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\1ost []rgcnt lrronr: l'lO. I,lD. DItaka
[or. I]urrg:liiclool. r\II NI issions Fax:95405-53/9540026
)JS(i: lJ6,/20 I9-10 Ir-nrai I : pir:lclhakarir)grrai Lcorrr
I)irle : \\'ctltcsrlul. 23 Ockrbcr 20I9 Wcb :u *.u,. prcss i riiiirm. gor,,.bd
Ncw,s Brief
Prcsicletlt Md. AbdLrl IIamid attended.lapanese lrew Enrpcror NalrIitg's eptlrror-rcrrept cer,-p']or'
\\'hcre tlre etlrperol'proclailrecl his ascension to thr: throne as .lapan's l26tlr morrarclr ilt ll-ont of leacjers
rcPrescllttltives fl'otl'l I 74 countries and regions at the Irrperial Palaoe in Tokyo yesterclay. -[-6e presiclent
schcdLrled to attend a llanqLlet to be hosted by.laparrese Prime Minister Shinzo Ate at I-lotel Nerv
Otarri tlris
e\/elt ing.

Prirle Mirrister Sheiklr Flasina has said errsuring road safbtl is not the responsibility of. the
go\lerlllllellt ol driVers alcllre as all u'ill ltave to conre ull to clcal r,r,ith it. The Prentic,r llacle thc reparlis r,vhilc
aclclrcssing a cliscttssiotl on the occrlsion ()1'the National Roacl Sal'et1, Day-2019 at Krishibicl IrrstitLrtion.
Barlglaclcsh Auclitoritltn irr Dhaka yesterday. The PM has urged the authorities concerrrecl to stop pllirg
trrlllt Vchiclcs atrcl tlteir uttltealthy'race on the roads to avert road accidents.'l'he govcrlnrent has set,p.
Natiotral l{oacl Safbtl,'Councilaitned at builcling a sale roacl netrvorli irr tlre coLrptr},, the pM aclclecl.
lr(lNEC ltas approvecl the Ist revisior.r ol'the N4ultipLrrpose [)isaster Shelter C]enter prcr.ject u,ith
atr cstitllatecl cost tlf-'l'al<a 3.lt10.76 crorc to protect the people of the coastal areas fiop.r variorrs nattrral
clisastet's 'l'hc apploval fl'otn a EC]NFIC rneetitrg u,ith Printe Minister Sheil<h Ilasina irr tlte chair
lestcrcla-r'. l)lallnirlg Minister MA Manttarr briefing the nervsrr.rcn saicl, a total of 5 projects i,volvirg n,
ovct'nll cstirnatctl cost of 'fal<a 4.636.80 crore were allproved in tlre meeting. The planiipg Mi,ister said.
solllc 5-5(r crclorle shelters are being bLtilt under the pro.ject rvhich woulci also be usecl 1br conclLrcti,g

Lr'(rr(:. f iti.r hl iriist*l ;rdii*ci.

I)rillle N4inistcr Shcil<h I'lasirta rvill Lrnveil the list olnervly enlisted MPO edr-rcational institutions.t zr
litncliorl at Carlabhaball todal'. Education Minister Dr Dipu Moni ntade the anrrour-rcer.r.rcpt i1 a,ress briefrng
at tlre Intcrnatitlral N4other I-anguage InstitLrte in Dhal<a \.esterday. Non-N4PO teaclrers also enclecl their
Ilttrlgcr strilic lbllou'irtg Edr.rcation Minister's assLlrancc over the issue o1'NIPO ltrcilitics. Thc Ministcr ursccl
thc tcllcllels arld erllPltl,r'ccs o1'thc ttttn-MPO institLrtions to rvithdrarv their ongoinc protcsts apcl g. Sacii t.
thcir rvorli tis soot't as prtssiblc.
I)rirlte Mitrister Slreilih Ilasina will leave Dhaha fbr Baku tornorrow lbr a foLrr-day official to
Az-erbai.ian to ltttetrcl 'isit a
llre ISth Surrrrit of the Non-Aligncd Movernent. The trvo-clay sur-r-rr.pit of t6e NAM.
li-rrr-ttll ol'120 dcveltlpitlg cclttntrics. rvill be helci at Baliu Corrgress Centre in the Azc-rbai.ian
capital olBal<Lr
orr Octobe'r 25-2(r. [)ritlre Mirrislcr Shcilih llasina will.ioirr the sunrmit along rvith 6thcr hcacls 6l-state
,govenllcltt o1'tite nrertrbcr states o1'thc NAM.
Prirlle Vlirrister's lnlbrn'ration and Comrrunication Techrrology adviser Sa,leeb Wazed joy
illattgLtratecl 'Nagad itcooLlnt in onc ntit.tute' service connecting'Porichoy'app rvith Banglades6 post Ol-lice's
lnobile tltlarlcial sct'l'ice Nagacl at a flnctiot-t at the Ministry ol'Posts and'Telecolnp.rr-rnicatictns in Dh.k,
r"e:stercla)'.'l'hc serr''ice ivas ltuttrched to nrarl<e flnancial service quicker and saltr fbr t6e pcople
across the
coLllltrY thlough collrlectit-tg Nagacl. E,arlier, it tooh five clays 1br verif'ication o1'pational iO ol
accclt-ttlt u'llich is tttlr'r' POssible.iLrst in olre r.r-rir-rr-rte using 'Porichoy' app. Posts and Telecorn.tunications"n1,,
[)iVisiorr N4inister MLtstata.labbar rvho u,as present at the function told
-ioLrrnalists that, Bangladesh
l-elecorlrtllt-ttlicittiott Cornpttnv L,intited rr,ill give land;lhone corrnectior-rs to the intending clie,ts fiee
rrrarliitrg the 'lVItriib Ycar'. the birth centeltarv ol'Father of the Nation Bangabarrclltu SSeil<h MLriibLrr
llltllrlratl. l)r'irllc N4inister's ICI'Allairs Aclviser Sa.jc'cb \\,'azecl .lot,aclclrcssingln intcracti'e cr,ert ritlccl
"Yotltlq 13angla rl'ith Sa.lecb Wazecl" at a city'hotcl
.vcster-cla1,,callecl Lr1-ron the grrarcliaps to allo*,their.
childrelr to tllalie the ir orvn carcer plan so tlrat they can learrr to stand on their own f-eet.

['lcase Tr:nt ovcr


Inlil'ntation Nlinistcr Dr. Hasan N4ahrntrcl rvhilc addrcssing at the installatiorr ccrcmonl'ol'the
rrervlr-clcctcil contrnittee of Munshigan.j Press Clutr at T.ilu Shilpaltala Acadelr-\, in thc clistrict \''csterclay
saicl. evc.r),one cau criticize the gclvcrnment but it should be objective. About -journalist's criticisnr cif the
sovenrrent. 1hc N4irrister saicl .journalists shor-rlcl also highlight the clevelopmerrt ol-the govcnlncnt.

to crcltte instlbilitl, 1,., t1.," cor.urtr\,. A vcstccl cluarter is hatching conslriracl'to loil the peace and con'tn'tttnal
hunrorrr' in tlre col-rr-rtrt'using social nredia ovcr Bhola inciclent. the Mirristcl'aclcled.".| ustice ancl l)iillianientarv Al'lnirs Minister AnisLrl HLrcl h:rs said. a stablc sovenrnent urtcler lhc
str'ong lcaclcrship ol'Printe Ministcr Sheikh Ilasinii has tLtrrrecl [3anglaclcsh into a clevelopnrettt troclel.'fhc
N4inister saicl this as hc rvas aclclressing thc 2ncl Irrterrrational Coltl'erence on.l t-tsticc in Mclrocco"s N4arralieslr
crt\ _r'cstcrclar,. l'lrc Ministcr
aclclccl that goocl govenrAnce'. contirturotrs political stabilitf ancl lirir
nttcr(rcconorlie policl,arrcl prioritl,to proper dcvelopment earnec'l Balrgladesh thc dcsircd pace ot'progress.
Iroreign N4inistcr Dr A l( AbclLrl Morrcn hars urged French enterprises to investrnettt in tlre courrtrl"s
inll-astrtrctirrc" r'cnct,rrble energv. u,astc r.r-rir.ritgenrent arrcl lC'f scctors cclnsidering Banglaclcsh governnrent's
ialioris bLrsincss ll'icncllv clts), 1-so11 l'ltious to attract Iroreigrr Direct Irrr''cstmctrt.'['he Minister llaclc the call
r,lrcn acltlrcssing thc llanglaclesir-[]:rrnc:e E,crinon.ric I-orun-t organizccJ b1, 1;'," Senatc o1'Iritncc ilt ['aris tttr
i\londar. 'l'hc N4inister saicJ. Frcnch comparries carr choose Bangladesh as a lucrative investnrcnt dcstinatiort
lrs r:trncntlr thc counlr), is ollcring Ft)l lL'iencllv rcgulatiorts. onc--stol) sct't iees. elrse t.etrtittattcc 1tt'ofit itnci
luvai iabi i itr ol' si<i I Icrl u orli Iolcc at vcrv conrPct it ive \\ u!L-s.

('onllierce N4inistcr'[-ipu Inilia to reluove all tariff iincl non-tnril'1'Lrarriers to hcllr

N4r.rnshi has urgecl
Ilrrrrglar,ieslr ilrclcusc its cxl-rolts to thc ncighbourirr-rl countrrr. Thc N4inistel nrncle the call as hc rvas speal<irrg
Ir1 lltc 'lnclrr-llunglaclcsh Stal<cholclcrs N4eetirrg' at Citrr,i,ahati ol' Assart.t in Inclia )'este rcla1,.
'l-hc N4iltislcr
rrrrrrtiLrrreil thai 13itnglaclcsh flicccl dif'tlculties lbr thc suciclen clecision o['lnclia ()n ()lti()n intl](\l't iutLl
l,Sanglaclcslt coulrl l<cep stablc its marliet through inrporting 1t'orn allet'rttrtivc sourccs. if the coLlntrt'lineti,tltc
clccision earliel'.
Stutc N,lirrister lirr Shipping Khalicl N4alrnrucl ChorvclhLrry rvhile addressing at a nrinisterial-lcr,el
conlbrcrrcc olgarrizcri l"rv thc Irrtcnratiorral Nlaritinrc Orgauisation in Spain l,cstcrclay'Iaicl errpliasis on

eoLrntrics o1-thc u,orlcl. Our Fathcr o1'tlre Nation Bangabanclhu Sheikh Muiibur Rahntan's firreigrr policv is-
iiiendslrilt rvitlr cvervone. arriurosit),r,r,ith no olrc, tlrc State N4inister trclded.
'l'he l-5tlt sltan o1'the l)aclnra nrultipurpose briclge r,r,as irrstalled at the la.jira
;loint vestet'dar" alier a
loltg litLrr-nronlh [trcalt cluc to inclcn'rcnt u'ettlrer artcl rainy serlson. With thc installation ol' l-ith spatr ttn ils

c:o nr 1t
Ictr tl .

,\ oi'er l9
[.lrritcc] Natiorrs rcPort rrrr'rrtioning that clirnate chauge threatens chilcl nutrition saicl tliat
ntillion chilclrcn -- a clutl'ter ol thcnr under 5 spread ilcross Bangladesh are at the tiont linc of clintatc
change clisustcrs.'l'he re;lort say's 58.7 million chilclrcn uucler 5 u,ere stutttecl and alrnost 25.9 nrillion u,c're

thrir,ing. goverrrnrcnt cll f3anglaclesh *,ill bcgin thc sc:concl phase ol'its 'Clinrate' C lranec Stt'ltcg1' anrl
,,\ctiorr I'lllt'tltis vear'.;rlacing grcater err;lhasis on tlre neecls of thc poorest ttnd rnost vLrlnerable. accrtrcl ing
to the LIN rcport.

q/ *frL*ry
Surath l(umar Sarker
I)rirrcilral I n lbrmatiort Ol-flccr
Phonc -954609 1

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