Lesson Plan

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Subject: Animation

Grade Level: Grade 11

1. Identify the hazards and risks indicators in the workplace
2. Classify the types of hazards and risks in the workplace
3. Explain hazards and risks in the workplace
4. Follow the proper OHS procedures in controlling hazards and risks
5. Follow and observed organizational protocol when providing emergency

Learning across curriculum:

1) Subject: Science

Topic: Chemical Hazards in the Workplace

Connection to Animation: Animators may encounter chemical hazards when

working with certain materials, such as paints and solvents, which can pose
health risks if not handled properly.
2) Subject: Mathematics

Topic: Probability and Statistics

Connection to Animation: Animators need to understand the probability of

certain risks occurring in the workplace, such as accidents or equipment
failures, in order to assess and mitigate these risks effectively.
3) Subject: English

Topic: Communication and Workplace Safety

Connection to Animation: Effective communication is crucial in ensuring

workplace safety. Animators need to communicate hazards and risks to their
colleagues and follow organizational protocols to prevent accidents.

Review Motivation:
1) Teaching Strategy: Storytelling

Instructional Materials: Visual aids, props, storybook

Hook: Tell a story about an animator who faced various hazards and risks in
the workplace. Use visuals and props to engage students and create a sense of
2) Teaching Strategy: Interactive Quizzes

Instructional Materials: Quiz questions, whiteboard, markers

Hook: Begin the lesson with a fun quiz about hazards and risks in the
workplace. Use multiple-choice questions and encourage students to
participate actively.
3) Teaching Strategy: Real-Life Scenario

Instructional Materials: Scenario cards, role-play props

Hook: Present a real-life scenario where an animator encounters hazards
and risks in the workplace. Divide students into groups and ask them to act
out the scenario, identifying the hazards and risks involved.

Activity 1: Hazard and Risk Indicators Gallery Walk

Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning

Materials: Posters with hazard and risk indicators, markers

Significance: Students will identify various hazard and risk indicators in the
workplace through a gallery walk activity.

1) Divide the class into small groups.
2) Hang posters with different hazard and risk indicators around the classroom.
3) Assign each group to a poster and provide them with markers.
4) Instruct the groups to identify and write down the hazard and risk indicators
they see on their assigned poster.
5) After a designated time, have each group rotate to the next poster until they have
completed the gallery walk.

- Correct identification of hazard and risk indicators: 5 pts
- Clear and concise labeling: 5 pts
- Active participation in group discussion: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:
1) What are hazard and risk indicators? Provide examples.
2) Why is it important to identify hazard and risk indicators in the workplace?
3) How can hazard and risk indicators help prevent accidents?

Activity 2: Hazards and Risks Classification Board Game

Teaching Strategy: Games and Gamification

Materials: Board game template, dice, game cards

Significance: Students will classify different types of hazards and risks in the
workplace through a fun and interactive board game activity.

1) Divide the class into small groups.
2) Provide each group with a board game template, dice, and game cards.
3) Instruct the groups to take turns rolling the dice and moving their game pieces
on the board.
4) When a player lands on a hazard or risk space, they draw a game card and
classify the hazard or risk into the appropriate category.
5) The group with the most correctly classified hazards and risks at the end of the
game wins.

- Correct classification of hazards and risks: 5 pts
- Effective teamwork and collaboration: 5 pts
- Clear and concise explanation of hazard and risk classification: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:
1) What are the different types of hazards and risks in the workplace? Provide
examples for each type.
2) How can classifying hazards and risks help in managing workplace safety?
3) What strategies can be used to control and mitigate different types of hazards
and risks?

Activity 3: OHS Procedures Role-Play

Teaching Strategy: Role-Playing

Materials: Role-play scenario cards, props

Significance: Students will demonstrate their understanding of OHS

procedures in controlling hazards and risks through a role-play activity.

1) Divide the class into small groups.
2) Provide each group with a role-play scenario card and props.
3) Instruct the groups to act out the scenario, following proper OHS procedures to
control hazards and risks.
4) Encourage students to be creative in their role-play and demonstrate effective
communication and problem-solving skills.

- Accurate portrayal of OHS procedures: 5 pts
- Effective communication and teamwork: 5 pts
- Clear demonstration of hazard and risk control measures: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:
1) What are OHS procedures? Why are they important in controlling hazards and
2) How can effective communication and teamwork contribute to workplace safety?
3) Provide examples of OHS procedures that can be used to control specific hazards
and risks in the workplace.


Activity 1 - The Hazard and Risk Indicators Gallery Walk allows students to
visually identify and understand different hazard and risk indicators in the
workplace. This activity connects to the objective as it helps students achieve
Learning Competency 1: Identify hazards and risk indicators in the

Activity 2 - The Hazards and Risks Classification Board Game enables

students to classify various types of hazards and risks, promoting a deeper
understanding of workplace safety. This activity connects to the objective as
it helps students achieve Learning Competency 2: Classify the types of
hazards and risks in the workplace.
Activity 3 - The OHS Procedures Role-Play allows students to apply their
knowledge of OHS procedures in a practical context, emphasizing the
importance of following proper protocols in controlling hazards and risks.
This activity connects to the objective as it helps students achieve Learning
Competency 4: Follow the proper OHS procedures in controlling hazards and

Students will gain the ability to identify hazards and risk indicators, classify
different types of hazards and risks, explain the concept of hazards and risks in the
workplace, follow proper OHS procedures, and observe organizational protocols
when providing emergency assistance. They will also develop critical thinking,
problem-solving, and communication skills necessary for workplace safety.

Task 1 - Students will create a safety checklist for animators, identifying potential
hazards and risks in their workplace and suggesting control measures to mitigate
Task 2 - Students will participate in a group discussion, analyzing a real-life
workplace incident and proposing appropriate OHS procedures and emergency
response protocols.


Question 1: What are three hazard and risk indicators commonly found in
animation studios? Explain why these indicators are important to identify.
[Cooperative Learning]

Question 2: How would you classify the following hazards and risks: electrical
hazards, ergonomic risks, and biological hazards? Provide examples for each
category. [Discussion]

Question 3: In what ways can following proper OHS procedures and

organizational protocols contribute to a safe and healthy workplace? Provide
specific examples. [Inquiry-Based Learning]

1) Assignment Overview: Ask students to research and create a visual presentation
on a workplace incident related to hazards and risks in the animation industry.
This assignment will help students deepen their understanding of the subject
matter and its real-life implications.

Assessment Question: Describe the workplace incident you researched and

explain how hazards and risks played a role in the incident. What measures
could have been taken to prevent it? [Research and Presentation]
2) Assignment Overview: Assign students to watch a documentary or read an article
about workplace safety in the animation industry. Afterward, they will write a
reflective essay discussing the importance of following OHS procedures and
organizational protocols in ensuring a safe working environment.

Assessment Question: Reflect on the documentary or article you

watched/read. What key insights did you gain about workplace safety in the
animation industry? How will this knowledge influence your future actions as
an animator? [Reflection and Essay Writing]
Note: The format provided above may require adjustments based on the
specific requirements and guidelines of the DepEd Philippines K to 12
Curriculum Guide.

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