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Hearns S Mori


This is the based question about the interview with my brother, Joshua, a top performer
employee at Teleperformance Company:
● Specific Computing Devices they Used
● Difficulties in Using a Computing Devices
● Role of Computing Devices in their Industry
● Benefits of Computing Devices

At the end of the transcript, the 10-sentence summary of the interview transcript highlighting
the impact of computing devices.

Transcript of the Interview Content

Interviewer: Hearns S. Mori

Interviewee: A top performer at Teleperformance Company,

Interview Settings: Internet Video Conferencing since my Brother
is at Work.

Interviewer affiliation to Interviewee: The interviewee, joshua, is

an older brother of interviewer, Hearns Mori.

(Start of Interview) Start of Interview

Interviewer (Mori): I know that you are my brother, but I'll be

formal here, sorry for disturbing you while you are at work.
Without further ado, let's begin.

Interviewer (Mori): Good morning Sir, it is very pleasing to meet

you. First of all, am I audible?

Interviewee (Joshua): Good morning. Yes, I can hear you very


Interviewer (Mori): This is our appointed time to have an interview.

The topic that I wanted to ask you is about computing devices that
you certainly used in your work.

Interviewee (Joshua): …

Interviewer (Mori): Ummm. Sir Joshua, If I may know what specific 1st Question
computing devices you used in your work. (Specific Computing
Devices Used)
Interviewee (Joshua): So, in my work, I use a portable computer,
internet, input devices such as keyboard, mouse, etc, and I also
use my phone sometimes to communicate with the customer via
chat whenever I need to extend the work for the satisfactory of the
Interviewer (Mori): Are there any difficulties in using those 2nd Question
devices? (Difficulties in Using
Computing Devices)
Interviewee (Joshua): So far, there is no difficulties in using any of
those computing devices. We are trained to use those devices
before we start to interact with our work such as serving
customers as a TP employee.

Interviewer (Mori): Well, how about in your training is their by a

chance you encounter some difficulties on using computing

Interviewee (Joshua): Not really, since it is a very friendly device

that even beginners can understand how to use it pretty well. The
difficulties are not that comes from devices but comes from the
reality it is harder without those devices.

Interviewer (Mori): A fascinating answer, sir Joshua. Now that you 3rd Question
have said it is harder to work without those devices. What is the (Role of Computing
role of those devices at your work? Devices)

Interviewee (Joshua): It is to make my job easier. One example is

in recording the customer desires and problems. Without those
computing devices, I have to memorise all those concerns and
report it to the boss. And it is impossible for me without even have
an amazing memory. So in short, its role is to make my job lots
hell of easier.

Interviewer (Mori): Other than to make your job easier what 4th Question
benefits does it give to you and at your work? (Benefits of
Computing Devices)
Interviewee (Joshua): First, in myself it has made the information
accessible faster and cheaper. This way I can work with the
customer fastly, easily, and flexible. As an employee, these
empowering devices are all available to the other employees of
TP and that have made Teleperformance more successful that it
can ever achieve. Computing devices is everything at this
company, without its existence, our company would look like
business that does not have any function.
Interviewee (Mori): A beautiful answer again sir.

Interviewee (Mori): So, that's all. I have already asked what I

wanted to know. And again, thank you sir Joshua, I'm gonna end
the call now, I'm very thankful for your time.
Computing devices and technologies have had a profound impact on society,
revolutionising the way we live, communicate, and work just like what has been shown in
the interview. It has transformed the workplace by increasing productivity and efficiency.
With the advent of computers and software applications, tedious manual tasks can now be
automated, freeing up time for employees to focus on more strategic and creative
endeavours. The ease of information access and sharing has accelerated the decision-
making process, enabling businesses to stay competitive in a rapidly changing environment.

Moreover, it has revolutionised communication, making it easier and faster to connect

with people across the globe. The internet and smartphones have made communication
instantaneous, eliminating geographical barriers and allowing us to stay connected with
friends, family, and colleagues. Moreover, social media platforms have become prevalent,
providing an avenue for individuals to express their opinions, share experiences, and
engage with others on a global scale.

Computing technologies have transformed the education sector. Educational institutions

have integrated technology into classrooms, enabling a more interactive and engaging
learning environment. Students now have access to a vast array of information, video
tutorials, and online courses, enhancing their learning experience and providing a platform
for personalised and self-paced learning.

In addition to education, computing devices have also revolutionised the healthcare

industry. Electronic health records, telemedicine, and wearable devices have streamlined
patient care, improved diagnostic accuracy, and allowed for personalised treatment plans.
Moreover, the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning has the potential to
transform healthcare, from assisting in diagnosis to drug discovery and precision medicine.

In the entertainment industry. Streaming services, online gaming platforms, and virtual
reality have revolutionised how we consume entertainment. These technologies have
created new avenues for storytelling, immersive experiences, and interactive gameplay,
providing consumers with a wide range of entertainment options, and creativity.

To simplify, computing devices and technologies have transformed each sector of

industry. It shaped the way everything works by innovating a problem to develop a better
living place. It is non-stop creativity and development as the problem never stops coming.
Let's open our eyes and view the power of computing and the power it holds in the future.

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