157 - 10 - Complete First For Schools. Teacher's Book - 2019, 152p

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players. I remember thinking to myself that I needed to

really impress him to have a chance of being asked to join
the club. During the game, at first I was a bit scared to make
any mistakes and I started to doubt that I was good enough
to be chosen, but then I told myself to relax and just focus
on the game I was playing. After that I played much better.
In fact, my performance was as good as I could have hoped
for. I created a tot of chances and scored two goals. I didn't
stop running. lt was really exhausting. Well, it was ali worth
it - l'm happy to say that I was asked to join the academy
by the scout and that's when I began to realise that I could
actually become a professional footballer.
Being a female footballer, you have to dea! with a tot of
negative comments. People say that the women's game is
more limited when compared to the men's game because
they say it's a bit slower but I think it's just because female
footballers are shown less respect. I find it a bit irritating
and confusing to be honest, but it makes me more
motivated to do well. l'm convinced the women's game is
equally entertaining to watch, the only issue is we don't
get enough spectators. Even now when we've haci female
presicients and leaders, it's a bit conceming to think that
girls stili think that there are jobs that only men can do
- but I hope that if more female players are given greater
opportunities to play and become role models, children
will realise that football is a game for both girls and boys.
l've been luckier than many people know. So far, l'm really
pleased with how well things have turned out for me. l've
been to 2 worlci cups anci won some trophies here in this
country anci l've been fortunate to only have pickeci up a
few minor injuries in my career so far. I must say that I have
no regrets about becoming a footballer. lt really is the most
amazing thing that's happeneci to me.

Audio Script 05.

Clare: I always loveci playing football. When I was a chilci, I useci
to play with my olcier brother anci his friencis in the park
but I never really thought it woulci be anything more than a
hobby. My brother was 2 years olcier than me anci so were
his friends. At first it was difficult for me as my brother and
his friends were bigger and stronger, but that probably
helped me to develop into a much better player. 1 leamt to
use my skills and speed to make up for my lack of strength
and height. I also was good at making quick decisions - not
just in football- and this was really useful. I remember
when I started playing with my brother's friencis, no one
wanted me to be on their team but that soon changed!
When I went to secondary school I played for my school
team and I soon realised I was more influential in almost
every game I played in than many of my team mates. I
loved playing in matches but I think one of the reasons
I am able to have a career as a footballer now is that I
enjoyed training too. Some players thought that training
was boring but I was never bored and I often stayed behinci
to do more.. My parents weren't too keen on me spenciing
so much time playing but as long as I always dici my
homework and got good marks in my exams, they were fully
supportive of my hobby- as it was at the time.
Shortly after my 14th birthday, I was just about to play in a
match for my school when the school coach tolci me that
a scout from a big football club's acaciemy was coming to
watch our team play in order to potentially recruit new

Leisure ond pleosure 21

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