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Line Graph Homework – Sample Answer

The bar chart compares the amount of waste disposed of by three different
methods in a particular European country in between 2005 and 2008.

Overall, the amount of waste dumped into landfill and sea saw a steady
downward pattern, while that of waste burnt fluctuated. It is also clear that
burning was the most common waste treatment process in 2008.

In 2005, 70 million tons of waste was buried. This figure then steadily decreased
by 10 million tons each year to 40 million tons in 2008. Similarly, the amount of
waste discharged into the sea dropped from 55 million tons to 40 million tons at
the end of the period.

It can be seen that in 2005, the amount of waste burnt was 65 million tons. This
figure then witnessed a considerable fall to the lowest point of 40 million tons in
2007, before rising back to 65 in the last year.


- bury (v): chôn (rác) (dùng để chỉ cách xử lý rác thải ở landfill – bãi chôn rác)
- discharge waste in to the sea (v): xả chất thải (lỏng) ra biển
- dispose of (v): thải rác
- disposal (n): sự thải rác

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