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ons: Please complete one survey per interaction. Fill in an appropriate response to the following questions.

Depending on your response, some questions may not apply to you and may be skipped. If you do not know the answer, leave the response field blank. 1. Are you a:
Are you a: Fermilab Employee Visitor Retiree Other (please specify) Contractor Employee Spouse/Dependent

2. Which department did you interact with?

Which department did you interact with? Arts Booking Office Benefits Administration Benefits Planning Compensation Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Employee Records Employee Relations Employment Equal Opportunity International Services Office for Professional Development Recreation Section Office

3. When did you contact HR?

MM / When did you contact HR? Date of interaction Month Day DD / Year YYYY

Date of interaction

4. Who is the HR service provider you contacted or interacted with?

Who is the HR service provider you contacted or interacted with? Jeff Artel Barb Book Barbara Brooks Wilma Cardona Sandra Charles Linda Christiansen Chris Johnson Jason Johnson Kathy Johnson Borys Jurkiw Karen Karlix-Smith Jeanne Koester Shelley Krivich Kappy Sherman Heather Sidman Denise Stephens Jane Sylvester Amanda Thompson Mary Todd Tara Turner

Linda Diepholz Dianne Engram Juanita Frazier Nicole Gee Other (please specify)

Ann Marie Matthei Lucy Ontiveros Laurie Pederson

Kay Van Vreede Jackie Zolna

The following questions refer to the HR service provider and the quality of the service you received. Please select the most appropriate response to each question. If you are uncertain leave the response field blank. 5. What was your reason for contacting HR?

What was your reason for contacting HR? 6. Did the HR service provider:
Very Much For the Somewhat So Most Part a.) Greet you in a friendly, professional manner? b.) Have a clear understanding of your question (issue/problem)? c.) Give you his/her full attention? d.) Have a positive attitude by focusing on what could be done to assist you? e.) Respond to your question (issue/problem) in a clear and understandable manner? Only Slightly

1. Did you receive a response to your question (issue/problem)?

Did you receive a response to your question (issue/problem)? Yes No

1. When did you receive a response?

When did you receive a response? Within 1 business day After 1 business day

1. Did you receive a resolution in a timely manner?

Did you receive a resolution in a timely manner? Yes No

1. Was your question (issue/problem) resolved to your satisfaction?

Was your question (issue/problem) resolved to your satisfaction? Yes No

1. Overall, how would you rate your satisfaction with the customer service you received?

Overall, how would you rate your satisfaction with the customer service you received? Very Sa Mostly Satisfied Satisfied Mostly Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied


2. Would you like to receive a follow-up call?

Would you like to receive a follow-up call? Yes No

1. Please provide your contact information for follow-up.

Please provide your contact information for follow-up. Name Extension E-mail address

1. What other comments or suggestions do you have?

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