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Mercedes García Betegón

Dead Planet: Belkor-1


Dead Planet: Belkor-1

PlayStation5, Xbox Series X y PC.

Horror adventure, with first-person survivalist overtones.


Take the role of Ian Marcus, a security agent, and investigate the strange events
that are happening in the mining colony on the planet Belkor-1 at the edge of the Sigma2
system, with the help of his two companions, Zelka and Albert. The game could be
defined as a survival style in the way of the latest games in the Resident Evil saga but
more focused on exploration, with scenarios that allow greater freedom and with a
setting close to the games in the Dead Space saga. The development will take place on
the same planet in different sections of it.

Adults 18-40 years old. Contains violence, gore and strong language.

The year 2324. The evolution of technologies allowed, many years ago,
planetary exploration, not only of our Solar System, but also of worlds beyond the
Milky Way. And in this race to discover new territories beyond the known limits,
the company MagnaCorp became strong, obtaining almost exclusive contracts for
the financing of space missions. Today, most of the bases located on the different
colonised planets belong to this powerful and influential corporation, whether
they are military or civilian.

One of the bases mentioned is a mining base on the planet Belkor-1, which for 10
years has been a valuable source of mineral resources, ideal for the manufacture of
vehicles and weapons, especially since this planet is the only one where it has
Dead Planet: Belkor-1– ConceptDoc. Página 2
Dead Planet: Belkor-1

managed to extract the mysterious mineral Fernium, much more radioactive than
Uranium but much more stable in its composition. Since its discovery, there have been
studies warning of its danger, claiming that its high radioactive concentration could
affect the molecular structure of the workers in the mining complex, despite their
special protective suits, and that in rare cases, some had shown neuronal alterations.
All these studies were mostly hushed up by MagnaCorp as negative for its interests,
but the recent events at Belkor-1 may not be so easy to hide.

The player assumes the role of Ian Marcus, a security officer, who together with
a small detachment has to ensure the protection of the miners, sanitary and other
workers in the mining complex established in Belkor-1. The situation became more
complicated a couple of weeks ago, when several miners began to show signs of
physical and mental deterioration, leading some of them to attack other staff. Within
days more and more miners returned changed from the caverns where they were
working. One of them, in a fit of lucidity, mentioned terrifying voices coming from the
tunnels and a strange glow emanating from the Fernio veins, before going completely
mad and being shot down after pouncing on Ian himself with the intention of killing
the protagonist. Now, after the disappearance of practically the entire detachment,
trying to investigate the caves where the miners were working and with most of the
complex full of bloodthirsty madmen, the player's task is to escape from the base, find
out the secret hidden in the caves and get out of Belkor-1 by any means necessary.

The player will have the help of the only two survivors of the detachment,
destined to the security of the complex, Zelka and Albert, who, in some moments will
accompany the protagonist and in others what they will do is to provide him with
resources, whether ammunition, air bottles, or some necessary tool in some of the
levels. At first, in the base from which we will have to escape, since all the workers are
already unhinged, through reports the player will discover that the caves hide
something more than simple mineral rocks and his mission will be to discover it while
looking for a way to get out of the planet alive. In the end, we will learn that all the
evils caused on the planet are due to primordial creatures that are opening a portal to
our dimension and that Fernio belongs to that dimension, being a catalyst for the will
of these beings when they are already in our world and the cause of the madness of
the humans in the mining station.


Aliens, Doctor Who, Final Horizon, in other words, works that mix space adventure

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Dead Planet: Belkor-1

with horror, for the setting, and Lovecraft for the creatures. For the gameplay, we can
speak of similarities with Resident Evil in its last two numbered instalments but with less
ammunition, without being defenceless as in games like Outlast. The environments will be
somewhat more open than in these last two references, giving more importance to the
exploration component.


Security agent, with years of experience, intelligent and self-confident.


Like the protagonist, they belong to the security agency sent by MagnaCorp to protect
the safety of Belkor-1 workers. Zelka is also a communications expert, and Albert, a
weapons enthusiast with some knowledge in the use of instruments and tools. They will
provide resources and direct assistance in some parts of the game. They are loyal
companions to the protagonist and you will be able to communicate with them at any
time via codec, which will provide the player with relevant information from time to time
during the adventure.


Responsible for the madness that leads to chaos at the base of the mining settlement on
the planet Belkor-1. Their goal is to extend their kingdom and influence through portals
across dimensions, regardless of the consequences. Their only ambition is absolute
control of all worlds.

Belkor-1 is basically a giant rock in which years ago, through analysis by special
probes, the presence of a large amount of ore was detected in its depths. MagnaCorp
sent a large number of engineers and builders to rapidly construct a mining base for
the extraction of these valuable resources. Over time, as more and more ore was
extracted from the bowels of the planet, the complex grew in phases, incorporating
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Dead Planet: Belkor-1

garages for more vehicles to move around the great rock, health service units and
even weapons arsenals and barracks for soldiers, in anticipation of the possible
discovery of hostile life on the planet. The mining base is the only building on the
planet that is all rocks, tunnels and caverns as yet unexplored, although there may be
more to it than the corporation's employees have discovered so far.


It takes place in the mining base of Belkor-1, and our objective is to survive the madness
of the miners, doctors and the rest of the workers. We will have to find a way to send a
distress signal and it will be in this scenario where we will discover the possible
relationship between Fernio's ore and the madness of the workers, through reports and
audio and video recordings. At a certain point it will be impossible to stay in the base and
it will be necessary to flee through the tunnels destined for extraction. The protagonist
will have to get a special suit used by the miners to be able to go outside, as well as
certain tools that will allow him to make his way through the caves.

The second level takes place in the tunnels where the miners of the complex worked.
Here we will find the corpses of some members of the exploration platoon, who
belonged to the protagonist's security agency group and who went to inspect the caves.
These bodies will contain recordings that will give the player more clues as to what is
going on or raise more doubts, who knows. Our companions will at times be separated
from us and then return with valuable resources to offer us. While they are not with us,
they can communicate to give us clues about what they are finding in the tunnels. The
enemies here will be mad miners who were trapped in the mines and others who will
have followed us after our escape from the base. The objective will be to survive the
attacks of these enemies and the collection of Fernio ore to find some samples that will
provide us with reliable data on the relationship between this and the madness
unleashed. In the end, we will have to use an abandoned mecha in the grotto to make
our way through a cave-in to the next level.

It takes place in the area behind the collapsed tunnels that we went through with the
mecha. We will come to a place that is not in keeping with the tunnel section as it will
look like a structure dug out of the rock and divided into sections built up and forming
rooms of a very strange design. There will be stairs leading to different heights in the
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Dead Planet: Belkor-1

enigmatic place. Here Albert will accompany us, giving us support in combat, because
from this level onwards the enemies will be tougher and will be unknown creatures, with
no face or others with a disfigured face and tentacles all over their bodies. Some will be
unarmed and will attack us with their claws but others, as the level progresses, will be
equipped with firearms. Zelka will support us through the codec. The objective will still
be to find a way to escape while trying to unravel the mystery of the strange mineral that
begins to affect us as we progress. Here the suit's mining equipment will allow us to
extract samples from the walls of this building on which symbols of an unknown nature
and language will be engraved. There will be corpses around the area, both humans who
do not belong to the mining colony and aliens in which, as in the previous levels, we can
find documents that provide clarity to the story and some of them will contain key
information to move forward. The alien corpses will carry equipment that we will have to
wear with our suit, and by doing so we will reduce the influence of the ore. In the final
areas of this new building, we will find rooms where everything will be more
technological and where we will find the answer about the primordial race, we will find
the portal open and we will enter through it, leaving Albert on the other side.

The last level takes place on the planet of the primeval beings. Here the scenery
changes completely. It will be an outdoor area that, at first, we will see from an
elevated area. A multitude of buildings with ancient architecture but equipped with
high technology inside, ships in the sky and a sky with a reddish hue, in the style of
our planet Mars. The objective will be to reach the area of buildings using a vehicle
that we find, enter them and find a way to close the portal and escape from there.
We will find a first building where we will find all kinds of creatures. One of them will
be able to communicate with us and will offer to help us. It will be important not to
waste too much ammunition on the field enemies because, in this level, there will be
a final enemy, in the form of a primordial creature, huge, with eyes and tentacles and
which, after a first phase in which we will use our weapons, we will have to defeat
definitively, in a second phase, using a mecha that will be in a warehouse near the
combat zone. At a given moment, we will be able to compare in a computer our
samples of Fernio with others that these creatures have in their world and we will
discover the truth about this mineral and its use to destroy the minds of those who
are close to it when the primordial ones approach, thanks to the help of the alien that
we free we will be able to do it because the texts of these computers are in an
unknown language. Ian and Albert were able to free themselves from its influence by
equipping themselves with suit parts they found in the last area before the portal,
and now we will find out why. The alien will die in the course of the last fight, but not
before telling us how to close the portal, after reading documents in the area that he
alone could understand. After activating the closing system, we will have to escape to
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Dead Planet: Belkor-1

the beginning of the level, using the most sophisticated mecha, with which we kill the
final enemy, get out of the portal, pick up Albert and reach the surface. There Zelka
will already be there, waiting for us with a small rescue ship. In the end, the whole
planet Belkor-1 will explode, closing the portal for good but erasing all traces of what
happened there and leaving us wondering if MagnaCorp ever knew what was really
on that rock. The last scene shows Ian, watching with a sombre expression through
one of the ship's windows, the explosion of the planet while touching one of the walls
of the ship, probably built with Fernio ore.

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