How Do Employee Relations Affect The Attrition Rate?

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How do employee relations affect the attrition rate?

The relations among the employees also play an essential role in their attrition, as various factors are
associated with the caring nature of the company towards their employees, the environment for
employees, training programs, and a better workplace for women. Even the change in technologies
and industry demand, as well as the introduction of AI to every arena of today’s world, results in the
replacement of human capital and increases the attrition rate. Currently, only 19.3% of employees are
female in the group. The other various reasons are as follows:

Communication and transparency: good employee relations are built on effective communication and
transparency. Employees who feel well-informed about the company’s moving strategy are likelier to
feel engaged and committed to their work. On the other hand, a lack of communication or
transparency can lead to rumors, increasing job insecurity, and, ultimately, attrition.

Employee Engagement: A positive employee relations plan fosters a sense of belonging and
engagement within the company. Engaged employees are generally more satisfied and less likely to
live. Reliance Industries has various strategies, such as offering commercial development across
wealth and decision-making to close employee engagement, which is also helping an application
measure some employees in detail.

Effective employee resolution entails resolving conflicts and disputes fairly and on time.
Dissatisfaction can result from unresolved or mishandled disagreements. In some cases, it causes
employees to leave the organization.

Feedback and satisfaction surveys: Employees must look after their coworkers. The same line
manager so that everyone knows what their players are thinking about them, which will help them
shape and build their personalities. As a result, a behavior appropriate for one person may not be
suitable for another, and this difference in mindset may result in future attrition.

These are the reasons for an increased attrition rate, but the company is hiring many new employees.
The company is trying to improve and bring more prospects for its employees by increasing diversity
by recruiting more women employees and more diversified groups with different talents in the sector
they require. There are various drives that the company has taken care of under the “WE CARE”
policy in which they care and have sympathy for their employees, starting health, safety, and well-
being drives for employees as they are creating a space for them in which they are taking full-fledged
care of their employees’ health. They have also initiated Diversity and Inclusion, which has the R-
Adya Gender Inclusion Program. It addresses the needs and challenges women face in their
professional career advancement and helps them enhance their careers. They can hire more and attract
talents and shape them into leaders, due to which they will have a powerful group, and this feature
introduced by the company might help them reduce their attrition rates.

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