Riyaz shah pindvi kay bad aqeeda honay par fatwa,ریاض شاہ پنڈی والے کے بدعقیدہ ہونے پر فتوی

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Ut SE VIL hs SKE ste lori Kerli bULIGE 1 fot Fob ae ee 2 (Clagett Haste) ~~ SOc} ~~ OCS eDOCS = ——: 2 -Oce: | | eDOce =: + -+:=+e>oce. 30 mb GadiGubaLn tlre xd Pee 3 AS w WN Pas wnbet Ne r Ll Srleh MeO” A IA Mle 6 Hebi GerbiGlAOPiG” 5 any nb LA ab SSSA 6 be Sb Eg berb tunel sQee 7 Ale Pyriob lL GAte” 8 Ul Sle Pentium 9 whecbe Ft both UF Pulefebbe hE Ut th a! CSE ab Flea -1 SAT ib K hae ry Hibbing 2 wld PIMOS NHE 3 whe bor Si esunptuctie oI Pi’ 4 tsb iusto 5 Merb UinesiIuebb 6 Lr TunPAygeow 7 bene SStoirs PIG 8 ~>Oce Doce: ~>Oce- eDOCS = =e oce: oss 31 bile 9 ACIP bi Poni GAGE IeLEw 10 AN grorbebbleéaw 14 CW Peony etter eldeG” 12 Eduvilserobdlbttire 2utsereb bbb, EZEC bbl Pte tssie ty, Gen Sri fife teu bh" see Seale” A) SF rteeup Ls WEE nb rbiE Ey ple» (2) Had dlikeng whe Gpbe che bebe Rfoble2 3) cel MeoljiL Miteidnd se busy POCe ASE rbibere OSL re sell ne Wel Welle pr dest sl huis Popblex (4) out beh Laie UL gle Cre cr Wis Sys tle 2 Br rb eb G5) thew Ai PS one ee (6) Glen LSSisrcrtguib enh sles Mesidn (7) ~>Oc Se Doce: ~~ SOc He tenoce ==: os 2tOoces=+ | | 32 teEKRUUEL Uk As UL BB OSES galas 54 AINE IS shoe les ' 49 tigsbagl We ih, Urb ele Beiter slp ul eid bebee ity He Pui BF Sbib lot duderscl ioe, py be til, sl ple eel SL CFF SWE lech ou Owe Le Pblbwasle Age LG bal PLUS Oleh Shee Ahh fete oz -2 UCU fir MIE EP UBL ULES bulb dhe ob sub tl 5TH ol pallelel Slaiail cuiclibe Sue oohes U4 mio e sof In rssiSs4 (2022218 ~~ Oc} 2 >Oce: ~~ Oce-:

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