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Quiz Bowl Mechanics

General Guidelines

1. The competition is open to all bona fide students of their Yllana Bay View College.

2. Each Team is entitled to have three (3) representatives who will compose and work as a
TEAM. During the contest proper, contestants must wear their prescribed TEAM T-

3. Each TEAM shall bring their own scientific calculator. The calculator will be checked
beforehand by the Quiz Bowl Committee. No gadgets are allowed to be used. No bags
shall be with the competitors. Only scratch papers provided and pens shall be permitted
on the table.

4. The contest is divided into three (3) phases:

 Easy - 1 point each

 Moderate - 2 points each
 Difficult - 5 points each

5. Each TEAM Adviser shall submit 5 questions for each: Easy, Moderate, and Difficult
Phases. Questions shall be submitted on or before November 15, 2023. Failure to Submit
questions on the given deadline the questions will not be included. Please submit your
questions to Ma’am Verna Mae Alob.

6. Questions shall be of Multiple Choice Type for the Easy Questions (20 items) and
Moderate Questions (15 items). NO choices shall be provided for the answers to
Questions for the difficult phase (10 items). Abbreviations and wrongly spelled words are
not allowed and will not be considered.

7. All questions shall be read ONLY TWICE which shall be shown in the board thru a
PowerPoint presentation.

8. Contestants shall begin answering the questions ONLY when the quizmaster says “GO”.
Any contestant who will violate this rule shall be given a warning for the first offense and
shall be disqualified to answer for every succeeding offense.

9. The contestants are allowed to manipulate their calculators ONLY when the
quizmasters says “GO”. Any contestant who violates the said provision for the first
time shall be given warning; for the second time shall be given the sanction of
accumulating 50% of his total score garnered on the specified round. Violation of this
provision for the third time shall mean disqualification of the contestant.

10. All answers shall be written on the black board provided which should be raised once the
quizmaster says STOP or TIME’S UP; otherwise, the team gets no point for that

11. In between phases, there will be a two-minute lull.

12. At the end of each phase, the cumulative score of each team/contestant will be
13. Participants should be at the venue thirty (30) minutes before the contest proper. A
deduction of five (5) points from the total score shall be made to contestants who arrived

14. If protests/clarifications are raised, the contestants are advised not to erase their answers
until the protests are settled. The decision of the Board of Judges is final and irrevocable

15. At the end of the contest, the group with the highest cumulative score will be declared the
Champion. The next two highest scoring teams will be declared First and Second
Runners up, respectively.

Reading Mechanics

1. Questions during the Easy phase will be limited to fifteen (15) seconds per question. For
the Moderate phase, it will be limited to thirty (30) seconds per question. For the
Difficult phase, it will be limited to sixty (60) seconds per question since the questions
for the said phase require or need quite long computations.

2. Questions will be read twice by the quizmaster. After the second reading, the quizmaster
shall say “GO” and only then the team be allowed to write the answer. Automatically the
respective time limit for each round will begin with the word “GO” by the quizmaster. If
a question requires enumeration or needs computation, the time limit will be extended to
five (5) more seconds.

3. After the time and the buzzer sounds, the team should STOP writing and raise their
writing boards. The answer of the team violating this rule will be considered void.

Answering Mechanics

1. Each TEAM contestant will be provided with official writing boards.

2. Answers must be written legibly on the writing boards as instructed. If the question item
is a multiple choice, the answer must be written in PRINT BIG LETTERS such as A, B,
C, and D.

3. Only complete answers will merit credit. Incomplete answers shall be considered wrong
answers for the problem-solving type questions in the DIFFICULT phase.

4. The audience must observe silence while the contest is going on. COACHING IS

5. One point shall be deducted from the total score of the TEAM contestant for every
violation of any of the contest rules. Any violation will be signaled by a VIOLATION
CALL which will be done, identified and confirmed by the Officer of the Academic
Contest Committee.
Scoring Mechanics

1. The quiz contest will follow a point system of scoring.

2. Points shall be awarded as follows:

Point Values For Each

Phase No. of Items Total
Correct Answer

Easy 20 1 20

Moderate 15 2 30
Difficult 10 5 50
Overall Total 100

Protest Mechanics

1. A protest may be raised by any contestant or coach. All protests shall be forwarded to the
judges for decision.

2. Protests regarding a particular question will be entertained only before the next question
is read. Once the next question is read, no protest regarding the previous question will be

3. During the protest, the contestant has the privilege of consulting any reference, provided
they are relevant to the subject of the protest.

4. The Board of Judges shall be given a maximum of two (2) minutes to resolve the protest
after which the contest shall go on. Should the judges fail to resolve the protest within the
allotted time, the said question shall be held in abeyance until the same has been

5. The Board of Judges will act on any concern regarding the questions and answers

6. The decision of the Board of Judges shall be final and non-appealable.

Tie Breaking Mechanics

1. In case of a tie at the end of the last phase of this contest, a tie breaker will immediately
ensue and will be sudden death in nature.

2. Questions of any difficulty and type will be asked until one contestant gains an
advantage in score over the other.

3. The first contestant to gain an advantage in score will be declared the victor of the tie and
will merit the corresponding award.

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