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1 (a) the diagram shows a cross section through human skin.

Complete the sentence by putting a cross (✔) in the box next to your answer.

Structure X is the

(ii) Describe the role of the sweat gland in thermoregulation.




(iii) Explain why the muscle attached to the hair follicle is important when a person starts to feel cold.





(b) Thermoregulation is one way in which a constant internal environment is maintained.

What is the name given to the maintenance of a constant internal environment?

(c) Explain why the temperature of the human body needs to be maintained at 37 °C.




A person with a body temperature of 37.9 °C had a body temperature of 37.5 °C one hour later.

Explain how thermoregulation causes this reduction in body temperature.





Explain how exercise can cause body temperature to increase.





Humans regulate the glucose concentration of their blood.

A scientist recorded the blood glucose concentration of an individual over a seven-hour period.

The results are shown in the table

Describe the trend in blood glucose concentration for this

seven-hour period.





Suggest reasons for the changes in blood glucose concentration.





Excess blood glucose is converted into

Explain how a Type 2 diabetic can regulate their blood glucose concentration.




The diagram shows a brain with the thermoregulatory centre labelled.

The part of the brain that contains the thermoregulatory centre is the

The thermoregulatory centre controls internal body temperature.

Explain how the blood vessels in the skin help to control internal body temperature.





Explain how the human body responds to an external temperature of 40 °C



Conditions in the human body must be regulated to maintain a stable internal environment.

Name the process that maintains a stable internal environment.


The temperature that enzymes work most effectively in the human body is

Receptor cells in the skin detect temperature changes in the external environment.

Explain how this information is transmitted to the brain.





In the UK, the external temperature can drop below 0 °C.

Explain how the human body maintains a stable internal temperature when the external temperature is 0 °C




The diagram shows the regulation of body temperature.

The type of control shown in the diagram is known as

Describe one way in which the skin helps in the control of body temperature.





Explain why humans need to maintain their body temperature at 37 °C



Explain how changes in the volume of blood going through the skin help to maintain body temperature.





Describe how the human body acts in response to low glucose levels in the blood.




Shows a section through the skin: -

Which is the correct term for maintaining a constant internal environment?

Explain how structures X and Y help to regulate body temperature when the body is too cold.




Explain how shivering can help a person regulate their body temperature.





Figure 7 shows how the internal temperature of a fish and an otter changes when the external temperature changes.

Describe how the internal temperature of

the fish changes in response to the external










Explain why it is important that the temperature of the otter is maintained at about 37°C.



Iguanas do not have sweat glands.

When an iguana is too hot, it pants by opening its mouth to cool down.

Explain how this behavior helps to cool the iguana down.




Shivering is one way in which humans can regulate their body temperature.

Explain how shivering helps to regulate body temperature




Explain how sweating helps to cool the body.




The name of the process that controls water levels in the body is

Explain why it is important to control the internal temperature of the human body.



Shows a diagram of the skin.

Explain how structures in the skin help to reduce body temperature during hot weather.







Explain the role of vasodilation in thermoregulation.



Thermoregulation is an important process of the human body

Explain how part A is involved in thermoregulation.




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