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Bi- dir e ct ion a l Te st in g Top- d ow n Te st in g La t e r a l Te st ing QA- QC I n nov a t ion s

D r iv e n Pile s Project Profiles:

Specially const ruct ed O- cells™ can be at t ached Sengkang/ Punggol LRT

t o driven piling. Load t est ing can be perform ed
BNV Stat ion, Singapore
on prest ressed concret e piles, st eel pipe piles
and cylinder piles. For driven piles, a rugged Rajiv Gandhi Sea Link
design ensures t hat O- cells driven t o refusal
Incheon Bridge
condit ions perform as designed. St aged t est ing
over weeks, m ont hs or even years is possible Singapore Suprem e Court
when pile freeze or relaxat ion is expect ed. Building

For pre- cast concret e driven pile applicat ions, Upcom ing Conferences:
an O- cell is cast int o t he pile and t he pile
driven t o design dept h or No upcom ing conferences
refusal as per norm al inst allat ion procedures. scheduled at t his t im e.
Subsequent pressurizing of t he O- cell
sim ult aneously loads t he capacit y below t he News:
assem bly and t he side shear above t he
assem bly . Test s Perform ed by
LOADTEST ex ceeding 135
I n ground condit ions where t he end bearing MN
m ay be com parable or great er t han t he
Incheon Bridge Press Release
frict ion, t he O- cell m ay be locat ed at t he
bot t om of t he precast pile and t he t est will m easure end bearing and frict ion direct ly Current World Record Press
independent ly. Release, St . Louis, MO, USA

For frict ion piles, t he O- cell can eit her be cast int o a single sect ion of pile or convenient ly at
a j oint . This allows t he opt im um select ion of dept h of t he first elem ent t o posit ion t he O-
cell at t he m ost favourable posit ion for t he t est .

Test s hav e been perform ed on square precast piles of 300 m m , 450 m m , 600 m m and 750
m m . Any size and capacit y pile can be accom m odat ed.


Because t he t est is a st at ic loading process all creep and t im e effect s are account ed for.
The dat a enables calculat ion of unit end bearing and frict ion, as well as equiv alent t op - load


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