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How has working here compared to what you expected?

Working here is mostly what I expected. I am happy about the chance to learn and grow
with the team

How did you do in your job over the last 3 months?

I believe I did well in my job over the last three months. I completed my tasks on time and
helped my team. But I know I can get even better

Did anything make it hard for you to do your job well?

Recently, I've had to handle a bunch of new tasks that required me to learn quickly, pay
closer attention to my work. I know I can be better, but I'm confident I can improve, adapt,
and manage my time to get everything done accurately.

Do you know what you're supposed to do in your job?

Yes, I understand what I'm supposed to do in my job.
- I need a marketing plan
- Compile marketing ideas, information, and strategies
- Develop marketing reports and evaluate the performance

What are you best at in your job?

In my role, I've discovered that my strengths is in creativity and strategic planning. I'm
skilled at thinking up innovative ideas and carefully crafting plans to help us reach the goals

What do you want to achieve in the next six months?

In the next six months, my main goal is to become even more skilled at understanding data
and metrics, so I can spot opportunities to help our clients improve their businesses and
reach their goals. I'm also eager to be a valuable contributor to important projects and am
open to taking on extra responsibilities if needed.

What could we have done better to help you in your first three months here?
You and the team can assist me in growing by assigning tasks that push my abilities and
providing guidance. This will help me improve my skills, so I can better contribute to the
team's success in reaching our goals.

What could we have done better to help you in your first three months here?
It would have been helpful to have more check-ins to see how I was doing and if I had
questions earlier on.

Is there anything you would change about how you do your job?
I want to work on managing my time better and be more active to make sure I can do all my
tasks well and still learn and grow.

How do you think you'll grow with us in the future?

I see a good future here. As I learn and do more, I hope to take on more important roles and
help the team and the company grow.
Do you have any questions for me during this probation review?
Yes, I have a few questions:
Are there any specific things you want me to improve on in the next few months?
Can you tell me more about the team's long-term goals?
Are there any new projects coming up where I can help out?

For the salary, last time in January you mention

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