Assignment 3

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Statistical Methods in Foreign Language Education Research

Assignment 3

The following tasks are to be completed by using Data Set

1. Please draw the tables on the computer.

You can draw the figures (the histogram and the box-and-whisker plot) by using a
pencil and a graph-notebook page.

1. Draw a table of simple (ungrouped) frequency distribution of S.E.S. (socioeconomic

status) within the sample.

2. Draw a table of simple (ungrouped) frequency distribution of S.E.S. (socioeconomic

status) by gender within the sample.

3. Draw a table of grouped frequency distribution of proficiency scores within the sample
(groups are to be decided by you).

4. Using the groups you created for Task 3, draw a table of grouped frequency distribution
of proficiency scores by gender within the sample.

5. Draw a table of cumulative frequency distribution of age within the sample.

6. Draw a table of cumulative frequency distribution of age by gender within the sample.

7. Draw a stem-and-leaf display table of males’ proficiency scores in the sample.

8. Draw a histogram of the distribution of anxiety scores in the sample (score intervals of
the bars on the horizontal axis are to be decided by you).

9. Calculate and write the mode, median, mean, and range of females’ proficiency scores.

10. Draw a 2-D box-and-whisker plot with proficiency score on the vertical axis and the
three S.E.S. categories on the horizontal axis.

Statistical Methods in Foreign Language Education Research

Assignment 3

1. Table 1. S.E.S. Distribution within the Sample

S.E.S. Frequency Percentage
1 9 15.00%
2 34 56.67%
3 17 28.33%

2. Table 2. Frequency by Gender Distribution within the Sample

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