Design and Construction of A Home or Office Security System For Intruder

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GSJ: Volume 11, Issue 9, September 2023

ISSN 2320-9186 2324

Design and Construction of a Home or Office Security System for Intruder

Ateko Busayo C., Abdul-Ganiyu Toyeeb K., Onyenka Ndidi C., Olatunji Abiodun
F., & Adegoke Moses A.
Department of Computer Science, Federal Polytechnic Ede.
Author’s Email:
Author’s Contact No: 08068646968
Index terms: Internet of things, Intruder, home automation, Smart Home, Security System.
The design and construction of a home or office security system for intruder detection is
designed to detect and alert the homeowner or office personnel of any unauthorized entry into
the premises. The system consists of several components, including sensors, a microcontroller, a
Wi-Fi module, and a website. The sensors are installed at various locations throughout the
building, and they detect motion of an intruder. The microcontroller processes the sensor data
and sends alerts to the website via the Wi-Fi module and viewing activity logs. The website
displays real-time data from the sensors and alerts the homeowner or office personnel of any
intruder activity. The system is designed to be scalable, allowing additional sensors to be added
as needed. The system provides a reliable and user-friendly security solution for homes and
offices. It provides real-time data on intruder activity and sends alerts to the user via a website,
enabling them to take appropriate action to secure their property. The software part which is the
website is designed using HTML, CSS, PHP and MySql. And the hardware was designed using
Arduino and C programming.

GSJ© 2023
GSJ: Volume 11, Issue 9, September 2023
ISSN 2320-9186 2325

One of the major concerns of people is security and most importantly premise security either in
the home or office. Securing tangible valuables assets against theft and malicious damage stands
as a primary concern for numerous individuals (Domb, 2019). One’s business also depends on
physical assets such as computers, displays, servers, fax machines and everything that goes with
them that you will need to replace if someone steals or destroys them (Brown, 2012). Same
applies for homes where assets like fridges, washing machines and other valuables need
surveillance even if one is not around to keep an eye on them. The increased demand for internet
services today made efficient data collecting and exchange necessary. By integrating physical
equipment with electronic sensors and the internet, internet of things (IoT) has promised to be
able to enable efficient data storage and interchange. (Mao J, 2018).

The concept of the Internet of Things (IoT) pertains to internet-connected devices. These devices
encompass items like sensors and actuators, possessing a communication interface, processing
capabilities, modest storage, and software functionalities. This facilitates the incorporation of
objects into the internet, fostering interactions between individuals and devices as well as device-
to-device communication. The IoT has sparked a global revolution, notably becoming an
indispensable aspect of daily existence (Tirupal et al, 2020).
This paper becomes an area of research due to the security of home and office conditions.
Previous studies shows that security of home and office, home appliances is less to be monitored
when the owners is not at home. And the need to propose a new efficient system to ensure a high
and easy monitor the condition of home and office can be easy monitor over the internet. Also by
harnessing the power of IoTs at low-cost to provides flexible and scalable architecture for
home/office security. This leads to the development of an IoT based Intruder Detector system.
2.0 Literature review
Every home and office is always concerned with the security of their possessions (Home
theatres, fridges, computers, etc.) hence measures and systems have to be put in place to descry
thieve and also burglars whenever they attempt to break into these homes and office. These
systems will help prevent thieves and burglars from trying to break into homes and office
whenever possessors of these places aren't around.
2.1 Security System

GSJ© 2023
GSJ: Volume 11, Issue 9, September 2023
ISSN 2320-9186 2326

The fundamental description of a security system can be derived from its name. Essentially, it
constitutes a mechanism or approach employed to ensure the safety of something via a collection
of interconnected components and devices. In this context, we're referring to security systems for
homes and offices, comprising interconnected electronic devices that collaborate harmoniously,
overseen by a central control panel, all aimed at providing protection against burglars and other
potential home intruders (Electronic alarm, 2014).
2.2 Intruder Detection system
An Intruder Detection System is a security system that is designed to detect and alert the
presence of unauthorized individuals or intruders in a specific area or property. These systems
typically use a combination of sensors and surveillance cameras to detect movement or other
signs of intrusions.
The use of Intruder Detection System has become increasingly important in recent years as the
need for security has grown in both residential and commercial settings. The increasing crime
rates, as well as the growing number of natural and man-made disasters, have made it necessary
for individuals and organizations to take measures to protect their assets and people.
Types of Intruder Detention Systems
• Passive InfraRed (PIR) Detention System
• Ultrasonic Detention System
• Microwave Detention Systems
• Dual-Technology Detention Systems
• Video Surveillance Systems
2.3 Review of Related Projects (Design and Features)
Alsayaydeh et al, 2021 develop a programmable home security using GSM System for early

prevention. The project underscores the need to bridge the gap between traditional security
practices and contemporary technological advancements. By harnessing the capabilities of
Raspberry Pi technology, GSM communication, and wireless sensors, the project exemplifies a
paradigm shift in the realm of home security, offering an accessible, user-centric, and
comprehensive solution for safeguarding modern homes.

Adriano and Budi, 2018 design an Iot-based Integrated Home Security and Monitoring System.
This study embodies a harmonious synergy between cutting-edge technologies and the

GSJ© 2023
GSJ: Volume 11, Issue 9, September 2023
ISSN 2320-9186 2327

fundamental human need for security and control. By unifying Arduino-based controllers, an
array of sensors, and smartphone applications, the study stands as a testament to the potential of
the IoT in reshaping home security paradigms. Through its innovative framework, the study
encapsulates the essence of remote monitoring and smart home control, underscoring the
dynamic possibilities that lie at the intersection of technology and residential comfort.

Zeyad et al, Create a working prototype of a smart home GSM-based touch-sensitive locker
security system in 2019.The authors introduces a groundbreaking portable domestic locker
security system, leveraging GSM technology to enhance asset protection. At its core is a
meticulously crafted, cost-effective touch-sensitive box, showcasing both innovation and
functionality. The system is designed to detect unexpected touches, triggering an immediate
response through a feedback mechanism. The response includes sending an SMS alert to the
property holder and activating an alarm system. The alarm can only be deactivated with a
specific SMS from the property holder, adding an extra layer of security. The system's merits
encompass high sensitivity, compact design, user-friendliness, and versatility. Its integration of
GSM technology empowers real-time communication, making it applicable to various settings
like homes, offices, vehicles, and ATM booths. Overall, the paper unveils a solution that
combines simplicity and technology, offering enhanced security in a diverse range of scenarios.

3.0 Methodology
A. System Achitecture

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GSJ: Volume 11, Issue 9, September 2023
ISSN 2320-9186 2328

Figure 1: System achitecture

B. Component of the designed Hardware: The hardware component is made up intruder
detector system are the following:
 Sim800 GSM Module  Led (Light-Emitting Diode )
 Atmega328p  Vero board
 28 pin IC Socket  Arduino Uno Programmer
 16Mhz Crystal Oscillator  Connecting Wires
 PIR(Passive InfraRed sensor)  4 x 4 Patress box
 Header Pins  3 x 3 Patress box

Passive InfraRed (PIR) Sensor. A gadget that uses infrared radiation to detect motion. The
sensor detects a sudden shift in infrared energy when a human walks by and sends a signal.
Applications for PIR sensors include making a video camera start recording when someone
enters a room or turning on lights automatically. This passive approach is less trustworthy
than "active" motion sensors, which either transmit light to a distant photodetector or
bounce back a radar signal.

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GSJ: Volume 11, Issue 9, September 2023
ISSN 2320-9186 2329

Figure 2: PIR
28 pin IC Socket: The socket has 28 holes. Devices using integrated circuits employ IC sockets,
often known as integrated circuit sockets. Because IC chips are susceptible to heat damage from
soldering, an IC socket serves as a placeholder for IC chips and enables safe removal and
insertion of IC chips.

Figure 3: 28 pin IC Socket

SIM800: is a tiny cellular module that supports GPRS transmission, SMS sending and receiving,
and voice call making and receiving. This module is the ideal choice for any project that needs
long distance connectivity because of its low cost, compact size, support for four bands of
frequencies, and low cost.

Figure 4 SIM800L

GSJ© 2023
GSJ: Volume 11, Issue 9, September 2023
ISSN 2320-9186 2330

Veroboard: Veroboard is a printed circuit board that’s designed with rows of copper tracks with
holes drilled in then for electronic components to be soldered to construct electronic circuits.

Figure 5: Veroboard

Intruder detector system was designed to enhance security of the home/office by sending
notification to the home/office owner through the website when the PIR sensor detects the
motion in the strategic place where the device is placed in the home or office.

Figure 6: Constructed Intruder Detector System


GSJ© 2023
GSJ: Volume 11, Issue 9, September 2023
ISSN 2320-9186 2331

This page is used by the user to monitor the data from the hardware device(intruder detector).
The page contains the topic of the project, timestamp, the status of location 1, location 2 and
location 3 etc.

Figure 7: Activities Log Page

In this paper we have Design and Construction of Intruder detection system for home /office use
that serve has a security solution that detects and alerts users to potential threats of unauthorized
entry into their properties. The system typically consists of sensors placed at strategic points
around the home and sends the data to the website whenever an intruder was detected. The
system is user friendly and easy to interact with. It was found helpful in protecting of crime and
properties by notifying them on time through the additional website feature. The future scope of
this work can extended with camera for picture and video surveillance feature on the system.

GSJ© 2023
GSJ: Volume 11, Issue 9, September 2023
ISSN 2320-9186 2332


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