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Family Feud Game Mechanics:


Each round, one of the members of the team faces off to know which team can choose to pass or
play. The playing team must reveal all the answer of the round's question before they get 3 strikes
from wrong answers or not answering within the time limit. If the team reveals all of the answers,
they get all of the gathered points. However, if they get 3 strikes, the opposing team gets a chance
to steal their gathered points if they get a correct answer.


Each group must gather as high amount of points as possible.

Time limit:

Each chance to say an answer has a duration of 10 seconds.

Start & Stop:

The game starts when one of the members of the two teams faces off to know whose team
chooses to pass or play. The game ends when the playing team reveals all of the answers, or the
opposing team succeeds or fails to steal their gathered points.


Scoring is based if the team succeeds to reveal all the answers which gives them all the points, next
if the opposing team succeeds to steal their gathered points, lastly when the opposing team fails
then the points remains to the playing team.


When someone breaks the rules, their points can get deducted or their team can be disqualified,
based on the rules they violated.


The team that gathered the most points will receive a cash prize of 200 pesos.

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