Bitcoin Is Beating Gold and Silver

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Bitcoin is Beating Gold and Silver - Robert Kiyosaki Quarantine Updates

Bitcoin Beating Gold and Silver

hi robert kiyosaki again and i'm talking
in this or a longer form format to my
account and this one says
bitcoin boom beating gold and silver
what does that mean
it means you better buy as much as you
can now
the train is moving the dollar is dying
silver is still affordable for everyone
and as the dollar crashes what counts is
price but how many coins of gold silver
bitcoin do you own and why i
sent this here is this is because um
i first started buying silver in 1964
when i was 17 years old
and the reason is i didn't know i was a
kid you know a high school kid
and i saw this little copper tinge
around the dimes and the quarters and a
half dollars
i didn't know what that means but there
was a law called gresham's law
and gresham's law says that's something
that we as human beings know
what's real or fake and apparently as a
kid i kind of knew that
anything with a cop or tinge around the
silver mini dime
quarter or half dollar was fake
so i would take i was i used to cut
caddy for the golf
you know i played golf so i caddied to
make money to pay pay for my golf
and i would take my caddy money and i
take it into the bank
and i trade it in for rolls of dimes
quarters and half dollars and i'd go
through the coins
and if i saw anything with copper on it
i'd kick it back
and then i'd re-wrap them and take it
back to the bank with extra money
so i did that for about a year i just
kept collecting dimes quarters and half
and had this whole bag of what they call
bulk silver today
but i just kind of knew it was fake and
then i went off to school in new york
and when i came home
my mother spent it
she she apparently did not know the
Gold in Vietnam
difference between real silver and fake
but that's why our family was poor but
anyway um
then in vietnam i got i got to vietnam
in january 1972
and as soon as i got there my rich dad
sent me a letter but those were snail
mail i mean
it took a long time to mail to get to
you and he says watch out he's
the world's going to change nixon took
the dollar off the gold standard
and i didn't even know what gold was
because we weren't allowed to own gold
in 1933 i believe it was illegal for
americans to own gold
so i didn't know what gold was so my
co-pilot and i fly behind enemy lines
because at north vietnamese army had run
and the gold mine was in its way so
we're flying behind enemy lines and
that's when i
started negotiating gold was at 35
an ounce in 1971 and by the time i got
to the gold dealer
i had this gold mines little vietnamese
with red teeth and i tried to buy gold
from her at a discount
so i thought well it's 35 dollars an
it's 50 an ounce today because it was
starting to rise
and she wouldn't move she says no it's
spot i didn't know what spot meant and
My first gold coin
here we are
my two my co-pilot and i were college
graduates and this little vietnamese
woman i don't think she went to college
but she knew more about money than he
and i did but that was my introduction
to gold
and i didn't buy any gold that day but i
let the
aircraft carriers sailed into hong kong
and that's when i bought my first gold
coin a krugerrand for about 50
i still have that krugerrand today and
it's worth approximately
two thousand dollars so that's why i'm
kind of a gold book
so i've been so i don't save dollars
because i don't trust the us dollar
and i just saved gold and silver and
recently bitcoin
and the reason is is because of 1971
when nixon took the dollar off the gold
dollar the dollar became fake so now
that covet is hit
and they're printing you know they
printed more money in 2020
than they did in the first 200 years of
our country
and still people are saving dollars
you should be buying some gold some
silver and we can afford it bitcoin
silver today is a bargain i mean today
is november around november 15th i think
whatever it is and i can buy a silver
for about 30 bucks and everybody in the
world can afford 30 bucks
but the average person has been
conditioned to think
about paper fake money
you know fake dollars at the same time
they're printing as much money as they
possibly can
they give it to their rich friends they
don't give it to us
and then they print it and interest
rates keep going down so in 1974 when i
got out of the marine corps
if i had a million dollars which i
didn't i could put a million dollars and
into a savings alone a bank
in a certificate of deposit and they
would pay me 15
on my million dollars so a lot of people
made a lot of money they just put their
money into the bank
and they're being paid 15 interest
so a million dollars back in 74 was
worth approximately
a hundred fifty thousand dollars now
it's a lot of not a lot of money
to retire on but you could have retired
000 in 1974. today i take a million
dollars into the bank
i might get two percent so that means
they went from 150
000 to 20 000
and after taxes that twenty thousand
dollars might be worth
fifteen thousand dollars in other words
since 1974 the us dollar has lost 90
of its value and people still say to
their kids
save money you've got to be crazy
they're going to now that you know now
that the elections are over and all this
i don't care if it's trump or biden
they're going to have to print so much
money just to pay for
all of the social entitlement programs
so people don't riot they can't afford
to have about rioting
so they're going to print more and more
money and people are still
saving dollars or yen or euro or pesos
right now you should be saving gold
or bitcoin and the thing was is in the
year 2000
i started buying gold at 250
an ounce and today is worth 10 times
that much approximately
so i'm very happy with my goal and
silver was like
two dollars or three dollars or
something and that was worth 30.
and the bitcoin i bought thank god i was
buying it at 9 000.
and today it's worth over a million
amount about worth over a million
but the reason for that has nothing to
do with gold server or bitcoin it has to
do with the incompetence
of the federal reserve bank or the
corruption of the federal reserve bank
the us treasury and
wall street so i'm not saying bitcoin
Gold or Bitcoin
you know and people get into what i call
pissing matches which is better gold or
who cares the question is how much do
you have
that's all that counts right now because
the reason you buy gold
silver or bitcoin is for the same reason
if you trust the us government or the
whole the central banks the fed
and wall street then save money but if
you don't
then buy gold silver and bitcoin
and the thing i like about bitcoin is
this is that i can run with it it's just
a number in my head
in my trouble with my gold and silver i
got so much of it i have to lug it it's
hard to get it around
so i when i start looking into bitcoin
it was already starting to come up so i
started buying it around 9 000
and today i think it's around 15 or 16
000 i don't know what it is i don't
count that
i just count the number of coins i have
that's it
and i'm buying more the reason i like
US Dollar
gold summer and bitcoin is this
the trouble with the u.s dollar the more
it drops in value the more they print
let me say that again the us dollar the
yen the pace of the euro
as it drops in value because interest
rates keep dropping
they print more of it and people save it
talk about losers get it through your
they're printing it it's getting worth
it's worth less and less and less
whereas bitcoin the thing i like about
excuse me because the more
more valuable more expensive bitcoin
they print less of it it's called a
so the price goes up but the quantity
comes down
and check the dollar out the value of
the dollar comes down
but they print more of it why would you
save it but it's the same with gold and
and the reason i endorse silver is
because everybody can afford it today it
costs you about 30
for a u.s silver eagle i'm not saying
it's going to make you a rich
but if you have 20 million of them
you'll be rich if you just kept saving
the way i kept saving gold and now i'm
bitcoin you don't have to go to college
to save it just buy it hide it
buy it and hide it you keep it out of
the site of the us government or your
the people that bought gold silver or
bitcoin let's say live in argentina
you're so much richer today than a
person who saved pesos
and it's the same as my friend in
National Debt
australia you know if you're saving the
aussie dollar you're going to be crazy
with the singapore dollar or the
canadian dollar
so it was like you know how many ounces
what percent should you have five
percent ten percent
the hell with the percentage just get as
much as you can
because when this covert thing finally
blows over
the problems are still around
our national debt is so high we have
so many people on entitlement plans
our pensions are about to go broke
the u.s government is broke our debt to
our debt to gdp in america today
is a hundred thirty percent debt to gdp
at ninety percent debt to gdp it's over
so went from ninety percent to a hundred
thirty percent that means we can't pay
off our bills
so they're gonna have to keep printing
more fake
us dollars or pesos or yen or euro
whatever you're saving
but right now if you can get your hands
on gold server or bitcoin i don't care
which one
Gold vs Bitcoin
but it's better than saving fake money
so i like bitcoin i'm glad i
bit the bullet at 9 000. it was hard
because you know gold was only about
eighteen hundred so to buy bitcoin was
but i'm glad i have it today
i'm still planning on buying more
because i think you know bitcoin is
probably going to go to fifty thousand
dollars gold's gonna go to fifteen
thousand dollars and silver will
probably go to two hundred dollars
and you're gonna buy it then you have a
very very good friend he's a pilot
in the marine corps with me and he was
on the first round
financing of bitcoin he has thousands of
What Rich Dad stands for
he's paying like 30 cents a coin and
today he's a mega millionaire
just owning bitcoin he also owns
the first round shares of facebook so
what we're talking about here is this
you look at this here the eye
is that the ultimate goal of a
capitalist is to become an i
and i means insider you're an insider
in in the deal so my friend was a marine
pilot you know he was
he's an insider on facebook and is an
insider on bitcoin and he's an insider
on uber
but that's where that money is made you
don't get there from the outside which
is the e and the s
side so ladies and gentlemen what rich
dad stands for is to be in the eye side
or you can go back to school and go on
the e and the s
site but for right now i don't care if
you go back to school and become
a doctor or a lawyer whatever whatever
you decide
but at this point in time if you can't
gold or bitcoin buy some silver
just keep buying it hold on to it keep
buying hold on
don't keep it inside a bank but the ride
in gold server and bitcoin is about to
the reasons you buy them are the same it
no difference the reason you buy golds
over bitcoin because
i don't trust our government thank you

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