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1 IRASUBIZA Alice 113525 July, 2022 Math-Comp
2 ISHIMWE Claudine 113675 July, 2022 Math-Comp
3 ISHIMWE Daniel 113606 July, 2022 Math-Comp
4 ISHIMWE Justine 113841 July, 2022 Math-Comp
5 ISHIMWE Shaffy 113583 July, 2022 Math-Comp
6 IYAMUMPAYE Olive 113519 July, 2022 Math-Comp
7 KARANGWA Vainqueur Alain 113845 July, 2022 Math-Comp
8 KAYITESI Regine 113898 July, 2022 Math-Comp
9 KUNDA Marie Chantal 113728 July, 2022 Math-Comp
10 MASEZERANO Simeon 113832 July, 2022 Math-Comp
11 MBABAZI Clement 113571 July, 2022 Math-Comp

Done on 21st July, 2023

Done by Group 3 in Math- Comp Page 1 of 8

Question 1. Why is it important to estimate your students’ intelligence
quotients, discuss the usefulness of doing this.

Estimating a student's intelligence quotient (IQ) is a topic of great significance in the
field of education and psychology. It involves the measurement of various cognitive
abilities, such as problem-solving skills, memory, and reasoning capacity, to provide
an indication of an individual's intellectual potential. While IQ tests are not a
comprehensive measure of a person's overall capabilities, they can offer valuable
insights that inform educational strategies, identify strengths and weaknesses, and
guide interventions to support student development. This essay will delve into the
importance of estimating a student's IQ and the implications it carries for educational

Firstly, estimating a student's IQ helps educators identify their intellectual

strengths and weaknesses. By assessing different cognitive abilities, IQ tests provide
a snapshot of a student's cognitive profile. This information can guide educators in
tailoring instruction to meet individual needs. For instance, if a student demonstrates
high mathematical reasoning skills, educators can provide advanced material in that
area to fuel their academic growth. Similarly, if a student struggles with verbal
comprehension, educators can design targeted interventions to improve their language
proficiency. Thus, estimating IQ enables educators to understand the diverse learning
profiles of students and customize teaching strategies accordingly.

Secondly, estimating IQ can aid in determining appropriate educational

placement and program selection. By understanding a student's intellectual
potential, educators can make informed decisions regarding placement in gifted
programs, special education, or other specialized academic tracks. Students with high
IQ scores may benefit from advanced classes that challenge and engage their higher-
order thinking skills. On the other hand, students with lower IQ scores may need
additional support and accommodations to ensure they have equal opportunities to
succeed. Accurate IQ estimation, combined with other factors such as classroom
performance and social-emotional considerations, can assist in making well-informed
decisions about the most suitable educational environments for students.

Furthermore, estimating a student's IQ can contribute to early intervention and

support. IQ tests administered in the early stages of a student's educational journey
can identify potential learning difficulties or developmental delays that may require
intervention. Early identification allows educators and parents to implement targeted
interventions and support services that address specific challenges. For instance, if a
student shows a low IQ score accompanied by difficulties in reading, targeted

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interventions focused on literacy skills can help bridge gaps and promote academic
progress. Timely interventions based on IQ estimates can prevent students from falling
behind and ensure they receive the necessary support early on.

Additionally, the estimation of IQ plays a crucial role in identifying exceptional

talents in students. Giftedness is often associated with higher IQ scores, indicating
exceptional abilities beyond the average level. By identifying such talents, educators
can provide appropriate opportunities for gifted students to nurture their strengths
and reach their full potential. This may involve access to advanced curriculum,
specialized enrichment programs, or mentorships with domain experts. Recognizing
and nurturing gifted individuals contributes to societal progress by fostering the
development of future leaders, innovators, and contributors in various fields.

However, it is essential to recognize that estimating a student's IQ should not be

the sole determinant of their potential or future success. Every student possesses
unique abilities, talents, and interests that extend beyond the narrow scope of
intelligence tests. It is crucial to adopt a holistic approach that considers
socioemotional factors, creativity, and other noncognitive skills when evaluating
student capabilities. Moreover, IQ estimation should be used as a tool to guide
educational planning and interventions rather than as a label that defines a student's
worth or limits their possibilities.

In conclusion, estimating a student's IQ is of great importance in education and

psychology. It provides valuable insights into a student's cognitive strengths and
weaknesses, facilitates appropriate educational placement and program selection,
enables early intervention and support, and identifies exceptional talents. By
understanding a student's intellectual potential, educators can foster personalized
learning experiences and create an inclusive environment that nurtures every
student's unique ability. However, it is crucial to exercise caution and recognize the
limitations of IQ tests, ensuring that they are not used as the sole determinant of a
student's potential.

Question 2. Discuss the role of memory in teaching and learning activities and
explain why do people forget.


The role of memory in teaching and learning is paramount. Memory is the cognitive
process by which information is encoded, stored, and retrieved. It serves as the
foundation for acquiring knowledge and skills, and plays a crucial role in the learning

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Memory enables students to retain and recall information, concepts, and skills that
are taught in the classroom. Without memory, learning would be an ephemeral
experience where knowledge gained is quickly forgotten. Here, we will explore the
various ways memory influences teaching and learning.

Firstly, memory is essential in the encoding of new information. When teachers

present new concepts or facts, students need to engage their working memory to
process and comprehend the information. The working memory acts as a temporary
storage system, allowing students to hold and manipulate information actively. As
students rehearse and practice this information, it can be encoded and transferred to
their long-term memory for future retrieval.

Next, memory aids in the retention of learned material. When students actively
engage in the learning process, whether through repetition, rehearsal, or meaningful
associations, they enhance the consolidation of information into their long-term
memory. Remembering and retaining this knowledge enables students to build upon
it, connecting new ideas to previously learned concepts. This helps foster a deeper and
more comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.

Furthermore, memory plays a crucial role in the retrieval of information during

assessments, exams, or real-life applications. The ability to retrieve relevant
information from memory is an essential skill required for academic success. Students
rely on their memory to recall facts, formulas, and problem-solving techniques during
tests. The more efficiently information can be retrieved from memory, the better
students can demonstrate their understanding and apply knowledge in various

Memory also facilitates critical thinking and problem-solving skills. When faced
with a new problem or situation, individuals draw upon their stored knowledge and
experiences to generate solutions. By accessing relevant information from memory,
learners can evaluate, analyze, and apply it to new scenarios, promoting higher-order
thinking skills.
Moreover, memory contributes to the development of metacognitive skills,
which involve self-awareness of one's learning and thinking processes. Through
the reflection on and monitoring of their memory processes, students can assess their
level of understanding and identify areas that require further study or revision.
Metacognitive strategies such as self-testing, spaced repetition, and mnemonic devices
can be employed to enhance memory performance.

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Lastly, memory plays a vital role in the formation of personal and cultural
identity. Memory allows individuals to preserve their experiences, emotions, and
knowledge over time. In an educational context, students build upon their past
experiences and memories to construct meaningful connections with new information.
This integration of prior knowledge with new learning not only enhances memory
consolidation but also shapes an individual's unique perspective and understanding of
the world.

In conclusion, memory is an integral component in teaching and learning. From the

encoding of new information to its retention and retrieval, memory supports the
acquisition and application of knowledge. It enables students to engage in critical
thinking, problem-solving, and metacognitive processes. By understanding the
fundamental role of memory, educators can design pedagogical strategies that
optimize learning and promote long-term retention of information.


Forgetting is a common phenomenon that occurs during the learning process. Despite
our best efforts to retain information, sometimes we forget what we have learned.
Understanding the causes of forgetting can help us develop strategies to enhance our
learning and memory abilities.

One of the primary causes of forgetting is the decay. As time goes by, memories
naturally decay and become less accessible. This process, known as decay theory,
suggests that if we do not reinforce our memories through periodic review or practice,
they gradually fade away. Forgetting due to decay is more likely to occur with
information that is not frequently used or reinforced.

Another cause of forgetting is interference. Interference theory suggests that new

information can disrupt or interfere with the retrieval of previously learned
information. There are two types of interference: proactive and retroactive. Proactive
interference occurs when previously learned information interferes with the recall of
new information, while retroactive interference happens when newly acquired
information disrupts the recall of previously learned information. Forgetting due to
interference can be mitigated by organizing and structuring information in a way that
minimizes overlap or by spacing out the learning of similar materials.

Lack of meaningfulness or encoding specificity can also lead to forgetting. When

we learn something without making connections to existing knowledge or fail to
anchor the information in a meaningful context, it becomes more difficult to retrieve
later. This is known as the encoding specificity principle. Creating associations, visual

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imagery, or relating the new information to personal experiences can enhance
encoding and reduce forgetting.

Another cause of forgetting is retrieval failure. Sometimes, even if the information

is encoded and stored in memory, we may have difficulty retrieving it when we need it.
This can occur due to various factors such as lack of retrieval cues or context-
dependent forgetting. Retrieval cues are cues or prompts that help trigger the recall of
information. Forgetting due to retrieval failure can be minimized by using techniques
such as mnemonics, creating mental associations, or practicing retrieval
Stress and emotional factors can also contribute to forgetting. High levels of
stress, anxiety, or emotional arousal can impair memory consolidation and retrieval.
The release of stress hormones, such as cortisol, can hinder the formation of new
memories and disrupt the retrieval of existing ones. Managing stress, practicing
relaxation techniques, and creating a conducive learning environment can help
minimize the impact of emotional factors on forgetting.

Lastly, lack of attention and shallow processing can result in forgetting. If we do

not pay adequate attention during the learning process or engage in deep processing
of the information, it becomes more challenging to retain and retrieve later.
Mindfulness techniques, active engagement, and employing effective study strategies,
such as summarizing, elaborating, and self-testing, can enhance attention and
promote deeper processing, reducing the chances of forgetting.

In conclusion, forgetting is influenced by various factors such as decay, interference,

lack of meaningfulness, retrieval failure, stress, and attention. By understanding these
causes, we can adopt learning strategies and habits that promote effective encoding,
consolidation, and retrieval of information, ultimately improving our learning and
memory capabilities.

Question 3. As future teacher do you the government policy of inclusive

education? If yes, explain your answer.

The answer for this is YES.

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Inclusive education refers to the practice of providing equal educational opportunities
for all students, regardless of their background, abilities, or disabilities. It promotes an
inclusive learning environment that fosters respect, diversity, and acceptance.

One of the key reasons why governments support inclusive education is to

ensure that every student has the right to access quality education. By
embracing inclusivity, governments aim to create a society where all individuals can
participate and contribute to their fullest potential, without any form of

Inclusive education benefits not only students with disabilities, but also
typically developing students. Students with disabilities can benefit from academic
achievements, social interactions, and personal growth when educated alongside their
peers. Inclusion provides them with opportunities to develop skills necessary for
independent living and employment, fostering their sense of self-worth and belonging.

Moreover, inclusive education cultivates a positive learning environment for all

students. It encourages empathy, compassion, and understanding among students,
fostering a sense of unity and respect for diversity. By exposing students to different
abilities and backgrounds, inclusive education promotes acceptance, reduces
stereotypes, and breaks down barriers within society.

Inclusive education also has long-term societal advantages. When students with
disabilities are educated inclusively, they have better chances of obtaining higher
education, finding meaningful employment, and actively participating in their
communities. This, in turn, contributes to the overall socio-economic development of a
nation, reducing social inequality and promoting social cohesion.
Additionally, inclusive education aligns with the principles of human rights and
international conventions, such as the United Nations Convention on the Rights
of Persons with Disabilities. Governments recognize the importance of upholding
these rights and ensuring equal opportunities for everyone, including persons with
disabilities, which makes inclusive education a crucial aspect of their policy
However, it is important to acknowledge that implementing inclusive education
requires adequate resources, training, and support for both students and
teachers. It is essential for governments to invest in appropriate infrastructure,
assistive technologies, and professional development programs for educators to
effectively meet the diverse needs of all students. This investment is crucial for
successful implementation and support of inclusive education policies.

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In conclusion, the government support for inclusive education is based on the
principles of equality, social integration, and human rights. By embracing inclusive
education, governments aim to provide equal opportunities for all students, foster a
positive learning environment, and create a more inclusive and cohesive society.
However, it is important for ongoing commitment, collaboration, and resource
allocation to ensure that the implementation of inclusive education is effective
and sustainable.

Question 1.

Question 2.

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