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By Adrian Mitchell, Christine Barton, Cindy Yu, and Mrin Nayak

A side from a few exceptions, stores

are among the most prominent
commercial losers of 2020, with 25,000 new
network. They need a strategic mindset, a
fresh approach to the real estate function,
and advanced analytics capabilities to sup-
closures currently predicted in the US port the vision. Retailers that deliver on
alone. Before this year, net commercial and this vision will be able to compete, inno-
retail square footage was still increasing in vate, win market share, and resume growth
the US, despite the loss of business to while their traditional competitors continue
digital channels and platforms. The to struggle.
pandemic has heightened the paradox of
an industry that has grown by 4% to 5%
annually over the past decade and yet is Why Now
losing retail companies to insolvency at an Many retailers that sell essential goods
accelerating pace. have held their own during the pandemic.
For the rest, the coronavirus has under-
To stay relevant, retailers must act differ- scored the urgency to be bold and innova-
ently. They have already done a lot in the tive. The global crisis has pushed customer
past five years, with efforts ranging from behavior even faster toward digital com-
investments in technology, digital, and sus- merce, convenience, and service. It has also
tainability to close attention to purpose, introduced new methods to deal with new
differentiation, and operational efficiency. needs, such as touchless transactions.
Yet most of them have not focused on their
foundational asset: their real estate. Fortunately, investors have signaled that
they will not penalize retailers over the
To win the future, retailers must get back next 18 months for actively adapting to the
to opening stores that create profitable new reality. Reeling from the departure of
growth—and that means rethinking their many key tenants and the delay in rent
approach to their store portfolio and retail payments from others, resilient landlords
are more willing to partner creatively with bars, coffee shops, and fitness centers, for
retailers, especially those with the financial example, was often a better predictor of
flexibility to reconfigure their networks performance than traditional metrics. Rely-
and plan for growth. Consumer demand ing on what had worked in the past, one
will eventually resume, albeit in a new retailer prioritized stores close to specialty
form. When it does, retailers that have re- retailers that were in decline rather than
shaped or realigned their real estate net- focusing on higher-traffic locations with
works will be ready to tap into it. But this nontraditional tenants.
window of opportunity will not last forever.
Demographics, category spending within a
market, and the consumer cachet of an in-
What Way to Manage Retail dividual brand or banner can shift during
Real Estate Works Better the life of a lease. As current consumer be-
Many traditional retailers manage real es- haviors demonstrate, preferences for partic-
tate as a fixed cost. Rather than taking a ular types of real estate—such as outdoor
portfolio view, they negotiate over locations spaces or smaller stores—can shift. When
as these come up for renewal. Their ap- that happens, a retailer may be left with
proach to corporate real estate is fundamen- costly and deteriorating individual assets
tally deal oriented. They often recognize the of the wrong size and wrong format, in the
value in data, analytics, and visualization wrong location. Locked into deals that fail
tools but they lack the internal capabilities to reflect current demand, a retailer’s net-
to create and integrate these tools. work becomes increasingly resistant to
finan­cial adaptation.
This nearsighted approach has led to an
overreliance on measures that worked in There is a better way. It is built around four
the past but have contributed to recent principles that collectively consider loca-
under­p erformance. Versed in traditional tion, demand, and consumer science. (See
variables such as occupancy, rent, and Exhibit 1.)
proximity to freeways, real estate profes-
sionals often miss new signals in the mar- First, store portfolios must efficiently serve
ket that better predict the future perfor- customers’ shopping needs as digital and
mance of different locations. Before the physical channels and national and private
pandemic, proximity to popular restaurants, brands blur. The future store network—­

Exhibit 1 | The Retail Real Estate Function of the Future


The real estate network delivers a narrow range The network addresses the full array of consumers’ needs,
of customer needs, such as in-person shopping including shopping, fulfillment, and immersion

Real estate is managed as a strategic, dynamic asset that

Real estate is managed as a fixed cost is close to customers and offers the right mix of store
roles and formats

Store location decisions are made on the basis Store location decisions are optimized to match consumer
of four-wall financial return hurdles that may demand and convenient service options within a market
dilute overall network return

The real estate function focuses on deals, The real estate function is highly visible to the C-suite and
leases, and negotiations board and is managed for value creation

Source: BCG analysis.

Boston Consulting Group | Winning the Future of Retail with Real Estate 2
although not every individual store—must isfy existing and projected addressable
deliver immersive customer experiences, market demand? The evaluation should be
relevant store layouts, convenient multi- oriented toward profitable growth. Retail-
channel options, inspiring merchandising, ers need to be prepared to open new stores
and timely fulfillment to customers’ homes. in the right locations and to enter new
The network must pursue and meet de- neighborhoods with localized formats and
mand in local markets. product mixes.

Second, the retailer should manage the The evaluation should encompass the en-
store network as a dynamic asset—a con- tire portfolio, including stores, distribution
stantly evolving portfolio of opportunities centers, banners, and service offerings,
to satisfy customers through new banners, such as store fulfillment and buying online
formats, services, and locations. These loca- and picking up in store. It should incorpo-
tions should include a mix of store sizes rate traditional and nontraditional data
and services, including curbside pickup and sets. Machine learning can uncover the rea-
even outdoor venues. sons behind many once-mystifying differ-
ences in store performance. Evaluations of
Third, the focus of optimization should be existing stores should include consideration
local markets, not individual locations. Opti- of corporate and overhead costs that less
mizing a single location works only if that thorough evaluations often ignore. Assess-
market can support no more than one loca- ments of potential store closings should be
tion. But many markets have headroom to based on realistic rather than optimistic
open new stores, formats, or banners. sales transfer estimates. Finally, retailers
Through machine-learning techniques, retail- should take into account the market’s con-
ers can identify addressable consumer de- sumer spending in household categories, as
mand, project store and digital performance, well as drive times, local marketing expens-
and anticipate the operational benefits and es, and the implications for inventory man-
costs of legacy decisions. Visualization tools agement. (See Exhibit 2.)
enable real estate professionals to build and
vividly portray revenue and margin scenarios Armed with this assessment, retailers can
involving store openings, relocations, and design an optimal network of retail outlets.
closings in a market in real time. The design will identify stores and formats
to retain, close, or monitor as well as poten-
Fourth, real estate must become a transfor- tial relocations and store openings to ad-
mative corporate function, similar to cor- dress consumer demand. If leaving a loca-
porate finance, rather than a cost center or tion is too costly, retailers should develop a
passive center of excellence. plan to put unproductive space to use
through partnering and subletting.

Where to Start The strategic evaluation will enable retail-

To embark on this growth journey, retailers ers to negotiate better deals with their
should first perform an overall strategic landlords because it will give them a clear-
evaluation of their real estate network and er understanding of markets, locations, and
portfolio. This exercise marks the beginning demand. As a result, they will not just be
of a new approach that entails constantly negotiating store closings but managing
reimagining both the retail network and their overall relationship with landlords.
the role of the store. Even for retailers in The carrot for landlords is more-flexible
retrench­ment, this approach can inform on­ leases and the potential to keep and win
going negotiations with landlords and plans new leases as retailers optimize their net-
for future relocations and store openings. works. (See Exhibit 3.)

The strategic evaluation is much more than Historically, landlords had an information
a review of expiring leases. It should an- advantage over retailers because of their
swer a key question: Does the network sat- knowledge of locations, formats, and retail-

Boston Consulting Group | Winning the Future of Retail with Real Estate 3
Exhibit 2 | Using Advanced Analytics to Reimagine the Network


Reset the network Take a dynamic network approach

Make near-term decisions to maximize profitability, and Rely on dynamic decision-making tools, elevate
restructure the network for financial flexibility governance, create performance transparency, and
rigorously measure and learn

Analytic elements in dynamic real estate decision support

Retail Competitive Sales Addressable Drive time Actual Store format Store Fulfillment Marketing
financials intensity transference consumer and density customer and operations and inventory and traffic
demand demand performance

Source: BCG analysis.

ers. They also had access to aggregated C-suite where it belongs. The leadership
traffic data and forecasting capabilities. But team must treat real estate as a founda-
retailers that do their homework can flip tional asset that can deliver growth and
the informational asymmetry. Retailers value creation. It must also hire the right
under­stand the value of their real estate executive to run the function—an execu-
portfolio, when properly deployed, better tive who can understand and translate
than landlords. They know more about the deep analysis, talk strategy, manage data
performance of stores and banners, traffic scientists and dealmakers, and get things
patterns, the percentage of sales that actu- done.
ally transfer after a closing, and historical
customer behaviors and category trends. In turn, the real estate executive needs to
report to the right executive. Real estate
Retailers can earn this information advan- functions that report to the CFO tend to
tage by investing in analytics, forecasting, ­receive different management from those
scenario-planning, and visualization capa- that report to the CEO or chief commercial
bilities. The investments will pay off many officer. Shifting the reporting line of the
times over in lower and avoided rents and function can signal its growing significance.
operating costs and in incremental margin
from relocations and store openings across Annual strategic planning exercises should
the network. include reviews of banners; the types of
stores and services within a banner; and
the effectiveness of the overall store net-
How to Get It Done work in achieving financial, operational,
The real estate function at most retailers and strategic targets. The leadership team
cannot transform itself from within. Al- should discuss these topics and share them
though COVID-19 has provided the cata- with the board.
lyst, the CEO and the leadership team need
to stimulate and support the function in its Go fast to build capability and create
transformation. Several specific actions are flexibility. To avoid wasting time, retailers
necessary. should select several priority markets to
serve as sites for testing this approach,
Radically shift the mindset toward real establishing a multiweek cadence for
estate. Elevate real estate from the world analyzing, negotiating, and starting to
of deals, leases, and negotiations to the redesign leases in these markets.

Boston Consulting Group | Winning the Future of Retail with Real Estate 4
Exhibit 3 | Optimizing the Retail Real Estate Network

Review the network Reduce the network Optimize the network

Note closely located traditional stores Close stores that are in close proximity Open or relocate stores in higher-demand
and pockets of unserved demand or lie outside optimal demand areas areas, and strategically tailor formats

Find opportunities to streamline the Position the footprint for improved Grow share, improve profit, acquire
footprint and capture more customers profitability and financial flexibility customers, and improve negotiation leverage

= Current store = Closed location = New location = Areas of strong consumer demand

Source: BCG analysis.

During this sprint, some members of the But the opportunity is fleeting. Here are
real estate team may not be able to main- five guidelines for proceeding:
tain the required pace or may lack the nec-
essary skills, such as analytics and rigorous •• Be bold. Retailers have investors’
project management that focuses on value permission now to be bold and innova-
creation, not just timeliness. In the short tive. They should take advantage of it.
run, the company should bring in employ-
ees from other parts of the organization or •• Negotiate to grow. Retailers and
third parties to complete the sprint. landlords need each other now more
than ever. They face the same head-
Build foundational capabilities. Longer winds and must work together in new,
term, retailers need to build real estate creative, and more dynamic and flexible
teams that have the right digital, data, data ways for mutual survival.
visualization, and analytics skills. Team
members must understand neighborhood •• Commit to machine learning. Machine
and census block demand, demographics, learning is fast becoming indispensable
channel mix, shopping preferences, and the in helping retailers understand differen-
role that stores can play in meeting local tial performance among seemingly
demand. The team must also collaborate similar stores and locations. It will be
across many business functions in order to most effective when used to analyze
execute the strategy. For team members both traditional and nontraditional data
who can handle the change, the next few sources. Fully deployed, machine
years are a great opportunity to take on learning can improve negotiations and
new skills and more responsibility. financial and operational planning.

•• Invest in growth. Although retailers

E ven amid bankruptcies, store clos-

ings, inventory disruptions, and revenue
shortfalls, reasonably solvent retailers can
are now prudently conserving cash and
financial flexibility, later—as they
obtain more information—leaders will
find cause for optimism. They have a rare invest in new formats, banners, loca-
window to reinvent themselves around tions, service models, and M&A to
their most foundational assets, their stores. capture demand.

Boston Consulting Group | Winning the Future of Retail with Real Estate 5
•• Build out the team. Retailers should Clear winners and losers are already
invest in their real estate teams so that emerging from the pandemic. Retailers
they have the leadership, skills, data that reimagine their real estate to meet
sets, and analytical capabilities to play rapidly evolving customer demands will
a strategic role. win the future.

About the Authors

Adrian Mitchell is a managing director and partner in the Chicago office of Boston Consulting Group. He
is a core member of Digital BCG and the firm’s Consumer practice. He has more than ten years of hands-on
experience serving in executive roles in retail. You may contact him by email at

Christine Barton is a managing director and senior partner in the firm’s Dallas office. She is a member
of its global Consumer practice leadership team and its North American transformation, turnaround, and
restructuring leadership team, specializing in fashion and luxury, retail, and private equity. She is also a
core member of BCG’s CEO Advisory. You may contact her by email at

Cindy Yu is a managing director and partner in BCG’s Washington office. She is a core member of the
firm’s Consumer practice and has worked extensively across retail sectors. You may contact her by email

Mrin Nayak is a principal in the firm’s New Jersey office. She is a core member of the Consumer practice
specializing in retail and of the transformation, turnaround, and restructuring team. You may contact her
by email at

The authors would like to thank their colleagues who shared their time and insights: Nate Shenck, Nick
Goad, Fabian Schulze, and John Watts. They also thank Jordan Decker, Alex Kappel, Cassandra Pallai,
Austin Pruitt, Kunal Sachdeva, and Sanket Sanghavi.

Boston Consulting Group partners with leaders in business and society to tackle their most important
challenges and capture their greatest opportunities. BCG was the pioneer in business strategy when it was
founded in 1963. Today, we help clients with total transformation—inspiring complex change, enabling or-
ganizations to grow, building competitive advantage, and driving bottom-line impact.

To succeed, organizations must blend digital and human capabilities. Our diverse, global teams bring deep
industry and functional expertise and a range of perspectives to spark change. BCG delivers solutions
through leading-edge management consulting along with technology and design, corporate and digital
ventures—and business purpose. We work in a uniquely collaborative model across the firm and through-
out all levels of the client organization, generating results that allow our clients to thrive.

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