Education Agent Agreement V3.0

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Tel: +61 (0)39 043 1668 |
Suite 1, Level 14, 190 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC3000
ABN: 83 603 077 970 | RTO: 41340 | CRICOS: 03450E




Company name Global Education Consultant P/L Trading as Dalton College

Address Suite 1, Level 14, 190 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

ABN/ACN 83-603-077-970 / 603-077-970

Phone (03) 9043 1668

Name of Officer Krystal Li
Position of Officer CEO

Signature of Officer Date


Company/Trading name




Fax or Mobile


Name of Agent

Signature of Officer Date


1. THE COLLEGE wishes to recruit full time overseas students.

2. The National Code of Practice for providers of education and training to overseas imposes certain

obligations and requirements on the providers of education and training; courses to overseas students.

3. THE COLLEGE is registered on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas

Students (CRICOS) as part of the ESOS Act requirements under CRICOS Code No. 03450E

Document name Education Agent Agreement v3.0

Reviewed date To review date Version no. 3.0

12/12/2022 11/12/2023
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Tel: +61 (0)39 043 1668 |
Suite 1, Level 14, 190 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
ABN: 83 603 077 970 | RTO: 41340 | CRICOS: 03450E

4. THE COLLEGE wishes to engage THE AGENT as its representative for the primary purpose of providing

recruitment services of suitable prospective international students for enrolment and study at THE


5. THE AGENT is aware of the requirements of the National Code and has agreed to assist THE COLLEGE

in complying with the ESOS standards in relation to the recruitment of students; this includes agreeing

to a public listing of all agents/organizations that are involved in recruitment services of international

students for THE COLLEGE displayed on THE COLLEGE’s website.



1.1. Agent fees (commission) Fee calculated under Item 3 of the schedule

Means logos, trademarks, designs, and crests that belong to or

1.2. Marks
carry the name of THE COLLEGE

Provider Registration and International Students Management System

1.3. PRISMS (electronic system that holds CRICOS and the electronic confirmation
of enrolment)

1.4. Student fees Tuition fees and material fees set by THE COLLEGE for courses.

Fees relating to the training and education services provided at

1.5. Tuition fees
Dalton College.

Fees relating to the purchase of workbooks for each module of

1.6. Material fees
an enrolled course of study and retained by the student.

1.7. Course program CRICOS registered full time course

A person, (whether within or outside Australia) who intends to

1.8. Prospective student become, or who has taken any steps towards becoming a
student at THE COLLEGE

1.9. Student Overseas student as defined in the ESOS Act

1.10. Term The period set out in Item 1 of the schedule

2. In this agreement, unless the contrary intention appears:

2.1 Headings included in this agreement do not affect the agreement; it is intended for the ease of

reference only.

2.2 Grammatical forms of defined words or expressions have corresponding meanings;

Document name Education Agent Agreement) v2.0

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Tel: +61 (0)39 043 1668 |
Suite 1, Level 14, 190 Queen Street,Melbourne VIC 3000
ABN: 83 603 077 970 | RTO: 41340 | CRICOS: 03450E

2.3 Money is in Australian dollars unless otherwise stated and a reference to “A$‟, “AUD‟, “$A‟,

“dollar‟ or “$‟ is a reference to Australian currency; and

2.4 The (attached) Schedule forms part of this agreement; and this agreement will override the

schedule only due to any conflict between the schedule and this agreement.

3. Detailed obligations of THE AGENT

In performing the services, THE AGENT must:

3.1 Promote the courses offered by THE COLLEGE with integrity and accuracy and recruit

prospective students in an honest, ethical and responsible manner;

3.2 Inform prospective students accurately about the requirements of the course(s) using only

material belonging and provided by THE COLLEGE;

3.3 Assist to uphold the high reputation of THE COLLEGE and of the Australian international

education sector;

3.4 Take reasonable steps in confirming the accuracy of the information provided by prospective

students in the application;

3.5 Ensure that only signed and completed applications are submitted to THE COLLEGE;

3.6 Assist prospective students in completing visa applications and all other relevant and related


3.7 Ensure relevant fees, charges and supporting documentation accompany each application and

acceptance of offer documents;

3.8 Provide any offer documents received from THE COLLEGE to the prospective student within

24 hours of receiving the offer documents;

3.9 Provide THE COLLEGE with market intelligence about the recruitment of prospective students

on and off shore;

3.10 Only undertake promotional and marketing activities involving THE COLLEGE that have been

approved by THE COLLEGE;

3.11 Act in accordance with THE COLLEGE policies, procedures and directions received from THE


3.12 Ensure prospective students provide accurate information and documents in the application

and comply with student visa requirements;

3.13 Before prospective students complete an application form, THE AGENT must provide the

following information to the student. Information includes but is not limited to:
Document name Education Agent Agreement) v3.0

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Tel: +61 (0)39 043 1668 |
Suite 1, Level 14, 190 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
ABN: 83 603 077 970 | RTO: 41340 | CRICOS: 03450E

3.13.1 THE COLLEGE‟s facilities, equipment and learning resources;

3.13.2 Course content, course duration, qualifications offered and mode of study;

3.13.3 Satisfactory visa requirements and English language proficiency levels;

3.13.4 Tuition fees and refund policy information;

3.13.5 Living in Australia; cost of living, environment, etc.

3.14 THE AGENT must provide prospective students with information regarding:

3.14.1 students who come to Australia on a student visa must have a primary purpose of

studying and are expected to complete the course within the expected duration and;

3.14.2 any accompanying school age dependents must pay any relevant fees if enrolling in

either government or non-government schools.

3.15 The agent must at all times cooperate with the Australian Skills Quality authority (ASQA) as


• by providing accurate and factual responses to information requests from the ASQA

relevant to the delivery of services; and

• in the conduct of audits and the monitoring of its operations.

3.16 THE AGENT must not

3.16.1 Engage in any dishonest practices, including suggesting to prospective students that

he or she may come to Australia on a student visa with a primary purpose other than

his or her full-time study;

3.16.2 Facilitate applications for prospective students who do not comply with visa


3.16.3 Provide prospective students with „immigration advice‟ as defined in

3.16.4 the Migration Act 1958 unless THE AGENT is separately registered under the Act;

3.16.5 Provide a prospective student inaccurate information in regard to THE COLLEGE‟s

student fee(s) and course material fees on his or her acceptance into a course;

3.16.6 Receive and or bank from a prospective student the course fee(s) payable to THE

COLLEGE or deduct any amount from the course fee(s) payable to the prospective


3.16.7 Make any representations, offers and or guarantees to prospective students in regard

to the likelihood of obtaining a student visa;

3.16.8 Engage in false and or misleading advertising and or recruitment practices;

3.16.9 Make any false or misleading comparisons with any other education provider or their
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Tel: +61 (0)39 043 1668 |
Suite 1, Level 14, 190 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
ABN: 83 603 077 970 | RTO: 41340 | CRICOS: 03450E

courses or make any inaccurate claims regarding any association between THE

COLLEGE and other education providers;

3.16.10 Undertake any advertising and or promotional activity in regard to the courses offered

by THE COLLEGE without the prior written consent of THE COLLEGE;

3.16.11 Commit THE COLLEGE to accept any prospective student into a course;

3.16.12 Use or access PRISMS without the prior written consent of THE COLLEGE;

3.16.13 Use or access PRISMS to create a confirmation of enrolment;

3.16.14 Use any registered and or unregistered Mark without the prior written approval of THE


3.16.15 Actively recruit or attempt to recruit prospective students with the knowledge of the

engagement between the student and another official representative of THE


3.16.16 Sign or encourage or allow others to sign official documents, such as student

application and enrolment forms on behalf of a prospective student or an accepted

student. The students signature that appears on all official supporting documentation

must be the same signature that appears on the application and enrolment forms;

3.17 Unless THE COLLEGE otherwise agrees in writing, THE AGENT must bear the cost of

advertising and promotional activities undertaken by the agent under this agreement.

3.18 THE AGENT must not redeem any commission of any extension fee of a student. The

commission strictly applies on the principal courses of the initial application only.

3.19 THE AGENT must not provide fraudulent documents for prospective students in the enrolment

application and visa application;

3.20 THE AGENT must not facilitate applications for prospective students who do not comply with

visa requirements and has intention to be unlawful non-citizens.

4. Role of THE COLLEGE

4.1 THE COLLEGE must

4.1.1 Provide sufficient information and training to enable THE AGENT to undertake the

recruitment services of international students;

4.1.2 Assess completed application forms from prospective students within a reasonable

time of receipt;

4.2 THE COLLEGE will immediately take corrective action or terminate the agreement with THE

AGENT if it becomes aware of THE AGENT being negligent, careless or incompetent or being
Document name Education Agent Agreement v3.0

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Tel: +61 (0)39 043 1668 |
Suite 1, Level 14, 190 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
ABN: 83 603 077 970 | RTO: 41340 | CRICOS: 03450E

engaged in false, misleading or unethical advertising and recruitment practices, including

practices that could harm the integrity of Australian education and training.

4.3 THE COLLEGE will terminate the agreement with THE AGENT if it becomes aware of, or

reasonably suspects dishonest practices, including the deliberate attempt to recruit a student

where this clearly conflicts with the obligations of registered providers under National Code

Standard 7 (Transfer between registered providers, whereby a receiving registered provider

must not knowingly enroll the student wishing to transfer from another registered provider’s

course prior to the student completing six months of his or her principal course of study) or

any of the other dishonest practices outlined above.

5. Confidentiality

5.1 THE AGENT must keep confidential:

5.1.1 All information received by THE COLLEGE, other than to the extent disclosure is

required to perform the services in accordance with this Agreement; and

5.1.2 The terms of this Agreement.

6. Agent Fees (commission)

6.1 THE COLLEGE must pay THE AGENT’s Fee for each student who:

6.1.1 Is recruited by THE AGENT;

6.1.2 Is enrolled in a full time Course at THE COLLEGE;

6.1.3 Has paid the Course fee(s) to THE COLLEGE;

6.1.4 Has commenced the Course; and

6.1.5 Has not, subsequent to commencing the program, been fully refunded the course


6.2 THE AGENT is regarded as having recruited a student under this Agreement if THE AGENT

submits the student's application for enrolment and that application also bears THE AGENT's

name and other details (where applicable)

6.3 THE AGENT’s Fee is not paid where the student applies to enroll directly to THE COLLEGE.

6.4 THE COLLEGE must pay the fees payable under this clause within 30 days of receipt of a valid

invoice from THE AGENT.

7. Termination of Agreement

7.1 Either party may terminate this Agreement at any time by giving the other party 30 days prior

written notice.
Document name Education Agent Agreement v3.0

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Tel: +61 (0)39 043 1668 |
Suite 1, Level 14, 190 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
ABN: 83 603 077 970 | RTO: 41340 | CRICOS: 03450E

7.2 If THE AGENT breaches any provision of this Agreement, THE COLLEGE may terminate this

Agreement at any time and with immediate effect by giving written notice to THE AGENT.

7.3 On termination of this Agreement, THE AGENT must:

7.3.1 Submit all applications and fees from prospective students received up to the

termination date; and

7.3.2 Immediately cease using any advertising, promotional or other material supplied by


7.4 On termination of this Agreement, THE AGENT is not eligible to claim further commission

8. Monitoring Arrangements

8.1 As an Education Agent representing THE COLLEGE, THE AGENT’s activities in relation to

promoting THE COLLEGE will be monitored to ensure THE AGENT is acting in the best

interests of THE COLLEGE, the student, and the Australian education system. These monitoring

activities require THE AGENT’s participation and contribution which are listed below.

8.2 THE AGENT must submit a report of their activities once per month. This report is to outline

the promotional activities that have been undertaken on behalf of THE COLLEGE and include

any students that have been contacted or recruited to enroll with THE COLLEGE. (E-mail will


8.3 THE AGENT will be required to undertake an annual review. Where practical a face to face

meeting will be organized to review THE AGENT’s activities. Where a face to face meeting is

not appropriate THE COLLEGE will conduct an internal review of THE AGENT’S activities. The

reviews will include:

▪ Overview of current practices and relationship with THE COLLEGE

▪ Ensuring current marketing materials are being used

▪ Ensuring representation of THE COLLEGE is appropriate

▪ Discussion of any issues or concerns with the agent or appropriate staff

8.4 The review will be undertaken by the CEO and Marketing Manager. Minutes of any meetings

or notes of internal reviews will be taken and kept on THE AGENT’s file.

8.5 Further monitoring of Education Agents activities and conduct with prospective students will

be gained through feedback collected from students upon enrolment. Through the course

orientation students will be asked to complete a survey in relation to their dealings with

Education Agents that represent THE COLLEGE

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Tel: +61 (0)39 043 1668 |
Suite 1, Level 14, 190 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
ABN: 83 603 077 970 | RTO: 41340 | CRICOS: 03450E

8.6 This process ensures that any issues relating to Education Agents providing misleading or

dishonest information to prospective students is identified and can be addressed.

8.7 Any issues that are identified will be discussed in the Senior Management Meetings and if

required, discussed with the particular Education Agent. This meeting / discussion will to be

documented and kept on THE AGENTs file.

9. Assignment and Subcontracting Agreement

9.1 THE AGENT must not assign this Agreement or any rights under this Agreement without the

prior written consent of THE COLLEGE (which may be withheld at its discretion).

9.2 THE AGENT must not subcontract to any person the performance of any of its obligations

under this Agreement without the prior written consent of THE COLLEGE (which may be

withheld at its discretion).

9.3 Despite any subcontract, THE AGENT remains liable for performing its obligations under this


9.4 THE AGENT must terminate any agreement with a sub-contractor if they become aware of, or

reasonably suspect, dishonest practices, including the deliberate attempt to recruit a student

where this clearly conflicts with the obligations or registered providers under National Code

Standard 7 (Transfer between registered providers, whereby a receiving registered provider

must not knowingly enroll the student wishing to transfer from another registered provider’s

course prior to the student completing six months of his or her principal course of study) or

any of the other dishonest practices outlined above.

10. Notices

10.1 A notice under this Agreement must be in writing and sent by prepaid post, airmail, facsimile,

or electronic mail to the party at the address set out in Item 4 of the Schedule or other address

notified under this clause.

10.2 A party changing its address, facsimile number or electronic mail address must give notice of

that change to the other party immediately.

11. Entire Agreement

11.1 This Agreement and its schedule:

11.1.1 constitutes the complete and full agreement between the parties as to its subject

matter; and

11.1.2 In relation to that subject matter, replaces and supersedes any prior arrangement or
Document name Education Agent Agreement v3.0

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Tel: (03) 9043 1668 |
Suite 1, Level 14, 190 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
ABN: 83 603 077 970 | RTO: 41340 | CRICOS: 03450E

agreement between the parties.

11.2 This agreement may only be altered in writing and signed by both parties.

11.3 This Agreement is governed by and construed in accordance with the law in force in the State

of Victoria, Australia.

11.4 The parties submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the State of Victoria,

Australia and the Federal Court of Australia.

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Tel: +61 (0)39 043 1668 |
Suite 1, Level 14, 190 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
ABN: 83 603 077 970 | RTO: 41340 | CRICOS: 03450E


Item 1: Term
One (1) years from the date of agreement from: to

Item 2: Territory
Off-shore On-shore Both

Item 3: Agent’s Fee

1. A commission of 35% inclusive GST of total tuition fee is payable for each student recruited

ONSHORE into any of the full time courses offered by and provided on THE COLLEGE’s scope of

registration (Material fees and Enrolment fee are not included).

2. A commission of 30% inclusive GST of total tuition fee is payable for each student recruited

OFFSHORE into any of the full time courses offered by and provided on THE COLLEGE’s scope of

registration (Material fees and Enrolment fee are not included).

3. A commission of 30% inclusive GST of total tuition fee is payable for each student recruited

ONSHORE into any of the short-course and English Courses (including ELICOS and PTE) offered

by and provided on THE COLLEGE’s scope of registration (Materials fees and Enrolment fee are

not included).

4. A commission of 25% inclusive GST of total tuition fee is payable for each student recruited

OFFSHORE into any of the short-course and English Courses (including ELICOS and PTE) offered

by and provided on THE COLLEGE’s scope of registration (Materials fees and Enrolment fee are

not included).
Item 4: Declaration

I of

Declare that I:
• Will take reasonable steps to avoid conflict of interest with my duties as an education agent of the


• Will observe appropriate level of confidentiality and transparency in my dealing with overseas students

or intending overseas students.

• Will act honestly and in good faith, and in the best interest of the students or intending students.

• Have appropriate knowledge and understanding of the international education system in Australia.

• I agree to the terms and conditions described in this agreement.

Signature Date:
Document name Education Agent Agreement v3.0

Reviewed date 12/12/2022 To review date 11/12/2023 Version no. 3.0

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