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Story to illustrate how to use those different future tenses in english

This weekend i'm going to do some gardening i'm going to do

some gardening it's my plan

i'm using the phrase going to to talk about it so when you're talking
about plans that you have for the future you need to use the phrase
going to.

You can also use the present continuous tense to talk about the future
so for example;

i'm playing football this weekend.

i'm playing footbal is a plan that is most definitely going to happen so

you can use the present continuous to talk about something that
you're certain is going to happen usually it's because you've arranged
with another person to do it so for example i have already agreed
with my friends that we will play football and that's why i'm saying
i'm playing football it's a plan and it's an arrangement with other
people .

i'm in my garden right now and i have just seen my neighbor my

neighbor is trying to open her gate but she is struggling she can't open
it so;

i will help her i will help her.

is the future simple so i have just decided to help her it's not a plan
it's a spontaneous decision and when you talk about spontaneous
decisions in english you need to use the future simple say will i will
help her.

Will is also something you can use to talk about predictions so when
you're not sure something's gonna happen but you're just guessing so
i'm going to plant some roses in my garden and
i think they will do really well.

i am guessing and i am making a prediction so i think the roses will

do really well i think they will grow very big so this is the future
simple tense

This afternoon between the hours of 1 p.m and 2 p.m i will be

working in my garden i will not be having my lunch i will be
busy i will be working in my garden so i will be working

is the future continuous tense it's used to talk about actions which are
continuous and they're happening over a period of time so
between the hours of 1pm and 2pm i will be working in my garden

By the time it's 6 00 p.m this afternoon i will have finished

planting my flowers i will have finished.

This is the future perfect tense and i'm using it to talk about
something that will be completed at a particular point
in the future so by the time it's 6 pm i will have finished the action of
planting my flowers will be completed and that's what the future
perfect is for

By the time it's 7 pm i will have been working in my garden for


it's the future perfect continuous tense in english i will have been
working for hours so i'm talking about a particular point in the future
seven and an action which started before that and is still happening at
that point in the future so i will have been working for hours working
in the garden is really tiring and my garden is really big so i can't do it
all by myself but fortunately i do have a friend who knows a
lot about gardening he doesn't live in london where i live he lives in a
different town but he is
going to help me with my garden he is going to that is the plan he is
actually coming to london tomorrow to help me he's coming to
london that's the present continuous to talk about the future and i'm
using the present continuous because it's a plan we have made
together it's an arrangement with my friend so

He's coming to london his train arrives at 10 tomorrow morning.

i'm using the present simple to talk about future

when we talk about planes or trains arriving at a particular time we
use it to talk about timetables and schedules so his train arrives at 10
tomorrow it's in the future and i'm talking
about the timetable when the garden is finished

i might have a drink it's quite a hot day and working in the garden is
really tiring so

i might have a cold drink afterwards but i'm not sure.

that's why i'm using the phrase might so i might have a drink it's just a
possibility it's an option it's not a plan it's just something that i
possibly can do i might have a drink but i
might have ice cream instead i'm not sure yet so what's the difference
between i'm going to help my
neighbor open her gate and i will help my neighbor open her gate i'm
going to is something i say when

i talk about plans so if i've been planning it if i've been thinking about
it that's when i need to
say i'm going to help her i will help her is a spontaneous decision it's
a decision i have just
made i have literally just seen my neighbor she is struggling with the
gate she can't open it and i
will help her i have just decided so going to is for plans and will is for
spontaneous decisions
what's the difference between my friend arrives at 10 tomorrow and
my friend is going to arrive at 10
at my house so the first one i'm talking about his train really i'm
talking about the timetable
the train is following a schedule a timetable it arrives at 10 and that's
why my friend arrives at
10 is in the present simple my friend is going to arrive at 10 at my
house it's just a plan that my
friend has made this is what he's planning to do he's going to arrive at
10. so in this case
the present simple is for timetables and schedules and going to is for
talking about plans what's
the difference between i will be working in my garden and i will have
been working in my garden
so i will be working is the future continuous tense it's something that
will be happening
between the hours of 6 pm and 7 pm that's the only period of time i'm
talking about
i will have been working means that the action started at some point
and at a particular moment
in the future it's still happening and i'm talking about the whole period
of time
between when it started and that moment in the past so for example
by the time it's seven
i will have been working for five hours because maybe i started at
two so that is
the difference between the future continuous and the future perfect
continuous so just to recap
we've got going to to talk about plans in the future we've got the
present continuous to talk
about the future which is when we talk about arrangements that we've
made with other people
we've got the present simple which we can use to talk about
scheduled things such as timetables
train times plane times so for example my train arrives at 10
we've got the future continuous which is to talk about a continuous
action which will be happening
between the hours of 6 pm and 7 pm for example i will be working in
the garden during that time
we've got the future simple which is to talk about spontaneous
decisions or guesses such as
i will help my neighbour or my roses will grow very tall we've got the
future perfect to talk
about things that will be completed by a specific point in the future so
i will have finished by the
time it's six and the future perfect continuous which is about things
that will still be ongoing
by a particular point in the future such as i will have been working for
hours by the time it's seven
and we also have things like might and may to talk about things that
are possibilities that we're not
sure we're going to do yet so i may have a drink or i might have ice
cream so i hope you enjoyed
this video make sure you leave me a comment and tell me what do
you think is the most difficult
english future tense to learn let me know in the comments and i will
see you in the next video b

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