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Examine the case before and after the section “The Recovery”.

Analyze from various

perspectives including marketing what was different before and after.
After a series of external factors that has greatly affected how they forecasted demand, Japan Airlines
had filed for bankruptcy. A new leader entered and pushed them to focus on their philosophy and
focus on the customers’ needs and being able to deliver these said needs. As they have focused on the
customers’ perspective, they have improved their operations by hearing their feedback and by also
looking at each interaction with the customer.
What challenges and solutions might you face if you were to implement such a kind of
philosophy like the JAL Philosophy in your company to change into a customer centric value

Strengths Weaknesses
 Relationship with existing customers  Additional budget requirements
 Knowing the capabilities of the different  May have to outsource or get in touch with other
departments suppliers
Opportunities Threats
 A way to better serve and engage with  Competitors may have already been doing this
 Attract new users

Internal Analysis
Strengths Weaknesses
Opportunities Use strengths to make the best of Mitigate weaknesses to find
opportunities – As the marketing opportunities – Find ways to be
employees of the company, I believe creative in order to not incur
External Analysis

that we best know what the customer additional costs; Create strategic
wants and needs and as such we can partnerships with suppliers to have a
develop new products/services that long-term relationship
better correspond to their situations
Threats Use strengths to overcome threats – Turn weaknesses and threats into
Hinge on our unique selling opportunities – We can also learn
proposition in order to differentiate from competitors and see how we can
ourselves from the competition build on and even improve their

All in all, I feel that going into a customer centric value system will have a number of benefits for the
company and customer. This will however entail some resources and maybe even more personnel and
the company must be willing to take on that additional investment. But in doing so, we would be able
to improve our interactions with the customer at each touchpoint and also see how we can develop
and improve our current offerings.

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