Basics of Python Programming Basics of Python Programming

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Basics of


Features of python

variables and data types

loops and Functions


This presentation will cover the fundamentals of

Python programming. Python is a popular
language for data analysis, artificial intelligence,
and web development. This presentation will
introduce you to the basic concepts and syntax
of Python.
Variables and Data Types

In Python, variables are used to store data.

Python has several data types, including
strings, integers, and floats. This slide will
cover how to declare variables and use
different data types.
Conditional Statements
Conditional statements are
used to make decisions in
Python. The if statement is
used to execute code if a
certain condition is true.
This slide will cover how to
use if statements and other
conditional statements like
else and elif.
Loops are used to execute code
repeatedly in Python. There are two
types of loops in Python: for loops
and while loops. This slide will cover
how to use both types of loops and
provide examples.
Functions are reusable blocks of code
in Python. They allow you to break up
your code into smaller, more
manageable pieces. This slide will
cover how to define and use functions
in Python.
Python is a powerful and versatile language that can be
used for a variety of applications. This presentation
covered the fundamentals of Python programming,
including variables, data types, conditional statements,
loops, and functions. With this knowledge, you can start
exploring the world of Python programming!

Presented By: 1)Mr.Altamash S Shaikh

2)Mr.Ayyan A Jamadar

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