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The psionic discipline of Abnegation is a complex and

demanding science, one requiring a remarkable degree of

self-discipline from the adept. Abnegation involves The nullifier is intuitively aware when some power or
techniques of suppression, abstention, and nullification of examination risks exposing their nature as a psychic. As an
both psychic power and more conventional forces. The Instant action, the character can Commit Effort to read as
expert “nullifier” becomes a black hole of imperceptible a normal, untalented being to all forms of scanning,
emptiness, impervious to conventional psychic powers including Metapsionic investigation, psitech scanners, or
and all but undetectable by ordinary means. medical investigation. This lasts while the effort is
Practitioners of this discipline have an ill reputation committed.
that dates back from the Terran Mandate, where nullifiers
were often sent as spies and inquisitors to ensure dissident
colonies stay submissive to their master. The invisible The nullifier can very briefly cease to exist when necessary,
threat of a nullifier’s presence is often enough to prevent bodily translating their existence into a metadimensional
any unorthodox discussion; many regimes plotting pocket. As a Main action, the psychic can Commit Effort
resistance or rebellion against the Mandate have been for the day to simply vanish. While nonexistent, the
toppled simply because they unknowingly revealed crucial nullifier is aware of their surroundings but can neither
information in the presence of an invisible nullifier. move nor perform any actions. The nullifier can remain
Since the scream, adepts of Abnegation are much safely absent for a number of rounds equal to their
rarer. The discipline has fallen to mere myth, occasionally character level; for every round after that, the character
invoked in some cultures to scare children and naïve suffers 1d6 damage until they either die or coalesce from
population away from dangerous activities or heretical the void.

As a last resort before being discovered, the psychic can

The nullifier can dissipate light and heat, allowing to Commit Effort for the day, distorting the space around
partially negate their own existence for purposes of them to confuse a number of observers up to their
allowing light to pass through them, granting a faded, Abnegation level. Affected observers must perform a
translucent appearance. As a Main action, the psychic can Mental saving throw. A failed saving throw means that the
Commit Effort for the day to trigger this power, which observer will stand still for a few seconds: when rolling for
remains active until the end of the scene. Generally, alert initiative, they must roll twice and take the lowest result.
characters that clearly see the nullifier trigger this ability From Abnegation-3 and onward, that saving throw is no
can keep track of their position. longer allowed.
Level-0: While active, all Stealth checks against visual
observation can be rolled twice, with the better result
As a Main action, the adept can Commit Effort for the
used. Observer within 10m and TL4 and above
sensors are unaffected. scene to become imperceptible to a target on a
Level-1: Now affects TL4 devices and all observers further subconscious level. The target is allowed a mental saving
than 5m of the adept. throw to resist this effect. On a failure, affected individuals
Level-2: While active, the power also shields from audio will try to interact with other characters during combats
detection. The psychic can target other beings within and discussions, if possible. The effect ends at the end of
10m; only they can hear noise or sound they make. the scene or if the target takes damage from the nullifier.
Level-3: While active, if the adept is unmoving, they
automatically succeed all stealth checks related to
hiding their presence.
When Committing Effort to use Fade, the nullifier only
Level-4: Like level 3, but also works when moving.
needs to Commit Effort for as long as the ability is active
instead of for the day. They can stop sustaining the ability
at any time. If the technique is augmented by other
techniques that come with their own extra or increased
cost, however, this extra cost must still be paid.
Mastery of Abnegation now lets the psychic shutoff all At the pinnacle of their disciple, the nullifier becomes an
surrounding distractions and focus intensely on their inescapable zone of psionic desolation. When The Void
target. As a main action, they may Commit Effort for the Within is focused on a visible psychic by committing effort
scene to define a target. Until the reminder of the scene, as a Main action, the target becomes completely unable to
they will focus solely on that target, ignoring all other use their psionic abilities, including psitech that requires
distractions. This gives them a bonus to +1 to AC an active psionic gift. Additionally, any character under
defending from that target and +2 to hit rolls against that this effect automatically fails any Mental saving throw. At
target. The effect lasts until the end of the scene or until the same time, the nullifier is also incapable of using any
the goal is achieved. Snapping out of this effect early other psychic power but can continue to maintain the
requires outside help or a successful mental saving throw. resonance as long as the lockdown is desired. There is no
saving throw against this ability and no psychic power can
be used to negate it. While this void is shared, however,
the target has an immediate and intuitive awareness of the
The cerebral voids the nullifier has cultivated are now location of the nullifier.
powerful enough to absorb hostile energies. The nullifier
may trigger this ability as an Instant Action by Committing
Effort for the scene to eliminate incoming energy damage, The nullifier has such a perfect control over the energies
whether it is a laser, open flame, plasma, or any other that characterize their neurological activity that they can
intangible force. Multiple points of Effort can be identify and alter those patterns when they detects them in
committed per activation, each preventing up to 8 points another mind. A subject affected by this power may make
of damage. The user may choose to use this ability after the a Mental Effect saving throw to resist it, becoming
damage is rolled, and may absorb partial amounts of an immune to the ability for 24 hours on a successful saving
injury as desired. throw. If failed, however, the nullifier can alter their
perceptions and recollection of the user, convincing them
that the nullifier is actually a completely different person-
When activating Fade, the adept can Commit an extra or no person at all. The nullifier may dictate their
point of Effort for the day to spread the effect to up to 3 appearance, past history with the target, and even whether
companions. At Abnegation-4, that number goes up to 6 or not the subject remembers them at all. Even when
companions. confronted with an obvious mismatch between their
memories and what they see, the subject will continue to
believe that the nullifier is what he or she has impressed
The nullifier begins to use their cerebral voids to silently upon them until the user leaves their presence. This false
absorb psionic forces directed against them. As an On memory will be maintained until a psychic with at least
Turn action, the adept can Commit Effort for as long as Telepathy-1 spends a day working with the subject and
they want to maintain this power. While active, the succeeds in a heal skill check at difficulty 10.
nullifier may Commit an extra Effort for the day to
immediately negate the effect of a psychic power used
against them. For most abilities, this “feels” to the user as if
the target had simply made their saving throw or
otherwise resisted the power in a conventional way- it is
not obviously an anomalous psychic defense. The nullifier
may choose to use this power after failing a normal saving
throw. This ability is only effective against powers used
directly on the nullifier; the user could parry a psychic
probe, for example, but could do nothing to halt a
telekinetically-thrown knife

Adapted from Cult of the Wraith by u/Hemejef

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