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Marking Criteria

The exam will be marked out of 100. Table 1 presents the marking criteria. If all criteria are
satisfied you will receive 100 marks. If not all criteria are met, part marks may be given.
Check your own submission against these criteria before you submit it.

Table 1: Marking Criteria

You should submit three files.
Part A Short answer question (80 marks)
* You don’t need to add references and you cannot directly copy answer from other places.
The answer should be in your own words.
1 What is abstraction? Discuss how abstraction is used to create a model of a real-
world system. Provide an example to illustrate your points. 4

2 What is a System object? How is it similar, or not, to a State object? 4

3 How is a TimeFrame similar to a DataFrame? How is it different?? 4
4 What is the multiple assignment? Provide an example of using multiple 4
5 Please describe the process of implementing a model. 4
6 What does NaN stand for? How is it often used? Provide an example. 4
7 What is the syntax for the linrange function? How would you use linrange to
generate an array with numbers [2, 7, 12, 17]? 4

8 In chapter 7, Why did we choose to parameterize the quadratic model? What advantage 4
did this provide?
9 How does the proportional growth model differ from the quadratic growth model? 4
10 What are the fundamental steps of incremental development? 4
11 What does sweeping a parameter mean? Why would this be a useful thing to do? Provide 4
an example.
12 How does the proportional growth model differ from the constant growth model? 4
13 People sometimes confuse the equals operator with the assignment operator. Provide 4
examples to demonstrate the proper use of both.
14 What is generalisation? How can it improve a functions usability? 4

15 Compare and contrast True and False and 'True' and 'False'. Why is it important to not 4
confuse the two? Provide an example.
16 Functions can have both keyword arguments and positional arguments. Explain the
difference between the two types of arguments. Provide an example function which uses 4
both types of arguments.
17 What is one of the most useful tools for debugging? Why is it useful? 4

18 Briefly explain the iterative modelling process using the Falling Penny Myth 4
exercise from chapter 1 as an example.

19 What are some of the possible results of analysis and simulation? 4

20 In Chapter 13 Sweeping two parameters, we explored the behaviour of our SIR model as 4
we varied the parameters for contact and recovery rates. What does Figure 13.2 below
indicate about how changes to the recovery rate impact how many people will be infected
and the dynamics of the number of people infected over time?
Part B Programming question (20 marks)
If you don’t submit your code in both .doc/.docx/.odt and .ipynb files, or the code in
.doc/.docx/.odt and .ipynb files are different. You will get a penalty (up to 10 marks).
21 Correct output of the code block 4
22 The code is rewritten properly. 4

23 The mod_sum function is designed and presented properly. 4

24 The mod_sum2 function is designed and presented properly. 4
25 The mod_calc function is designed and presented properly. 4
Total 100

Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct

USQ has zero tolerance to academic misconduct including plagiarism and collusion.
Plagiarism refers to the activities of presenting someone else's work as if you wrote it
yourself. Collusion is a specific type of cheating that occurs when two or more students
exceed a permitted level of collaboration on a piece of assessment. Identical layout, identical
mistakes, identical argument and identical presentation in students' assignments are evidence
of plagiarism and collusion. Such academic misconduct may lead to serious consequences,
such as:

 Required to undertake additional assessment in the course

 Failed in the piece of assessment
 Awarded a grade of Fail for the course
 Withdrawn from the course with academic penalty
 Excluded from the course or the program for a period of time
Refer to USQ Policy \Academic Misconduct" for further details.

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