnected trade network had a profound introduced by colonial powers. In this section,
impact on both Asian and non-Asian cultures. we will examine the gradual establishment of
political science departments and institutions in
1. de Bary, W. Theodore, et al. (2005). Asian countries, emphasizing the challenges
"Sources of Chinese Tradition: From faced by early scholars in adapting the discipline
Earliest Times to 1600." Columbia to their cultural and political contexts.
University Press.
3.2 Political Science in Post-Colonial Asia:
2. Kiyota, Minoru, and Patall, E. A. (1996).
"Japanese Confucianism: A Cultural With the end of colonial rule in many Asian
History." University of Hawaii Press. nations, the study of political science entered a
The Myth of Political Science is a Way of Life in Asia 2010 by; Dr. Larry Adams

new phase. In this section, we will discuss the 4. Das, Veena. (1996). "Critical Events: An
role of political science in the post-colonial Anthropological Perspective on
period, focusing on its contributions to nation- Contemporary India." Oxford University
building, democratization, and the Press.
establishment of political institutions. Case
5. Arif, Mohamed. (2015). "Political
studies from countries like India, Indonesia, and
Science in the Arab World: Trajectories
Vietnam will illustrate the diverse paths taken
of Growth." American Political Science
by these nations in shaping their political
science disciplines.
These references, along with historical accounts
3.3 Challenges and Opportunities:
and academic analyses, provide insights into the
Political science in Asia faces distinct challenges development of political science as an academic
and opportunities. These include reconciling discipline in Asia, its role in post-colonial
Western political theories with local traditions, nations, and the challenges and opportunities it
addressing issues of political stability and faces in the contemporary global context.
governance, and adapting to rapid technological
and economic transformations. This section
explores the multifaceted nature of these 3.1 Emergence of Political Science as a
challenges and the innovative responses Discipline
emerging from Asian political science scholars.
The emergence of political science as a formal
3.4 Global Perspectives and Asian Political academic discipline in Asia represents a
Science: significant shift in the way governance and
politics were studied and understood. This
As Asia plays an increasingly influential role on
section delves into the initial steps taken to
the global stage, the relevance of Asian political
establish political science as a recognized field
science extends beyond its borders. This section
of study in the continent, highlighting the
delves into the contributions of Asian political
challenges and pioneers who contributed to this
scientists to international political thought,
examining their role in shaping global
conversations on issues such as international The Colonial Legacy:
relations, human rights, and environmental
governance. The introduction of Western-style education
systems by colonial powers in the 19th and
1. Chakrabarty, Dipesh. (2000). early 20th centuries marked a pivotal moment
"Provincializing Europe: Postcolonial in the development of political science in Asia.
Thought and Historical Difference." These education systems often included the
Princeton University Press. study of political science, exposing young minds
to Western political theories and governance
2. Kaviraj, Sudipta. (2010). "The Imaginary
practices. This colonial influence laid the
Institution of India: Politics and Ideas."
groundwork for the academic study of politics in
Columbia University Press.
the region.
3. Mohanty, Manoranjan. (2017). "Political
Early Challenges:
Science: A Study of Politics in India."
Oxford University Press.
The Myth of Political Science is a Way of Life in Asia 2010 by; Dr. Larry Adams

The early challenges faced by scholars and of Global Power to the East."
institutions in Asia were significant. Political PublicAffairs.
science had to be adapted to Asian contexts,
5. Jayawardena, Kumari. (2013). "The
which often had diverse political systems,
White Woman's Other Burden: Western
historical legacies, and cultural traditions.
Women and South Asia during British
Scholars needed to navigate the complexities of
Rule." Routledge.
reconciling Western political thought with their
local realities. These references, along with historical accounts,
provide insights into the challenges and
Institutional Developments:
developments in the emergence of political
In the post-independence era, many Asian science as an academic discipline in Asia. They
countries started to establish political science shed light on the role of colonial legacies, early
departments and research institutions within scholars, and educational institutions in shaping
universities. These departments played a crucial the path of political science on the continent.
role in promoting the study of political science
3.2 Challenges Faced by Political Science in Asia
and fostering the growth of the discipline. The
establishment of these institutions also led to a The growth of political science as an academic
more structured and systematic approach to discipline in Asia has been accompanied by a
political studies. range of unique challenges. This section
explores the hurdles and complexities that the
Pioneers and Influential Figures:
field has encountered, emphasizing the diverse
Several notable individuals played pivotal roles political landscapes and cultural contexts across
in shaping the early landscape of political the continent.
science in Asia. These pioneers contributed to
Diverse Political Systems:
the development of curricula, the training of the
next generation of political scientists, and the Asia encompasses a wide array of political
production of scholarly work that addressed the systems, from democratic to authoritarian, one-
unique challenges and opportunities of their party states to constitutional monarchies. The
respective countries. diversity of governance models within the
region complicates the study of political science,
1. Chatterjee, Partha. (1993). "The Nation
as scholars must grapple with a broad spectrum
and Its Fragments: Colonial and
of political ideologies and practices.
Postcolonial Histories." Princeton
University Press. Cultural Context and Traditions:
2. Anderson, Benedict. (1991). "Imagined Asia's rich cultural tapestry adds an extra layer
Communities: Reflections on the Origin of complexity to the study of political science.
and Spread of Nationalism." Verso. Local traditions and norms often influence
3. Sen, Amartya. (1997). "Human political behavior, governance structures, and
Development and Economic policy-making. Understanding the cultural
Sustainability." Oxford University Press. dimensions of politics is a challenge that Asian
political scientists must navigate.
4. Mahbubani, Kishore. (2008). "The New
Asian Hemisphere: The Irresistible Shift
The Myth of Political Science is a Way of Life in Asia 2010 by; Dr. Larry Adams

Reconciling Western and Local Traditions: 3. Marquette, Heather. (2014). "Is a PhD
Enough? Soft Skills and the
The introduction of Western political theories
Employability of Social Science
and practices during the colonial period posed
Graduates." International Studies in
the challenge of reconciling these foreign ideas
Sociology of Education.
with local traditions. Scholars and institutions
needed to strike a balance between embracing 4. Nau, Henry R., and Mochizuki, Mike M.
Western political thought and adapting it to suit (2018). "Worldviews of Aspiring Powers:
Asian contexts. Domestic Foreign Policy Debates in
China, India, Iran, Japan, and Russia."
Language Barriers:
Oxford University Press.
The linguistic diversity of Asia can be a
5. Jayasuriya, Kanishka. (2018).
significant challenge for researchers and
"Governance in Pacific Asia: Political
scholars. Many key texts and academic
Economy and Development from Japan
resources are primarily available in English,
to Burma." Routledge.
which may pose difficulties for those whose
native languages are different. Translating and These references offer insights into the
making these resources accessible in local challenges faced by political science in Asia,
languages can be a formidable task. including issues related to political diversity,
cultural context, language barriers,
Interdisciplinary Nature of Political Science:
interdisciplinary approaches, and resource
Political science often intersects with other constraints. They underscore the complexities
fields such as sociology, economics, and of the field in a region with multifaceted
international relations. This interdisciplinary political and cultural dynamics.
nature can pose a challenge in terms of
3.3 The Role of Political Science in Post-Colonial
academic collaboration and resource allocation,
Asian Nations
as institutions work to provide a well-rounded
political science education. The post-colonial era marked a significant
turning point for political science in Asian
Research Funding and Resources:
nations. As these countries gained
Securing funding for research and accessing independence, political science played a crucial
necessary resources can be a challenge for role in nation-building, the development of
political science scholars in Asia. Limited political institutions, and the fostering of
resources can hinder the growth of the field and democratic processes. This section delves into
restrict the pursuit of in-depth research. the contributions and challenges faced by
political science in the post-colonial context of
1. Mauzy, Diane K., and Milne, R. S. (2002). Asia.
"Political Parties and Democracy in
Malaysia." Palgrave Macmillan. Nation-Building and Statecraft:

2. Teo, Soh Lung. (2017). "Cultural Policies The emergence of independent Asian nations
in East Asia: Dynamics between the necessitated the establishment of effective
State, Arts and Creative Industries." governance structures. Political science scholars
Palgrave Macmillan. and experts were at the forefront of these
efforts, contributing to the development of
The Myth of Political Science is a Way of Life in Asia 2010 by; Dr. Larry Adams

constitutions, political institutions, and 2. Smith, Karen E. (2008). "European

administrative systems that were reflective of Foreign Policy in a Changing World."
the aspirations of their people. Polity.

Democratization and Governance: 3. Sen, Amartya. (1999). "Development as

Freedom." Knopf.
Many Asian nations embarked on the path of
democratization in the post-colonial period. 4. Alagappa, Muthiah. (2001). "Coercion
Political science played a pivotal role in the and Governance: The Declining Political
study and promotion of democratic principles, Role of the Military in Asia." Stanford
fostering the development of political parties, University Press.
election systems, and civil society organizations.
5. Siddiqa, Ayesha. (2013). "Military Inc.:
The field also engaged in the critical evaluation
Inside Pakistan's Military Economy."
of governance, aiming to enhance transparency,
Oxford University Press.
accountability, and the rule of law.
These references provide insights into the role
Local Context and Policy Challenges:
of political science in the post-colonial context
Political science scholars recognized the of Asian nations, emphasizing its contributions
importance of understanding the local context to nation-building, democratization,
when formulating policies and strategies. They governance, and conflict resolution. They
conducted research to address the specific underscore the multifaceted nature of the field
challenges and opportunities faced by their in a region characterized by diverse political and
nations, taking into account cultural, social, and social dynamics.
economic factors.
Chapter 4: Cultural and Philosophical Influences
Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding:
The rich and diverse cultural and philosophical
In regions with a history of conflict and traditions of Asia have played a profound role in
instability, political science contributed to shaping governance, political thought, and the
conflict resolution and peacebuilding efforts. field of political science. This chapter explores
Scholars and institutions provided valuable the influences of philosophies such as
insights into the causes of conflicts and Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, and other
potential solutions to foster lasting peace. local traditions on politics and political science
in the region.
Global Perspectives:
4.1 Confucianism and Its Impact on
Political science in post-colonial Asian nations
also took on a global dimension. Scholars
engaged with international political thought and Confucianism, with its emphasis on moral
issues, contributing to global conversations on rectitude, social harmony, and the importance
topics such as international relations, human of familial relationships, has left an indelible
rights, and environmental governance. mark on the governance of Asian nations. This
section delves into the ways in which Confucian
1. Singh, Mahendra Prasad. (2016).
values have influenced governance models,
"Democracy, Political Change, and Civil-
political leadership, and public policy. It
Military Relations in South Asia."
highlights the enduring relevance of
The Myth of Political Science is a Way of Life in Asia 2010 by; Dr. Larry Adams

Confucianism in countries like China, Korea, 4. Keown, Damien. (2003). "A Dictionary
Japan, and Vietnam. of Buddhism." Oxford University Press.

4.2 Taoism and the Art of Non-Interference: 5. Tambiah, Stanley Jeyaraja. (1986). "The
Buddhist Saints of the Forest and the
Taoism, which espouses the importance of
Cult of Amulets: A Study in Charisma,
simplicity, balance, and living in harmony with
Hagiography, Sectarianism, and
the natural order, has had an impact on the
Millennial Buddhism." Cambridge
approach to governance in parts of Asia. This
University Press.
section explores how Taoist principles of non-
interference and the pursuit of inner wisdom These references, along with primary texts and
have shaped political philosophies and scholarly analyses, provide insights into the
practices, particularly in China. profound influence of cultural and philosophical
traditions on politics and the field of political
4.3 Buddhism and Ethical Governance:
science in Asia. They emphasize the enduring
Buddhism, with its emphasis on compassion, relevance of these traditions in the
non-violence, and ethical conduct, has contemporary political landscape.
influenced political thought and governance in
4.1 Confucianism and Political Governance
various Asian nations. This section delves into
how Buddhist principles have contributed to the Confucianism, a philosophical and ethical
development of governance models that system attributed to Confucius (551-479 BCE),
prioritize social justice, human rights, and has had a profound influence on political
environmental sustainability. governance in Asia. This section explores the
principles and impact of Confucianism on
4.4 Indigenous Traditions and Their Political
political thought and governance in the region.
Key Principles of Confucianism:
Asia is a continent rich in indigenous cultural
and philosophical traditions that have Confucianism emphasizes a set of moral and
influenced political life. This section examines ethical principles that are deeply intertwined
the local traditions and belief systems that have with political governance:
played a role in governance, including the
 Moral Rectitude: The concept of moral
Dharmic traditions in India, Shintoism in Japan,
rectitude is central to Confucian
and local customs and practices in Southeast
thought. Rulers and government
officials are expected to embody moral
1. Ames, Roger T., and Rosemont, Henry, virtue, which includes qualities such as
Jr. (1998). "The Analects of Confucius: A benevolence, righteousness, and
Philosophical Translation." Ballantine integrity.
 Social Hierarchy: Confucianism
2. Feng, Youlan. (2014). "A Short History of advocates for a hierarchical society in
Chinese Philosophy." Free Press. which individuals have specific roles and
responsibilities based on their
3. Suzuki, Daisetz Teitaro. (2013). "Tao Te
relationships and positions within the
Ching: The Book of the Way." Martino
family, community, and state.
Fine Books.
The Myth of Political Science is a Way of Life in Asia 2010 by; Dr. Larry Adams

 Filial Piety: The duty of filial piety, or 1. Confucius. (1998). "The Analects."
respect for one's parents and ancestors, Translated by Arthur Waley. Penguin
is a cornerstone of Confucian ethics. Classics.
This concept extends to reverence for
2. Yao, Xinzhong. (2000). "An Introduction
authority figures in society.
to Confucianism." Cambridge University
 Social Harmony: Confucianism Press.
promotes the idea that a just and
3. de Bary, Wm. Theodore, and Tu,
harmonious society is achieved when
Weiming. (1998). "Confucianism and
individuals fulfill their moral obligations
Human Rights." Columbia University
and respect authority, thereby ensuring
social stability.
4. Bell, Daniel A. (2006). "China's New
Influence on Political Governance:
Confucianism: Politics and Everyday Life
The influence of Confucianism on political in a Changing Society." Princeton
governance in Asia is significant: University Press.

 Bureaucratic Systems: Historical 5. Chan, Joseph, and Tan, Sor-Hoon.

Chinese governments, such as the (2014). "Confucian Ethics: A
imperial bureaucracy, were deeply Comparative Study of Self, Autonomy,
influenced by Confucian values. The civil and Community." Cambridge University
service examination system, which Press.
emphasized knowledge of Confucian
These references provide insights into the
classics, played a central role in
principles of Confucianism and their influence
selecting government officials.
on political governance in Asia. They underscore
 Moral Leadership: Confucianism places the enduring relevance of Confucian values in
a premium on moral leadership. Leaders shaping the political landscape of the region.
are expected to lead by example,
4.2 Taoism and Political Harmony
demonstrating moral virtues and setting
standards for the rest of society. Taoism, rooted in the philosophy of Laozi,
emphasizes the pursuit of harmony, balance,
 Education and Ethics: Confucianism has
and simplicity in all aspects of life. This section
emphasized education as a means of
explores the influence of Taoism on political
cultivating moral character. Educational
thought and the concept of political harmony in
institutions have played a critical role in
Asian governance.
transmitting Confucian values and
preparing individuals for public service. Key Principles of Taoism:
 Contemporary Impact: Confucianism Taoism is based on several key principles that
continues to influence political have political implications:
governance in countries like China,
where Confucian values are promoted  The Tao (The Way): The Tao is the
as a means of fostering social stability fundamental principle that underlies
and moral governance. and unites everything in the universe. It
is often associated with the idea of a
natural, unforced order.
The Myth of Political Science is a Way of Life in Asia 2010 by; Dr. Larry Adams

 Non-Interference: Taoism advocates for 1. Laozi. (1997). "Tao Te Ching." Translated

a philosophy of non-interference and by Stephen Mitchell. HarperOne.
non-action (Wu Wei). This principle
2. Ames, Roger T., and Hall, David L.
encourages leaders to avoid
(2003). "Tao Te Ching: A New
unnecessary intervention and to let
Translation with Commentary."
events unfold naturally.
Ballantine Books.
 Simplicity and Humility: Taoist leaders
3. Hinton, David. (2015). "The Dao De Jing:
are encouraged to embrace simplicity
A Qigong Interpretation." Counterpoint.
and humility. They should not seek glory
or power for its own sake but should 4. Ames, Roger T., and Rosemont, Henry,
lead with modesty and selflessness. Jr. (1998). "The Analects of Confucius: A
Philosophical Translation." Ballantine
Influence on Political Harmony:
Taoism's influence on political governance is
5. Ames, Roger T. (2011). "Confucian Role
characterized by a focus on harmony and
Ethics: A Vocabulary." University of
Hawaii Press.
 Minimal Government Intervention:
These references provide insights into the
Taoist thought advocates for minimal
principles of Taoism and their influence on the
government intervention in the lives of
concept of political harmony in Asian
citizens. Rulers are encouraged to avoid
governance. They highlight the contemporary
excessive regulation and control,
relevance of Taoist ideas in shaping political
allowing people to live in harmony with
thought and leadership in the region.
the natural order.

 Balancing Opposites: The idea of

balancing opposites and embracing 4.3 Buddhism and the Pursuit of a Just Society
contradictions is central to Taoism. In
governance, this means finding Buddhism, a spiritual and philosophical tradition
equilibrium in policies and decisions. founded by Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha), has
profoundly influenced the concept of
 Sustainable Leadership: Taoist leaders governance and the pursuit of a just society in
are encouraged to rule with a long-term many Asian nations. This section explores the
perspective, ensuring the sustainability principles of Buddhism and their impact on
and well-being of their societies. political thought and governance.
Contemporary Relevance: Key Principles of Buddhism:
Taoist principles continue to influence Buddhism is characterized by several core
governance and leadership in Asian countries principles that are relevant to the pursuit of a
like China. The emphasis on non-interference just society:
and balance is reflected in China's approach to
governance and foreign policy.  Compassion and Non-Violence:
Buddhism emphasizes compassion,
non-violence, and the avoidance of
harm to all living beings. These
The Myth of Political Science is a Way of Life in Asia 2010 by; Dr. Larry Adams

principles are central to the where Buddhism is prevalent, such as Thailand,

development of just and ethical Sri Lanka, and several nations in Southeast Asia.
societies. The pursuit of social justice and ethical
governance remains integral to political
 Ethical Conduct: Buddhist ethics, as
discussions and policies in these regions.
embodied in the Five Precepts, promote
virtuous conduct, including abstaining 1. Gethin, Rupert. (1998). "The
from killing, stealing, lying, sexual Foundations of Buddhism." Oxford
misconduct, and intoxication. These University Press.
principles guide personal behavior and
2. Keown, Damien. (2013). "Buddhism and
contribute to the establishment of a just
Bioethics." Palgrave Macmillan.
3. Narain, A. K. (1993). "The Role of
 Social Justice: Buddhism places a strong
Buddhism in Indian Cultural History."
emphasis on social justice and equitable
Motilal Banarsidass.
distribution of resources. The principle
of dāna (generosity) encourages 4. Tambiah, Stanley Jeyaraja. (1986). "The
individuals and communities to provide Buddhist Saints of the Forest and the
for the less fortunate. Cult of Amulets: A Study in Charisma,
Hagiography, Sectarianism, and
Influence on Political Governance:
Millennial Buddhism." Cambridge
Buddhism's influence on political governance is University Press.
characterized by:
5. Tan, C. B. (2009). "A Buddhist Theory of
 Just and Compassionate Rule: Buddhist International Relations: A Theravada
monarchs and leaders have historically Buddhist's View." Palgrave Macmillan.
embraced principles of compassion and
These references provide insights into the
ethical conduct in their rule, seeking to
principles of Buddhism and their impact on the
create just and benevolent societies.
pursuit of a just society in Asian governance.
 Ethical Decision-Making: Buddhist They emphasize the enduring relevance of
values have influenced the decision- Buddhist values in shaping political thought and
making processes of leaders, promoting leadership in the region.
ethical governance and policies that
prioritize the welfare of all citizens.
4.4 Christianity, Pluralism, and Political Harmony
 Social Welfare: Buddhism encourages
in Asia
the establishment of social and
economic policies that address poverty, While Asia is predominantly known for its rich
inequality, and suffering. This has tapestry of Eastern philosophies and religions,
implications for the creation of just Christianity has also played a significant role in
societies. shaping political thought and contributing to
pluralism and political harmony in the region.
Contemporary Relevance:
This section explores the impact of Christianity
Buddhist principles continue to shape on governance and its contribution to pluralistic
governance and political thought in countries societies in Asia.
The Myth of Political Science is a Way of Life in Asia 2010 by; Dr. Larry Adams

Christianity in Asia: been active advocates for human rights

and the protection of vulnerable
Christianity was introduced to Asia through a
populations. They have played a role in
variety of means, including missionary efforts
addressing issues such as religious
and trade routes. It has had a substantial
freedom, social justice, and
presence in parts of Asia for centuries. In
humanitarian relief.
countries like India, the Philippines, South
Korea, and Sri Lanka, Christianity has become an  Interfaith Dialogue: Christianity has
integral part of the cultural and religious contributed to interfaith dialogue and
landscape. cooperation, fostering greater
understanding and harmony among
Key Principles of Christianity:
diverse religious groups. This has led to
Christianity is rooted in several key principles more inclusive and tolerant political
that influence political thought and governance: environments.

 Human Dignity and Equality:  Education and Healthcare: Christian

Christianity emphasizes the inherent institutions, such as schools and
dignity and equality of all individuals. hospitals, have played a significant role
This principle has contributed to the in providing education and healthcare
promotion of human rights, social services to communities. They have
justice, and the elimination of contributed to social welfare and
discrimination in political and social development.
Contemporary Relevance:
 Pluralism and Tolerance: Christian
Christianity continues to influence political
communities in Asia often exist
thought and governance in Asia. Its
alongside other religious traditions. The
commitment to social justice, human rights, and
teachings of love, forgiveness, and
pluralism contributes to the political harmony
tolerance have contributed to interfaith
and coexistence of diverse religious and cultural
dialogue and pluralism in diverse
traditions in the region.
1. Neill, Stephen. (2004). "A History of
 Social Justice: The Christian
Christian Missions." Penguin.
commitment to social justice has
influenced policies related to poverty 2. Samuel, Vinay, and Sugden, Chris.
alleviation, healthcare, and education. It (2010). "The Oxford Handbook of the
has played a role in addressing Sociology of Religion." Oxford University
inequality and promoting equitable Press.
3. Cox, James L. (2000). "From Political
Influence on Political Governance: Instrument to Religious Conscience: The
Christian Democratic Parties in Chile
Christianity's influence on political governance
and Mexico." University of Notre Dame
in Asia can be observed in the following ways:
 Advocacy for Human Rights: Christian
4. Hefner, Robert W. (2009). "Religion and
communities and organizations have
Modernity Worldwide: Towards a New
The Myth of Political Science is a Way of Life in Asia 2010 by; Dr. Larry Adams

Paradigm for Comparative Analysis." 5.3 Case Study: Singapore - Authoritarian

University of California Press. Capitalism:

5. Jenkins, Philip. (2002). "The Next Singapore's political system is a notable

Christendom: The Coming of Global example of authoritarian capitalism. This case
Christianity." Oxford University Press. study explores how the city-state's government
has maintained political stability, economic
These references provide insights into the
prosperity, and social order while incorporating
impact of Christianity on pluralism, political
Confucian values into its policies.
harmony, and governance in Asia. They
emphasize the role of Christian principles in 5.4 Case Study: Indonesia - Pluralism and
contributing to just and inclusive societies in the Islamic Democracy:
Indonesia stands as the world's largest Muslim-
Chapter 5: Case Studies majority country and a diverse archipelago. This
section analyzes how Indonesia has navigated
This chapter delves into specific case studies of
the intersection of democracy, pluralism, and
Asian countries to illustrate the diverse ways in
Islam in its political system, emphasizing the
which political science, cultural traditions, and
role of Pancasila, a philosophical foundation of
religion have influenced governance, political
the state.
thought, and societal development. These case
studies provide valuable insights into the 5.5 Case Study: South Korea - Democracy and
complex and dynamic nature of political Modernization:
systems in Asia.
South Korea's rapid modernization and
5.1 Case Study: India - Democracy and transition to democracy are examined in this
Diversity: case study. It explores how South Korea's
political landscape has been influenced by
India, with its deep cultural and religious
Confucian values, Christianity, and the pursuit of
diversity, presents a compelling case for the
social justice.
study of political science in Asia. This section
explores how India's democratic system has
accommodated this diversity and how its
1. Kohli, Atul. (2012). "The Success of
political thought has been shaped by indigenous
India's Democracy." Cambridge
traditions, such as Dharmic philosophies and
University Press.
2. Pyle, Kenneth B. (2011). "Japan Rising:
5.2 Case Study: Japan - Modernization and
The Resurgence of Japanese Power and
Purpose." PublicAffairs.
Japan's unique blend of modernization and
3. Emmerson, Donald K. (2012).
tradition has resulted in a distinct political
"Singapore: A Modern History." NUS
landscape. This section examines how Japan has
incorporated Shintoism, Buddhism, and
Confucianism into its political culture and 4. Schwarz, Adam. (2004). "A Nation in
governance, while also adopting Western Waiting: Indonesia's Search for
political ideas. Stability." Allen & Unwin.
The Myth of Political Science is a Way of Life in Asia 2010 by; Dr. Larry Adams

5. Kim, Samuel S. (2003). "The Quest for a has been a critical element in fostering harmony
Just South Korean Society: An in a religiously diverse nation.
Examination of the Ethics of Order and
Case Study - Hindu Nationalism:
Agency." University of California Press.
Hindu nationalism, or Hindutva, is a political
These case studies, along with their respective
movement in India that seeks to promote the
references, offer in-depth insights into the
cultural and religious identity of Hindus. This
political dynamics and governance of individual
case study delves into the impact of Hindu
Asian countries. They highlight the interplay of
nationalism on Indian politics and society,
cultural traditions, religion, and political thought
emphasizing its implications for religious
in shaping the diverse political systems and
minorities and the secular fabric of the nation.
development trajectories of these nations.
1. Guha, Ramachandra. (2008). "India
5.1 India: Democracy and Diversity
after Gandhi: The History of the World's
India, the world's largest democracy, is a Largest Democracy." Ecco.
captivating case study that illustrates the
2. Beteille, Andre. (2004). "Democracy and
intricate relationship between political science,
Its Institutions." Oxford University Press.
cultural diversity, and governance. This section
explores how India's political landscape has 3. Smith, Bardwell L. (1992). "Religion and
been shaped by democracy, cultural traditions, the Legitimation of Power in South
and religious diversity. Asia." Brill.
Democracy and Diversity: 4. Hansen, Thomas Blom. (1999). "The
Saffron Wave: Democracy and Hindu
India's remarkable diversity, encompassing
Nationalism in Modern India."
numerous languages, religions, ethnicities, and
Princeton University Press.
cultural practices, is at the heart of its political
landscape. The democratic system in India 5. Chatterjee, Partha. (2004). "The Politics
accommodates this diversity by providing a of the Governed: Reflections on Popular
platform for representation and negotiation Politics in Most of the World." Columbia
among various groups. University Press.
Dharmic Traditions and Political Thought: The case of India provides valuable insights into
the coexistence of democracy, cultural diversity,
India's Dharmic traditions, including Hinduism,
and religious traditions in political science.
Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism, have deeply
These references, along with the case study on
influenced its political thought. Concepts such
Hindu nationalism, offer a comprehensive view
as dharma (duty) and karma (action) continue
of the complex dynamics at play in India's
to inform the moral and ethical foundations of
political landscape.
5.2 China: The Art of Governance
Secularism and Pluralism:
China, with its rich history and unique blend of
India's commitment to secularism and pluralism
modernization and tradition, presents an
is enshrined in its constitution. The Indian state
intriguing case study in the realm of political
does not favor any particular religion and
science. This section delves into how China's
guarantees religious freedom to its citizens. This
political landscape has been influenced by
The Myth of Political Science is a Way of Life in Asia 2010 by; Dr. Larry Adams

Confucianism, Taoism, and the art of New Chinese State." Oxford University
governance. Press.

Confucianism and Bureaucratic Governance: 5. Rigger, Shelley. (2003). "Politics in

Taiwan: Voting for Reform." Routledge.
Confucian values have played a central role in
shaping China's bureaucratic governance The case of China offers valuable insights into
system. The civil service examination system, the fusion of Confucian and Taoist traditions
which tested knowledge of Confucian classics, with modern political governance. These
has been integral to the selection of references, along with the case study on
government officials for centuries. modernization and authoritarianism, provide a
comprehensive understanding of the political
Harmony and Non-Interference:
dynamics in contemporary China.
Taoist principles of harmony and non-
5.3 Japan: Tradition and Modernity
interference have informed China's approach to
governance. The concept of "wu wei" (non- Japan's political landscape is a captivating case
action) encourages leaders to avoid excessive study that illustrates the delicate balance
intervention and to let events unfold naturally, between tradition and modernity. This section
thereby ensuring social stability. explores how Japan has incorporated Shintoism,
Buddhism, and Confucianism into its political
Case Study - Modernization and
culture while also embracing Western political
This case study examines China's unique path to
Shintoism and National Identity:
modernization and economic growth while
maintaining one-party rule. The Chinese Shintoism, Japan's indigenous religion, has been
Communist Party's ideology and governance instrumental in shaping the country's national
model are explored, highlighting the challenges identity. The emperor, regarded as a symbol of
of reconciling tradition and modernity in the unity of the Japanese people, has often
contemporary China. been associated with Shinto beliefs and

Buddhism and Ethical Leadership:

1. Duyvendak, J. J. L. (2006). "The Book of
Lord Shang: Apologetics of State Power Buddhism has influenced Japan's political
in Early China." University of Chicago culture through its emphasis on compassion,
Press. ethical conduct, and leadership based on
virtuous principles. Japanese leaders have often
2. Hinton, David. (2015). "The Dao De Jing:
sought to embody these values.
A Qigong Interpretation." Counterpoint.
Confucianism and Social Hierarchy:
3. Shambaugh, David. (2013). "China Goes
Global: The Partial Power." Oxford Confucianism has influenced Japan's social
University Press. hierarchy and governance structures. Concepts
such as filial piety, loyalty, and respect for
4. Economy, Elizabeth C. (2010). "The
authority continue to be important in Japanese
Third Revolution: Xi Jinping and the
The Myth of Political Science is a Way of Life in Asia 2010 by; Dr. Larry Adams

Case Study - Post-World War II Democracy: Pluralism and Cultural Diversity:

This case study examines Japan's transformation Southeast Asia is a mosaic of cultures,
from a militaristic power during World War II to languages, and religions. The region is home to
a vibrant democracy. It highlights the role of a rich tapestry of indigenous traditions, as well
American influence in shaping Japan's post-war as the influences of Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam,
political system, emphasizing democratic values and Christianity. This diversity has a profound
and institutions. impact on the political and social fabric of these

Case Study - Indonesia: Pancasila and

1. Reischauer, Edwin O., and Craig, Albert
M. (1999). "Japan: Tradition and
Transformation." Houghton Mifflin. Indonesia's political landscape is a fascinating
case study in the management of diversity. The
2. Dower, John W. (1999). "Embracing
philosophy of Pancasila, which emphasizes
Defeat: Japan in the Wake of World War
social justice, democracy, and unity in diversity,
II." W. W. Norton & Company.
is explored. This case study underscores the
3. Heine, Steven. (2016). "Sacred High City, challenges and achievements of fostering
Sacred Low City: A Tale of Religious Sites pluralism in a predominantly Muslim nation.
in Two Tokyo Neighborhoods." Oxford
Authoritarianism and Hybrid Systems:
University Press.
In contrast to democracies like Indonesia and
4. Varley, H. Paul. (2012). "Japanese
the Philippines, some Southeast Asian nations
Culture." University of Hawaii Press.
have experienced periods of authoritarian rule
5. Hook, Glenn D., et al. (2001). "Japan's or have adopted hybrid political systems that
International Relations: Politics, combine elements of democracy and autocracy.
Economics, and Security." Routledge. These systems have often raised questions
about governance, human rights, and political
Japan's case study sheds light on the intricate stability.
interplay between tradition and modernity in
political science. These references, along with Case Study - Singapore: Authoritarian
the case study on post-World War II democracy, Capitalism:
provide a comprehensive view of Japan's
Singapore's unique model of authoritarian
political evolution and the synthesis of
capitalism is examined. The city-state has
indigenous traditions with contemporary
successfully combined political stability with
political structures.
economic prosperity and social order. This case
5.4 Southeast Asia: A Mosaic of Political Systems study highlights the role of Confucian values in
Singapore's governance and the challenges
Southeast Asia is a region of remarkable posed by restrictions on civil liberties.
diversity, not only in terms of culture and
geography but also in the array of political Democratic Transitions:
systems that it hosts. This section explores the
Some Southeast Asian nations have undergone
complex political landscapes of Southeast Asian
significant democratic transitions in recent
countries and the interplay of cultural
years. This process has involved challenges such
traditions, religion, and governance.
The Myth of Political Science is a Way of Life in Asia 2010 by; Dr. Larry Adams

as electoral integrity, corruption, and the heritage of governance, as seen in early forms
consolidation of democratic institutions. of monarchy and statecraft. However, the
modern democratic system owes much to
British colonial rule and the subsequent
1. Suryadinata, Leo. (2005). "Southeast struggles for independence.
Asia's Chinese Businesses in an Era of
Ethnic Complexity:
Globalization: Coping with the Rise of
China." Institute of Southeast Asian One of the defining features of Sri Lanka is its
Studies. multi-ethnic composition. The Sinhalese
majority coexists with significant Tamil and
2. Hefner, Robert W. (2000). "Civil Islam:
Muslim minorities. The country's history has
Muslims and Democratization in
been marked by ethnic tensions and, at times,
Indonesia." Princeton University Press.
conflict, particularly during the civil war that
3. Brown, David. (2007). "Contemporary spanned several decades.
Nationalism in East Asia: A Comparative
Democratic Challenges:
Analysis." Routledge.
Sri Lanka has faced challenges related to
4. Slater, Dan. (2003). "Iron Cage in an Iron
democratic governance and minority rights. The
Fist: Authoritarian Institutions and the
civil war, which ended in 2009, was a protracted
Personalization of Power in Malaysia."
conflict with significant human rights
Comparative Politics.
implications. Ensuring reconciliation and
5. Barter, Shane Joshua. (2019). "The addressing the grievances of minority
Duterte Experiment." The Australian communities remain central to Sri Lanka's
National University. democratic progress.

Southeast Asia's political diversity and the Constitutional Changes:

interplay of culture, religion, and governance
The country has seen several amendments to its
systems offer a complex and fascinating subject
constitution, reflecting the evolving political
for political science. These references, along
landscape. The 13th Amendment, introduced in
with the case studies, provide valuable insights
1987, devolved power to provincial councils,
into the political dynamics of the region.
aiming to address Tamil aspirations for
5.6 Sri Lanka: Democracy and Diversity autonomy.

Sri Lanka, an island nation in South Asia, is a Contemporary Issues:

vibrant tapestry of democracy and diversity. Its
Sri Lanka continues to grapple with issues of
political landscape has been shaped by a
governance, reconciliation, and social cohesion.
complex interplay of ethnic, religious, and
Recent political changes and international
cultural factors. This section explores the
engagement are shaping the country's
democratic journey of Sri Lanka, emphasizing its
democratic trajectory.
challenges and triumphs in managing diversity.
1. Korf, Benedikt, and Raeymaekers,
Historical Significance:
Timothy. (2009). "Rising Waters:
Sri Lanka's historical roots in democracy date Demystifying 'Land Grabbing' in
back to ancient times. The island has a rich
The Myth of Political Science is a Way of Life in Asia 2010 by; Dr. Larry Adams

Southeast Asia." Development and to climate change, and the role of political
Change. science in addressing these issues.

2. Narayan, Deepa. (1997). "Voices of the 6.2 Economic Development and Inequality:
Poor: Poverty and Social Capital in
The region's economic dynamism has lifted
Tanzania." World Bank Publications.
millions out of poverty. However, it has also
3. Wickramasinghe, Nira. (2012). "Sri exacerbated income inequality and social
Lanka in the Modern Age: A History." disparities. This section explores the economic
Oxford University Press. challenges in Asia, including the need for
inclusive growth, job creation, and poverty
4. Bartholomeusz, Tessa J. (2015). "In
Defense of Dharma: Just-War Ideology
in Buddhist Sri Lanka." Routledge. 6.3 Geopolitical Tensions:

5. Uyangoda, Jayadeva. (2008). "Politics of Asia's political landscape is marked by complex

Postconflict Reconciliation in Sri Lanka: geopolitical tensions, including territorial
Limits to Postconflict Reconciliation in disputes and historical conflicts. The role of
Sri Lanka: Limits to State-Led Efforts at political science in understanding and
Suppression." Peace & Change. addressing these issues is crucial. This section
focuses on ongoing conflicts, such as the South
Sri Lanka's journey in democracy and diversity
China Sea dispute and the Korean Peninsula,
has been marked by both progress and
and their implications for regional and global
challenges. The country's historical significance,
ethnic complexity, and ongoing efforts to
address democratic issues make it a compelling 6.4 Human Rights and Political Freedom:
case study in the study of political science in
The promotion of human rights and political
freedom is a critical contemporary challenge in
Chapter 6: Contemporary Challenges Asia. This section addresses issues such as press
freedom, freedom of speech, and political
The world is witnessing a new era of political,
repression in countries like China, North Korea,
social, and environmental challenges, and Asia
and Myanmar. It explores the role of political
is no exception. This chapter delves into the
science in advocating for these fundamental
pressing issues that are shaping the political
landscape of the region, from environmental
sustainability and economic development to 6.5 Global Health and Pandemic Response:
geopolitical tensions and human rights
The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the
importance of global health governance and
6.1 Environmental Sustainability: crisis management. This section discusses the
challenges faced by Asian nations in responding
Asia is home to some of the world's most
to the pandemic and the role of political science
populous and rapidly developing countries. The
in improving healthcare systems and pandemic
pursuit of economic growth has often come at
the cost of environmental sustainability. This
section examines the environmental challenges
facing Asia, from air pollution and deforestation
The Myth of Political Science is a Way of Life in Asia 2010 by; Dr. Larry Adams

1. Breslin, Shaun. (2016). "China and the dynamics. It has both enabled and challenged
Global Political Economy." Palgrave political institutions and decision-makers. This
Macmillan. section delves into the political implications of
globalization, including the erosion of national
2. Stern, Nicholas. (2006). "The Economics
sovereignty, the rise of global issues, and the
of Climate Change: The Stern Review."
influence of non-state actors.
Cambridge University Press.
Geopolitics and Global Governance:
3. Chakraborty, Debashis. (2016).
"Economic Growth and Income The shifting landscape of global power has given
Inequality in India." SAGE Publications. rise to new challenges in geopolitics and global
governance. Traditional power structures are
4. Storey, Ian, and Leaver, Richard. (2019).
being reevaluated, and multilateral
"The South China Sea and China–ASEAN
organizations play an increasingly vital role in
Relations: A Mirage or Reality?"
addressing global challenges. This section
Palgrave Macmillan.
examines the changing dynamics of
5. Donnelly, Jack. (2013). "Universal international relations and the role of political
Human Rights in Theory and Practice." science in analyzing and shaping global
Cornell University Press. governance structures.

6. Kickbusch, Ilona, and Reddy, K. Srinath. Economic Interdependence and Trade:

(2013). "Global Health: A Challenge for
Economic globalization has interconnected
Interdisciplinary Research." Springer.
nations in unprecedented ways. Trade
This chapter addresses the complex agreements, supply chains, and financial
contemporary challenges that are reshaping the markets are central to the globalized world.
political landscape of Asia. These references Political science plays a critical role in
provide a foundation for understanding and understanding the political and economic
analyzing the multifaceted nature of these implications of this interdependence, from
challenges and the role of political science in trade disputes to the impact of economic crises
addressing them. on governance.

Chapter 6.1: Political Science in a Globalized Global Challenges and International

World Cooperation:

The 21st century has witnessed unprecedented Global issues such as climate change,
globalization, connecting the world in intricate pandemics, terrorism, and migration transcend
ways. This chapter explores the role of political national boundaries. Political science is
science in understanding and navigating the instrumental in studying these challenges and
complexities of a globalized world, examining promoting international cooperation. This
the impact of globalization on governance, section highlights the importance of diplomatic
diplomacy, and international relations. efforts, international agreements, and conflict
resolution in addressing global problems.
Globalization and Its Political Implications:
1. Nye, Joseph S. Jr. (2017). "Is the
Globalization, driven by advancements in American Century Over?" Polity Press.
technology, communication, and trade, has
transcended borders and reshaped political
The Myth of Political Science is a Way of Life in Asia 2010 by; Dr. Larry Adams

2. Held, David. (2016). "Globalization, delves into the impact of this digital
Change, and Learning in South Asia." transformation on political participation,
Oxford University Press. information dissemination, and governance.

3. Baldwin, Richard E. (2016). "The Great Online Activism and Political Mobilization:
Convergence: Information Technology
The internet and social media platforms have
and the New Globalization." Harvard
empowered citizens to engage in online
University Press.
activism and political mobilization. Movements
4. Ikenberry, G. John. (2018). "Liberal such as the Umbrella Movement in Hong Kong
Leviathan: The Origins, Crisis, and and the Arab Spring in the Middle East have
Transformation of the American World demonstrated the power of digital tools in
Order." Princeton University Press. driving political change. This section examines
the role of technology in these movements and
5. Keohane, Robert O., and Nye, Joseph S.
its implications for political science.
Jr. (2000). "Globalization: What's New?
What's Not? (And So What?)." Foreign Challenges of Digital Surveillance:
The growth of the digital space has also raised
6. Waltz, Kenneth N. (2000). "Globalization concerns about surveillance, privacy, and
and American Power." The National censorship. Governments in Asia, such as China
Interest. and North Korea, have developed sophisticated
digital surveillance systems. This section
Globalization has reshaped the world's political
discusses the challenges posed by digital
landscape, and political science plays a crucial
surveillance and the impact on political freedom
role in understanding and navigating this
and human rights.
globalized environment. These references offer
insights into the impact of globalization on Cybersecurity and Geopolitical Concerns:
politics and the role of political science in
The digital realm has become a battleground for
addressing the challenges and opportunities it
cybersecurity threats and espionage. The use of
cyberattacks by nation-states, as seen in the
Chapter 6.2: Technology and Political case of alleged Russian interference in U.S.
Transformation in Asia elections, has raised geopolitical concerns. This
section explores the implications of
The advent of digital technology and the rapid
cybersecurity challenges for regional and global
spread of the internet have profoundly
impacted political dynamics in Asia and the
world. This chapter explores the role of The Role of Big Data and AI:
technology in driving political transformation,
Big data and artificial intelligence (AI) are
from the rise of online activism to the
revolutionizing political campaigning,
challenges of digital surveillance.
policymaking, and governance. This section
The Digital Revolution in Asia: discusses how the use of data analytics and AI
can shape political decision-making and public
Asia has witnessed a digital revolution with the
administration in Asia.
widespread adoption of smartphones, social
media, and internet connectivity. This section
The Myth of Political Science is a Way of Life in Asia 2010 by; Dr. Larry Adams

1. Howard, Philip N., and Hussain, agreements like the Paris Agreement and efforts
Muzammil M. (2013). "Democracy's to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Fourth Wave? Digital Media and the
Air Pollution and Urbanization:
Arab Spring." Oxford University Press.
Rapid urbanization in Asian cities has led to
2. Roberts, Margaret E., et al. (2018). "The
severe air pollution, affecting the health and
Global Digital Activism Data Set."
well-being of millions. This section explores the
Harvard Dataverse.
political measures taken to combat air pollution,
3. Deibert, Ronald. (2013). "Black Code: including policies to reduce emissions from
Inside the Battle for Cyberspace." industry and transportation.
Deforestation and Biodiversity Loss:
4. Roberts, Adam. (2019). "Digital
Deforestation and habitat destruction are
Dictatorship: China's Surveillance
threatening Asia's rich biodiversity. The political
State." Oxford University Press.
response to this challenge involves conservation
5. Sanger, David E. (2018). "The Perfect efforts, protected areas, and international
Weapon: War, Sabotage, and Fear in the agreements to safeguard endangered species.
Cyber Age." Crown.
Resource Management and Water Scarcity:
The rise of digital technology has redefined
Water scarcity is a growing concern in many
political engagement, governance, and
parts of Asia. Political science plays a role in
geopolitical relations in Asia. These references
understanding the governance of water
offer insights into the impact of technology on
resources, from transboundary river
political transformation and the challenges and
management to equitable distribution.
opportunities it presents for political science in
the region. Renewable Energy and Sustainability:
Chapter 6.3: Environmental Concerns and The transition to renewable energy sources,
Political Responses such as solar and wind power, is a key strategy
in addressing environmental concerns. This
The environmental challenges facing Asia and
section discusses the political and policy
the world have become increasingly urgent. This
measures aimed at promoting sustainable
chapter explores the role of political science in
energy practices.
understanding and addressing these concerns,
from climate change and air pollution to 1. Edenhofer, Ottmar, et al. (2014).
biodiversity loss and resource management. "Climate Change 2014: Mitigation of
Climate Change." Cambridge University
Climate Change and Adaptation:
Climate change is a global crisis with severe
2. Chen, Yuyu, et al. (2013). "Pathways of
implications for Asia, from rising sea levels
Air Pollution in China." Environmental
threatening coastal communities to extreme
Science & Technology.
weather events impacting agriculture. This
section discusses the political responses to 3. Pimm, Stuart L., et al. (2014). "The
climate change, including international Biodiversity of Species and Their Rates
The Myth of Political Science is a Way of Life in Asia 2010 by; Dr. Larry Adams

of Extinction, Distribution, and political activism, and research methods in

Protection." Science. political science. This section discusses the
implications of these technological
4. Gleick, Peter H. (1998). "The World's
advancements for the discipline.
Water 1998-1999: The Biennial Report
on Freshwater Resources." Island Press. 7.3 Environmental Sustainability:

5. Jacoby, Henry D., et al. (2012). "The Environmental concerns are expected to remain
Political Economy of Deforestation in at the forefront of political agendas. The
the Tropics." Quarterly Journal of chapter explores how political science can
Economics. contribute to the development of policies and
strategies for mitigating environmental
6. Sovacool, Benjamin K. (2016). "The
challenges in Asia.
Political Economy of Energy Access: A
Fundamental Challenge of Our Time." 7.4 Inclusivity and Diversity:
Global Environmental Politics.
As Asia remains culturally diverse, the role of
Environmental concerns are among the most political science in promoting inclusivity and
critical challenges facing Asia, and political addressing issues related to ethnic, religious,
science plays a crucial role in understanding and and gender diversity becomes crucial. This
addressing these issues. These references section discusses the future of political science
provide valuable insights into the environmental in fostering inclusive governance.
challenges and political responses that shape
7.5 Regional Cooperation:
the region's sustainability efforts.
In a world marked by transnational challenges,
Chapter 7: The Future of Political Science in
regional cooperation becomes essential. The
future of political science will include a focus on
The final chapter of our exploration into the role the study of regional organizations and
of political science in Asia looks toward the collaboration, as exemplified by ASEAN in
future. This chapter discusses the evolving Southeast Asia.
landscape of political science in the region, the
1. Acharya, Amitav. (2014). "The Making of
emerging trends, and the potential challenges
Southeast Asia: International Relations
and opportunities that lie ahead.
of a Region." Cornell University Press.
7.1 Shifting Power Dynamics:
2. Goldsmith, Jack L., and Wu, Tim. (2006).
Asia's increasing role on the global stage is "Who Controls the Internet? Illusions of
reshaping international relations and a Borderless World." Oxford University
geopolitical dynamics. As we delve into the Press.
future, it is imperative to understand how these
3. Clark, P. B., and Estes, R. J. (2008). "The
shifts in power will influence regional politics
Future of Political Science: 100
and the study of political science.
Perspectives." Routledge.
7.2 Technology and Innovation:
4. Zürn, Michael, et al. (2018). "Global
The continued advancement of technology, Governance and Global Administrative
including artificial intelligence and digital Law in the International Political
platforms, will undoubtedly impact governance,
The Myth of Political Science is a Way of Life in Asia 2010 by; Dr. Larry Adams

Economy: A Research Agenda." Global Cross-Border Policy Research:

As Asia continues to grapple with regional and
5. Dobson, Wendy. (2019). "Why the global issues, the demand for policy-relevant
Future of Political Science Needs research is on the rise. Collaboration between
Design-Based Research." PS: Political political scientists and policymakers can result in
Science & Politics. research that addresses real-world challenges.
Think tanks and research institutions can play a
This chapter addresses the dynamic future of
pivotal role in bridging this gap.
political science in Asia, highlighting the ongoing
transformation and evolution of the discipline. Global Academic Exchange:
These references offer insights into the
The interconnected nature of contemporary
emerging trends and challenges that will shape
politics calls for increased global academic
the future of political science in the region.
exchange. Asia's political science community
7.1 Prospects for Integration and Collaboration can benefit from international collaborations,
joint conferences, and cross-cultural dialogue.
The future of political science in Asia holds
These exchanges enrich the academic landscape
promising prospects for integration and
and facilitate the sharing of diverse
collaboration both within the region and on the
global stage. This section explores the
opportunities for increased cooperation among 1. Ramia, Gaby, and Marginson, Simon.
scholars, institutions, and governments in (2016). "The Growth of Global Higher
advancing the study of politics and governance. Education." Edward Elgar Publishing.

Regional Research Networks: 2. Thapa, Bishnu Raj. (2012). "Promoting

Research and Publication in Political
Collaborative research networks are crucial for
Science in South Asia: The Role of the
fostering political science scholarship. Regional
Asian Consortium for Political Research
research associations and consortiums can
(ACPR)." South Asian Journal of Political
provide platforms for scholars to share their
expertise and conduct cross-border research.
The Asian Consortium for Political Research 3. Rappert, Brian. (2006). "From Evidence-
(ACPR), for example, exemplifies the potential Based Policy to the Good Governance of
for regional collaboration in advancing political Evidence." Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
4. Taylor, Peter. (2018). "International
Interdisciplinary Engagement: Collaborative Research: Contexts,
Practices, and Challenges." Routledge.
Political science is increasingly intersecting with
other academic disciplines, such as economics, 5. Holligan, Stuart. (2019). "The Cross-
sociology, and environmental science. Border Dissemination of Research in the
Collaboration across disciplines can yield EU." ECPR Press.
innovative insights and solutions to complex
The prospects for integration and collaboration
political challenges. Initiatives that promote
in political science in Asia are promising. These
interdisciplinary research are likely to become
references illustrate the importance of regional
more prominent.
networks, interdisciplinary engagement, and
The Myth of Political Science is a Way of Life in Asia 2010 by; Dr. Larry Adams

global academic exchange in advancing the governance, including its implications for
discipline and addressing the complex political transparency, accountability, and service
challenges of the future. delivery.

7.2 Innovations and Trends in Asian Political Comparative and Cross-Regional Studies:
Political science in Asia is increasingly
The future of political science in Asia is marked characterized by cross-regional and comparative
by dynamic innovations and emerging trends studies. Scholars are drawing insights from
that are reshaping the discipline. This section diverse regions to gain a more comprehensive
explores the evolving landscape of political understanding of political systems,
science research and practice in the region. democratization processes, and governance
Data Analytics and Quantitative Methods:
1. King, Gary, Pan, Jennifer, and Roberts,
The advent of big data and advanced data
Margaret E. (2014). "How Censorship in
analytics is transforming political science
China Allows Government Criticism but
research. Scholars are increasingly employing
Silences Collective Expression."
quantitative methods to analyze political
American Political Science Review.
behavior, public opinion, and policy outcomes.
Innovations in data collection and 2. Brady, Henry E., Collier, David, and
computational tools are enabling more robust Seawright, Jason. (2006). "Toward a
and evidence-based research. Pluralistic Future for Comparative
Research." World Politics.
Behavioral Political Science:
3. Lupia, Arthur, and Sin, Gisela. (2017).
Behavioral political science is gaining
"Which Public Goods Are Endangered?
prominence as scholars delve into the
How Evolving Technologies Affect the
psychological underpinnings of political
Logic of Collective Action." Public
decision-making. The application of behavioral
Opinion Quarterly.
insights is helping to better understand voter
behavior, political participation, and policy 4. Lasswell, Harold D. (1951). "The Policy
preferences. Sciences: Recent Developments in
Scope and Method." Stanford University
Environmental and Sustainability Politics:
Environmental concerns are becoming central in
5. Wiest, Dana R., et al. (2016).
political science research. The growing urgency
"Understanding the Adoption and
of climate change, resource management, and
Impact of Smart City Technologies: A
sustainable development is driving innovative
Policy Dynamics Framework." Policy
research on environmental politics and policy
responses in the Asian context.
Innovations and trends in Asian political science
Digital Governance and E-Government:
are shaping the future of the discipline. These
The integration of technology in governance, references reflect the evolving nature of
known as e-government, is transforming the political science, with a focus on data analytics,
way governments interact with citizens. behavioral studies, environmental politics,
Researchers are exploring the impact of digital digital governance, and cross-regional research.
The Myth of Political Science is a Way of Life in Asia 2010 by; Dr. Larry Adams

Educational Advancement:

7.3 The Role of Political Science in Shaping Political science education equips future
Asia's Destiny leaders, policymakers, and citizens with the
knowledge and skills needed to navigate the
As Asia continues to play a pivotal role in global
challenges of a rapidly evolving world.
affairs, political science stands at the forefront
Educational institutions in Asia play a vital role
of shaping the region's destiny. This section
in shaping the next generation of political
highlights the crucial role of political science in
scientists and leaders.
addressing the unique challenges and
opportunities that will define Asia's future. References:

Policy Formulation and Advocacy: 1. Fukuyama, Francis. (2014). "Political

Order and Political Decay: From the
Political science scholars and experts are
Industrial Revolution to the
instrumental in informing policy formulation.
Globalization of Democracy." Farrar,
Their research and insights are critical in
Straus and Giroux.
addressing pressing issues, from economic
development and environmental sustainability 2. Keohane, Robert O. (2015). "Political
to political stability and social justice. Science as a Vocation." PS: Political
Science & Politics.
Promoting Good Governance:
3. Gerring, John. (2012). "Mere
The study of political institutions, governance
Description." British Journal of Political
structures, and public administration is central
to the promotion of good governance. Political
scientists can contribute to the development of 4. Kaufman, Robert G. (2008). "Symbolic
accountable, transparent, and effective Politics or Rational Choice? Testing
governance systems in Asia. Theories of Extreme Ethnic Violence."
International Security.
Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding:
5. Keohane, Robert O., and Nye, Joseph S.
Asia is not immune to geopolitical tensions and
Jr. (2011). "Power and Interdependence:
internal conflicts. Political science research can
World Politics in Transition." Longman.
play a pivotal role in conflict resolution and
peacebuilding efforts. By understanding the Political science's role in shaping Asia's destiny
root causes of conflicts and proposing is vital. These references underscore the
sustainable solutions, scholars contribute to significance of the discipline in policy
regional stability. formulation, governance promotion, conflict
resolution, diplomacy, and education, all of
Global Diplomacy and Negotiation:
which contribute to the region's ongoing
As Asia engages in complex international development and stability.
relations, political science is crucial in advancing
diplomatic efforts and negotiations. The
discipline provides insights into effective Chapter 8: Conclusion
diplomacy, negotiation strategies, and the
The journey through the myth of political
management of international relations.
science as a way of life in Asia has been a rich
The Myth of Political Science is a Way of Life in Asia 2010 by; Dr. Larry Adams

and enlightening one. From the origins of References:

political thought to the challenges of the
1. Almond, Gabriel A., and Verba, Sidney.
modern world, this exploration has shed light
(1963). "The Civic Culture: Political
on the multifaceted role of political science in
Attitudes and Democracy in Five
the region. As we conclude this journey, we
Nations." Princeton University Press.
reflect on the key insights and contributions
that political science offers to Asia and the 2. Sen, Amartya. (2009). "The Idea of
global community. Justice." Belknap Press.
8.1 Bridging Tradition and Modernity: 3. Nye, Joseph S. Jr. (2004). "Soft Power:
The Means to Success in World Politics."
Asia's enduring traditions and rapidly evolving
modernity have made the region a dynamic
crucible of political thought and practice. 4. Risse, Thomas. (2012). "A Community of
Political science has served as a bridge between Europeans? Transnational Identities and
the past and the future, helping societies Public Spheres." Cornell University
navigate the challenges of a changing world Press.
while honoring their cultural heritage.
5. Fukuyama, Francis. (2011). "The Origins
8.2 Navigating Complex Challenges: of Political Order: From Prehuman
Times to the French Revolution." Farrar,
The chapters have outlined the intricate web of
Straus and Giroux.
challenges that Asia faces, from governance and
democracy to environmental sustainability and In conclusion, political science in Asia is a
technological innovation. Political science offers multifaceted discipline that engages with the
tools for understanding and addressing these complexities of a rapidly changing world. It
challenges, providing evidence-based solutions serves as a bridge between tradition and
and policy recommendations. modernity, a guide for addressing challenges,
and a catalyst for shaping the region's future.
8.3 Shaping the Future:
The discipline's global perspective enriches not
The future of political science in Asia is marked only Asia but the entire world. As we look
by innovation and collaboration. Scholars are ahead, political science continues to be an
adopting data analytics, behavioral insights, and indispensable tool in the pursuit of a just,
interdisciplinary approaches to advance the prosperous, and peaceful future for Asia and
discipline. Political science has a pivotal role in beyond.
shaping Asia's destiny by informing policy,
promoting good governance, and fostering
peace and diplomacy. 8.1 Revisiting the Myth of Political Science
8.4 A Global Perspective: Our journey through the myth of political
science as a way of life in Asia has provided
Asia's growing influence on the world stage
valuable insights into the past, present, and
underscores the need for a global perspective.
future of the discipline in the region. As we
The interdisciplinary nature of political science
revisit this myth, we reflect on the enduring
enables the region to engage with international
significance of political science and its evolving
issues, contribute to diplomacy, and play a
significant role in the global arena.
The Myth of Political Science is a Way of Life in Asia 2010 by; Dr. Larry Adams

role in shaping Asia's political and social 3. Wade, Robert Hunter. (2012).
landscape. "Institutional Change, Economic
Development, and Political
Development." Governance and
Rediscovering Asia's Political Traditions: Growth: A Unified Approach.

The myth of political science as a way of life in 4. World Values Survey Association.
Asia reveals the deep-rooted political traditions (2021). "World Values Survey Wave 7,
that have guided governance and society for 2017-2021." World Values Survey.
centuries. This myth encourages us to revisit
5. Gu, Xiaobing. (2016). "Reconsidering
these traditions and appreciate their influence
Confucianism as a Cultural Tradition:
on contemporary politics.
Confucianism and the Chinese
Contemporary Challenges and Complexities: Schooling Model." Asia Pacific Journal
of Education.
Asia's diverse and dynamic political landscape
presents complex challenges. Revisiting the Revisiting the myth of political science in Asia
myth reminds us of the need for innovative underscores its enduring relevance and evolving
solutions and a nuanced understanding of the role in the region. This interdisciplinary
region's political realities. discipline serves as a bridge between tradition
and modernity, navigates complex challenges,
Political Science as a Bridge: and contributes to the global discourse on
The myth highlights political science's role as a politics and governance. The myth invites us to
bridge between tradition and modernity, continue exploring the rich tapestry of political
enabling societies to adapt to the demands of thought and practice in Asia while embracing
the 21st century while preserving their cultural the opportunities and responsibilities of the
heritage. This interdisciplinary discipline is future.
instrumental in guiding this transition. 8.2 The Continued Relevance of Asian Political
Global Relevance: Thought

Asia's influence on the global stage is The myth of political science as a way of life in
undeniable. Revisiting the myth reinforces the Asia has shed light on the enduring importance
importance of political science in providing a of Asian political thought. As we consider the
global perspective and engaging with continued relevance of this tradition, we
international issues that affect the entire world. recognize its impact on contemporary politics
and global discourse.
Philosophical Traditions:
1. Rethinking Political Science: A New
Global Discipline for the 21st Century." Asian political thought, rooted in philosophies
(2019). International Political Science such as Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism,
Association (IPSA). continues to influence political governance and
moral values in the region. These ancient
2. Kapoor, Ilan, and Kim, Byung-Kook. traditions provide a foundation for
(2012). "Introduction: Rethinking understanding ethics, leadership, and societal
Political Science in East Asia." harmony.
Perspectives on Politics.
The Myth of Political Science is a Way of Life in Asia 2010 by; Dr. Larry Adams

Moral and Ethical Governance: 5. Cheng, Chung-ying. (2002). "New

Dimensions of Confucianism." State
Asian political thought emphasizes moral and
University of New York Press.
ethical governance, focusing on the well-being
of citizens and the pursuit of a just society. Asian political thought continues to be a source
These values resonate with contemporary of inspiration and guidance, not only for the
discussions on good governance and ethical region but for the global community. These
leadership. references underscore the enduring significance
of Asian political thought in contemporary
Cultural Diplomacy:
politics and its potential to contribute to the
Asian political thought plays a role in cultural development of a just and harmonious world.
diplomacy, as nations use their philosophical
8.3 The Way Forward
heritage to foster international understanding
and cooperation. Confucius Institutes, for The myth of political science as a way of life in
example, promote cultural exchange and Asia has revealed the intricate interplay of
understanding worldwide. tradition and modernity, philosophy and policy,
and regional dynamics on the global stage. As
Global Ethics:
we chart the way forward, several key themes
The principles of compassion, harmony, and and imperatives emerge.
balance found in Asian political thought are not
Interdisciplinary Collaboration:
limited to the region. They hold universal value
and contribute to global discussions on ethics, To address the complex challenges of the 21st
sustainability, and human rights. century, political science in Asia should continue
to embrace interdisciplinary collaboration.
Scholars must engage with economists,
1. Bell, Daniel A. (2016). "The China environmentalists, technologists, and social
Model: Political Meritocracy and the scientists to foster holistic understanding and
Limits of Democracy." Princeton effective policy solutions.
University Press.
Global Engagement:
2. Tucker, Mary E. (2009). "The Philosophy
Asia's role in global affairs requires active global
and Politics of Czech Dissidence from
engagement. Political science scholars and
Patočka to Havel." University of
practitioners should participate in international
Pittsburgh Press.
dialogues, contribute to diplomacy, and provide
3. Chung, Jae Ho. (2010). "The Confucian insights on issues that transcend borders.
Roots of South Korea's Developmental
Ethical Leadership:
State." Stanford University Press.
The region's traditions of ethical governance
4. Peng, Kuan Chung. (2009). "Taiwan's
should inform political leadership. A
Political Re-Alignment: The Frequent
commitment to ethical leadership is crucial for
Flyer's Guide to the Shifting Paradigm."
fostering just and inclusive societies.
Asian Survey.
Environmental Stewardship:
The Myth of Political Science is a Way of Life in Asia 2010 by; Dr. Larry Adams

Environmental sustainability is paramount. Primary Sources of Asian Political Thought

Asian political science must address the
Asian political thought has a rich tradition with
pressing environmental challenges in the region
primary sources that continue to shape political
and promote policies that safeguard the planet.
philosophy, governance, and ethical principles.
Cultural Diplomacy: These primary sources provide valuable insights
into the political ideas and values of Asia.
Cultural diplomacy, rooted in the rich traditions
of Asia, can foster cross-cultural understanding 1. "Analects" (Lunyu) - Confucius: This
and harmony. The region should continue to collection of sayings and ideas
employ its cultural heritage as a tool for peace attributed to Confucius is a foundational
and cooperation. text of Confucianism. It emphasizes
ethics, morality, and the role of
1. Keohane, Robert O., and Nye, Joseph S.
individuals in creating a harmonious
Jr. (2012). "Power and Interdependence:
World Politics in Transition." Pearson.
2. "Tao Te Ching" - Laozi: Laozi's work is
2. Sen, Amartya. (2010). "The Idea of
the fundamental text of Taoism. It
Justice." Belknap Press.
introduces the concept of the Tao (the
3. Howard, Rhoda H. (2014). "Artful Way) and explores ideas of balance,
Diplomacy: The Style of International simplicity, and living in harmony with
Relations." University of Chicago Press. nature.

4. Luetz, Johannes M., and Kornberger, 3. "Arthashastra" - Kautilya (Chanakya):

Martin. (2013). "The Politics of Multi- This ancient Indian treatise on
Stakeholder Initiatives: The Crisis of the statecraft, economic policy, and military
Forest Stewardship Council." Journal of strategy provides insights into
Business Ethics. governance, diplomacy, and the
administration of an empire in ancient
5. Noddings, Nel. (2013). "Caring: A India.
Relational Approach to Ethics and Moral
Education." University of California 4. "Art of War" - Sun Tzu: Sun Tzu's classic
Press. on strategy and warfare is influential
not only in military matters but also in
The way forward for political science in Asia is business, leadership, and diplomacy.
one of continued collaboration, ethical
leadership, and a commitment to global 5. "The Bhagavad Gita" - Vyasa: A 700-
engagement. These references offer valuable verse Hindu scripture, the Gita explores
insights into the imperatives and pathways for moral dilemmas, the nature of duty, and
shaping a more just, sustainable, and the concept of Dharma within the epic
harmonious future for the region and the world. Mahabharata.

6. "Constitution of Japan (1947): This

post-World War II document reflects the
values and principles of modern Japan,
including democracy, human rights, and
The Myth of Political Science is a Way of Life in Asia 2010 by; Dr. Larry Adams

7. "The Upanishads": A collection of 2. "Political Order and Political Decay:

ancient Indian texts that explore the From the Industrial Revolution to the
nature of reality, spirituality, and the Globalization of Democracy" by Francis
self, with implications for ethical and Fukuyama: An examination of the
political philosophy. evolution of political institutions and
governance, offering insights into the
8. "The Analects of Confucius": A
challenges of democratization in Asia.
compilation of sayings and ideas
attributed to Confucius, providing 3. "The China Model: Political
insights into Confucian values, ethics, Meritocracy and the Limits of
and governance. Democracy" by Daniel A. Bell: A
thought-provoking analysis of political
9. "The Art of Rhetoric" - Bhartrihari: An
meritocracy in China and its
Indian text that explores the art of
implications for governance.
persuasive communication, crucial in
politics and governance. 4. "The Civic Culture: Political Attitudes
and Democracy in Five Nations" by
10. "The Laws of Manu (Manusmriti): An
Gabriel A. Almond and Sidney Verba:
ancient Indian legal text that deals with
An influential work that explores the
social and ethical conduct, caste
political attitudes and democratic values
hierarchy, and the principles of justice.
of citizens in various nations, including
These primary sources of Asian political thought Asian countries.
continue to be influential in shaping political
5. "Democracy's Dharma: Religious
philosophy, governance, and ethical principles
Renaissance and Political Development
in the region and beyond. They provide valuable
in Taiwan" by Richard Madsen: A study
insights into the enduring values and ideas that
of the role of religion in the political
have guided Asian societies for centuries.
development of Taiwan.
Selected Books and Articles on Asian Political
1. "The Concept of Power in Asian
For those interested in delving deeper into the
Culture" by Hans-Dieter Evers: An
realm of Asian political science, the following
insightful examination of the cultural
list provides a selection of noteworthy books
dimensions of power in Asian societies,
and articles that offer insights into the diverse
published in the journal "Asia Europe
facets of political thought, governance, and
contemporary challenges in the region:
2. "Rethinking Political Science in East
Asia" by Ilan Kapoor and Byung-Kook
1. "The Making of Southeast Asia: Kim: A critical reflection on the state of
International Relations of a Region" by political science in East Asia, published
Amitav Acharya: A comprehensive in "Perspectives on Politics."
exploration of the regional dynamics
3. "The Philosophy and Politics of Czech
and international relations in Southeast
Dissidence from Patočka to Havel" by
Mary E. Tucker: An exploration of the
The Myth of Political Science is a Way of Life in Asia 2010 by; Dr. Larry Adams

philosophical underpinnings of political Scholarly Discourse:

dissidence in Central Europe, including
Engaging with fellow scholars through
the works of Jan Patočka and Václav
interviews or personal communications allows
Havel, published in "University of
for the exchange of ideas, theories, and
Pittsburgh Press."
research findings. These interactions foster
4. "The Confucian Roots of South Korea's collaboration and a deeper understanding of
Developmental State" by Jae Ho the evolving political landscape in Asia.
Chung: An examination of the influence
Policy Insights:
of Confucianism on South Korea's
developmental state model, published Interviews with policymakers, government
in "Stanford University Press." officials, and diplomats provide a firsthand look
into the decision-making processes, policy
5. "The Idea of Justice" by Amartya Sen: A
challenges, and international relations. These
profound article that delves into the
insights are crucial for understanding the
concept of justice, offering a fresh
practical application of political science
perspective on the discourse of justice,
published in "Belknap Press."
Contextual Understanding:
These selected books and articles provide a
diverse and informative collection of literature Personal communications with individuals from
on Asian political science. They offer valuable diverse backgrounds and regions within Asia
insights into the political dynamics, governance, offer a nuanced view of the cultural, social, and
and philosophical underpinnings that continue historical factors that influence political thought
to shape the region's political landscape. and governance in the region.
Interviews and Personal Communications 1. King, Gary, Keohane, Robert O., and
Verba, Sidney. (1994). "Designing Social
In the realm of Asian political science,
Inquiry: Scientific Inference in
interviews and personal communications with
Qualitative Research." Princeton
experts, scholars, and policymakers play a
University Press.
pivotal role in enriching our understanding of
the region's political dynamics. These 2. Fontana, Andrea, and Frey, James H.
interactions provide firsthand insights, (2005). "The Interview: From Structured
contextual perspectives, and real-world Questions to Negotiated Text." In
experiences that are often invaluable for "Handbook of Qualitative Research."
academic research and policy analysis.
3. Flick, Uwe. (2009). "An Introduction to
Expert Interviews: Qualitative Research." SAGE
Conversations with experts in the field of Asian
political science offer the opportunity to tap 4. Brinkmann, Svend, and Kvale, Steinar.
into the specialized knowledge and experiences (2015). "InterViews: Learning the Craft
of seasoned scholars and practitioners. These of Qualitative Research Interviewing."
interviews can shed light on specific aspects of SAGE Publications.
regional politics, governance, and policy
implementation. 5. Gubrium, Jaber F., Holstein, James A.,
Marvasti, Amir B., and McKinney, Karyn
The Myth of Political Science is a Way of Life in Asia 2010 by; Dr. Larry Adams

D. (2012). "The SAGE Handbook of

Interview Research: The Complexity of
the Craft." SAGE Publications.

7. Jansen, Marius B. (2002). "The Making

of Modern Japan." Belknap Press.

8. Guha, Ramachandra. (2007). "India

after Gandhi: The History of the World's
Largest Democracy." HarperCollins.

9. Li, Cheng. (2012). "The Political

Philosophy of Confucianism." Princeton
University Press.

10. Kaviraj, Sudipta. (2012). "The Imaginary

Institution of India: Politics and Ideas."
Columbia University Press.

11. Thong, Tezenlo. (2019). "Emerging

Trends in Southeast Asian Politics."

12. Dahl, Robert A. (1989). "Democracy and

Its Critics." Yale University Press.

Interviews and personal communications are

valuable tools for exploring the multifaceted
landscape of Asian political science. They offer
an authentic and context-rich perspective that
complements traditional research
methodologies and enhances the depth of
knowledge in the field.

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