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Regular Article
pISSN: 2288-9744, eISSN: 2288-9752
Journal of Forest and Environmental Science Journal of Forest and
Environmental Science
Vol. 33, No. 4, pp. 348-354, November, 2017

Effects of Windbreak Planting on Crop

Productivity for Agroforestry Practices in a
Semi-Arid Region
1 2,
Hyun-Kil Jo and Hye-Mi Park *
Department of Ecological Landscape Architecture Design, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon 24341, Republic of Korea
Department of Landscape Architecture, Graduate School, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon 24341, Republic of Korea

Agroforestry has been practiced in arid and semi-arid regions for the purposes of preventing desertification and to
increase income for locals. However, the intended effects of such practices have been limited due to strong winds
and aridity. This study undertook multi-year monitoring of the productivity of income crops associated with windbreak
planting in a semi-arid region of Mongolia, and explored strategies of windbreak planning to enhance the multi-purpose
effects of agroforestry practices. The tree crown density of windbreak planting was on average 40% in one year after
planting and 65% 2-3 years after, and thereby windspeeds were reduced by about 30% and 54%, respectively. Average
windspeed reductions at leeward distances from the windbreak planting were approximately 60% within 3H (H=tree
height), 50% at 5H, and 42% at 7-9H, presenting a pattern in which the farther the distance the less the reduction
in windspeeds. The windbreak planting increased crop productivity by up to 6.8 times, compared to the productivity
absent of windbreaks. Increases in the crown density as stated above resulted in increases of crop productivity by
up to 3.6 times. Based on such results, this study proposed a model of windbreak planning as a typical land-use system
of border windbreak planting or alternate windbreak planting of combining trees and income crops. The model also
included tree planting with a crown density of 60% and allocation of income crops within a leeward distance of 5
times the height of the trees to reduce windspeeds by about 50%. The results from this study are applicable to practicing
agroforestry not only at the study site but also in other regions worldwide where strong winds and aridity are problematic.

Key Words: crown density, leeward distance, windspeed reduction, planning model

Introduction 5.2 billion ha, which accounts for about 40% of the total
area of land, and an area of 6 million ha is becoming subject
The desertification of arid and semi-arid regions has led to desertification every year (UNDDD 2010; UNCCD
to the development of yellow dust resulting in detrimental 2012). The total area of desertification in Asia comprises
effects on natural ecosystems as well as socio-economic sys- approximately 1/3 of the total desert area of the world with
tems in the form of air pollution, respiratory diseases, and desertification mostly under progress in China and
loss of biodiversity (KFRI 2004; UNCCD 2012; Reynolds Mongolia (KEI 2003), which causes damaging effects in
2013). The total desert area of the world is approximately the form of yellow dust to neighboring countries including

Received: October 25, 2017. Revised: November 14, 2017. Accepted: November 16, 2017.

Corresponding author: Hye-Mi Park

Department of Landscape Architecture, College of Forest and Environmental Sciences, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon 24341, Republic of
Tel: 82-33-250-8345, Fax: 82-33-259-5618, E-mail:

348 Journal of Forest and Environmental Science

Jo and Park

South Korea. Afforestation is essential to the prevention of tures having a height of 0.4 m or greater and porosity of
desertification, and agroforestry of mixing afforestation 20-30%. The windbreak planting was effective downwind
with crops has been implemented as a sustainable method up to 30 times the height of trees (Miller et al. 2015).
of increasing income for locals in arid and semi-arid However, the optimal distance from the planting was found
regions. However, the growth of income crops in such re- to differ according to different researchers. To produce the
gions is poor due to strong winds and aridity, which has re- most satisfactory results, Grey and Deneke (1986) and
sulted in limitations of reaching the intended effects of pre- Finch (1988) reported a distance at 10 times the height of
venting desertification and increasing income for locals. trees while USDA NAC (2002) and Campi et al. (2009)
Therefore, diverse studies regarding agroforestry were suggested a distance at 4.7-5 times the height of trees.
undertaken to enhance the productivity of income crops in As indicated through these instances, due to possible dif-
arid and semi-arid regions (Finch 1988; USDA NAC ferences in the effects of windbreak planting within leeward
2002; Shapo and Adam 2008; Campi et al. 2009), and sug- distances of 10 times the height of trees, additional research
gested a windbreak planting as one of methods to mitigate regarding windbreak effects at shorter leeward distances is
wind damage on income crops. Based on the above-men- needed. Moreover, despite the probable differences in
tioned studies, the windbreak planting reduced the evapo- windbreak effects according to tree species and planting
transpiration and uprooting of income crops caused by techniques, windspeeds and growth conditions, cultivated
strong winds and this led to improvements in quality and an crops, and regional features, research related to such mat-
increase in harvest yields by 10-20%. The effects of wind- ters in semi-arid regions subject to strong winds and short
break planting depend on the number of planting rows, growth periods is currently lacking. Therefore, the purpose
planting density, tree height, and the distance of the space of this study is to undertake the multi-year monitoring of
being protected from the planting (Robinette 1972; Grey income crop productivity associated with windbreak plant-
and Deneke 1986; Finch 1988; Huke and Plecan 1988; ing and to explore strategies of windbreak planning capable
Kort 1988; Miller 2015). The windbreak effects of mul- of enhancing the performance of agroforestry practices.
ti-row planting were greater by up to 1.9 times compared to
single row planting (USDA NAC 2002), and the appro- Materials and Methods
priate crown density to prevent income crops from wind
Study site
damage was between 40-60% (Grey and Deneke 1986;
USDA NAC 2002). Park et al. (2012) reported that the ef- The site of this study was located at 47 degrees 19 minutes
fects of a windbreak fence were most satisfactory in struc- north latitude and 103 degrees 42 minutes east longitude,

Fig. 1. Location of study site in


J For Environ Sci 33(4), 348-354 349

Effects of Windbreak Planting on Crop Productivity for Agroforestry Practices in a Semi-Arid Region

as a property of the Desertification Research Center located The 3-row windbreak plot was border planted with trees
within the Elsentasarhai region of Mongolia (Fig. 1). to control winds from all four directions, in which P. sibirica
Administratively, the site is part of Rashaant Soum of with a height of approximately 1.5 m and a crown width of
Bulgan Aimag, and is classified as a semi-arid steppe with 0.6 m was placed at the center of the planting rows and H.
desertification currently in progress. The site was selected rhamnoides with a low clear-length of about 1.0 m in height
due to it being possible to plant trees, sow income crops, and 0.3 m in crown width was planted in a zig-zag pattern
and undertake on-site monitoring through collaborative re- to the left and right of the P. sibirica. The total number of
search with the research center. trees planted amounted to 227 individuals which included
62 P. sibirica trees and 165 H. rhamnoides trees. Income
Windbreak planting and experiment design
crops were distributed within a leeward distance at 10 times
This study established a plot of 3-row windbreak plant- the height of trees in consideration of their windbreak
ing and a control plot with no windbreak across an area of effects. And 2 kgs of alfalfa, oats, and wheat as well as 5 kgs
2 2
approximately 500 m in May 2014, and sowed income of potatoes were sowed across a 160 m area in and out of
crops in each of the plots (Fig. 2). Upon the recommen- the windbreak planting plot. The annual crops except alfal-
dation of locals and experts knowledgeable about the study fa, a perennial forage crop were sowed repeatedly during
site, Populus sibirica and Hippophae rhamnoides were se- the month of May for three years from 2014 to 2016.
lected as tree species for windbreak planting. P. sibirica is a
Monitoring of windbreak effect and crop productivity
deciduous tree that naturally grows across the entire north-
ern region of Mongolia and is known for its drought resist- Wind directions and speeds of the study site were meas-
ance and high wind tolerance (Ulziijargal 2011; Tungalag ured during the growth period between May-August for 4
et al. 2012). H. Rhamnoides is a nitrogen-fixing deciduous years from 2014 to 2017. Monitoring of measuring growth
shrub that naturally grows across the entire northwestern and harvest yields of income crops as well as crown open-
region of Mongolia, which produces a fruit rich in vitamins ings of the windbreak planting was undertaken every year
and amino acids used as ingredients for health supplements during the end of August, the end of the growth period.
and cosmetics (Lee et al. 2012; Tungalag et al. 2012). The wind directions were measured daily in 1-hour inter-
Potatoes, oats, wheat, and alfalfa as income crops were se- vals by establishing an automatic weather observing device
lected reflecting demands from locals and the short growth (Onset Computer Corporation, Massachusetts, USA).
period of plants between the end of May to early September Windspeeds were repeatedly measured 10 times at a height
(MOFA 2011). of 0.5 m, an average income crop height, in 1-hour intervals
every day using a wind gauge (TSI ALNOR, AVM430,
USA) at the windbreak planting plot and the control plot.
Windspeeds at the windbreak planting plot were measured
at leeward distances of 1H (1 times the height of the plant-
ed trees), 3H, 5H, 7H, and 9H in which the income crops
were distributed. The crown opening of the windbreak
planting was analyzed by horizontally taking photographs
of the tree crowns repeatedly 5 times, overlapping the pho-
tographs to a 0.5 cm×0.5 cm grid, and calculating the aver-
age ratio of open grid points.
Growth and harvest yields of the income crops such as
potatoes, oats, wheat, and alfalfa were measured and com-
pared at the windbreak planting plot and the control plot for
each year from 2014 to 2016. Potatoes, the belowground bi-
Fig. 2. Experiment design for windbreak planting and crop allocation. omass in fresh weight of 10 randomly sampled individuals

350 Journal of Forest and Environmental Science

Jo and Park

from each treatment plot was weighed to 0.01 g using an

electronic scale (AND, Electronic Balance FX-3200, USA).
The aboveground biomass in fresh weight of oats, wheat,
and alfalfa was harvested within 3 randomly selected areas
of 1 m for each crop species by treatment plot and meas-
ured using the electronic scale.

Exploring proper windbreak planning

Based on the results of the above monitoring process un-
dertaken for 4 years, this study explored desirable strategies
of windbreak planning to enhance the performance of agro- Fig. 3. Changes in windspeed reduction by leeward distance from wind-
forestry of combining tree planting with income crops. break planting*. *H=tree height.
Thus, practical information to implement sustainable agro-
forestry was suggested including a land-use system, tree tree height of 1.5 m and H. rhamnoides with a tree height
species and their sizes for planting, planting techniques, of 1.0 m, averaged about 59% in one year after planting,
and planting densities. and 35% 2-3 years after planting. In other words, the crown
density of the windbreak planting of this study fell within
Results and Discussion the 40-65% range. These crown densities of 40% and 65%
were analyzed to reduce windspeeds by 30% and 54%,
Weather conditions
respectively. The windspeed reduction ratios at different
During the monitoring of the study site from 2014 to leeward distances from the windbreak planting 3 years after
2017, the annual temperature of the site averaged 1.2°C, and averaged 61.4% at a distance of 1H, 58.0% at 3H, 49.8% at
the average monthly temperature between the months of May 5H, 44.8% at 7H, and 38.3% at 9H (Fig. 3). Thus, the
and August, the growth period of plants, ranged from 9.6°C average windspeeds at leeward distances were reduced by ap-
to 20.5°C. The study site was typically subjected to below proximately 60% within 3H, 50% at 5H, and 42% at 7-9H.
zero temperatures from November to March in which tem- These results indicated a tendency in which windspeed re-
peratures dropped down to -40.4°C during the winter season. ductions were lessened as the distance increased. USDA
On the other hand, temperatures reached up to 36.9°C dur- NAC (2002) and Campi et al. (2009) also reported that
ing the summer season, which indicated drastic seasonal tem- windspeeds were reduced by 50-55% at distances of 5 times
perature differences of the study site. During the growth peri- the height of trees. The average tree height of the windbreak
od, the main directions of winds were observed as northerly planting in this study was 1.5 m, and the effects of windbreak
and westerly and average windspeeds were measured in the are predicted to increase as tree heights increase.
range of 1.6 m/s to 4.1 m/s. During the month of May, the in-
Differences in crop productivity
itial period of plant growth, strong winds recorded in the
range of 18.9 m/s to 20.9 m/s frequently occurred. Such Table 1 presents the results of comparatively analyzing
winds caused the uprooting of the trees planted for income crop productivity at the windbreak planting plot
windbreak. For Bulgan Aimag, the province in which the and the control plot. The fresh weight per sample of the po-
study site was located, evapotranspiration was noted to be tatoes harvested from the windbreak planting plot from
high compared to an annual precipitation of 220 mm and 2014 to 2016 ranged between 370-501 g depending on
tended to increase by 2 mm or more each year (MOE 2008). their growth years, which was 4.5 to 6.8 times higher than
that of the potatoes from the control plot (p<0.01). The
Effects of windbreak planting
fresh weight per unit area of the oats and wheat from the
The crown opening of the multi-layered 3-row wind- windbreak planting plot ranged between 509-560 g/m and
break planting, which was composed of P. sibirica with a 1,119-1,121 g/m , respectively, which was 1.2 to 1.3 times

J For Environ Sci 33(4), 348-354 351

Effects of Windbreak Planting on Crop Productivity for Agroforestry Practices in a Semi-Arid Region

Table 1. Differences in crop productivity by treatment plot*

Treatment plot
Year Income crop
Control Windbreak
Aug., 2014-2015 Potato (g/indi.) 82.1 369.8
Wheat (g/m ) 431.7 509.2
Oat (g/m ) 344.4 1,118.7
Alfalfa (g/m2) 52.7 143.9
Aug., 2016 Potato (g/indi.) 74.2 501.0
Wheat (g/m2) 440.3 560.1
Oat (g/m2) 324.2 1,120.5
Alfalfa (g/m2) 191.8 517.9
*The year was divided considering differences in crown opening
of windbreak measured.

(p<0.05) and 3.2 to 3.5 times (p<0.01) higher than that

of the oats and wheat from the control plot. The per unit
area fresh weight of the alfalfa from the windbreak planting
plot ranged between 144-518 g/m , which was 2.7 times
higher than that of the alfalfa from the control plot (p
<0.01). Thus, the 3-row windbreak planting was found to
significantly increase the income crop productivity. Based
on studies by Kort (1988), USDA NAC (2002) and Campi
et al. (2009), the growth of income crops through a wind-
break planting produced 6-44% greater productivity de-
pending on their species compared to the control plot. The
Fig. 4. Two alternative models of windbreak planning suggested to increase
productivity through the windbreak planting of all income crop productivity in semi- arid region*. *Leeward distance and crown den-
crops except wheat in this study was much greater than the sity for about 50% windspeed reduction.
results from the studies above.
As stated above, the crown density of the windbreak plant- evident in growth environments having strong winds and
ing was approximately 40% in one year after planting and aridity. The appropriate strategies of windbreak planning
65% in 2016 two years after. Although the productivity of po- are required to achieve the multi-purpose effects of agro-
tato and alfalfa crops at the windbreak planting plot indicated forestry practices such as the prevention of desertification
a tendency to increase from 1.4 to 3.6 times as the crown den- and creation of income. Two alternative models of wind-
sity increased, the productivity of oats and wheat showed no break planning are recommended as land-use systems of
significant differences. Grey and Deneke (1986) and USDA combining trees and income crops (Fig. 4): a) border wind-
NAC (2002) reported that the appropriate crown density of break planting in which windbreak trees are planted along
windbreak planting ranged between 40-60%. However, the all four directions of the borders of an income crop; and b)
findings of this study intimate that the optimum range of alternate windbreak planting in which windbreak trees and
crown density, as one of factors affecting the productivity of income crops are planted in an alternating way. The former
income crops, could be variable with the crop species. model is recommended for application in sites in which
winds from all directions need to be controlled and the lat-
Windbreak planning for agroforestry practices
ter is suggested for application in sites in which main winds
The results from this study prove that the effects of come from a single direction.
windbreak planting on the productivity of income crops are For the tree species used for windbreak planting, it is es-

352 Journal of Forest and Environmental Science

Jo and Park

sential to select a species that naturally grows in the harsh pose effects of agroforestry, appropriate strategies of wind-
growing environments of Mongolia, which includes P. si- break planting are required as a means of controlling such
birica, Ulmus pumila, Haloxylon ammodendron, H. rha- problems. Therefore, this study undertook the multi-year
mnoides, Larix sibirica, Picea obovate, Salix spp. (Ulziijar- monitoring of income crop productivity associated with
gal 2011; Tungalag et al. 2012). Income crops should be windbreak planting and explored strategies of windbreak
chosen reflecting their growth environments and demands planning to enhance the performance of agroforestry prac-
of local residents. As such an example, the crops selected for tices.
sowing in this study included potatoes, wheat, oats, and The crown density of the windbreak trees planted for this
alfalfa. The distribution of income crops is recommended study averaged approximately 40% in one year after plant-
to keep within leeward distances of 5 times the height of ing and 65% 2-3 years after. Such crown densities were
trees to reduce windspeeds by up to 50%. found to result in windspeed reductions of 30% and 54%,
In addition, the windbreak planting must consider struc- respectively. Average windspeed reductions at leeward dis-
tural properties such as the number of planting rows, layers, tances from the windbreak planting were about 60% within
tree heights, and crown densities. This study applied the 3H, 50% at 5H, and 42% at 7-9H, in which the farther the
windbreak planting in 1-2 rows having low crown density, distance the less reduction in windspeeds. The income crop
but its effects were found to be relatively lower. To achieve productivity at the windbreak planting plot was higher by a
the effects of windbreak planting and crop production in minimum 1.2 times to a maximum 6.8 times depending on
the short term, a minimum of 3 rows of trees and shrubs the crop species, compared to that at the control plot with
should be planted perpendicular to the direction of the main no windbreak. As the crown density of the windbreak plant-
winds, in which tall trees are placed at the center of the rows ing increased from 40% to 65%, the productivity of potato
and shrubs with a low clear-length are planted in a zig-zag and alfalfa crops increased significantly.
pattern to the left and right of the tall trees. The results Based on the study results, desirable strategies of wind-
from Park et al. (2012) as well as this study indicated sat- break planning were suggested including models of border
isfactory windbreak planting effects for tree heights in the windbreak planting and alternate windbreak planting as
range of 0.5-1.5 m. However, the planting of relatively tall- land-use systems of combining trees and income crops. The
er trees is recommended, because increases in tree height planning strategies also contained effective leeward wind-
lengthen leeward windbreak distances. A 60% crown den- break distances for crop allocation, tree heights and layer
sity of windbreak planting is appropriate to reduce wind- structures, and crown densities. The leeward distribution of
speeds by approximately 50%, based on the results from income crops is desirable within distances of 5 times the
this study. Should shading from the crown growth of wind- height of windbreak trees to reduce windspeeds by up to
break trees limit the growth of income crops, trimming or 50%. To achieve the effects of the windbreak planting in the
thinning practices are desirable to maintain proper growth short term, a minimum of 3 rows of trees and shrubs should
environments for the income crops. be planted perpendicular to the direction of the main winds
in a zig-zag pattern, in which the planting of taller trees is
Conclusion recommended over small-sized trees. A crown density of
60% is appropriate to obtain an approximately 50% reduc-
Afforestation is an essential practice for arid and semi-arid tion of windspeeds.
regions to prevent desertification, a serious environmental This study serves as a stepping stone to find out detailed
problem recognized internationally. Agroforestry practices windbreak effectiveness at leeward distances and is sig-
of mixing tree planting and income crops as a sustainable nificant in that a windbreak planning model including
approach have recently been implemented in the regions to land-use systems and planting techniques was developed,
increase income for locals as well as to prevent deserti- based on repeated multi-year measurements of the wind-
fication. However, strong winds and aridity in the regions break planting effects. The results from this study are appli-
limit the growth of income crops. To achieve the multi-pur- cable not only at the study site but also in other regions

J For Environ Sci 33(4), 348-354 353

Effects of Windbreak Planting on Crop Productivity for Agroforestry Practices in a Semi-Arid Region

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