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CPR NGT Feeding

1. Before performing CPR, make sure to assess the

1. Prior going to the patient’s room, I’ll
safety of the environment for both, victim and
check and verify first, his/ her
the rescuer.
medical record including his
2. The scene is now safe for both, then I’ll
doctor’s order, to ensure that right
approach the victim and establish
of care is given to the patient.
2. After verifying the doctor’s order
3. Hey Sir, are you ok? Sir do you hear me?
and formulated a nursing care plan
Even the patient is unconscious , still I am going
for the patient, I’ll proceed to the
to introduce myself . I am Noreen Cameros, I am
supply area to gather the materials
a first aider. May I help you!
needed for the procedure and
4. If somebody is there with you to, ask them to
thorough handwashing to prevent
call 166 to ask for emergency services and
from infection.
3. Before I enter the patient’s room, I’ll
“ Hey lady in the black shirt, call 166,activate
knock first for privacy and respect
EMS and get AED
for the patient and the SO.
5. But if no one is there except me , the rescuer.
4. Then Introduce myself. Good
I’ll dial by my own. Good morning sir, this is
morning sir, I am Noreen Cameros
Noreen Cameros , There is an unconscious
and I am a student nurse from the
person here in front of BPI bank in Carbon.
university of San – Jose Recoletos.
Please send help. Thank you
To ensure that I am in the right

6. After calling for help, and victim has no pulse,
Since the patient cannot able or
proceed to CPR which has 30 compressions and
properly talk because of intubation,
2 blows for 5 cycles.
I’’ll check his hospital wristband.
7. Tilt the head of the victim and lift the chin, this
Great, so for today sir is I will be
maneuver will help improve airway patency.
your student nurse . If the patient is
8. Make sure that the mouth Is properly sealed in
conscious I could probably ask them
giving blows so that air wont be leaked.
how are they feeling and since they
9. After 5 cycles, check the pulse.
cannot talk or properly talk, I’ll just
If pulse is present , check for breathing through
ask them to nod or blink their eyes
if they are feeling good or ok.
If pulse is present and breathing, move the
5. Then proceed to explaining the
patient into recovery position
procedure. Sir , your doctor ordered
But if there is pulse and no breathing, give
a Nasogastric feeding. This is
rescue breathing by giving 1 blow every 5
indicated for the patient who has
difficulties of swallong,head and
neck cancer, altered mental illness/
Performing CPR will be stop when:
unconscious and like you sir who
had endotracheal intubation.
S- Spontaneous recovery
6. Since you cannot able to eat by
T- turn-over to medical personnel
mouth due to intubation .This
O- Operator or the rescuer is exhausted
procedure is an alternative way to
P- Physician assumes responsibility
provide you with food nourishment
S- Scene is unsafe
that help to improve your health
condition but only liquid ones.
7. Since the patient is not able to talk
or properly talk, we can ask the SO
if they have something to ask or 18. Clamp the NG Tube then
clarify about the procedure before disconnect asepto syringe then cap
proceeding to perform and we securely the NG tube
could also encourage the SO to 19. Keep the patient in same position
watch me while performing the NGT for at least 30 minutes before
feeding because on some cases, feeding to prevent from acid reflux.
this procedure can be done at home 20. Do after care. documentation
if learned.
8. Then provide privacy and comfort
for the patient by closing the doors
and adjust temperature and lighting
if needed.
1. Prior going to the patient’s room, I’ll
9. After that , prepare and organize
check and verify first, his/ her
the materials needed near the
medical record including his
bedside or near me because
doctor’s order, to ensure that right
organization facilitates accurate skill
of care is given to the patient.
and performance.
2. After verifying the Doctor’s order,
10. After preparing the materials
get the materials needed then
needed, position the patient into
proceed to the room then I’ll
semi or high fowler position to
Introduce myself and explain the
prevent patient from aspiration
explain the purpose of the
while feeding.
procedure to the patient.
11. Then check the NGT placement by
pushing 5-10 cc of air in the asepto
 Good morning sir, I am
syringe and identify the sound by
Noreen Cameros, a
placing the stethoscope in the mid
student nurse from the
left abdomen. Gurgling sound
university of san jose
indicates proper placement of NGT
recoletos, To ensure that I
tube and is in the stomach.
am in the right patient,
12. Then Aspirate stomach contents by
may I know your name sir?
pulling the plunger back and then
How about your birthdate
measure the stomach contents and
returns to stomach. If indicated that
3. Ok , so your doctor ordered an ECG
do not feed if the patient has more
sir through the process of
than 100cc content, then do not
electrocardiography, this procedure
proceed. But if none , then proceed.
will detect and record your heart’s
13. Before putting a water or the food,
electrical activity. This Diagnostic
kink first and release.
aketest is indicated for patients who
14. Pour 30 to 40 ccs feeding in the
associated with the symptoms of
asepto syringe( allows feedi g to run
heart disease include
in slowly by gravity , the higher the
tachycardia, bradycardia, and
asepto syringe is held, the faster clinical conditions including
the feeding flows. hypothermia, murmur, shock,
15. Add feeding when it is in 5 to 10cc
hypotension, and hypertension.
mark. Continue to add until feeding
is completed  This procedure requires
you to take off any
16. Makes feeding like meal time
metallic jewelries , like
17. Then flash NG Tube with ordered
watch , earrings and
amount of water
electrical apparatus like
your phones from your
pocket because it would
alter the result of the
- Sir kindly take off
your earrings and
your phones from
your pocket.
- Then lie down in the
bed or into supine
position then if its
male, kindly push
your clothes upward
towards your neck or
if girl, kindly take off
your bra and push
your clothes upward
towards your neck.
- Would you permit
me sir?
Ok so stay relax as I

- Attach the electrodes

to the chest and the
clamps to the limbs.
4. Perform hand hygiene
then place the electrodes
to the chest and limb
clamp to the limbs

5. Ask patient to stay quite as possible

for 10 to 15s while I do the
recording of the electrical activity of
the patient’s heart.
6. Once Satisfactory ECG obtained,
remove the leads and clamps then
wipe the skin with tissue paper and
clean the area where electrodes are
7. Inform the patient that the
procedure is done ,
8. Then do after care and perform Blood Transfusion
hand hygiene
1. Prior going to the patient’s
room, I already verified his
informed consent and
obtained the baseline vital
signs. then I check and
clarify the doctors order to
ensure that right of care 8. Obtains the blood product
would be given to the from the blood bank
patient. Taking down notes according to agency policy ,
of the indication, rate of wearing a procedure
infusion and pre- gloves, then again recheck
medication orders . the doctor’s order.
2. After verifying the Doctor’s 9. With another staff, verifies
order, I’ll get the materials the patient and blood
needed then have a product identification like
thorough handwashing.  The stated full name and
3. After, proceed to the room date of birth of the patient
of the patient and knock is same with the blood
for privacy then I’ll bank form and
Introduce myself and  Compare his name and
explain the purpose of the hospital identification from
procedure. his wristband to the
4. Good morning sir, I am blood bank form attached
Noreen Cameros, a student to the blood product
nurse from the university container and as will as his
of san jose recoletos, .To blood type
ensure that I am in the  If all verifications are in
right patient, may I know agreement, both staff
your name sir? How about members will signs the
your birthdate sir? blood bank form attached
5. Ok, so indeed I am in the to the blood product
right patient. So sir, your container.
doctor order you a blood  Contact the blood bank
transfusion, blood immediately if any
transfusion is indicated for discrepancies during
patients who had leukomia, identification process do
severe Anemia or any not administer the blood
clinical conditions related product.
to blood loss or  Documents in the blood
components of blood bank form the date, name
deficiencies like low and when the transfusion
platelets, hemoglobin, begun.
plasma and WBC. This is to  Ensure that blood bank
restore blood volume , form attached will in the
replace clotting factors and container until
improve oxygen carrying administration is done
6. Before I transfuse you with 10.Remove the blood administration set from the
blood, I’ll administer pre- package and labels the tubing with the date and time
transfusion medications as 11. Close the clamps in the administration set
physicians ordered.
prepared , I’ll now proceed Slowly open the roller clamp for the blood product,
to prepare the blood regulate slowly about 10-15 drops per minute for the
administration set that
first 15 to 30 minutes and observe patients with allergic

. 13. Obtain Vital signs in 15 mins, then 30 mins then

hourly while the transfusion infuses.

14. close the roller clamp of blood and open the plnss
for flushing.

15. Do after care according to ageny policy. Do

handwashing then document.

1. Stated name and date of birth is the same

information written in the blood bank form as well
as on his hospital identification wrist band including
the blood type.

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