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Core Technique: Psionic Forge

The psychic may Commit Effort for the day as a Main Action to reshape the molecular structure
of a mass of mostly homogeneous matter that the psychic can touch. Solids like plascrete and
metal flow like syrup at their command, and will remain in their new shape once the technique is
Solid matter can be moved at a rate of 2 meters per turn, liquids at 5 meters per turn, and
gasses at 10 meters.
This manipulation cannot levitate matter on its own, it must be supported by some means, but a
material affected by this ability can hold itself up in order to create stairs, platforms, or barriers.
Liquids can climb out of their vessels, and clouds of gas can be moved to displace others,
assuming it isn’t overcome by wind or ventilation systems.
Objects inside of, held, or worn by a mobile creature cannot normally be affected by the
psychofabricator, nor can unwilling intelligent targets composed of enough usable matter.
Non-sentient robots can be affected like any other inanimate mass.
The forging process can be maintained over multiple rounds without expending further actions,
but the psychic cannot again activate this technique on a second mass until they complete the
first. Continuous contact with the material is not required after Effort is Committed, and the
technique can be ended at will.

Level-0: The psychic can reshape up to 1cf of matter.

Level-1: The psychic can reshape up to 5cf of matter.
Level-2: The psychic can reshape up to 10cf of matter.
Level-3: The psychic can reshape up to 15cf of matter.
Level-4: The psychic can reshape up to 30cf of matter.

Psychofabrication Techniques

Expedited Forging (Level-1): By Committing Effort for the scene, the psychic may use Psionic
Forging as an On-Turn action, though only once per round.

Shunting Tendrils (Level-1): By manipulating the density of solid or liquid matter reshaped using
Psionic Forge, the psychic can quickly shove or even disarm a target within range of the
affected mass, performing an attack as described on pg.52 using their Intelligence and
Psychofabrication skill. Small objects can also be caught or thrown at a target using this

Reflexive Shaping (Level-1): The psychic treats damage from falling onto a forgeable surface as
though the height were 9 meters less.
Additionally, whenever the psychic would be hit with a melee or unarmed attack, they may
Commit Effort for the scene as an Instant action to throw up an improvised shield of solid matter
from their surroundings, giving them a +2 bonus to their Armor Class until their next turn. At
Psychofabrication skill level 3, this technique may also be used to defend against ranged
Polyform Manufacturing (Level-2): Sufficient understanding of TL4 technology allows the
psychic to construct or repair basic equipment, armor, and weapons as though they had access
to a workshop or other modern facility. Minimum Fix skill level, material costs, and time
requirements apply as normal, and only one Effort must be Committed per day, per item. At
Psychofabrication level-3, the psychic gains the ability to fabricate technology up to TL5.
As a Main Action, the psychic can Commit Effort for the day to disassemble or reassemble a
single device or weapon with a touch. The process leaves the item in its component parts at the
end of the round or intuitively reconstructs it as much as the available parts allow.
Hardened devices such as powered armor, starship bulkheads, reinforced safes, or large
machines such as vehicles are complex enough that they cannot be manipulated so quickly.
Carefully taking them apart requires a base time of 8 hours, divided by the psychic’s
Psychofabrication skill level. The object comes apart all at once at the end of this period.

Molecular Friction (Level-2): Though the reshaping process does not normally change the
temperature of their forging, the psychic can learn to superheat matter affected by their Psionic
Forge technique by Committing Effort for the scene as a Main Action. Matter may also be frozen
in the same manner. Non-sentient robots or other objects with hit points take 1d12 damage per
Psychofabrication skill level each time this technique is applied to them.

Effortless Forge (Level-2): The psychic has mastered the fundamentals of their discipline, and
may use Psionic Forge without Committing Effort. Abilities that modify Psionic Forge may still
require Effort to be Committed.

Atomic Crucible (Level-3): Psionic Forge may be used to reconfigure the atomic structure of the
material affected into a similar composition (EX: Lead to gold, or oxygen to hydrogen). Each use
requires the psychic to Commit Effort for the day.

Psiforge Carapace (Level-3): Drawing matter from their surroundings around their entire body,
the psychic fashions a heavy suit of armor composed of living steel, stone, or whatever else is
within arm’s reach. This self-repairing protective layer is as effective as most TL4 powered
armors with an Armor Class equal to 17 plus the psychic’s Psychofabrication skill level and
immunity to primitive and TL3 weapons, though it lacks the advantages of a pressurized
atmosphere or an abundant power source. This armor does not stack with conventional armor,
but Dexterity and shields modify it as usual. Creating the carapace takes a Main Action and
requires the psychic touch the source material and Commit Effort for the day. The armor may be
shaped using Psionic Forge without Committing additional Effort, though related techniques
such as Expedited Forging still require it as normal. If the psychic is knocked unconscious or
mortally wounded, the armor material will flow off the psychic’s body before solidifying.

Psitech Protocols (Level-4): Once per day, the psychic is able to convert up to a ton (20000cr) of
specially refined metals into a fractional amount of psionically reactive crystalline alloy by
Committing Effort for the day. The remainder of the metals are lost in the process. The product
is enough to allow the construction of minor psitech items, such as those listed below. These
devices require tools of TL5 quality and Fix level-2 to manufacture.
True psitech weapons and larger devices require much greater quantities of this impossible
material, and the theories and techniques necessary to build them following the Scream are
Ember (Heal 1) - 1500cr per dose. A psitech drug that is sometimes used to treat severe
cases of MES. Each dose grants the user 2 extra maximum Effort for one hour and adds
2 system strain, but nullifies all of the user’s psychic abilities for 1d4 days at the end of
that period. While nullified, the psychic cannot use any psychic abilities and does not
suffer any of the typical negative effects of their MES. Metapsionic techniques and
psitech that can detect MES will affect them as normal.
Extended use of Ember can cause a dangerous backup of energy in the psychic’s brain.
Every dose taken after the first in a seven day period requires them to make a Mental
saving throw or immediately torch, rolling on the table on pg.31.

Darkspace Wave Shard - 8000cr each. Psionic crystals are capable of channeling
tremendous amounts of darkspacial energy. When crushed as a Main Action, these
finger-sized shards emit a violent pulse of psychic energy waves through the
surrounding 10 meters. Any psychic effects within that radius are nullified, and no further
psychic techniques may be used in that space for the rest of the scene.
Teleportation psychics are advised not to use their core technique with Darkspace Wave
Shards in their possession, as transporting the crystals through the median space will
result in a cataclysmic psychic event at the teleporter’s endpoint. All psychics within 2
kilometers suffer brief, vivid hallucinations and take 3d8 damage, with a Mental saving
throw for half damage.

Metafocal Grenade - 100cr each. Typically TL4 fragmentary anti-personnel types. These
grenades allow a precognitive psychic to program their blast vectors as they throw it,
excluding any friendly targets. Requires Precognition level-1 to function properly.

Blackout Stone - 3000cr each. A small clouded crystal that duplicates the effect of
Perimeter Agency blackout sticks. While holding the stone in the hand, touching the bare
skin of a human victim forces them to make a Mental Effect save or forget all the events
of the past hour. The victim will not be aware that the memories were lost, instead
fabricating some plausible-sounding way their last hour was spent as a false memory.
Blackout Stones will function on a target only once every 24 hours, and disintegrate
immediately after being used unless the user has Telepathy level-1.

Disruption Tool - 20000cr. An example of rare pretech energy manipulation, these

handheld ‘Doorknockers’ were often used by Perimeter Agency spooks to disable
hardened electronic systems. By physically translocating all electromagnetic energy
within 1 meter in a similar manner to Quantum ECM, the device immediately disables
any powered systems within range for 2d6 minutes. Targets in powered armor or small
vehicles make a Mental saving throw or are unable to function until the next turn. If the
vehicle is in motion, this may require the pilot to make a roll to avoid crashing. On a
success, the victim makes all skill checks or attack rolls with the affected hardware twice,
taking the worse result until their next turn.
Disruption Tools are powered by Type A power cells, exhausting one cell per use.

Disruption Field Mod (Fix-2) - 25000cr. A large melee weapon equipped with a disruption
field generator has the same effect as a handheld Disruption Tool on any target it strikes,
including larger vehicles up to the size of a Light Mech. The mod’s generator must be
charged after two uses using a Type B power cell.

Graviton Anchor - 15000cr. A short rod with a button on one end. When activated in an
environment with enough gravity to walk, the rod becomes fixed in place with enough
force to hold up to 4 tons of weight. Exceeding this weight automatically deactivates the
Psychics with Telekinesis level-1 may move an active anchor using their core technique
at half the normal rate.

Hephaestian Aperture (Level-4): The psychic has proven themselves a master of the elements,
able to conjure matter out of raw darkspace energy at will. By Committing Effort for the day as a
Main Action, they can create an item they can hold in their hands, such as a monoblade, rope,
or a chunk of gold. This object must be made of a single homogeneous material and no larger
than 1 Encumbrance.
Larger masses of material such as a slab of ice, a stone bridge, or a steel cage for a dangerous
murder beast require Committing Effort for the day and may be as large as a typical gravcar.
Conjuring an object of this size takes 1d6 minutes of focused concentration. It is also extremely
taxing on the psychic’s neural pathways, giving 2 system strain, and can only be done once per
Forming solid matter using this technique is absolutely not subtle. The controlled release of
darkspacial energy produces a significant amount of noise, and psychics making use of this
technique should be cognizant of any rules and regulations on stations or ships whose owners
may not appreciate the surprise energy incursion.

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