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Department Of Computer Science Engineering (AI & ML)

IV B. Tech. SEM - I
A.Y: 2022-23


Branch/Section: CSE (AI & ML) - B

Team Number: 10

Team Leader: Y. Akhil Reddy(20BD1A66B9)

Team Members: M. Rakesh(20BD1A6687)

P. Chandrakiran(20BD1A66A0)

P. Ganesh(20BD1A66A2)


Project Title/Statement: Leveraging Blockchain Technology for Secure and Transparent Student Result

Project Statement Number: 10

The "Student Result Management System Using Blockchain Technology" is a pioneering project aimed at
revolutionizing the way academic results are managed and shared. This system leverages the power of
blockchain technology to ensure the integrity, security, and transparency of student results. The project
proposes a decentralized approach to managing student results, where each result is a block in the chain,
making it nearly impossible to tamper with, once recorded. The system ensures that all stakeholders -
students, educators, and institutions - have access to a single source of truth, eliminating discrepancies and
fostering trust. Moreover, the system provides a secure platform for sharing results, reducing the risk of
fraudulent practices and enhancing the credibility of academic credentials. It also offers efficiency benefits
by automating the process of result verification, thus saving time and resources for educational institutions.
The project also addresses the challenges associated with implementing blockchain technology in
education, such as data privacy and the need for technical infrastructure and expertise. It presents solutions
to these challenges, paving the way for wider adoption of blockchain technology in the education sector.

GUIDE NAME: Mrs Asha Jyothi


• Enhance Integrity: Implement a tamper-resistant and immutable blockchain system to ensure the
integrity of student results, making it nearly impossible for unauthorized alterations.

• Ensure Security: Utilize the inherent security features of blockchain to create a robust system that
protects student results from unauthorized access, manipulation, or forgery.

• Enable Transparency: Establish a decentralized approach to result management, providing all

stakeholders, including students, educators, and institutions, with access to a single, transparent
source of truth.

• Eliminate Discrepancies: Reduce discrepancies in academic records by fostering trust through a

system that maintains an accurate and unalterable history of student results.

• Promote Trust: Build trust among students, educators, and institutions by offering a secure and
transparent platform for result management, reducing the likelihood of disputes and disputes related
to academic records.

• Secure Result Sharing: Provide a secure and fraud-resistant platform for sharing student results,
reducing the risk of fraudulent practices and enhancing the overall credibility of academic

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