Positive & Negative Time Management Concept SAP Community

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Former Member
Jan 16, 2009 at 06:42 AM

Positive & Negative Time Management Concept


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Dear Friends,

Can anybody tell me What is Positive & Negative Time Management means

What r the things to be included in Positive Time Management and things to be included in Negative Time

Pls. help me m new to SAP HR and wanna know about these two things.



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HCM (Human Capital Management)

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Positive & Negative Time Management Concept | SAP Community https://answers.sap.com/questions/5360031/positive--negative-time-ma...

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3 Answers

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Former Member
Jan 16, 2009 at 06:53 AM

Hi Prashant,
Positive Time (+ve Time) Positive time is plays the total role of work�ow. All the processes related
to time are automatically gets executed in the background. E.g., in our case it is done only partially
to validate the attendance as per punches and other documents with shift timing and generate
absence automatically in case of any discrepancy.

.Negative Time (-ve Time) ? Where the all time related activities like validation of the attendance,
posting of absence for wage deduction etc are done manually. It has less level of integration among
the di�erent components of time management.

Positive Time Management we have two types of recordings:

1. With Clock times - Complete time recording is captured

2. With out Clock times - Only Number of hourse worked is captured

Negetive time Management:

1. No clock times and assumed employee is working unless and until his or her absences are

Warm Regards,

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yamini Kumar Jan 29, 2015 at 08:40 AM

thanks kapil

this is really helpfull information

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Former Member
Jan 16, 2009 at 06:45 AM

In +Ve TM. you enter all worked time For ex, Reg Hours, OT etc... If you record hours u get paid for
2 the no of hours.

In -Ve Tm, you enter only exceptions such as leave / unpaid leave. System assumes u worked and
only when an LOP or abense is encountered, it reduces salary. Otherwise full salary is paid.

+Ve is more complex to Implement. U need to Con�gure attendance for each of the type of work
you do.

You will end up using Time Evaluation for calculation depending on the complexity.

-Ve is Simpler compared to +Ve. We can manage with Absence con�guration.

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Former Member
Jan 16, 2009 at 06:58 AM

Hi Prashant,
-ve Time Mgt reads only Deviations Like Absence, Compo�, Over time.

E.g. It means that system treats employee to be present on all days except on the days when
absence is recorded.

and System captures only Deviations.

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+ve deals with all things like his daily attendence, absence and Over time,

System checks weather employees Swipe IN's and SWIPE OUT's and checks weather he is present
for all 8hrs or taken any unpaid break in Between. here the system also cheks Begin Tolerance and
End Tolerance. if required.



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