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Laboratory Study of Environmentally Friendly Drilling Fluid Additives

Banana Peel Powder for Modifying the Drilling Fluid Characteristics in
Water-Based Muds

Abo Taleb T. Al-Hameedi, Husam H. Alkinani, Shari Dunn-Norman, Ebrahem Salem, Matthew D. Knickerbocker,
and Naser F. Alashwak, Missouri University of Science and Technology; Rusul A. Mutar, Ministry of
Communications and Technology, Iraq; Waleed H. Al-Bazzaz, Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research

Copyright 2020, International Petroleum Technology Conference

This paper was prepared for presentation at the International Petroleum Technology Conference held in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, 13 – 15 January 2020.

This paper was selected for presentation by an IPTC Programme Committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s).
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The utilization of traditional chemicalS added substances to control drilling mud characteristics
overwhelmingly negatively affect people and the environment, they are originally utilized to help control/
regulate the seepage loss, the rheological properties, or other physical specifications. Utilizing eco-friendly
and biodegradable options are not just more secure than customary strategies yet demonstrates no damage
to drilling personnel and is more economically practical than traditional techniques.
A conceivable alternative for biodegradable and eco-friendly added substance is including differing
concentrations of banana peel powder (BPP) to water-based mud. To test the impacts of BPP in water-based
mud, three distinct investigations were led utilizing different grouping of BPP. Utilizing low-temperature
and low-pressure (LTLP) API standard tests for drilling fluid, the readings were effectively recorded
to comprehend the effects of BPP added materials on the mud attributes. The seven testing procedures
performed were rheometer/viscometer, LTLP filtration, mud balance, chemical titration, resistivity device,
and pH and temperature tests.
Looking at the experimental findings, 1% (6 gm), 2% (12 gm), and 3% (18 gm) were first evaluated at
room temperature and pressure. Adding BPP showed little to no effect on the mud density. However, for
the rheological properties, the experimental additives resulted in increasing plastic viscosity (PV), yield
point (YP), especially at 3% concentration. The BPP also showed excellent behavior for the initial and
final gel strength as compared to the reference mud. Other properties that remarkably reduced were the pH
levels and mud resistivity, which decreased as more BPP was added. The experimental mud filtration at 7.5
minutes and 30 minutes also showed a great improvement along with the filter cake thickness proving it
to be a multipurpose effective drilling additive for water-based fluids. Additionally, other properties such
as temperature, which was not affected, salinity (NaCl) and calcium content (Ca++) changed due to the
increase in BPP concentration. The salinity was significantly increased for the mud, mud cake, and mud
filtrate; while the calcium content was decreased from 52 mg/L to 8 mg/L by introducing 3% BPP additive.
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After experimenting with different concentrations of BPP, it can be concluded that there was an overall
improvement in the mud's properties.
The outcomes and economic evaluation of the BPP revealed that it can possibly be used as biodegradable
drilling fluid additives other than conventional chemical additives. Considering the outcomes recently
expressed demonstrating the decrease in pH, filtration specifications, and Ca++; while increasing in viscosity
and NaCl properties. This work traces the probability of moving towards BPP as a biodegradable drilling
fluid additive that is more financially feasible elective, than conventional chemical additives. BPP is by all
accounts an increasingly reasonable choice moving ahead later on.

Waste materials are the unwanted or useless substances which are disposed of after essential use. Waste
material is an inevitable result of human actions (Solid Waste Management, 2005). These materials are
useless, faulty and of no utilization. Waste materials can be in fluids or solids structures. The fluid wastes
incorporate any waste that is as fluid, for example, wash water from the houses and waste fluids from
enterprises. This kind of waste is out of the focal point of this work. Then again, the solid wastes incorporate
any loss as non-fluid, for example, food waste, old furnishings and tires, and plastic bottles. There are
numerous wellsprings of wastes, for example, therapeutic/clinical, farming, cars, developments/destruction,
and electronic sources of waste (Environmental Protection Agency, 2019).
Many waste materials are arranged to the condition each day. Regardless, the waste materials make a
genuine danger to nature. The starting points of waste are ample and can be delivered from assorted sources;
they include waste made from nourishment, family households, risky waste, build trash, radioactive waste,
wastewater, and various others as typified underneath (John Hopkins University, 2006):

• The unappetizing pieces of the nourishment or any piece of the nourishment that is generally
disposed of by individuals can be considered as food waste. For example, green and yellow lemon
peels, date seeds, green and black olive pits, watermelon peels, potato peels, grass, hemp, mandarin
peels, pomegranate peels, date seeds, sunflower shells, avocado peels, orange peels, and so forth.
• Household trash is disparate, and it may be established of protected and hazardous things, including
yet not constrained to batteries, jars, papers, and household cleaners, and so forth.
• If the individual wellbeing and nature can be endangered by the waste, so these wastes will be
ordered by hazardous waste. For example, chemical additives, pesticides, dissolvable based paints,
and so forth.
• Building stuffs that are created by construction and building enterprises. Mostly across the board
sorts include blocks, wood, concrete, and so on.
• Wastewater is water that has been affected by a type of waste.

• The waste materials that are created by radioactive substances and atomic generation can be
categorized as radioactive waste.
Waste materials as portrayed above are enhanced and can be made from a few origins. Clearly, different
sorts of waste materials are accessible, and can be effectively obtained in abundant zones just as every
last one of them has its very own features of one of a kind capacities (Environmental Protection Agency,
2015). Be that as it may, not every waste material can be applied in the oil and gas industry, henceforth
exhaustive research on which waste materials might be used is pivotal. To accomplish these objectives, it
is fundamental to explore all the different waste materials to comprehend on the off chance that they can be
utilized in the oil and gas industry. A few instances of waste materials that cannot be utilized in the oil and
gas industry, including however not constrained to some household waste, for example, paper, bottles, and
jars, as there is no application for them now in any region of the oil business. Risky waste things ought to be
ignored since they are harmful, and they can compromise the lives of individuals and nature. Consequently,
IPTC-19964-MS 3

nuclear or radioactive waste must be additionally maintained a strategic distance from in the oil business
since they can cause genuine dangers. The sorts of waste materials that can possibly be invested in oil and
gas fields include food waste, biodegradable waste, and construction waste, as appeared in Figure 1 which
exhibits just instances of food waste that can be utilized in the oil business. In any case, Figure 2 explains
more instances of potential waste that are not dangerous, for example, grass, hay, sawdust, and palm leaves.
These wastes are more secure to be taken care of, and they can be used for research center examinations to
recognize on the off chance that they can meet the criteria for the oil business applications; while Figure 3
shows mainstream family household wastes that are not recommended and must be maintained a strategic
distance from in view of their lethality and burden of dealing with and using them in the oil and gas industry.

Figure 1—Examples of Food Waste

Figure 2—Non-Food Waste Materials: Grass, Palm Leaves, Sawdust, and Hay (Hall, 2016; Neel, 2019)
4 IPTC-19964-MS

Figure 3—Examples of Household Hazardous Waste (Falmouth Massachusetts Health Department, 2019)

Waste materials are causing regular issues in present-day society as they can rise numerous unwanted
impacts, which can influence the earth and the wellbeing of the general population. To minimize these
troubles, it is essential to advance substitutional goals to defeat these dilemmas. These waste materials
might be used in the oil business by exploiting them for various targets instead of tossing the troublesome
waste. For example, unappetizing food waste can be used for different uses, for example, adjusting the
drilling fluid properties (Al-Hameedi et al., 2019a). Other waste added substances that have the practicality
to be used in the oil and gas industry is grass. Grass Powder (GP) has the capacity to be used as an eco-
friendly well-disposed material to be put resources into drilling fluids (Al-Hameedi et al., 2019b). Al-
Hameedi et al. (2019d) preformed out a trial study utilizing food waste material, for example, Mandarin
Peels Powder (MPP) to improve filtration attributes and mud rheology specifications. In light of their
discoveries, the MPP improved mud rheological attributes and diminished the seepage loss, recommending
to be exploited as a compelling drilling fluid material. Potato Peels Powder (PPP) is another occasion of
food waste materials performed by Al-Hameedi et al. (2019e). They used the PPP to lead lab measurements,
for example, filtration and fluid rheological specifications. Their results showed that the PPP had no impact
on the drilling fluid density. However, PPP had an impact on the rheological properties by increasing the
plastic viscosity and decreasing the yield point and gel strength, the fluid loss was diminished, in this manner
making it a proficient drilling mud additive. Other biodegradable wastes include Palm Tree Leave Powder
(PTLP), Al-Hameedi et al. (2019c) conducted a trial study on PTLP. Their discoveries came about that PTLP
decreased alkalinity and filtration. The PTLP, for the most part, influenced the yield point and gel strength;
where it significantly decreased them, recommending it to be invested as a fluid thinner additive. Different
authors have tended to contemplate using waste additives through various uses in the oil and gas industry.
Grass waste can be utilized to examine filtration properties and mud rheological properties (Hossain and
Wajheeuddin, 2016). Waste made from trees can be utilized in drilling fluids just as it may be contributed as
a lost circulation additive to improve the seepage loss as per Ramasamy and Amanullah (2018). Different
utilizations of petroleum other than drilling fluids can utilize waste materials, for example, production and
well completion. Babey et al. (2015) directed the use of biodegradable material that can be used during
refracturing a horizontal well by plugging the perforations. Babey et al. (2015) presented a contextual
analysis around two wells that were dealt with utilizing biodegradable additives in new completion fluids.
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Henceforth, the accessibility of waste materials is significant, and those waste can be put resources into
numerous applications in the oil and gas industry.
The traditional chemical drilling fluid additives are utilized in each drilling operation and they can
represent a noteworthy danger to nature and workforce staff, just as, the expense of these chemicals is high.
The most harmful drilling fluid chemical additives are lime, sodium hydroxide, lignosulphonate, chrome-
lignite, and caustic soda. Table 1 outlines the arrangements of the most widely recognized drilling fluid
additives with their potential dangers. Also, Figure 4 demonstrates a genuine model from the South Rumaila
field, Iraq, of the expense of the drilling fluid contrasted and the complete expense of the drilling process.
The drilling fluid average cost roughly one-tenth of the total expense of the drilled wells. The expense of
traditional chemical drilling fluid additives is a tangible cost of the drilling fluid (Al-Hameedi et al., 2019a).
By utilizing waste materials, this expense can be essentially minimized.

Table 1—Some of the Conventional Toxic Additives for the Drilling Fluids (Basra Oil Company, 2017;
Halliburton, 2018; Baker Hughes, 2010; Newpark Drilling Fluids, 2012; Al-Hameedi et al., 2019a)
6 IPTC-19964-MS

Figure 4—The Cost of the Drilling Fluid from the Total Cost of the Drilling Operations (Al-Hameedi et al., 2019a)

The main goal of this work is to see if the use of BPP is an applicable alternative for water-based drilling
fluid additives, and how it can reduce seepage loss, filter cake, pH levels, and increase rheological properties.
In addition, providing an alternative that is biodegradable, eco-friendly, safe for drilling personnel all of this
and reducing the cost of drilling operations significantly.

Collection and Preparation of the Banana Peel Powder (BPP)

The ultimate objective of this section is to elucidate the outlined steps of how collecting and preparing the
BPP. At the outset, the Banana Peels (BP) were compiled at homes as illustrated in Figure 5. Secondly, BP
was cut into pieces in order to speed up the drying process and remove the moisture swiftly as introduced
in Figure 6; hence the dried small pieces of BP exhibited in Figure 7. Then, the small pieces of BP were
placed in an oven at 80 °C (175 °F) for one hour. After that, BP were put in a dry sunny space for 14 days
to mitigate the bacterial effect. Eventually, to ensure the full of the drying activity, BP were placed in an
oven again under the same previous conditions until the material was totally oxidized. Once dried, BP were
milled into fine powder utilizing the food processor. Figures 8 and 9 state the fine powder of the BP and
the food processor, respectively; while Figure 10 shows the outline of how successfully preparation BP
wastes as powder.

Figure 5—The Raw Waste Material of the Banana Peels

IPTC-19964-MS 7

Figure 6—Small Chopped Pieces of the Banana Peels

Figure 7—Dried Small Pieces of Banana Peels

Figure 8—Banana Peel Powder (BPP)

8 IPTC-19964-MS

Figure 9—The Food Processor

Figure 10—The Outline of how Effectively Prepare the Banana Peel Powder (BPP)

Experimental Design and Findings

"Pilot testing of drilling fluids is testing performed on proportionately small-scale samples. It is an essential
part of drilling fluid testing and treating. Pilot testing minimizes the risk of sending a fluid downhole that
may be incompatible with the formations to be drilled or that may be ineffective under downhole conditions.
Generally, pilot testing is concentrated on the physical properties such as rheology and fluid loss; however,
it is important that chemical properties also be evaluated. Pilot test design requires calculating amounts of
materials to put into the test samples. In pilot tests, a gram is equivalent to pound and 350 cm3 is equivalent
to one 42-gal oilfield barrel, or gram is equivalent to kilogram and 1000 cm3 is equivalent to one m3. In
addition, one kg/m3 is equivalent to 2.85 lb/bbl" (MI-Drilling fluids, 2000; Amoco Production Company,
1994; Basra Oil Company, 2007). Figure 11 shows the pilot testing equivalents.
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Figure 11—Pilot Testing Equivalents (Amoco Production Company, 1994)

To distinguish the effect of presenting various concentrations of Banana Peels Powder (BPP) on the
physical and chemical properties of the drilling fluid, a reference fluid (RF) was prepared by adding 0.1
gm of caustic soda (NaOH) and 36 gm of bentonite to 600 cc of water. Once the mixture is prepared,
full-set lab tests were conducted to find base measurements in order to compare to the results of adding
different concentrations of BPP. From here, 1% (6 gm), 2% (12%), and 3% (18%) concentrations of BPP
were separately added to the reference fluid. Once again, full-set measurements were conducted for each
concentration in order to investigate the effect of BPP additives on the physical and chemical properties
of the reference fluid.
Typical API drilling mud experimentation approaches were implemented such as rheometer/viscometer
for conducting the rheological properties, pH meter and temperature for determining the alkalinity, LTLP
filtration experiment for measuring the seepage loss characteristics, mud balance for assessing the mud
weight, chemical titrations for evaluating the calcium and chloride content, and the resistivity device for
examining the mud and filter cake resistivity. All aforementioned measurements were examined under the
ambient laboratory conditions and static circumstances as shown in Table 2.
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Table 2—Impact of Variation in the Concentration of BPP on the Specifications of Water-Based Mud

The data showed that BPP concertation of 3% (18 gm) was the most proficient compared to the other
concentrations of BPP which were 1% (6 gm) and 2% (12 gm). BPP showed no effect on the mud weight
(MW) at 1% additive and a very little effect to MW at 2% and 3% additives. The results from each trail gave
data that was used to make these decisions beginning with pH test demonstrated that with BPP additive
decreased alkalinity at 1% (6 gm) by 13%, 2% (12 gm) reduced by 17%, and 3% (18 gm) showed a decrease
of 22% in alkalinity. Seepage loss (cc/30min) showed a substantial reduction as BPP concentration increased
with 1% (6 gm) had a 39% decrease, 2% (12 gm) had a 46% decrease, and 3% (18 gm) showed 54%
reduction in seepage loss. BPP revealed an excellent enhancement in filter cake thickness (mm) at 1% (6
gm) reduced by 36%, 2 % (12 gm) reduced by 40%, and 3% (18 gm) showed the most reduction in mud
cake reduced by 46%. Plastic viscosity (PV) and yield point (YP) both demonstrated a considerable increase
with BPP. PV at 1% (6 gm) increased by 20%, 2% (12 gm) increased by 60%, and 3% (18 gm) illustrated
a substantial change by increasing 140%. Yield point showed a steady increase at 1% (6 gm) by 25%, 2%
(12 gm) by 37%, and 3% (18 gm) showed a significant increase by 100%. Additionally, initial and final gel
strength both demonstrated considerable increases at all levels of BPP concentrations. Chemical titration
showed an increase in NaCl; which in return resistivity was significantly reduced; while a minor decrease
in calcium content (Ca++) across all concentration levels was observed. From the data gathered, 3% (18
gm) concentration of BPP showed to be a more feasible option compared to 1% (6 gm) and 2% (12 gm)
Overall, the BPP had a positive effect on the water-based drilling mud. Most of the mud properties
positively modified while a few properties had little impact. There were no properties that the BPP had a
negative effect on them as shown in Figures 12–18.
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Figure 12—BPP Impact on the Mud Weight (MW)

Figure 13—BPP Impact on the Rheological Properties

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Figure 14—BPP Impact on the Filtration Volume

Figure 15—BPP Impact on pH

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Figure 16—BPP Impact on Chloride

Figure 17—BPP Impact on the Resistivity

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Figure 18—BPP Impact on the Calcium Content

In light of past exploratory outcomes conducted by normal API standard tests for the drilling fluids,
Banana Peel Powder (BPP) added substance considerably improved the filtration characteristics and the
rheological properties as well as increasing the cholirde content. However, pH levels, calcium content, and
the resistivity were reduced due to BPP additives when comparing them to the reference fluid. In the same
vein, the experimental findings elucidated that BPP had no effect on mud weight at 1% concentrations and a
negligible impact at 2% and 3% additives. By the same token, the results revealed that as BPP concertation
increased the better the results became for all the BPP mud samples properties. Henceforth, BPP added
substance ought to be used at high concentrations no less than 2% so as to accomplish the ideal execution
for the drilling fluid properties.
Concisely, the presentation of the BPP should be examined at different maturing conditions and at
various high pressure and high temperature alongside other traditional chemical additives to ensure the
BPP additives relevance when utilized in the field. Results from this conclude that BPP waste material
is a cheaper and economically feasible, eco-friendly, and biodegradable alternative to traditional chemical
additives. BPP additives is recommended to be utilized in the petroleum industry moving forward for drilling
operations, in order to preclude the detrimental effects on the environment and personal safety as well as
optimize the cost of the drilling process due to utilizing the traditional chemical additives.

Al-Hameedi, A. T. T., Alkinani, H. H., Dunn-Norman, S., Al-Alwani, M. A., Alshammari, A. F., Alkhamis, M. M., Al-
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Al-Hameedi, A. T. T., Alkinani, H. H., Dunn-Norman, S., Albazzaz, H. W., & Alkhamis, M. M. (2019a). Insights into
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