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Biomass Conversion

Article · January 2007

DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-27843-8_33


17 3,376

11 authors, including:

Stephen R Decker John Sheehan

National Renewable Energy Laboratory University of Minnesota Twin Cities


David Charles Dayton Joe Bozell

RTI International University of Tennessee


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Biomass Conversion
Stephen R. Decker, John Sheehan, David C. Dayton,
Joseph J. Bozell, William S. Adney, Bonnie Hames,
Steven R. Thomas, Richard L. Bain, Stefan Czernik,
Min Zhang, and Michael E. Himmel

AN INTRODUCTION TO BIOMASS AND the atmosphere that leads to its designation as

THE BIOREFINERY a “carbon neutral” fuel, meaning that it does
not introduce new carbon into the atmos-
WHAT IS BIOMASS? phere. In reality—as discussed later in the
In its simplest terms, biomass is all the plant description of life cycle assessments of bio-
matter found on our planet. Biomass is pro- mass use—we find that biomass fuels are not
duced directly by photosynthesis, the fundamen- quite carbon neutral, because somewhere in
tal engine of life on earth. Plant photosynthesis the life cycle of their production, conversion,
uses energy from the sun to combine carbon and distribution, some fossil energy carbon is
dioxide from the atmosphere with water to released.
produce organic plant matter. More inclusive Few people understand the scale of energy
definitions are possible. For example, animal and organic matter captured by photosynthe-
products and waste can be included in the def- sis in the form of biomass on the planet.
inition of biomass. Animals, like plants, are Consider, for example, that the sun sends 3 
renewable; but animals clearly are one step 1024 Joules of energy per year to our planet.1
removed from the direct use of sunlight. On average, over the entire globe, plant pho-
Using animal rather than plant material thus tosynthesis captures only 0.1 percent of the
leads to substantially less efficient use of our solar energy bombarding our world, storing
planet’s ultimate renewable resource, the sun. 3  1021 Joules of energy in biomass annu-
So, we emphasize plant matter in our defini- ally. How does that compare with world
tion of biomass. It is the photosynthetic capa- energy production? The U.S. Department
bility of plants to utlize carbon dioxide from of Energy estimates that, in 2000, global

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Fig. 33.1. Starch: a biopolymer of glucose molecules used today in the United States as the basis for pro-
duction of fuel ethanol from corn grain.

primary energy production in the form of oil, There are, of course, many forms of bio-
coal, natural gas, nuclear power, hydroelectric mass. In modern agriculture, many crops are
power, and other forms (including a small grown for the starch, sugars, protein, natural
amount of renewable energy) was 400 oils, and fiber they contain. Sugars from sug-
quadrillion Btus annually or 4.2  1020 Joules/- arcane are used today in Brazil to produce
year.2 Thus, energy stored in biomass each fuel ethanol.3 They were also the primary
year worldwide is seven times greater than souce of fermentable sugars in the United
humankind’s annual energy production. Can States until molasses became too costly.4 In
we expect to tap all of this energy to meet the the United States today, ethanol made from
ever-growing demand for energy? Could we sugars derived from starch in corn is the
be taking much greater advantage of this largest source of renewable transportation
renewable source of organics and stored fuel. Starch consists of glucose molecules
energy? strung together by -glycosidic linkages.
These linkages occur in chains of -1,4 link-
ages with branches formed as a result of -
The Structure and Composition 1,6-linkages (see Fig. 33.1). The ability to
of Biomass
release sugars from starch is common to many
Why, then, isn’t biomass the major source of animals, including humans. It is, thus, no sur-
our energy supply? The answer is that—in prise that starch was the first major carbohy-
comparison to the relatively recent discovery drate biopolymer to be used for energy
and use of fossil energy sources—biomass production other than just combustion.
has proved more difficult or at least more Indeed, the use of enzymes to biologically
costly to convert into convenient forms of release sugars from starch is one of the earli-
energy. Thus, although biomass has a very est examples of modern industrial enzyme
long history as humankind’s first primary technology. It stands as an example of how
source of energy, it has tended to find its most biotechnology might be used to process other
important use in modern times as a source of forms of biomass.5
higher-value (societally and economically) To foster a new bioindustry, we need to turn
food and fiber products. to less used—but more abundant—forms of
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Fig. 33.2. Cellulose: a biopolymer of glucose found in the structural components of all plant cell walls.

biomass. This means focusing on the lignocel- Lignin is a high-energy content biopolymer rich
lulosic components of the cell walls of all in phenolic components. It provides structural
higher plants. Here we find highly complex integrity to plants. The combination of hemicel-
material, both in chemical composition and lulose and lignin provide a protective sheath
structure. Plant cell walls are divided into two around the cellulose and this sheath must be
sections, the primary and the secondary cell modified or removed before efficient hydrolysis
walls.6 The primary cell wall, which provides of cellulose can occur.
structure for expanding, is composed of the The picture of biomass sketched here offers
major polysaccharides and a group of basic gly- important insights. The complex structure of
coproteins, primarily extensins.7 The predomi- lignocellulosic biomass provides protection
nant polysaccharide in the primary cell wall is and structural integrity to biomass. This
cellulose; the second most abundant is hemicel- makes things more difficult for industrial sci-
lulose; and the third is pectin. Because cellulose entists and engineers seeking to convert bio-
is made up only of -(1,4)-linkages, it has a mass into useful forms of energy, chemicals,
highly linear structure that encourages the for- and products. On the other hand, the diversity
mation of strong hydrogen bonds between of biomass composition offers opportunities
chains of cellulose (see Fig. 33.2). The high for processing biomass into a wide range of
level of hydrogen bonding among the chains new and existing chemicals. The challenge to
makes it much more difficult to attack or the industrial processor is to develop sophisti-
depolymerize, either chemically or biologically. cated and robust approaches to optimizing the
Once depolymerized, however, it is relatively recovery and conversion of each component
easy to ferment, because it consists of the single from this highly complex structure.
sugar, glucose. Hemicelluloses are biopolymers
of six- and five-carbon sugars that are almost
always branched with a wide spectrum of sub- CONVERTING BIOMASS INTO ENERGY
stituents, including acetyl esters, along the AND OTHER PRODUCTS
backbone polysaccharide. The more branched
Biological Versus Thermochemical
and amorphous nature of hemicellulose is more
vulnerable to attack, but organisms in nature do
not as readily utilize some of its various sugars. The distinguishing feature of the various paths
Hemicelluloses are thought to hydrogen bond to from biomass to useful energy is the choice of
cellulose, as well as to other hemicelluloses, conversion technology. These technologies fall
which helps stabilize the cell wall matrix and into two main categories: thermochemical and
renders the cell wall insoluble in water. biochemical conversion. Thermochemical pro-
The secondary cell wall, produced after the cessing, as its name suggests, relies on heat and
cell has completed growing, also contains poly- chemical catalysis to produce useful energy and
saccharides and is strengthened by polymeric products from biomass. Likewise, biochemical
lignin covalently crosslinking to hemicellulose.6 processing relies on biological organisms and
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biological catalysts to transform biomass into

energy and products. They are complementary,
rather than competing, technology paths that
are part of an integrated scheme for making a
wide range of fuels, products, heat, and power
from biomass.

Thermochemical Conversion of Biomass.

The simplest form of thermochemical conver-
sion is direct combustion of biomass to produce
heat and power. Direct combustion of biomass
for electricity production in the United States
currently supports more than 10,000 MW of
generating capacity, with the majority of the bio-
mass coming from landfill gas, municipal solid
waste, and wood fuel.8 The Energy Information
Administration of the U.S. Department of
Energy (DOE) estimates that three gigawatts of
electric capacity could currently be supplied by
biomass at prices competitive with coal-derived
electricity.9 Direct combustion of biomass in
existing power plants is a very effective means of
offsetting fossil energy use because it displaces
conventional fossil fuels in electric generating Fig. 33.3. General schematic of a process for ther-
stations on essentially a one-to-one basis. mochemical conversion of biomass to fuels, heat,
At the heart of most advanced thermochem- and power. ASU  Air Separation Unit, HRSG 
Heat Recovery Steam Generator.
ical conversion processes is the conversion of
biomass into simple chemical intermediates in
a process known as gasification, as shown in gases. The chemistry of gasification is rela-
Fig. 33.3. Gasification is a process in which tively simple.11 The key reaction that takes
biomass is heated in the presence of air, oxy- place in gasifiers is the “water gas shift” reac-
gen, and/or steam to produce a gas mixture that tion. In this reaction, water (provided by
can be used as an energy source itself or can be steam) can combine with carbon to form car-
converted into a variety of fuels and products. bon monoxide and hydrogen:
Gasification dates back to the early 1800s. It
C  H2O  CO  H2
has its roots in technology originally used for
the production of gas from coal for lighting and The carbon monoxide, hydrogen, and steam in
heating.10 There are many possible variations the gasifier can then undergo more reaction to
for the production of a gas mixture often produce more hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and
referred to as a synthesis gas or “syngas.” The methane. The relative composition of the syn-
core steps, however, are gas production in a gas will depend on the reactor conditions,
gasification reactor, tar cracking (integrated or choice of catalysts, and the relative amounts of
separate from the gasifier), and cleanup of the air, oxygen, and steam used. A wealth of chem-
syngas. The clean syngas can then be used to istry is possible with this collection of simple
generate power by direct combustion or in a compounds. Syngas can, therefore, serve as a
gas turbine/combined cycle system or be syn- platform for producing all sorts of fuels and
thesized to other fuels or products. other products. Syngas from coal, for example,
The severity of the conditions in this is used to produce gasoline or diesel fuel prod-
process affects the distribution of products, ucts in large-scale commercial operations using
which can include pyrolysis oils, chars, and so-called “Fischer–Tropsch” catalysts that can
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convert these simple compounds into hydrocar- There is a long and rich history of using acid
bons and oxygenates. Selection of conditions and base catalysts to release the sugars found in
and catalysts in the water gas shift reaction also cellulose and hemicellulose dating back to the
provides an opportunity to produce hydrogen discovery of wood sugars in the nineteenth
from biomass for use in fuel cells.12 century. The technology was commercialized
Experience with biomass gasification, how- during World War I in the United States, during
ever, has been limited to heat and power gen- World War II in Germany, and later in the twen-
eration. In the United States, the DOE helped tieth century in the Soviet Union.14–34 More
to test gasification of wood, coupled with elec- advanced schemes for biological processing are
tricity generation, at a power plant in Vermont, under development today; however, they rely on
successfully demonstrating this technology at this chemical hydrolysis step only as a pretreat-
the 200-ton-per-day (5-MW) scale.13 ment for removal of hemicellulose. Biologically
mediated hydrolysis of cellulose is now viewed
Biological Conversion of Biomass. Ethanol as the most selective and efficient means of hyd-
is typically the major fuel product of biological rolyzing or depolymerizing the cellulose bio-
conversion. The basic steps of biological conver- polymer to release its glucose sugar monomers.
sion are shown in Fig. 33.4. Lignocellulosic bio- Many workers in the field agree that cellulose
mass can be converted into mixed-sugar solutions decrystallization and depolymerization are
plus lignin-rich solid residues by the sequential indeed the rate-limiting steps in the conversion
use of thermochemical pretreatment and enzy- of lignocellulosic biomass.
matic saccharification. Sugars from hemicellu- Removal of hemicellulose by dilute-acid pre-
lose and cellulose can then be fermented to treatment has been the classic means of render-
ethanol for fuel production. Not shown in Fig. ing biomass more amenable to cellulase
33.4 is the possibility of biologically or chemi- action.35 In a hallmark study, Soltes and
cally converting these sugars into other products. coworkers36 showed that biomass with reduced
acetylation responded significantly more favor-
ably to cellulase action than did native biomass.
Although still controversial, there is some indi-
cation that biomass with reduced lignin content
is also more readily hydrolyzed by cellulase
action.37,38 One key to understanding cellulase
action on biomass is the fact that the structural
and reactive chemical components of the sub-
strate—primarily defined as acetyl and lignin
contents—strongly affect enzyme access to cel-
lulose. Another is that once cellulase compo-
nent enzymes are available in sufficient ratio
and concentration at the site of hydrolysis, the
degree of cellulose crystallinity controls the
hydrolytic rate.37,39 For the engineer seeking to
improve this natural process, the key challenge
is to make biomass depolymerization a more
rapid and less costly conversion.
To be cost effective, the process must use
organisms capable of fermenting the full
spectrum of five- and six-carbon sugars
released from cellulose and hemicellulose.
The advent of efficient genetically engineered
Fig. 33.4. General schematic of a biological process organisms equipped with metabolic pathways
for converting lignocellulosic biomass to ethanol. to handle both types of sugars is an important
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improvement in the process that has occurred sent to some form of thermochemical pro-
over the past decade or so.40–45 The first gen- cessing, even if that involves nothing more
eration of fuel ethanol technology for ligno- than direct combustion for production of heat,
cellulosic biomass will include the production power or both.
and use of enzymes for the hydrolysis of
cellulose that work with these new versatile
fermenting organisms. A future advance in
the technology may involve the development The integrated biorefinery is a conceptual
of organisms capable of carrying out both the framework that capitalizes on the synergies of
enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose and the integrating technologies from both biological
fermentation of the resulting sugars. This and thermochemical process schemes. Fur-
configuration—sometimes referred to as thermore, like the petroleum refinery, the
consolidated bioprocessing—would represent biorefinery has the potential to combine pro-
a significant step toward simplification and duction of low-volume, high-value products
cost reduction of the process.46 with high-volume, low-value fuels or energy
A purely standalone biological process is production. The ideal biorefinery employs a
unlikely. There is a significant amount of combination of conversion technologies that
residue left over after biological conversion of maximizes the value of fuels, chemical, mate-
the carbohydrates. As shown in Fig. 33.4, this rials, and power made from biomass, as
residue, containing mostly lignin, is usually shown in Fig. 33.5.

Fig. 33.5. General schematic of an ideal biorefinery combining biological and thermochemical processes
for production of fuels, chemicals, heat, and power.
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Fig. 33.6. Fossil energy savings for different biomass-to-power scenarios.

The biorefinery should benefit from lessons and on the overall demand placed on our natu-
learned during the evolution of modern-day ral resources. In general, this involves looking
petroleum refineries. These combine use of at all of the stages of production and use of a
fluid catalytic cracking, thermal cracking, and product or service, from the first extraction of
hydrocracking technology to convert the raw materials from the environment to the ulti-
higher-boiling-range fractions of crude oil mate disposition of the product. For energy, this
into more useful lower-boiling-range prod- includes production and transport of a feed-
ucts. Just as few petroleum refineries use all stock (whether that is coal, natural gas, oil, or
available conversion technologies, biorefiner- biomass) to a conversion facility, conversion of
ies too will use only those technology plat- the feedstock to a useful energy form, and dis-
forms that are most cost effective for tribution and use of the final energy product.
converting a certain type of biomass into a
certain collection of desired endproducts.
Life-Cycle Assessments of Biopower
Figure 33.6 summarizes the results of life-
BIOMASS, FOSSIL ENERGY SAVINGS, cycle assessments of the impact of various
pathways for electricity generation from bio-
The two most often touted benefits of biomass mass on fossil energy requirements.53 Direct
use are the ability to avoid the use of nonre- combustion and gasification of biomass for
newable fossil energy resources and the con- power production provide 99 and 98 percent
comitant ability to reduce net greenhouse gas savings in fossil energy use, respectively,
generation, characteristics that can only be compared to combustion of coal for electric-
assessed by using life-cycle assessment. Life- ity generation. When carbon sequestration is
cycle assessment47–52 is an analytical methodol- added to either of these options, fossil energy
ogy for understanding the full impacts of a savings are reduced because of the added
given product or service on the environment energy demand for sequestering the carbon
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Fig. 33.7. Greenhouse gas savings for different biomass-to-power scenarios.

dioxide from the stack of the power plant. Although estimates of greenhouse gas emis-
Greenhouse gas savings for these same tech- sions for hydrogen and Fischer–Tropsch liq-
nology options are also very good, often uids made from biomass are not available, a
exceeding 100 percent reductions due to the number of estimates are available for ethanol
effects sequestration of carbon in the soil that made from biomass. These are shown in
occurs when energy crops such as switchgrass Fig. 33.9 for the use of E85 (a blend of ethanol,
are grown (see Fig. 33.7). 85%, and gasoline, 15%) in a flexible fuel
vehicle. The choice of feedstock can have a
significant impact, with corn grain ethanol
Life-Cycle Assessments of Biofuels having the lowest benefits of those studied. The
Figure 33.8 shows fossil-energy savings big difference between corn grain and the other
associated with the production of hydrogen, biomass resources is that the former relies on
ethanol, and Fischer–Tropsch liquids from fossil fuels to provide energy in the conversion
biomass. Savings range from 91 to 102 per- facility, whereas the others make use of resid-
cent. Ethanol and Fischer–Tropsch fuels are ual lignin from the biomass to meet all of the
both liquids that can be used in existing energy needs for conversion, with some left
internal combustion engine vehicles, whereas over for cogeneration of electricity.
hydrogen—which is a gaseous fuel—requires
significant changes in vehicle technology,
whether it is burned directly for power or used COST PROJECTIONS FOR FUELS AND
in a fuel cell. Furthermore, although the POWER FROM BIOMASS
energy savings for hydrogen are comparable
The Competitiveness of Biopower
to the other two liquid fuels, these savings
may be offset by higher energy requirements Figure 33.10 compares the range and mid-
for distribution of hydrogen, which are not point of costs for power production from coal
included in these energy balance calculations. and natural gas with the projected range and
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Fig. 33.8. Fossil energy savings for different biofuels.

Fig. 33.9. Greenhouse gas emissions for E85 made from different biomass feedstocks and gasoline.
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Fig. 33.10. Comparison of costs for conventional fossil fuel electricity generation and biomass power

midpoint of costs of several biomass technology long-term (mature technology) estimates of the
options.54 As the numbers indicate, coal remains price that ethanol could reach are hard to find.
the lowest-cost option by far for producing elec- In the early 1990s, the DOE published esti-
tricity. Biomass technologies are from two to mates for a best-case ethanol cost of $0.67 per
four times more costly and with predictions that gallon, or $8.4 per GJ. In 1996, Lynd reported
coal prices are actually going to decline,55 this a “best-parameter” case that brings ethanol cost
makes the prospects for competitive electricity down to $0.50 per gallon, or $6 per GJ, which
generation from biomass a goal that will require is in line with gasoline’s wholesale price.56
advances in technology that have not, as yet, These long-term projections show that it is pos-
even been thought about, much less planned for. sible for a bio-based fuel such as ethanol to
approach parity with its fossil fuel counterpart,
but that achieving such parity represents a sig-
The Competitiveness of Biofuels
nificant stretch for the technology, with respect
Figure 33.11 provides a similar comparison for to its current or even potential cost.
published estimates of the cost of transporta-
tion fuels made from biomass. None of these
technologies is ready to compete with gasoline BIOMASS AS A SUSTAINABLE AND
strictly on the basis of delivering energy to a SUBSTANTIAL ENERGY SOURCE
vehicle. In the case of ethanol, the DOE has
developed plans for reducing its cost to about Biomass as a Substantial Source of
$13 per GJ by 2010, which puts this new tech- Energy—Balancing the Demands on
our Land
nology in a competitive range with ethanol
made from corn grain, but still out of reach of The estimates of global photosynthetic capac-
gasoline (by a factor of two). Recent published ity described at the beginning of this chapter
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Fig. 33.11. Comparison of costs for gasoline and various biomass derived fuels for transportation.

suggest that biomass could be a truly substan- Uncertainties of understanding sustainable

tial source of renewable energy. The life-cycle management of our land, debates about what
assessments reported in this chapter point to level of energy use is both adequate and sustain-
biomass as a highly sustainable source of able for our society, and the unknown potential
energy. for future advances in science and technology
The potential of biomass as a large source all fuel controversy over the appropriate use of
of fuels and chemicals, however, hinges on land. The public, policymakers, and even
how much of the huge global capacity for bio- experts in energy find themselves bombarded
mass production can be harnessed for that with widely divergent perspectives. Here are
purpose, after considering other demands just a few examples of the “pessimists”:
placed on our land. And the question has been
nothing if not controversial. Why? Because ● In 2002, a prominent collection of scien-
we recognize that the role land plays as the tists wrote, “Biomass plantations can pro-
primary source of food and fiber is its most duce carbon-neutral fuels for power plants
critical job for society. No other resource can or transportation, but photosynthesis has
provide us with food. So, when it comes to too low a power density (6 W/m2) for
choosing between the use of land for produc- biofuels to contribute significantly to cli-
ing food or energy, the choice is pretty obvi- mate stabilization.” These researchers find
ous. Forget about the use of our land for the scale of our growing energy demand so
providing energy to drive our cars and even to daunting that they conclude that none of
heat and light our homes, if it comes at the today’s current options for renewable
price of starvation. energy or energy efficiency are up to the
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task. They call for an unprecedented scien- Accounting for all of the factors that go into
tific effort to tackle what they call “the energy demand (population, vehicle miles
technology challenge of the century”.57 traveled per capita, vehicle efficiency) and
● In 2002, a group of researchers led by land required for energy production (biomass
David Pimentel dismissed biofuels for land yields, biomass conversion yields, etc.),
transportation outright because of their they found that the numerator in this equation
negative energy balance, and concluded can vary by a factor of 400 for a range of pos-
that burning biomass for heat and power sible high and low values. The denominator
might achieve 5.28  1018 Joules per year can vary tenfold for a range of possible high
worldwide by 2050. This represents, and low values. This explains the wide diver-
according to Pimentel’s estimates, a 39 per- sity of conclusions that has been published
cent increase over current bioenergy pro- regarding the potential for biomass to really
duction over five decades, and only 1.25 affect our energy problem. More important, it
percent of world energy output in 2000. points out the need for conducting more rig-
Then, there are the optimists, exemplified orous assessments of all these factors. Some
below: of the factors involve social choices, whereas
others involve prognostications on future
● In 2000, an ad hoc committee of leading
technology developments.
scientists and engineers established by
In 2004, several new studies appeared that
the National Research Council found that
reconsidered the role of biomass in a future
“there is enough unused biomass (in the
sustainable energy supply. Each has looked at
United States) to satisfy all domestic
some or all of the above factors, with an eye
demand for organic chemicals that can be
toward honing in on a more rational assess-
made from biological resources. . . .”
ment of biomass energy supply potential. The
Furthermore, the committee proposed a
Rocky Mountain Institute completed a major
goal of “. . . eventually meeting over 90%
study seeking ways of eliminating the United
of U.S. organic chemical consumption
States’ dependence on oil. Among five major
and up to 50% of U.S. liquid fuel needs
strategies that, taken together do just that, was
with biobased products. . . .”58
an investment in research, development, and
● Johansson et al. projected aggressive sce-
deployment of biofuels. They estimated that
narios for a renewable energy-intensive
such a strategy could lead to a 25 percent
economy in which 40 percent of direct
reduction in our dependence on oil in the year
fuel use (for everything except power
2025. This corresponds to around 57 billion
generation) comes from renewables,
gallons of gasoline equivalent supplied in the
mostly in the form of biomass, by 2050.
form of ethanol.61 The Natural Resources
Direct use of biofuels exceeds direct use
Defense Council estimated in its recent
of oil in their scenario.59
assessment of biofuels that around 30 percent
Quantifying the controversial and uncertain of total transportation energy demand could
factors that go into estimating biomass energy be met with ethanol from lignocellulosic bio-
potential can shed light on these apparently mass by 2050.62 This corresponds to about
contradictory findings. Lynd et al.60 devel- 130 billion gallons per of gasoline equivalent
oped a generic equation to describe “R,” the replaced with ethanol.
ratio of land required for meeting U.S. trans- What sets these reports above others that
portation energy demand with biofuels to the have been published over the past two
land available for biofuels production. A sim- decades? First, the organizations themselves
plified version is shown below. are different. They are both nongovernmental

[Energy Demand]  [Land Required per Delivered Energy]

[Total Land – Land Required for Food Production]
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Fig. 33.12. Biomass feedstock potential finds from billion-ton vision study.

organizations (NGOs) that have never been turned the question of biomass supply on its
particular advocates of biofuels. That is, they head. Their starting question: are there a bil-
bring the perspective of a “disinterested lion tons of biomass out there for conversion
party” to the table. Second, each looked at to energy and fuels? Or, put a little differently,
biofuels in a rational, future-oriented way. could biomass replace 30 percent of today’s
Third, they avoided the “single solution” trap petroleum demand? The motivation for the
so often found among technology advocates. study was, quite simply, to see if we could
Their results reflect this. Biomass comes for- prove that there is enough potential biomass
ward as only part of the solution. Gone are the to make energy companies and others take a
days of single energy solutions, or at least so second look at biomass. Figure 33.12 summa-
it would seem from their analyses. Oil was rizes their findings. They found 1.3 billion
indeed a one-time wonder. tons of plant biomass for the taking each year,
Meanwhile, a third report has been issued in or around 80 to 100 billion gallons per year of
2005 that looks at the potential supply of bio- gasoline equivalent, depending on the effi-
mass from a different point of view. It comes ciency of the biomass-to-fuels conversion.
from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office What can we conclude thus far about the
of the Biomass Program and from three role that biomass can play as a substantial
offices within the U.S. Department of source for our future energy supply? It’s worth
Agriculture (USDA). These are certainly not aiming at. Competing with petroleum-derived
“disinterested parties.” They are the key energy is still a stretch, but there is still poten-
organizations in the federal government tial for improvement in the technology. As we
charged with looking at biomass and the role move forward, we may find disappointments
that agriculture can play in a sustainable about biomass technology that force us to turn
energy future. So, it is not surprising that they in other directions.
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MICROBIAL BIOETHANOL PRODUCTION material is referred to as the “slurry”. In

The primary carbohydrate components of diluted acid pretreatment, most of the hemi-
lignocellulosic biomass consist of D-glucose, cellulosic sugars (xylose, arabinose, galac-
D-xylose, L-arabinose, D-galactose, and D- tose, and mannose) are solubilized; however,
mannose. Glucose (from cellulose) and xylose the glucose component remains in the solid
(from hemicellulose) are the two principal form as cellulose, where it is depolymerized
carbohydrates present in most biomass feed- by cellulases. This step is often combined
stocks. The levels of the minor carbohydrates with the subsequent microbial fermentation
L-arabinose, D-galactose, and D-mannose of the sugars to relieve the product inhibition
(also derived from hemicellulose) vary con- of cellulases, the so-called simultaneous sac-
siderably with biomass type. Softwoods typi- charification and fermentation (SSF) process.
cally contain more glactose and mannose than A process based on the fermentation of pen-
hardwoods, whereas hardwoods, herbaceous tose sugars (derived from the hydrolysate)
plants, and agricultural residues generally combined with the saccharification of cellu-
contain higher levels of arabinose and xylose. lose and fermentation of glucose (derived
In some herbaceous crops and agricultural from simultaneous enzymatic saccharification)
residues, arabinose levels are high enough is referred to as a simultaneous saccharifica-
that conversion of arabinose (in addition to tion and cofermentation (SSCF; Fig. 33.13).
glucose and xylose) is required to achieve To be successful, this scheme requires that the
overall economic viability. microorganisms are capable of fermenting
hexose and pentose sugars equally well. Alter-
natively, a hybrid process with partial enzy-
matic hydrolysis (to obtain high cellulose
hydrolysis rate by operating at high tempera-
Conversion efficiency and robust fermenta- ture) and co-fermentation may be used to
tion of mixed-sugar lignocellulose-derived achieve high overall conversion rates of bio-
hydrolysates are critical for producing ethanol mass sugars to ethanol. Additionally, microor-
at low cost to realize a commercially viable ganisms are often susceptible to inhibitors,
biorefinery. Biomass sugars are typically such as acetic acid, furfural, and phenolic
released by thermochemical pretreatment fol- compounds librated from lignocellulose dur-
lowed by enzymatic hydrolysis of chopped or ing chemical pretreatment.63,64 Because of
milled biomass. The pretreated soluble frac- this, a detoxification step, such as the “over-
tion of biomass is called the “hydrolysate” lime process” is generally applied to reduce
and the hydrolysate containing the insoluble the toxicity of the hydrolysate.

Ferment C6 sugars Ethanol
solids Hydrolysis

SSF Process

hydrolysate Ferment C5 sugars

SSCF Process

Fig. 33.13. Simultaneous saccharification fermentation (SSF) and simultaneous saccharification and
co-fermentation (SSCF) concepts.
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Although a number of microorganisms can ers by introducing the genes for ethanol pro-
efficiently ferment glucose to ethanol, only duction from Zymomonas mobilis.67–69
recently has conversion of the pentose sugars Extensive evaluation of these “ethanologenic”
in the hemicellulosic fraction become feasi- strains have been carried out, both in media
ble.65 The few organisms that were known to containing pure sugars and in pretreatment
utilize either D-xylose or L-arabinose typi- hydrolysates derived from a variety of feed-
cally grow slowly on pentoses and achieve stocks.68–73
relatively low ethanol yields and productivi- The second approach, broadening the sub-
ties.66 Because of this, the identification and strate utilization range of strains that are
development of microorganisms capable of highly efficient ethanol producers, has been
selectively converting D-glucose, D-xylose, demonstrated by introducing the xylose
and L-arabinose to ethanol at high yield has assimilation and pentose phosphate pathway
been the focus of extensive research during genes from E. coli into Z. mobilis. The result
the past 10 to 15 years. In the past decade, was an engineered Z. mobilis strain able to
the sophistication of molecular biology has ferment xylose to ethnol at high yield.74–76 An
grown tremendously and numerous attempts arabinose-fermenting Z. mobilis strain was
have been made to use recombinant DNA also developed by introducing the arabinose
technologies to engineer superior microor- assimilation and pentose phosphate pathway
ganisms for bioethanol production. Only a genes from E. coli into Z. mobilis.77
few of these efforts have been provisionally More recently, a long-term effort to
successful and considerable work is yet to develop xylose-fermenting Saccharomyces
be done. sp. has also been successful. For example,
xylose fermentation was reported for Sac-
charomyces strains transformed with the
xylose reductase and xylitol dehydrogenase
genes from Pichia stipitis (additionally, over-
Metabolic pathway engineering is increas- expression of native xylulokinase was found
ingly recognized as a powerful approach for useful).78,79 A recent effort to introduce
developing microorganisms capable of effi- xylose isomerase from Pimicus into Sac-
ciently converting biomass sugars to ethanol. charomyces cerevisiae was also demon-
In broad terms, superior ethanol-producing strated.80–82 Other noteworthy achievements
microorganisms can be developed by either of in the metabolic engineering of superior
these metabolic engineering approaches: ethanol producers include initial success in
improving the performance of xylose-
1. Broadening the substrate range to
fermenting yeasts by optimizing the expres-
include biomass sugars (e.g., xylose,
sion of genes encoding the xylose assimila-
arabinose, galactose, mannose) in strains
tion and ethanol production pathways.83,84
exhibiting good product selectivity, but
Successful transformation of the pentose-fer-
not capable of fermenting sugars other
menting Clostridium thermosaccharolyticum
than glucose to ethanol
has also been reported,85 providing a key tool
2. Increasing ethanol product selectivity in
for further developing this microorganism by
strains exhibiting broad substrate range
altering product selectivity to favor ethanol
Of course, beyond these two basic approaches, production. Furthermore, recombinant E. coli,
significant metabolic engineering may also be K. oxytoca, Z. mobilis, and Saccharomyces
required to stabilize “improved” strains or to were reported to be capable of anaerobically
enable such strains to achieve high ethanol fermenting arabinose to ethanol,77,86,87 unlike
yields and fermentation productivities. the wild-type xylose-fermenting yeasts, such
Following the first approach, Escherichia as P. stipitis. These yeasts can grow on arabi-
coli and Klebsiella oxytoca have been engi- nose aerobically, but cannot ferment arabinose
neered to be highly effective ethanol produc- anaerobically.
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PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT high tolerance to ethanol. In most cases, the

Efficiency of microorganisms for conversion pentose utilization rate is at least several-fold
of biomass to ethanol can be evaluated by lower than that of glucose. Therefore, the
three most critical performance factors: yield, ethanol yield from pentoses is significantly
productivity, and final product concentra- lower compared to that of glucose.89
tions. Achieving high ethanol yield is the Unlike the starch-based glucose streams,
most important factor for the biorefinery, hydrolysates derived from lignocellulosic
because the cost of feedstocks can be as high feedstocks can contain many toxic compounds
as 40 percent of the process cost.88 Ethanol that inhibit microbial growth and fermenta-
yield can be referred to either as metabolic tion.88 Improving our understanding of inhibi-
yield or process yield. Metabolic yield is cal- tion mechanisms and microbial physiology
culated as ethanol produced based on sugars during hydrolysate fermentations will require
consumed, which provides an indication full use of the advanced analytical and
whether microorganisms produce ethanol “omics” metabolic engineering and modeling
selectively. The maximum metabolic yields tools recently made available. This approach
for both heoxoses and pentoses are 0.51 gram will greatly enhance our capability to develop
ethanol per gram sugars used. Formation of a new class of robust industrial microorgan-
byproducts, such as lactic acid, glycerol, and isms capable of efficiently and productively
acetic acid reduces the metabolic ethanol converting all biomass sugars to ethanol under
yield, consequently reduces process yield as “dirty” industrial processing conditions. Other
well. Process yields calculated as “ethanol important considerations for commercial
produced based on total sugars available” pro- viable microorganisms are hydrolysate toler-
vides information not only how efficient the ance and media requirements.
microorganisms can produce ethanol from the Futuristic process scenarios have been pro-
sugars, but also the degree to which the posed that combine key process steps, thus
microorganisms are capable of utilizing all reducing overall process complexity and cost.
the sugars available. This parameter is espe- One notable example is the consolidated bio-
cially important when considering high bio- mass processing (CBP) technology proposed
mass sugar streams. Similarly, specific by Zhang and Lynd90 for the Clostridium ther-
ethanol productivity, calculated as ethanol mocellum case. Their work reminds us that
produced per gram of cell biomass per hour, C. thermocellum hydrolyzes cellulose by a dif-
reflects the effectiveness of the catalytic capa- ferent mode of action compared to the classical
bility of cells. Volumetric ethanol productivity mechanism associated with fungal-derived cel-
is used to reflect efficiency of the overall lulases, the “cellulosome.” Furthermore, for
process. Kinetic parameters from various C. thermocellum, the bioenergetic benefits spe-
recombinant microorganisms were summa- cific to growth on cellulose are result from the
rized recently by Dien et al.65 efficiency of oligosaccharide uptake combined
with intracellular phosphorolytic cleavage of
-glucosidic bonds, another pathway not
known in fungi. Zhang and Lynd believe that
these benefits exceed the bioenergetic cost of
Despite initial success in demonstrating cellulase synthesis, supporting the feasibility
microorganisms capable of fermenting bio- of anaerobic processing of cellulosic biomass
mass sugars, there is currently a dearth of fer- without added saccharolytic enzymes. Another
mentative microorganisms with the capability option for CBP is to enable yeast, already
to efficiently convert all five biomass sugars ethanologenic, to produce cellulases.91 In this
in high ethanol yield and productivity under case, expression of some active and effective
relevant industrial processing conditions. cellulases from yeast has proven challenging;92
These processes demand robust performance however, endoglucanses and beta-glucosidases
at low pH and high temperature, as well as a appear more amenable to yeast processing.93
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BIOMASS ANALYSIS AND ing efficiency in the original process can

COMPOSITIONAL VARIABILITY impart an additional source of compositional
variance in biomass feedstocks. All of these
INTRODUCTION sources of compositional variance are difficult
if not impossible to control. However, the
The Importance of Reliable composition of a given feedstock can be meas-
Compositional Methods for Biomass ured at any point and that information can be
used to adjust process conditions for optimal
The ability to rapidly and inexpensively obtain conversion or steady-state production. The
an accurate chemical composition of complex rapid, inexpensive compositional analysis
biomass feedstocks and biomass-derived methods described in this chapter are exam-
materials is a key element in enabling com- ples of the types of new tools that will be
mercialization of processes that convert bio- needed for the commercialization of processes
mass to fuels and valuable chemicals. Robust that convert biomass into fuels and valuable
analytical methods are needed to improve our chemicals.
understanding of and our ability to economi- As illustrated in Fig. 33.14, biomass feed-
cally control biomass conversion processes. stocks can vary widely in the number of con-
Additional challenges face these processes stituents and the concentration of each
because of the heterogeneity that is an inherent constituent. In biomass conversion processes,
property of biomass. The chemical composi- up to 20 constituents may need to be monitored
tion of a biomass feedstock varies as a func- to characterize the conversion of feedstock into
tion of many factors, including plant genetics, a desired product or products. Standard wet
growth environment, harvesting method, and chemical methods for the chemical characteri-
storage. Many biomass conversion feedstocks zation of biomass feedstocks and biomass-
are residues of another process. For example, derived materials have been validated through
bagasse is a byproduct of sugar production the International Energy Agency and are avail-
from sugarcane. In these situations, the vary- able from the American Society for Testing and

80 cutin
Weight percent

60 extractives
40 acetyl
30 arabinan
10 xylan
poplar pine cornstover sugarcane Cornfiber

Fig. 33.14. Chemical composition of five commercial biomass feedstocks showing the variance in num-
ber and concentration of constituents.
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Materials (ASTM).94 In addition, the National Heterogeneity and Biomass Analysis

Renewable Energy Laboratory95 (NREL) has As stated above, plants are comprised of three-
developed and validated a collection of stan- dimensional complexes of natural polymer
dard laboratory analytical procedures specifi- matrices including cellulose, hemicellulose,
cally for the compositional analysis of biomass lignin, and in some cases protein and silica.
including, but going beyond those of the These polymer matrices are not uniformly dis-
ASTM. These wet chemical methods of analy- tributed within the plant cell wall, and their
sis are based on the fractionation of the bio- relative concentrations change from one mor-
mass sample and the isolation of purified phological region to another, reflecting physi-
fractions that can be quantified using conven- ological function. The difference in chemical
tional analytical instruments.96 These methods composition between the tissues within a plant
are primarily used in feedstock-specific portfo- is, in nearly all cases, greater than the variation
lios containing analysis methods for each of seen in any one tissue across the entire plant
the relevant constituents. In most cases, these species. An example of this compositional
portfolios enable the identification and quan- variance is shown in Fig. 33.15 for corn stover
tification of greater than 95 percent of the dry from Pioneer Variety 33J56. The concentration
mass of biomass feedstock and biomass- of five major constituents is shown for seven
derived materials. tissue types as well as an average composition
for the whole plant. The various fractions are
The Need for Accurate, Real-Time plotted according to increasing glucan con-
Biomass Analysis Methods tent. The independent variance of the concen-
tration of various polymer constituents can
Standard wet chemical methods, although easily be seen.
accurate and robust, are not applicable in a Much of the compositional variance in a
commercial setting, because they are very feedstock can be explained in terms of vary-
expensive (labor intensive) and cannot pro- ing proportions of the tissue types. These pro-
vide the analysis information in a timeframe portions can vary by variety, growth
useful for process control. For example, a environment, harvesting method, and storage
complete analysis using standard wet chemi- conditions. The differences in chemical com-
cal methods costs $800 to $2000 per sample position imply structural differences that
and the results are typically not available for could also affect conversion efficiency. To
days, sometimes weeks. In contrast, new understand biomass compositional variability
methods are being developed that can per- and its implications, it is essential to appreci-
form the same analysis for about $20 per sam- ate the magnitude of variance in available
ple and provide results in a timeframe relevant feedstocks and to understand the controlling
for process control, meaning that the informa- factors. Appreciating the sources of variance
tion can be used to make the process adjust- permits the formation of testable strategies for
ments necessary for steady-state production. controlling or limiting the sources of vari-
One approach to reducing the time and cost of ance. This strategy is particularly important in
compositional analysis is the development of systems where process economics are driven
rapid analysis methods that use multivariate primarily by product yield, as is the case for
analysis software to extract chemical informa- biomass conversion processes.
tion from easily obtained spectroscopic data.
Rapid analysis methods match the precision Sources of Variance. It is well established
and accuracy of their calibration methods, so in the agronomy literature that factors affecting
the savings are obtained without loss of preci- plant characteristics and crop performance fall
sion or accuracy.97 New techniques, such as into three general categories: genetic, environ-
rapid analysis, are needed to provide analyti- mental, and interactions between these two
cal support for large-scale processes that con- classes. In other words, the phenotype (i.e., any
vert biomass to fuels and chemicals. measurable characteristic) of an individual plant
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Corn Stover Anatomical Fractions



Weight % by wet chem


30 glucan
15 inorganics

sheaths cobs nodes leaves whole stover internodes rind pith

Fig. 33.15. Compositional variability of corn stover tissues from a single hybrid.

is the product of its genotype (i.e., the complete The analytical methods used to determine
set of genes inherited by an individual from its the composition of biomass materials are also
parents) as influenced by the environment in a source of some variance in this kind of
which that individual exists. For example, the analysis. It must be determined whether vari-
same commercial hybrid varieties of corn often ance due to sampling and measurement tech-
have statistically different yields when grown in niques is significant in light of variance from
different locations (i.e., environments). This genetic and environmental sources.
may be due to differences between locations in
weather patterns, soil types, agronomic practice,
or other factors. Similarly, genetically distinct Genetic Factors That May Contribute to
Cell Wall Compositional Variability
commercial hybrid varieties of corn grown in
the same environment often have different grain Modern corn breeding dates back to the early
yields (see results from the Wisconsin Corn 1900s with the work of Shull,100 East,101 and
Hybrid Trials98 or the Minnesota Corn Variety others. Increased grain yield (i.e., productiv-
Trials99). An interaction between these two ity) has long been the main objective of corn
broad classes of variables is said to occur when breeding programs in the United States and
different genotypes respond in different ways to elsewhere. Corn breeding programs have pro-
a change in environmental conditions. duced remarkable results, evident in the his-
Agricultural systems are notorious for their torical corn grain yield data for the United
variability (e.g., harvest yield) from year to States (available online from the USDA
year, location to location, and variety to variety. National Agricultural Statistics Service Web
Characteristics other than yield (e.g., plant site102) and presented here as Fig. 33.16. It
height, pigmentation patterns, cell wall compo- should be realized that the data in Fig. 33.16
sition, nutritional quality, resistance to diseases, reflect both genetic and agronomic improve-
etc.) are also influenced by some combination ments made in parallel.
of these and other factors. Each phenotype is Hallauer et al.103 present a summary of 13
most likely influenced by different combina- separate studies that attempt to estimate the frac-
tions of genetic and environmental factors. tion of observed corn grain yield improvement
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Historical U.S. Corn Grain Yield (USDA/NASS)


Bushels per Acre (bu/ac)








1860 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 2020

Fig. 33.16. Historical average U.S. corn gain yields in bushels/acre. (Data from USDA/NASS Web Site.)

due to genetic gains. These estimates range cell wall) chemical composition. This excel-
widely (33 to 89 percent ), but it is clear that lent example is used to illustrate what might
genetics is responsible for a significant pro- be accomplished with regard to cell-wall com-
portion of yield improvement during the past position using genetic techniques in maize.
100 years. The remaining fraction of yield The concentration of oil in the kernel varies
gains is due to changes in cultural practice widely in corn as a species, but corn belt
and crop management (e.g., fertilizer use, inbreeds range only from 2.5 to 5.5 percent.
higher density of planting, pesticide availabil- Commercial hybrids have an even narrower
ity and use, mechanized harvesting). range, typically only 4 to 5 percent. An assort-
Peterson states,104 “Breeders’ efforts with ment of breeding strategies starting with out-
maize have uncovered a highly heterogeneous crossing populations, in which the gene pool is
genotype that can be manipulated in most broader than it is for inbred and hybrid culti-
directions to achieve the desired goal.” In vars, has altered the oil content of kernels
addition to the overall goal of increased yield, from about 4 percent up to more than 21 per-
this includes traits such as lodging (i.e., abil- cent over a series of selection cycles.105–108
ity to stand), resistance to various biotic and A similar story can be told regarding corn
abiotic stresses, male sterility, the angle at kernel protein content. Hybrid corn typically
which leaves are held relative to the stalk, contains 8–11 percent protein, but consider-
days to grain maturity, nitrogen-use effi- able genetic variability for this trait exists in
ciency, seed composition (i.e., starch, protein, open-pollinated populations. In an experiment
and lipid content), and many others. involving serial selection for both high and
Studies relating to the genetic manipulation low protein content, mean protein content has
of nutritional quality (i.e., chemical composi- been shifted more than 139 percent from the
tion) of corn grain are analogous to this dis- starting point mean value (a range of at least
cussion regarding manipulation of stover (i.e., 20 standard deviations).105–107 At generation
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70 (30 years ago!) in the Illinois Long-Term ● The assembly and architectural pattern-
Selection Experiment, the Illinois High- ing of polymers (includes glycosyl hydro-
Protein (IHP) line contained 26.1 percent lases and structural proteins)
protein and the Illinois Low-Protein (ILP) line ● The dynamic rearrangement of wall poly-
contained 5.8 percent protein. These same mers during cell growth and differentia-
lines were simultaneously the low-starch tion (includes lignification)
(44%) and high-starch (74.5%) lines, respec- ● Signaling and response mechanisms
tively.109 Thus, at least in corn, selection for
Although the metabolic pathways associated
increased protein content in grain seems to
with the first category have been pretty well
occur mainly at the expense of starch.
elucidated at this point, the enzymes involved
Three plant genomes have now been com-
in the subsequent categories are largely
pletely sequenced, and several more are at vari-
uncharacterized. Likewise, most of the corre-
ous stages in the process. From DNA sequence
sponding genes are also unknown. Significant
data, it is estimated that the Arabidopsis
progress has been made in some of these
genome contains around 25,500 genes.110 The
areas in recent years, however.119–123
rice genome is estimated to contain somewhere
Once identified, those genetic factors that
between 32,000 and 55,000 genes.111,112 The
exert a large influence on cell-wall composi-
Populus trichocarpa (black cottonwood),
tion, cell-wall architecture, or biomass con-
genome is estimated to contain about 58,000
version process performance characteristics
genes.113 To date, sequencing efforts in Zea
could become targets of a plant breeding
mays (i.e., maize; corn) indicate that its genome
strategy to manipulate these characteristics,
also contains about 58,000 genes.114
while maintaining or increasing traditional
Cell wall biogenesis during cell growth and
crop yield or overall agronomics. To get the
differentiation involves many different
most from such a breeding program, it will be
enzyme activities and perhaps several thou-
essential to monitor the effect of a wide range
sand genes. It has been estimated that 15 per-
of environmental variables on genetic poten-
cent of the Arabidopsis genome (i.e., more
tial during the breeding process.
than 3800 genes) may be dedicated to cell-
wall biogenesis and modification.115 Although
only a very few of these genes have been Environmental Factors That May
Contribute to Variance
identified and characterized to date, several
efforts are underway to do so (for exam- Environmental factors that affect plant phe-
ple,116–118). Because multiple alleles (i.e., notypes fall into two categories: namely,
gene variants) probably exist for each of these those that are at least partially under control
genes, the possible number of permutations of of the farmer and those that are not. Factors
genes that affect cell walls in a single species that are largely not under human control
is truly enormous. include weather patterns (day length, solar
According to Carpita,115,116 genes involved flux, temperature, and precipitation), soil
in plant cell-wall biogenesis fall into one of type and pH, and soil mineral content, and
six functional categories: are not discussed further. A partial list of
factors that can be addressed by the farmer
● The synthesis of monomer building include selection of hybrid variety, planting
blocks of cell-wall polymers, such as date, harvest date, tillage practice, irrigation,
nucleotide sugars and monolignols fertilizer types and amounts, pesticide and
● The biosynthesis of oligomers and poly- herbicide usage, and the strategy employed
saccharides at the plasma membrane and for harvesting, transporting, and storing crop
ER-Golgi apparatus (i.e., polysaccharide residues. Which of these factors are most
synthases and glycosyl transferases) influential across the broadest range of situ-
● The targeting and secretion of Golgi- ations with regard to stover compositional
derived materials variability is an open question and will require
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TABLE 33.1 Confidence Intervals for in an international round robin evaluation of

NREL and ASTM Standard Wet Chemical four biomass standard reference materials
Methods available from the National Institute of
Standards Technology (NIST).124
Method Variance
Absolute Error
Constituent 99% Confidence
Glucan 1.5
Starch 1.0 In the past, efforts were made to develop uni-
Xylan 1.5 versal methods of analysis that could be used
Arabinan 1.5 for any type of biomass or biomass-derived
Mannan 1.5 material.125 These methods provide instruc-
Galactan 1.5
Uronic acids 1.5 tion for the various procedural steps, but they
Pection 1.5 rarely discuss why a given step is included in
O-acyl groups 0.5 the procedure. The assumption is made that
Structural inorganic 0.5 all steps in a standard procedure will be fol-
Sucrose 1.5 lowed as written without omission or amend-
Protein 1.0
Lignin 1.0 ments. When combined for a complete mass
Ferulic acid esters 1.0 analysis, many analytical methods were com-
Extactives 1.0 promised to the extent that they were ade-
Phytate 0.5 quate for most samples, but optimal for none.
Cutin 1.5 As the biomass conversion industry matures,
the need for more accurate and precise meth-
multiyear, multilocation field trials to deter- ods will increase, as data generated from
mine with confidence. these methods will be used to evaluate a
Most important are likely environmental maturing state of technology for commercial-
factors associated with cultivation, crop man- ization. In response to this need, newer meth-
agement, and postharvest processes that can ods of analysis are being developed in a
be controlled to some extent and on the other modular fashion and designed to be incorpo-
hand also have a large impact on the chemical rated into sample-specific portfolios capable
composition, cell-wall architecture, or con- of providing a customized total analysis of
version processing behavior of plant biomass. any biomass sample. In the portfolio, the
These factors could form the basis of a testable individual constituent methods are independ-
strategy to decrease the variance associated ently validated relative to standard reference
with these characteristics. materials. These methods are then validated a
second time when the results are combined to
Analytical Variance
reconstruct the entire chemical composition
of a biomass sample. Typical mass closures
A complete analysis characterizing greater between 96 and 104 percent confirm that no
than 95 percent of a biomass sample can major components have been overlooked and
require up to 30 independent measurements to interferences between methods and double
report the concentration of 10 to 15 con- counting of materials are minimized.
stituents. Table 33.1 shows the confidence
intervals for the standard wet chemical meth-
Wet Chemical Methods
ods used to characterize biomass feedstocks.
The confidence interval of 1.5 percent for Within each portfolio, the sequence of applica-
glucan means that when a value of 38 percent tion of the various analytical methods is criti-
is reported for a biomass sample, there is a cal, as many methods have been validated with
98 percent probability that the “true” glucan the assumption that all prior steps have been
concentration lies between 36.5 and 39.5 per- followed. For feedstocks, the sequence is sam-
cent. Many of these values were determined ple preparation, then removal of nonstructural
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materials through solvent extraction, followed may not remain stable and uniform for the dura-
by hydrolysis of the structural polymers to tion of a battery of tests. For these reasons, bio-
simple forms for chromatographic or spectro- mass samples are usually dried until the
scopic analysis. In the past, many methods for moisture content is less than 15 percent.
biomass analysis have been “behavior based,” Because some of the constituents are heat sensi-
meaning they define chemical structure based tive or volatile, certain protocols must be fol-
on solubility in certain solvent systems. The lowed when drying a biomass sample for
newest methods incorporate modern analytical compositional analysis, to avoid sample loss or
instruments, which allow the various structural degradation. Air-drying is preferred if time,
components to be measured and tracked based space, and ambient humidity will allow the sam-
on chemical structure. ple to reach a moisture level below 15 percent.
Before using biomass analysis methods, Drying the samples in a convection oven or vac-
analysts are encouraged to review the litera- uum oven where the temperature is not allowed
ture that supports the standard methods.125 to exceed 45°C is an acceptable alternative.
Understanding the science behind the methods When freezing does not cause collapse of the
helps the analyst understand the ways that the cellular structure of the biomass, samples can
various procedures are connected, the limits also be safely lyophilized, or freeze-dried.
within which a step can be altered or modified,
and the potential downstream consequences of Washing. If the biomass sample is contam-
omitting any given step. With this in mind, the inated with soil, the samples should be washed
following several paragraphs outline available if possible before further processing. Soils vary
information concerning the significance, considerably in chemical content and even a
implications, and limitations of each step in a few weight percent of extraneous inorganic
complete characterization of biomass. More compounds can neutralize reagents, catalyze
detail is available in the open literature and the side reactions or affect subsequent analysis in
text of the individual procedures. ways that are difficult to observe or control.
Washing may be as simple as agitation in clean
Sample Preparation. Sample preparation is demineralized water or may require small
an important but often overlooked part of bio- amounts of mild detergents to be effective.
mass analysis. Biomass sample preparation must After washing, the sample must be carefully
take several factors into account. The object of dried before analysis.
sample preparation is to enable the analysis to be
done on a small scale while ensuring that the Milling. Size reduction is an important step
analysis of the small sample provides valid infor- in biomass analysis because standard methods
mation about the larger bulk sample. Typically, are optimized and validated for materials with a
biomass sample preparation includes drying, specific particle size. The particle size will
milling, sieving, and homogenizing. affect hydrolysis or digestion rates as well as
rates of degradation and should be specified in
Drying. Biomass feedstock samples can any standard procedure. As a general rule, the
contain as much as 60 percent (w/w) water. If sample to be analyzed should contain at least
the biomass has been degraded in a manner that 100 particles of the biomass sample in order be
disrupts the ultrastructure of the plant (chemical representative of the bulk material. For reasons
treatment or enzymatic digestion), the moisture described earlier for drying protocols, care
of the sample could be even higher. Water in a must be taken during the milling process to
biomass sample, if high enough, can introduce avoid heating the biomass sample. This is par-
errors during some of the analysis steps by dilut- ticularly crucial if the biomass must be reduced
ing reagents. Moisture in samples can also cause to a fine powder. Cryo-mills, where the milling
sample fractionation during milling and sieving. apparatus is submerged in liquid nitrogen, or
Biomass samples with high moisture contents mills that are jacketed for the circulation of
are still vulnerable to biological degradation and cooling solutions are most suitable for milling
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in these situations. Knife mills such as the stan- on the hydrolysis of the carbohydrate poly-
dard Thomas–Wiley Mill 4 (Thomas Scientific mers is unknown, but could result in incom-
Model 3375E15 or equivalent) work well for plete hydrolysis of some carbohydrate
most woody biomass samples. Less dense structures. It is also possible that soil compo-
materials such as corn stalks or straws may be nents such as iron and manganese could cat-
easier to feed into a hammer mill. Most knife alyze undesired side reactions, which produce
and hammer mills will retain and reprocess products that would not be identified and
materials until they pass through a screen of a quantified with the current analytical meth-
particular particle size, allowing the user to ods. However, although the impact of soil
specify the maximum particle size of the contamination cannot be easily determined,
processed sample. removal of the –80 mesh fraction can improve
the chemical analysis by reducing the ash
Sieving. All forms of chemical or thermal contents of samples to about the level of
hydrolysis perform better when the particles are structural inorganics expected in that type of
of a uniform size. For this reason, most stan- biomass. The fine material is weighed,
dard procedures usually specify both a maxi- reduced to ash to determine the percentage
mum and a minimum particle size. To weight of inorganic material and then dis-
accomplish this, the milled biomass is sieved carded. The analysis is performed only on the
through a set of standard screens. To prevent intermediate, uniformly sized material. The
errors associated with incomplete hydrolysis, composition of the whole sample can be cal-
the oversized material is milled again until it culated by assuming that the biomass portion
passes through the largest screen. The material of the fines has the same chemical composi-
that passes through the larger screen but is tion as the fraction that is analyzed. Although
retained on the fine mesh screen is of uniform this assumption is not completely accurate,
particle size and can be used for compositional the precision gained by removing the fine
analysis. The material that passes through the material more than compensates for the error
fine mesh screen may be hydrolyzed too introduced by this assumption. If the sample
quickly leaving the hydrolysis products more has not been washed, removing the very fine
susceptible to side reactions or degradation material (less than 80 mesh) will remove most
before analysis. Because the fine material can- of the dirt entrained in the sample.
not be reprocessed to increase particle size, this Making the particle size as uniform as pos-
material must be discarded. The fine fraction sible also makes it easier for the analyst to
should always be removed from the analysis if select a small but reproducible sample for
it has significantly higher ash content than the analysis. In some biomass samples, however,
uniformly sized material. This elevated inor- sieving to remove fine material chemically
ganic content may indicate the presence of non- fractionates the sample. This is known to be
biomass contaminants (typically soil). true with wood that contains a significant
The impact of extraneous inorganic matter amount of bark. The bark tends to granulate
on the analysis cannot be predicted. Most during milling and will preferentially be
chemical analysis methods have been opti- removed with the fines. The sample to be ana-
mized for bark-free wood that has an ash con- lyzed would then have an artificially low bark
tent of less than 2 percent. These methods content relative to the original sample. A sim-
may not be applicable to herbaceous materials ilar problem has been reported with some
where structural silica can increase the ash grasses where the friable pith material may be
content to more than 15 percent of the dry preferentially removed as fines. These sam-
weight of the biomass. One potential problem ples should not be sieved for fines removal.
with high ash samples is that inorganic mate- Samples should be examined for soil contam-
rials, depending on their composition, may ination, and special care should be taken to
neutralize the sulfuric acid solutions used in select a representative particle size distribu-
the hydrolysis steps. The affect of pH changes tion for analysis.
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EXTRACTIVES DETERMINATION the more recalcitrant carbohydrate polymers,

Plants store nonstructural materials in their particularly glucans and galactans. Increasing
vessels and water transport channels that can the hydrolysis severity may result in excessive
interfere with accurate chemical composi- degradation of the accessible sugars. Hemi-
tional analysis. These materials are commonly cellulose sugars, especially xylans and arabi-
known as extractives, which may give the nans, are the most susceptible to degradation
impression that they are a single substance or if hydrolysis severity is increased. If non-
at least a few closely related substances. This structural sugars are present in the biomass,
is not always the case. Extractable materials they should be removed and quantified during
include gums, resins, pitch, waxes, sterols, the extractive procedures. If both starch and
flavinoids, tannins, terpenes, quinones, non- cellulose are present, they will both contribute
structural sugars, chlorophyll, and many other to the measured glucose concentration after
minor building block reserves that vary sea- hydrolysis. An independent starch measure-
sonally and by biomass type. Because extrac- ment allows the two polymers to be accurately
tives vary so much in chemical composition, quantified. Some degradation of sugars is
their behavior during the slate of analyses unavoidable in the two-stage hydrolysis meth-
required for a compositional characterization ods. Carbohydrate standards of similar struc-
cannot be predicted. For this reason, non- ture and concentration should be run in
structural components should always be parallel to assess the magnitude of this degra-
removed prior to analysis for lignin or carbo- dation and correct the reported values for this
hydrates. Failure to remove these materials loss if necessary. Structures such as uronic
can cause several problems.124 Some of the acids, ferulic acid esters, and O-acetyl groups
extractives may be insoluble in acid, will pre- are substituents on the hemicellulose poly-
cipitate, and thus will be falsely counted as mers and should be included in a complete
lignin. Because of changes in the physical carbohydrate analysis.
properties of the extractives, the presence of
some materials will limit access to the carbo- Lignin Determination
hydrate polymers. If extractable ash, starch, or
protein is present in the biomass sample, sep- Most lignin methods are still based on behav-
arate measurements must be made to remove ioral definitions: lignin is most often defined as
the contribution of this material from the the material insoluble in acid after hydrolysis of
extractives values and to report it more accu- the carbohydrate fraction. This assumption is
rately in the correct constituent category. invalid for many biomass samples, particularly
herbaceous materials where protein will con-
dense with the lignin. Structural inorganics will
Carbohydrate Determination
also partition during acid hydrolysis with an
Most analysis methods for the determination irreproducible portion remaining in the acid-
of carbohydrates in biomass incorporate a insoluble residue. Additional determinations
two-stage acid hydrolysis to separate individ- must be made on the acid-insoluble residue to
ual polymers and hydrolyze them to simple convert the gravimetric measurement into a
compounds that can be readily analyzed by valid lignin measurement. Failure to make these
chromatographic or spectroscopic techniques. corrections results in falsely high mass clo-
The first stage subjects the biomass sample to sures, as protein and silica would be measured
a concentrated acid that disrupts the noncova- in more than one constituent category. In the
lent interactions between biomass polymers. two-stage hydrolysis, some acid-soluble lignin
A second, more dilute stage follows, which is may be released into the hydrolysis liquor. An
optimized for complete polymer hydrolysis accurate lignin value includes a measurement
and minimized degradation of monomeric of both acid-soluble and acid-insoluble lignin.
sugars. Failure to remove nonstructural mate- Acid-soluble lignin is traditionally measured by
rials may result in incomplete hydrolysis of UV/VIS spectroscopy. In these determinations,
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care should be taken to ensure that the meas- and phytate. Inclusion of these methods into
ured absorbance is made in a concentration the analysis portfolio increases mass closure
range where detector response is known to be and allows tracking of minor constituents that
linear and that an appropriate wavelength and may be concentrated during the biomass con-
absorptivity is selected. The references standard version process.
method portfolios include options for several
biomass categories.
Degradation Products

Protein Determination
The liquid portion of biomass-derived process
samples may also contain carbohydrate degra-
To estimate crude protein content of biomass dation products, such as 5-(hydroxymethyl)-2-
or other materials, the nitrogen content of the furaldehyde (HMF), levulinic acid, and furfural,
material is measured by Kjeldahl or combus- as well as other components of interest, such as
tion methods and multiplied by a conversion organic acids and sugar alcohols. Portfolio
factor where: methods are available for the quantitative meas-
urement of these degradation products and
Protein (wt/wt%)  Nitrogen (wt/wt%) byproducts of polymer hydrolysis.
* Nitrogen-to-Protein Conversion Factor
Reconstructing the Composition
of the Original Biomass Sample
A nitrogen-to-protein conversion factor (N-
factor) of 6.25 is commonly used for animal Following the multistep sequence of the port-
feeds and other materials. The practice of using folio methods, the constituents’ values can be
6.25 as an N-factor is based on an incorrect reported in many forms. Because biomass
assumption that protein in a given material con- polymers incorporate one molecule of water in
tains 16 percent nitrogen (100/16  6.25).126 the hydrolysis of each monomer molecule, the
The correct N-factor for protein found in carbohydrate content of a feedstock may be
herbaceous biomass will likely be different reported as the theoretical yield of monomeric
than 6.25. Yet, determining a perfectly accu- sugars for the assessment of the conversion
rate N-factor for the complex matrices of bio- efficiency of a biomass process. More com-
mass feedstock and process samples may not monly, constituent values in solid samples are
be possible. The challenge is then to deter- reported as percent dry weight on either an
mine the most accurate N-factor possible for extractives-free basis or as-received basis. The
biomass feedstock and process samples. A composition of liquid samples is reported as
strategy based on the consensus in the litera- concentrations in grams per liter for each con-
ture has been incorporated into the portfolio stituent. Three additional measurements are
methods. These methods calculate the reason- required to reconstruct the composition of
able N-factor upper and lower limits for a biomass process slurries: total slurry weight,
given material. The limits are calculated using liquor density, and fraction insoluble solids
data from an amino acid (AA) analysis with (FIS). The total slurry weight minus the
multiple hydrolysis times and an accurate weight of insoluble solids provides the weight
total nitrogen analysis substantially similar to of the liquid portion of the sample. Dividing
the methods described by Mossé.127 by the density measurement converts this to
volume. With the volume measurement,
constituent concentrations can be converted to
Other Feedstock Constituents
recovered weight for the determination of con-
Validated standard analytical methods are stituent and process mass closure.
available for a variety of minor constituents or
constituents specific to a small class of bio- Rapid Analytical Methods. One approach to
mass substrates, examples being pectin, cutin, industrial biomass analysis is to use published,
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standard methods to calibrate rapid, inexpensive the chemical composition of each sample. The
spectroscopic techniques, which can then be used spectroscopic method is the key to cost reduc-
for feedstock and process analysis. Rapid analy- tion and speed of analysis. In the next step of
sis is a generic term for methods that couple tra- rapid analysis method development, multivari-
ditional wet chemical methods of analysis with ate analysis is used to identify spectroscopic
rapid, inexpensive spectroscopic techniques. The patterns that correlate with compositional
methods described here are often further classi- data. In the methods incorporated into work at
fied as rapid biomass analysis methods. Although the National Renewable Energy Laboratory,
many spectroscopic techniques can be incorpo- projection-to-latent-structures models use
rated into rapid analysis methods, for biomass whole NIR spectra collected from 400 nm to
analysis, near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy has 2500 nm. Equations are obtained that convert
several advantages over alternate spectroscopic spectroscopic data directly into compositional
tools. Techniques have been developed for information. In simplified terms, PLS analysis
obtaining quality NIR spectra from bulk samples, solves hundreds of equations in thousands of
minimizing the time and expense of sample variables to obtain a linear equation that pre-
preparation. Robust NIR instruments are com- dicts compositional information from spectro-
mercially available for process analysis, process scopic data. Multivariate analysis is designed
control, and field applications. Many of the for complex systems such as those found in
industrial NIR techniques have been developed biomass compositional analysis. These power-
for use by the chemical, food processing, and ful mathematical techniques retain the preci-
agriculture industries and can be applied directly sion and accuracy of the calibration data. It is
to the characterization of biomass. important to note that PLS analysis can never
Several steps are involved in rapid analysis be more accurate than the methods used to
method development. These include gathering obtain the calibration data.97 For this reason,
appropriate calibration samples, chemical char- the best and most accurate wet chemical tech-
acterization of the calibration samples, devel- niques should be used for method calibrations.
oping spectroscopic methods for the rapid Once calibration is complete, compositional
technique, projection-to-latent-structures (PLS) analysis becomes as fast and inexpensive as
regression, validation of the PLS algorithm, the spectroscopic method.
and the development of QA/QC procedures.128 One of the major limitations of rapid analy-
Rapid analysis methods based on PLS multi- sis methods is that an answer is always pro-
variate modeling require calibration based on vided and the user must determine the validity
robust and accurate methods. The first step in of the provided data. Robust QA/QC proce-
developing a new method is to gather appro- dures are needed to assure that the rapid meth-
priate calibration data. Robust methods usually ods are appropriately applied to unknown
contain at least 100 well-characterized sam- samples.128
ples. Collecting and characterizing a good cal- In addition to significant savings in time
ibration set cost about $300,000. This is by far and money for routine process samples, rapid
the most expensive and time-consuming step in analysis methods can be used to provide lev-
method development. Calibration samples els of information that were not previously
should have compositions similar to the sam- available. For example, feedstock assessment
ples to be analyzed. If possible, the calibration and genetic studies require the screening of
set should include samples that represent all hundreds, sometimes thousands of samples.
known sources of compositional variance. The These studies would have been too costly to
range of compositional variability within the pursue without the savings in time and cost
calibration samples determines the validated provided by rapid analysis methods. For
calibration range for each constituent. example, approximately 200 samples can be
Quality spectroscopy is the second essential analyzed from a bulk corn stover feedstock in
component of method development. The tech- one day at a cost of less than $4000. This type
nique selected must contain information about of information has been used to develop
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protocols for the representative sampling of during biomass processing. Researchers use
fields, bales, totes, and bags of feedstock. this capability to better characterize biomass
The ability to accurately sample a bulk feed- conversion processes and to compare and
stock and to analyze hundreds of samples for evaluate alternate approaches to biomass
about $20 each provides a new tool that is conversion. Methods have been developed
being used to assess the compositional vari- that are specific to and appropriate for deter-
ability of corn stover in the United States as a mining the composition of raw biomass
function of variety, geographical location, materials (e.g., corn stover, softwoods, and
harvest time, and collection method. Changes hardwoods129), as well as processing inter-
in feedstock composition during storage are mediates (e.g., dilute-acid pretreated hard-
also being monitored. With these larger data woods, softwoods, and corn stover128). The
sets, feedstock composition can be more high cost of compositional analysis using
accurately reported as a range of expected traditional wet chemical methods was limit-
normal values. ing the amount of information available for
economic assessments and process optimiza-
tion. The additional levels of information
APPLICATION OF METHODS provided by rapid analysis methods increase
Rapid, inexpensive biomass analysis can be the accuracy of technoeconomic models that
useful at many stages of an industrial process. guide research more efficiently toward the
Rapid biomass analysis methods can charac- development of commercially viable process
terize the feedstock as it enters the reactor. If options for the conversion of biomass into
necessary, rapid analysis can be used to guide fuels and valuable chemicals.
feedstock blending. Chemical changes during
the processing of biomass can provide feed- Survey of Corn Stover
forward and feedbackward information that Compositional Diversity
can be used to ensure that the process main-
tains a steady state in spite of the feedstock The corn stover feedstock rapid analysis
variability. Finally, process residues and prod- method has also been used extensively to
ucts can be easily evaluated to assess overall assess the range of compositional variation
process economics. As more samples are ana- present in corn stover from different vari-
lyzed, information can be obtained about the eties grown in different locations using a
composition of an “ideal feedstock.” Field- variety of crop management and harvesting
mobile instruments can be calibrated for use strategies. In one study, university agron-
as purchasing tools. Buyers can obtain com- omy department researchers, agricultural
positional information about a biomass feed- biotechnology and seed companies, and
stock at the point of purchase. Feedstocks can individual farmers all provided stover sam-
be assigned values based on quality. Young ples. This was an example of an application
plants and perhaps even seeds can be evalu- that would not and could not have been
ated and selected for desirable characteristics undertaken using traditional wet chemical
and production potential. methods, because they are both too slow and
too expensive. The resource limitations dis-
appeared to a great extent with the develop-
Biomass Process Monitoring ment of the rapid analytical methods. This
and Improvement
survey has provided indispensable informa-
The wet chemical and rapid analytical meth- tion regarding the range of diversity of corn
ods described above are being used on a stover and its impact on biomass conversion
daily basis in the U.S. Department of process economics.
Energy’s Office of the Biomass Program. Using rapid analysis, the National Renew-
The methods are used primarily to keep track able Energy Laboratory has begun compil-
of chemical fractions of plant cell walls ing a corn stover composition database. The
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database includes samples from 53 different NIR data were converted to compositions
locations in 10 states (mostly U.S. corn belt) using the “stover 5c” rapid analytical method
and more than 100 branded hybrids from 22 developed at NREL.129 The ability of the
seed companies. Individual samples typically stover 5C methods to accurately measure the
represent about 10 to 20 stalks of the same composition of corn stover feedstock is
variety collected from the same field and shown in Fig. 33.17, where the composition,
grown during the 2001 season. Stalks were as determined by NIR/PLS, is compared to
collected by hand after grain harvest was measurement of the same samples using stan-
completed, dried to less than 20 percent mois- dard wet chemical methods.
ture at less than 50oC, and shipped to NREL. Improvements in the wet chemical calibra-
Stover samples in this survey do not include tion methods and the incorporation of addi-
cobs. Samples were milled using a rotary tional calibration samples are continuously
knife mill (Wiley Mill) to pass a 1⁄4-inch improving these rapid biomass analysis meth-
screen prior to NIR spectroscopy. ods. In the future, information on these sam-
The NIR spectrometer used for method ples of corn stover can be updated using
development and sample analysis was a Foss improved methods by reevaluation of their
NIR Systems Model 6500 Forage Analyzer stored electronic spectra.
with a sample transport module and a stan- Figure 33.18 summarizes the results of
dard reflectance detector array. The transport compositional analysis by showing the distri-
module moves the sample compartment up bution of values for total structural sugars
and down during data collection, thereby (not including uronic acids) as a frequency
allowing a more representative spectrum to be histogram. Note both the normal distribution
obtained from bulky heterogeneous samples. and the wide range of values. This same kind
The reflectance array uses two silicon detec- of normal distribution with a broad range is
tors to monitor visible light from 400–850 nm echoed by each of the individual major con-
and four lead-sulfide detectors to monitor stituents of corn stover (i.e., glucan, xylan,
NIR light from 850–2500 nm. Natural prod- lignin, protein, structural inorganics) across
uct sample compartment cells in 1/4-cup and the population of 738 samples (data not
1-cup sizes were used as sample holders in the shown). The dotted line in Fig. 33.18 indi-
transport module. This instrument has a max- cates the composition of the corn stover used
imum resolution of 2 nm. for process modeling efforts in the technoeco-
A key step in the application of rapid analy- nomic model by Aden et al.130 The fact that
sis methods is the collection of high quality the composition assumed for process model-
NIR spectra. To minimize the effect of water ing efforts now appears somewhat optimistic
in the biomass spectra, each sample was air- in light of these results has caused subsequent
dried to less than 10 percent moisture prior to modeling efforts to reconsider the feedstock
NIR spectroscopic analysis. Spectroscopic composition assumptions.
techniques were used that enable a high qual- Compositional variability can have a signif-
ity, reproducible, and representative NIR icant impact on biomass conversion process
reflectance spectrum to be obtained. For each economics. The large effect (i.e., at least
sample, a total of 35 spectra were collected $0.30/gal ethanol) of observed compositional
and averaged to compensate for sample het- diversity on process economics is shown in
erogeneity. Each calibration sample was sub- Fig. 33.19 and is primarily due to the fact that
sampled three times. Sample cells were the maximum theoretical product yield is pro-
emptied and repacked between subsamples. portional to feedstock carbohydrate content
Instrument reproducibility tests demonstrated (Fig. 33.20).131 Yield is the major economic
that the reproducibility limits of the NIR spec- driver for the technoeconomic model used to
trometer contributed less than 0.1 percent to assess the economic impact of composition
the absolute prediction errors in the rapid on minimum product selling price,130 as can
analysis method. be seen from the data in Fig. 33.21.
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predicted vs measured for stover5c.eqa




Wt% by NIR/PLS

25 xylan
15 acetyl

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

Wt% by wet chemistry

Fig. 33.17. Comparison of corns stover feedstock composition as determined by wet chemical and
NIR/PLS method stover 5C.

2001 Corn Stover Samples



60 2002
Number of Samples

























Total Structural Sugars (dry wt%)

Fig. 33.18. Distribution of total structural sugars content among 738 hybrid corn stover samples col-
lected in 2002.
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2001 Corn Stover Samples


70 Design
Number of Samples













Minimum Ethanol Selling Price ($/gal ethanol)

Fig. 33.19. Effect of feedstock composition on minimum ethanol selling price (MESP).

2001 Corn Stover Samples



Ethanol Yield (gal / ton)



2001 Samples
2002 Design Report

50% 52% 54% 56% 58% 60% 62% 64% 66% 68% 70%
Total Structural Sugars (dry wt%)

Fig. 33.20. Effect of feedstock composition on minimum ethanol selling price (MESP).
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2001 Corn Stover Samples


2001 Samples
2002 Design Report
MESP ($ / gal Ethanol)






50% 52% 54% 56% 58% 60% 62% 64% 66% 68% 70%
Total Structural Sugars (wt%)

Fig. 33.21. Relationship between carbohydrate content of feedstock and ethanol yield per ton of input

Genetic Screening and Near-infrared spectroscopy has been emp-

Cell-Wall Genomics loyed as a high throughput screening tool to
The identification and characterization of collect chemical information from plant tissue
genes involved in cell wall biogenesis can be in a large genetic screen of a genomewide,
approached using either a traditional genetic transposon mutagenized collection of corn
screening or a reverse genetics strategy. Both mutants.116,137
approaches are currently being used.116–118
A forward genetics approach requires the
availability of a relatively inexpensive, high-
throughput method to assess the phenotype of One of the long-term goals of rapid biomass
individuals in a population. In the case of visi- analysis method development is the generation
ble phenotypes, this only requires a person to of robust methods for online and atline process
inspect a large number of plants to identify monitoring and control. Because each method
unusual individuals to capture the genetic is feedstock, process, and sample specific, the
variants of interest. In the case of chemical achievement of this goal will require a signifi-
phenotypes this is somewhat more difficult, cant long-term effort and considerable finan-
but certainly possible. Chemical screens have cial resources. One step in this direction is the
been performed previously to find mutations in development of automated and robotic meth-
genes that affect important metabolic pathways ods of wet-chemical analysis that improve
and result in accumulation of abnormal sample analysis throughput and decrease the
branching patterns in starch,132 altered seed cost of obtaining accurate calibration data.
protein composition,133 abnormal fatty acids The development of rapid biomass analysis
accumulating in storage or membrane lipids,134 methods is limited within the DOE program to
or abnormal cell wall composition.135,136 feedstocks and processes currently used in
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program demonstration projects and industrial base-soluble heteropolymers, comprised of a

partnerships. Methods for other potential feed- variety of branched and substituted polysaccha-
stock materials such as wheat straw, switch- rides. In addition to providing water retention
grass, sorghum, or alfalfa could be developed and structural reinforcement, hemicelluloses
if sufficient need and resources are identified. act as crosslinking agents.
It is worth noting that although hemicellu-
loses are considered soluble in their native
SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS form in vivo, extraction can result in signifi-
Accurate, reliable, precise, and inexpensive cant debranching, often rendering them insol-
methods for determining the composition of uble in water. Recently, Gatenholm and
biomass at various stages during a conversion Tenkanen assembled a collection on proper-
process are essential to effectively monitor ties, uses, and examinations of various hemi-
the progress of the thermochemical and bio- celluloses, both in industrial and basic science
chemical processes. This information enables applications.140 The complex structure of
the comparison of various process options hemicelluloses has dictated an accordingly
and enables intelligent decision making in diverse array of hemicellulases. Generally,
evaluating process options for maximizing each structural feature in hemicellulose has an
product yield while minimizing capital and associated enzyme that can hydrolyze or mod-
operating costs. Eventually, with the develop- ify this feature. Pectins are acidic polysaccha-
ment of feedback and feedforward loops, a rides that retain large amounts of water and
commercial biomass conversion process can act as an adhesive between adjacent plant
be monitored and controlled by a set of auto- cells, and, along with lignin, comprise much
mated processes. The availability of more of the middle lamella. Although pectin may
realistic information concerning sources of be found to some extent in most plant cell
variability in commercial biomass conversion walls, it is a minor component in most tissues
processes minimizes investment risk and (fruits being the most notable exception), and
increases the realistic probability of achieving its degradation is not covered here. For
success in the DOE goals in establishing com- reviews on biodegradation by and commercial
mercial biomass conversion industries in the uses of pectinases, see articles by Galante and
United States. Formantici, Hoondal et al., Kashyap et al.,
Lebeda et al., and Naidu and Panda.141–145
Lignin, by contrast, is a heterogeneous poly-
BIOCATALYSTS FOR BIOMASS mer of phenyl propanoid units containing var-
DECONSTRUCTION ious phenolic derivatives. Lignin is often
thought of as the binder that cements the cell
SUMMARY OF PLANT CELL wall components together. Enzymatic degra-
dation of lignin is still somewhat controver-
Plant cell walls are composed primarily of cel- sial, with various hydrolytic and oxidative
lulose, hemicellulose, lignins, and pectins. mechanisms proposed. Many papers have
These give structural rigidity and strength to the been published on white rot degradation of
plant, deter pathogens, and retain extracellular lignin in recent years, however, the authors
water. Cellulose, a highly crystalline, insoluble are unaware of a unified complete mechanism
polymer of -(1,4)-cellobiose, comprises about of lignin degradation, and an overview is not
50 percent of the plant biomass. Although cel- attempted here. Several reviews have, how-
lulose does not degrade easily, it will ever, covered selected areas including lignin
hydrolyze to glucose by the synergistic action degradation by mycorrhizal fungi, dye decol-
of three distinct classes of enzymes: endoglu- orization by white rot fungi, lignin biodegra-
canases, exoglucanases, and cellobiases.138,139 dation in compost, applications in pulp and
In contrast with the insoluble linear cellulose paper and ruminant feed, and the emerging
homopolymer, hemicelluloses are water- or molecular genetics of ligninolytic fungi.146–152
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ENZYMATIC HYDROLYSIS OF PLANT details for specific applications in these pro-

CELL WALL COMPONENTS ceedings. The burgeoning number of scientific
The complex nature and interconnectivity of informational databases accessible through the
plant cell wall polymers preclude straightfor- Internet has also helped greatly to clarify (to
ward enzymatic digestion. There are dozens some extent) the confusing nature of these
of enzyme families involved in plant cell wall enzymes. Sites include general enzyme data-
hydrolysis, including cellulases, hemicellu- bases, such as ExPASy (,
lases, pectinases, and lignin-modifying the server gateway to Swiss-Prot/TrEMBLE
enzymes. The Nomenclature Committee of [] and ENZYME
the International Union of Biochemistry and []) and BRENDA
Molecular Biology (IUBMB) has classified (, as well as
cellulases and hemicellulases, like all databases devoted exclusively to carbohy-
enzymes, into different classes based on drases, such as CAZy (http://afmb.cnrs-
activity. Table 33.2 and Table 33.3, compiled–164
from the IUBMB enzyme nomenclature data- Current literature describing the assaying of
base ( general cellulase activity (or of individual com-
enzyme/), list the IUBMB enzyme classifica- ponent enzymes) has broadened considerably
tions for cellulases and hemicellulases.153 since Mandels et al.165 reported reducing sugar
Synergy is a major factor in degradation effi- release and substrate weight loss as suitable cel-
ciency, making measurement of these activities lulase assay methods. To some extent, and for
difficult, to say the least. The biomass degrad- appropriate substrates, these methods are still
ing enzyme system, encompassing cellulases, considered adequate. However, modern assays
hemicellulases, pectinases, lignin-modifying based on molecular weight (MW) analysis
enzymes, and other accessory activities, is far detected by high-performance liquid chro-
too complex to be covered in detail in this gen- matography size-exclusion chromatography
eral overview. The American Chemical Society (HPLC-SEC), coupled enzymes, viscometry,
(ACS) has covered much of this work in the hydrolysis of dyed or derivatized insoluble and
ACS Symposium series including applications soluble polymers, and hydrolysis of derivatized
to lignocellulosics, fiber processing, pulp and or labeled low-MW substrates, have greatly
paper, biomass for fuels, biomass conversion, enhanced the understanding of these complex
and general activities on insoluble carbohy- systems. Cellulose structure and physical dis-
drates.154–160 Readers are encouraged to find ruption of cellulose microfibrils have also been

TABLE 33.2 Major Cellulase Enzyme Classes

Oligomer Hydrolase Common Name Activity
EC -glucosidase Hydrolysis of terminal, nonreducing -D-glucose
residues with release of -D-glucose
EC glucan 1,4--glucosidase Hydrolysis of 1,4-linkages in 1,4--D-glucans, to
remove successive glucose units
EC cellulose 1,4--cellobiosidase Hydrolysis of 1,4--D-glucosidic linkages in
cellulose and cellotetraose, releasing cellobiose
from the nonreducing ends of the chains
EC cellulase Endohydrolysis of 1,4--D-glucosidic linkages in
cellulose, lichenin, and cereal -D-glucans
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TABLE 33.3 Enzyme Classes Involved in Hydrolysis of Hemicelluloses

IUBMB EC No. Common Name Activity
Debranching Enzymes
EC acetylesterase An acetic ester  H2O  an alcohol + acetate
EC acetylxylan esterase Deacetylation of xylans and xylo-oligosaccharides
EC feruloyl esterase feruloyl-polysaccharide  H2O  ferulate 
EC xylan -1,2-glucuronosidase Hydrolysis of -D-1,2-(4-O-methyl)glucuronosyl links
in the main chain of hardwood xylans
EC -glucuronidase An -D-glucuronoside  H2O  an alcohol 
EC -N-arabinofuranosidase Hydrolysis of terminal non-reducing -L-arabinofu-
ranoside residues in -L-arabinosides
Oligomer Hydrolases
EC -galactosidase Hydrolysis of terminal, nonreducing -D-galactose
residues in -D-galactosides, including galactose
oligosaccharides, galactomannans and
EC –galactosidase Hydrolysis of terminal nonreducing -D-galactose
residues in -D-galactosides
EC –mannosidase Hydrolysis of terminal, nonreducing -D-mannose
residues in -D-mannosides
EC mannan 1,4-mannobiosidase Hydrolysis of 1,4--D-mannosidic linkages in 1,4--D-
mannans, to remove successive mannobiose residues
from non-reducing ends
EC galactan 1,3-–galactosidase Hydrolysis of terminal, non-reducing -D-galactose
residues in (1,3)--D-galactopyranans
EC xylan 1,4-–xylosidase Hydrolysis of 1,4--D-xylans, to remove successive
D-xylose residues from the non-reducing termini
EC glucan 1,3-–glucosidase Successive hydrolysis of -D-glucose units from the
nonreducing ends of 1,3--D-glucans, releasing
EC xylan 1,3--xylosidase Hydrolysis of successive xylose residues from the
nonreducing termini of 1,3--D-xylans
EC mannan endo-1,6-- Random hydrolysis of 1,6--D-mannosidic linkages
mannosidase in unbranched 1,6-mannans
EC glucuronoarabinoxylan Endohydrolysis of 1,4--D-xylosyl links in some
endo-1,4--xylanase glucuronoarabinoxylans
EC xyloglucan-specific xyloglucan  H2O  xyloglucan oligosaccharides
endo--1,4-glucanase (endohydrolysis of 1,4--D-glucosidic linkages in
EC xylan endo-1,3--xylosidase Random hydrolysis of 1,3--D-glycosidic linkages in
EC glucan endo-1,3-- Hydrolysis of 1,3--D-glucosidic linkages in 1,3--
D-glucosidase D-glucans
EC endo-1,3(4)--glucanase Endohydrolysis of 1,3- or 1,4-linkages in -D-glucans
when the glucose residue whose reducing group is
involved in the linkage to be hydrolyzed is itself
substituted at C-3
EC glucan endo-1,2-- Random hydrolysis of 1,2-glucosidic linkages in
glucosidase 1,2--D-glucans
EC licheninase Hydrolysis of 1,4--D-glucosidic linkages in
-D-glucans containing 1,3- and 1,4-bonds
EC mannan endo-1,4-- Random hydrolysis of 1,4--D-mannosidic linkages
mannosidase in mannans, galactomannans and glucomannans
EC endo-1,4--xylanase Endohydrolysis of 1,4--D-xylosidic linkages in xylans
EC arabinogalactan endo-1, Endohydrolysis of 1,4--D-galactosidic linkages in
4--galactosidase arabinogalactans
EC arabinan endo-1,5-- Endohydrolysis of 1,5--arabinofuranosidic linkages
L-arabinosidase in 1,5-arabinans
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examined using light, electron, and more degradation than a xylan subjected to a mixture
recently, atomic force microscopy.166–173 These of branching and debranching enzymes.179 As
types of “assay” are more useful when the prop- the substituents are removed, xylan can become
erties of the cellulose fiber are in question, not less soluble, forming aggregates that sterically
when the goal is total hydrolysis. There has also hinder and finally block further degradation.180
been work using gel-permeation chromatogra- The endoxylanases, for example, cleave the
phy to characterize changes to cellulose struc- main chain linkages and are often quite partic-
ture by examining the products of cellulase ular about the type of linkage, type of sugar,
action on wood fiber.174 As with much of and presence or absence of nearby sub-
biotechnology today, high-throughput methods stituents.181 An endoxylanase that cleaves -
have also been developed to increase the speed (1,4) linkages will usually have no effect on
and accuracy of cellulase assay.175 Despite all of -(1,3) linkages. Also, an endoxylanase that
the assays, or perhaps because of them, workers cleaves main-chain linkages near an O-2 linked
in the field are reminded that only assays arabinose may have no effect on an open-chain
designed to measure the conversion of cellulose xylan.182
from the actual biomass substrates in question
are ultimately valid performance measures.
Most enzymes have very specific require-
ments for tight substrate binding and precise
transition-state formation, which usually leads Ask an industrial biochemist about cellulases
to high catalytic turnover rates. However, even and Trichoderma reesei will invariably come
ideal catalytic sites must be “carried to the sub- up. A mesophilic filamentous fungus typi-
strate” by the macromolecule within which it is cally found growing on cellulosic biomass,
housed. Enzymes are also large compared to T. reesei produces arguably the most studied
the polysaccharide oligomers under attack, cellulase system in the world. Early research
especially as the particular site of action may be began when fungus-laden U.S. Army accou-
buried in a heterocrystalline structure of mixed trements were sent from the jungles of south-
polysaccharides. The complexity of biomass, east Asia to the U.S. Army Natick Research
specifically in regard to hemicellulose struc- and Development Laboratories during the
ture, requires a high degree of coordination 1940s.183 This research program, led by Drs.
between degradative enzymes. Studies show Elwyn Reese and Mary Mandels for 40 years,
correlations between the enzymatic digestibil- succeeded not only in providing the U.S.
ity of cellulose and the removal of hemicellu- Army and allies with chemical agents useful
losic sugars and lignin, supporting the notion of for protecting cotton goods, but also demon-
close spatial relationships.176,177 Of further strated the biological nature of their decay.
complication is that the actions of glycosyl The work at Natick demonstrated that many
hydrolases often change the chemical environ- genera and species of fungi produce cellu-
ment of the partially degraded substrate, which lose-degrading proteins, and that T. reesei was
in turn affects the actions of other glycosyl especially effective at degrading cotton. The
hydrolases. For example, partly because of the Natick labs went on to learn how to grow
substituents attached to the main chain, most Trichoderma, induce cellulase production,
hemicelluloses are quite water soluble in their and determine operational ranges of pH and
native state. These side chains disrupt the water temperature, as well as tolerance to cations,
structure and help to solubilize the hemicellu- anions, metals, solvents, and biomass-derived
lose. Debranching enzymes that remove these toxic compounds.184 Furthermore, internship
substituents generally decrease substrate solu- opportunities at Natick during the 1950s and
bility, and in turn lower the polysaccharide’s early 1960s served to train the leaders of the
susceptibility to endo-acting hydrolases.178 next generation of cellulase scientists. In the
Thus, a xylan that has been subjected to acetyl end, this was perhaps one of the most impor-
xylan esterase is less susceptible to enzymatic tant contributions of the program.
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Despite cellulose’s simple linear glucose of cellulose to glucose. A conceptualized view

polymer structure, its hydrolysis requires the of each typical cellulase action is shown in Fig.
coordinated action of at least three different 33.22.185 The process is initiated by an endocel-
types of -1,4-glucanases (Table 33.2). lulase (in this case cel5A from Acidothermus
cellulolyticus), which nicks the cellulose chain
(Fig. 33.22A), exposing a new reducing and
nonreducing chain end. Exocellulases (in this
Endo--1,4-glucanases (EC cleave case the reducing-end specific cel7A from
the cellulose strand randomly along its length, T. reesei) find these nicks (Fig. 33.22B) and
generating new chain-end sugars, one reduc- feed the ends through their active sites, cleaving
ing and one nonreducing. Usually, these off products in a processive manner (Fig.
chains remain insoluble and are thought to 33.22C). If cellobiose is the product, as in the
remain embedded in the cellulose crystal. The case of cel7A, then -glucosidase hydrolyzes it
new ends, however, when exposed to the bulk to two glucose molecules (Fig. 33.22D).
water/cellulose interface, become new recog-
nition sites for exocellulases.
Each cellulase class has had its share of assay
Exo--1,4-glucanases (EC cleave cel- development. Assays that specifically measure
lobiosyl (-1,4-glucose dimers) or glucosyl each class are difficult to establish, as cross-
units endwise from cellulose, chains. Most fun- reactivity between classes is greater than zero.
gal, and some bacterial cellulase, systems dis- However, there are assays that can be used to
play two types of exoglucanases: reducing-end determine the relative ratios of these activities.
and nonreducing-end cleavers. Exocellulases When using cellulases to degrade lignocel-
are thought to act processively on cellulose lulosic material, total activity is usually the
chains, starting at one end and proceeding primary interest. The complexity of lignocel-
down the chain. The products are either cel- lulose substrates and the huge heterogeneity
lobiose or glucose, and along with the reduc- in cellulase systems, however, create a quag-
ing/nonreducing end-specificity, are specific to mire for the cellulase enzymologist asked to
the enzyme in question. determine the “activity” units of a particular
cellulase. There are numerous methods for
assaying cellulase activity, but most fall into
Endoglucanases and -Glucosidases
one of three categories: sugar release (meas-
When endo-activity occurs close to a chain end ured as reducing sugar), chain length reduc-
in an amorphous region of the cellulose, the new tion (measured by viscometry, light scattering,
cellulose oligomer may become dissociated or size exclusion chromatography), and artifi-
from the larger structure. The degree of poly- cial substrate hydrolysis (measured by dye,
merization of the chain determines its solubility, chromophore, or fluorophore release).
ranging from highly soluble glucose dimer cel-
lobiose to nearly insoluble cellohexaose. New
The IUPAC Filter Paper Assay
soluble oligomers are usually acted upon by a
third class of cellulases, the -glucosidases (EC In 1987, after significant effort, an interna- This class acts primarily, if not exclu- tional committee of cellulase researchers and
sively, on soluble cello-oligomers, with decreas- the International Union of Pure and Applied
ing specific activity as chain length increases. Chemists (IUPAC) produced a procedure
As their preferred substrate is cellobiose, they seeking to standardize cellulase activity meas-
have also been termed cellobiases. urements. This procedure uses microcrys-
All three of these general activities are talline cellulose and the dinitrosalicylic (DNS)
required for efficient and complete hydrolysis acid method of Miller186 to measure reducing
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Fig. 33.22. Three enzyme activities in the degradation of cellulose: (A) endocellulase cel5A from
Acidothermus cellulolyticus; (B) exocellulose cel7A from Trichoderma reesei finding an open reducing
end; (C) cel7A processing along cellulose chain releasing cellobiose; and (D) bglA from Bacillus polymyxa
hydrolyzing cellobiose.

sugars in the context of a highly specific assay defined method. Extrapolation of required
protocol.187 Because cellulose hydrolysis is glucose release from highly diluted or con-
nonlinear, the units were not defined as spe- centrated enzyme solutions is not permitted;
cific activity units per se (i.e., moles prod- assays must be conducted with enzyme dilu-
uct/mg protein sec.), but rather as 4 percent tions that closely bracket the actual value.
hydrolysis of a 50-mg coupon of Whatman #1 Cellulase solutions too dilute to release 2.0 mg
filter paper, although many cellulase resear- glucose must either be concentrated to an
chers have noted that after accounting for the appropriate level, or determined incapable of
addition of water to the glycosidic bond, the assay by the IUPAC method. For highest
actual level of hydrolysis measured is 3.6 per- accuracy, every working solution made from
cent of the substrate. Regardless, the “filter an enzyme stock must be reanalyzed for activ-
paper unit” (FPU) was decreed the amount of ity, a condition that complicates most analyti-
enzyme that released 2.0 mg glucose from a cal procedures.
1.0  6.0 cm, 50-mg Whatman #1 test coupon Cellulase activities of T. reesei broths are
after 60 min at 50oC. The dilution of enzyme normally reported to lie between 400 and 600
required is converted, through a somewhat FPU/g total protein.188 Our work to assess the
indirect procedure, to filter paper units (FPU) specific activities of T. reesei cellulase prepa-
per mL. For example, an undiluted cellulase rations has led us to the direct comparison of
preparation that yields exactly 2.0 mg glu- commercial cellulase products, typically
cose has 0.37 FPU/mL. This fractional unit is highly selected T. reesei mutants, and reconsti-
the lowest cellulase activity measurable with tuted, purified cellulase enzymes (Table 33.4).
the IUPAC assay. Although the range of specific activities found
The IUPAC cellulase assay has significant from this internally consistent study generally
limitations and merely serves as the best- agrees with the literature, our estimation of the
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TABLE 33.4 Specific Activities of Various Trichoderma reesei Cellulase Preparations

Specific Activitya
Source Mix of Component Enzymes (FPU/g protein) Reference
Multifect GC Native 431 Nieves et al.681
Ultra-low microbial cellulase 100c Unknown 478 Nieves et al.681
Mutant strain RUT-C30 Probably nonnative 495 This studyd
Spezyme lot #41-59034-004CL121 Native 565 Nieves et al.681
Cellulase TRLe Native 569 Nieves et al.681
Spezyme lot #GC310 S1.2E2Z1P1 Native 571 Nieves et al.681
Mutant strain L27 Non-wild-type 682 581 This studyd
Mix CBH I:CBH II:EG I/60:20:10 Native mix 683reconstituted 711 This studyf
Mix CBH I:CBH II: EG I/40:50:10 Mix giving max activity 761 This studyf
Using the method of Ghose187 (in order to facilitate comparison, all assays reported here were performed in a con-
sistent manner).
Spezyme and Multifect from Genencor International, South San Francisco, CA.
Iogen Corporation, Ottawa, Ontario.
Grown on 1% Sigmacel 50  2% lactose in Mandels media.684
Cellulase TRL form Solvay Enzymes, Elkhart, IN.
Reconsitituted mixtures from purified cellulase enzymes.

maximal specific activity of reconstituted period of time under standard conditions. This
T. reesei cellulases is somewhat higher, 760 latter method; however, is not often cited in
FPU/g protein. the literature.
In fact, the activity of the native mixture of
T. reesei cellulases [i.e., 10:20:60 for endoglu-
General Non-IUPAC Cellulases Assays
canase:cellobiohydrolase II:cellobiohydolase
I (EG I:CBH II:CBH I)] using reconstituted Many cellulase enzyme preparations are sim-
enzymes is about 10 percent less than that ply not concentrated enough to cause the
obtained with a mix higher in CBH II (Table required release of 2 mg glucose from the 50-
33.4). One should be aware that it is possible mg filter paper sample in 60 min. If these
to find reports in the literature of T. reesei samples cannot be concentrated accurately
cellulases with specific activities greater than (which is often the case), traditional FPU
about 600 FPU/g protein. Considering these cannot be measured. In such cases, however,
findings in view of recent studies of the mag- the IUPAC committee recommends that the
nitudes of possible inter- and intralaboratory reducing sugar release per unit time be
errors in filter paper189 and protein assays,190 accepted as a “provisional” measure of
assay errors or inconsistencies are most likely enzyme activity. This is similar to the
responsible for most discrepancies in specific pseudo-initial rate approach often used in the
activity reported.191 decade previous to the IUPAC report to
Variations on the filter paper assay have measure cellulase activity from a wide vari-
been developed. Irwin and coworkers have ety of substrates. These substrates may
established a method for differentially meas- include filter paper,194 Avicel,195 de-waxed
uring soluble and insoluble reducing sugars cotton,196 or phosphoric-acid-swollen cellu-
released from filter paper.192 Ghose and the lose (PSC).197 Methods based on the use of
IUPAC committee also proposed a similar antibiotic disks198 and turbidity develop-
approach for measuring hemicellulases in ment199 also predated the IUPAC study.
1987.193 This method relies on meeting a stan- Because all three cellulase types generate
dard level of conversion of the xylan fraction new reducing ends, the most direct measure-
in oat spelt xylan to xylose in a specified ment of cellulase activity is the detection of
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new reducing ends in the cellulose chain. Y/Co is the fraction of substrate hydrolyzed,
These methods are traditionally based on ini- [E] is given in FPU/g substrate initially added,
tial rate measurements introduced by Wood and Ymax/Co is the fraction of substrate that
and McCrae in 1977.195 could be maximally hydrolyzed at an infinite
The reducing sugars are typically measured enzyme concentration. The y-axis intercept in
by the Somogyi200 and Nelson201 procedures, the double reciprocal plot, (Ymax/Co)1, may be
which measure reduction of Cu to Cu in used to quantify the quality of the enzyme
alkaline solution, or by the dinitrosalisylic preparation. Ideally, an enzyme should have a
acid (DNS) assay, in which reducing sugars high Ymax and a low value for KCo/Ymax. Adney
reduce DNS to 3-amino, 5-nitrosalicylic acid and coworkers used this general method suc-
under alkaline conditions. Disodium 2,2'- cessfully to model the action of commercial
bicinchoninate (BCA) can also be used to T. reesei cellulase preparations on Sigmacell-
measure reducing sugars.202 This reagent was 50.210 Results from double reciprocal plots of
found to be the best choice in a recent com- enzyme activity, (percent conversion)1, versus
parison of methods for the determination of loading, (FPU/g cellulose)1, enabled extrapo-
endoglucanase activity.203 The BCA method lation to infinite enzyme loading or maximal
was highly sensitive, simple to perform, and digestibility.
directly gave the number of bonds broken,
thus allowing for expression of endoglu-
Endocellulase Activity Measurement
canase activity in international units (mol of
-1,4-glucosidic bonds hydrolyzed in 1 min The “endo-1,4--glucanases” or 1,4--D-glucan
during the initial period of hydrolysis). 4-glucanohydrolases (EC, which act
Other methods used to measure cellulase randomly on soluble and insoluble 1,4--glu-
activity include an automated filter paper assay can substrates, are commonly measured by
for high throughput evaluation of cellulases,175 detecting the decrease in viscosity or increase
a diafiltration saccharification assay for mini- in reducing groups using carboxymethylcellu-
mization of product inhibition and high degree lose (CMC).211–213 It is thought that the methyl
of digestion,204 measurement of cellulose size groups limit activity of the exoglucanases while
reduction by multiangle laser light scatter- still permitting the endo-types to hydrolyze the
ing,203 use of dye release from various dyed chain interior, perhaps in regions with low side-
substrates, and differential staining of cellulose chain density. Endoglucanases are also capable
digestion products.205–208 of hydrolyzing various polymeric, substituted
substrates, such as Ostazin brilliant-red hydrox-
Mathematical Modeling
yethylcellulose (OBR-HEC) and azo-dyed and
cross-linked HEC (AZCL-HEC), as well as the
A mathematical model has also been pro- low-MW fluorogenic substrates, such as 4-
posed for evaluating cellulase preparations. methylumbelliferyl-cellobiose (MUC), 4-
Sattler et al.209 describe a relationship methylumbelliferyl-lactopyranoside (MUL), or
between hydrolysis extent, reaction time, and 4-methylumbelliferyl-cellotriose (MU-G3).
enzyme concentration. This procedure per- Although these substrates make it easy to meas-
mits the effectiveness of different enzymes ure activity, care should be taken in relating the
and of different pretreatment methods to be measured activities to performance on biomass,
ranked. This method examines cellulose as the two substrates are not equivalent.
hydrolysis data collected from hyperbolic
functions of substrate concentration versus
cellulase enzyme concentration at various Viscometric Assays
timed incubations. The model is based on a Viscometric approaches to cellulase measure-
double reciprocal plot of the relationship ment activities are important because other
methods measure only the number of glyco-
(Y/Co)1  (K Co/Ymax)[E]1  (Ymax/Co)1. sidic bonds cleaved in a polymeric substrate.
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They do not provide any information about further verified by analyzing the product from
location in the substrate of the bonds cleaved. hydrolysis of a series of derivatized (i.e., radi-
Viscometric methods measure a substantial olabeled, chromophoric, or fluorophoric)
change in a physical property of the substrate cello-oligomers.221,222 One class of these
polymer, a very sensitive function of both the derivatives, cellobiosyl fluorides, has been
number and the location of the bonds reported to distinguish between CBH I and
cleaved.214–216 For this reason, even though CBH II from T. reesei based on cleavage
the recommended international units of car- activity on the alpha and beta conformations
boxymethylcellulase are given in terms of of the cellobiosyl fluorides.223 Claeyssens
glycosidic bonds cleaved, the most careful et al. also reported this type of rigorous analy-
workers measure both bond cleavage (most sis for fungal CBH I and CBH II.224 Further
often by measurement of sugar-reducing specificities can be determined for proposed
groups) and the change in solution viscosity exoglucanases from analytical product evalu-
as enzymatic hydrolysis proceeds. Vlasenko ation by HPLC.225,226 This is a much more
and coworkers203 found the viscometric definitive method of distinguishing endo-
method to be simple to perform and highly from exo-acting cellulases.
sensitive for the internal bonds cleaved. In general, exoglucanases such as CBH I can
However, this method does not account for be expected to hydrolyze the aryl-substrates
the hydrolysis of CMC near the chain end and MUC and MUL at the agluconic bond, but not
thus only allows for expression of endoglu- the substituted soluble celluloses such as
canase activity in arbitrary viscometric units. AZCL-HEC, OBR-HEC, and CMC.227
Phosphoric acid swollen cellulose is also used
as a substrate for exoglucanases; however,
Exocellulase Activity Measurements
some endoglucanases will hydrolyze this cellu-
The “exo-1,4--D-glucanases” include both the lose form as well.226 Analysis of activity on
1,4--D-glucan glucohydrolases (EC, higher oligomeric derivatives has proven to be
which liberate D-glucose from 1,4--D- challenging, especially with EGs and CBH I.221
glucans and hydrolyze D-cellobiose slowly, Furthermore, because endoglucanases are
and 1,4--D-glucan cellobiohydrolase (EC highly synergistic with exo-acting glucanases,, which liberates D-cellobiose from the presence of endoglucanases significantly
1,4--glucans. Differentiation of these enzyme complicates efforts to quantify exoglucanase
classes requires analytical techniques to dis- activity and can be compensated for only by
tinguish glucose and cellobiose and is usually the separate purification and kinetic character-
carried out by high-performance liquid chro- ization of the endoglucanase. Attempts persist
matography (HPLC) or gas chromatography to link this synergy effect to the cellulose-bind-
(GC). These enzymes can be further distin- ing module (CBM). There is some evidence
guished by their ability to liberate free sugars that the CBM alone can have a synergistic
from either the reducing or nonreducing end effect on the activity of fungal cellulases, both
of the cellulose chain.217,218 Synergy studies exo- and endo-acting types.228–230
with enzymes of known orientation are usu-
ally used to determine which preference a
-Glucosidase Activity Measurements
given enzyme has.192,219,220
The process of detecting and verifying The “-D-glucosidases” or -D-glucoside
exoglucanases has long been controversial. If glucohydrolases (EC act to release
purified proteins are available, careful com- D-glucose units from cellobiose, soluble cel-
parisons of reducing sugar yields and fluidity lodextrins, and an array of glycosides. For cel-
values from CMC hydrolysis as a function of lobiose or cello-oligomers, this activity is
enzyme concentration can be used to judge usually measured and analyzed by HPLC or
whether an enzyme is more EG-like or CBH- GC, or by direct spectrophotometric or fluo-
like. Of course, purified enzymes can also be rometric analysis of various chromogenic and
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fluorogenic analogues of cellobiose and cello- bone of xylan) and others are specific for
oligomers. -D-glucosidase/cellobiase activi- other hemicellulose polymers, such as
ties are usually determined according to the mannan (endo-(1 S 4)--mannosidases,
method of Wood231 as aryl--glucosidase EC or -glucanases (endo-
activity by the hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl-- (1 S 3)--D-glucosidase, EC
D-glucopyranoside. The concentration of p- As with endocellulases, these activities
nitrophenol is determined from the absorbance can be measured by viscometry or pro-
at 410 nm under alkaline conditions induced duction of reducing sugar end groups on
by the addition of 2 M Na2CO3. One unit of the appropriate hemicellulosic polymer.
activity is defined as the amount of enzyme 2. The exo-enzymes act processively from
that catalyzes the cleavage of 1.0 mol sub- either the reducing or nonreducing ter-
strate per minute at 99oF (37oC). If necessary, mini and again are specific to the type
-D-glucosidases can be distinguished from and length of the polymer. Some exo-
other cellulases by the relative differences in acting enzymes have preferences for
the initial rates for aryl--D-glucosides and short chain substrates (DP 2-4), acting as
cellobiose. Also, the unique and acute sensi- cellobiase analogues, whereas others pre-
tivity of -D-glucosidase to inhibition by glu- fer larger substrates (DP  4). Xylan
conolactone provides a method to assess (1 S 4)--xylosidase (EC, glu-
exoglucanase activity in mixed systems of can (1 S 3)--glucosidase (EC,
these two enzymes. This approach is neces- and mannan (1 S 4)-mannobiosidase (EC
sary because -D-glucosidase cleaves the are exo-acting enzymes spe-
agluconic, as well as the holosidic bond of cific for xylan, -(1 S 3)-glucan, and
aryl-glucosides.232 Note that a similar approach mannan, respectively.
is often used to assay other aryl-glycosi- 3. So-called “accessory” enzymes are also
dases.233–235 This practice is made possible by required for hydrolysis of hemicellulose
the availability of many o- and p-linked aryl- in native plant tissue. These enzymes
glycosides including (but not limited to) - include a variety of acetyl xylan esterases
xylosides, -mannosides, -galactosides, and (EC, acetyl esterases (EC
L-arabinofuranosides., and esterases, such as feruloyl
acid esterase (EC,178 that
hydrolyze lignin glycoside bonds. They
HEMICELLULASES also include classes for cleavage of spe-
In contrast to cellulases, the hemicellulases cific hemicellulose side chains, such as
encompass a much broader suite of activities. -L-arabinofuranose, glucuronic acid,
In addition to analogue versions of endo-, and 4-O-methyl-glucuronic acid groups.
exo-, and glycosidase cellulase activities,
multiple debranching activities are needed to General Hemicellulase Assays
handle the high complexity of the heteroge-
neous hemicelluloses (Table 33.3). The varied Xylan is the most predominant hemicellulose
backbone composition of hemicelluloses also in most plant cell walls, comprising about 1⁄4
adds complexity. Xylans, xyloglucans, man- to 1⁄3 of total plant biomass.236 Xylans func-
nans, and numerous other minor polysaccha- tion primarily by forming crosslinks between
ride chains form the backbone for different the other cell wall components, such as cel-
hemicelluloses. lulose, lignin, other hemicelluloses, and
pectin. The term “xylan” is a catch-all for
1. The endo-enzymes attack polysaccharide polysaccharides that have -(1 S 4)-D-
chains internally, with decreasing activity xylopyranose backbones with a variety of side
as chain length rises. Endoxylanases (EC chains usually attached at the O-2 and O-3 are specific for -(1 S 4)- positions, and include glucuronic acid, 4-O-
xylopyranose polymers, (i.e., the back- methylglucuronic acid, L-arabinofuranose,
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xylose, and acetyl groups. The types and lev- noxylan, presumably through a preference for
els of side chains are dependent on the par- hydrolyzing phenolic acid substituted arabinose
ticular plant, with hardwoods having high side chains.245 In the context of hemicellulose
acetyl and glucuronic acid moieties (glu- hydrolysis, the activity most often reported is
curonoxylans) and grasses having mainly hydrolysis of the -(1 S 2)-glycosidic linkage
arabinofuranose and acetyl groups (arabi- of the arabinofuranoside to the xylan backbone.
noxylan). Because of the complex nature of Some of these enzymes have been shown, how-
xylans, their enzymatic hydrolysis is intrinsi- ever, to cleave linear or branched -(1 S 5)-
cally more complicated than that of most linked arabinan side chains found in some
other plant polysaccharides. Typically, the pectins, resulting in some confusion regarding
polymer is debranched, either prior to, or in the specificity of this enzyme class.246–249
conjunction with, depolymerization of the Although most assays are carried out on extracted
backbone. Different debranching enzymes arabinoxylan, p-nitrophenyl-arabinofuranoside
are required depending on the specific type has also been used as a substrate.250–252
of xylan being hydrolyzed. These include
arabinofuranosidases, ferulic and coumaric Esterases. Acetyl esterase (EC
acid esterases, acetyl and acetyl xylan removes acetyl esters from acetylated xylose
esterases, glucuronidases, and xylosidases. and short-chain xylo-oligomers. It’s polymer-
Removal of these side chains synergistically acting counterpart, acetyl xylan esterase (EC
enhances the rate of degradation by endoxy-, has a similar activity, but prefers
lanase enzymes.178,237–243 polymeric xylan.244 In addition to acetate-spe-
cific enzyme detection kits, HPLC or GC
analysis of acetate release from native extracted
Hemicellulose Debranching Enzymes
xylan and chemically acetylated xylan, colori-
Debranching of the xylan backbone produces metric substrates, such as p-nitrophenol acetate
a wide variety of soluble low-molecular- and -napthyl acetate, or the fluorometric sub-
weight compounds. Typically, these products strate, 4-methylumbelliferyl acetate are also
are measured either by HPLC or GC. The dif- used to assay acetyl esterases.244,253 The third
ficulty in assaying these products is not so esterase, ferulic acid esterase (EC,
much in the detection as in obtaining the cor- hydrolyzes the ester bond between ferulic acid
rect substrate for the enzyme. Most commer- or coumaric acid and the arabinose side chain
cial xylan products are extracted by alkaline of arabinoxylan. Assays for this activity are
treatment, essentially hydrolyzing any ester usually carried out using starch-free wheat bran
linkages by saponification; that is, any acetyl-, or cellulase-treated gramineous biomass as a
coumaroyl-, or feruloyl esters are destroyed. substrate and monitoring ferulic or coumaric
Glycosidic side chains, such as arabinose or acid released by HPLC or TLC. When prepar-
glucuronic acid are left intact, however, the ing enzyme-treated substrates, care must be
polymer is typically insoluble. Enzyme stud- taken to employ phenolic-acid-esterase-free
ies using these substrates must be interpreted cellulases.244 Other substrates include methyl
with caution, as the native esterified xylan is and ethyl esters of the phenolic acids, as well as
soluble. Extraction by DMSO or steam has finely ground plant biomass.240,254,255
been used to prepare “native” xylan, in which
the esters are still intact and the polymer is Glucuronidases. In hardwood xylans,
soluble in water.244 xylan -1,2-glucuronosidase (EC
and -glucuronidase (EC are
Arabinofuranosidases. -L-arabinofura- involved in debranching the xylan backbone
nosidases (EC cleave -L-arabinofu- through removal of -(1 S 2)-linked glu-
ranosides from the arabinoxylan xylose curono- and 4-O-methyl-glucuronosides.256–259
backbone and have been shown to enhance the Although relatively little work on these enzymes
release of ferulic and coumaric acid from arabi- has been carried out, Tenkanen and Siika-aho
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reported synergy with endoxylanase utilizing decreasing the average chain length, and
de-acetylated birch glucuronoxylan. The same hydrolyzing the oligomers into free monomers,
report also demonstrated that acetylation inter- all while maintaining enough solubility of the
feres with glucuronidase activity and that higher fragments to allow enzyme access. The con-
activity was observed on soluble softwood 4-O- certed action of the various hemicellulase
methylglucuronoxylan.257 Such synergy has also enzyme classes probably accounts for the high
been reported by others.257,260,261 Para-nitro- synergy observed when the enzymes are used
phenyl--D-glucuronide is used as a substrate in concert.260
for -glucuronidase,262 whereas xylan -1,2-
glucuronosidase is specific for an -(1 S 2)- Xylanases. Depolymerization of the xylan
linked glucuronoside. Some glucuronidases, backbone is mediated by endoxylanases with
including membrane-bound enzymes, have been oligomers hydrolyzed by -xylosidases.
found to prefer glucuronoxylo-oligomers as Structurally, the endoxylanases are divided into
substrates.261,263–265 One report demonstrated the glycosyl hydrolase families 10 and 11. These
specific requirement for the 4-O-methyl group enzyme families are similar in that they both
for efficient binding and positioning of the side depolymerize xylan via the Koshland-type,
chain in the enzyme active site.258 two-step catalysis that leaves products with
retained stereochemistry of anomeric configu-
ration. Family-10 enzymes typically yield
Hemicellulose Depolymerization lower molecular weight products (tetramers)
than do family-11 enzymes (pentamers).267
As noted for cellulases, hemicellulose depoly- This is likely a function of the difference in
merizing enzymes are divided into three binding sites, with family-10 enzymes having a
classes; endo-acting enzymes, exo-acting binding site that recognizes shorter oligosac-
enzymes, and oligomer-hydrolyzing enzymes. charides than do family-11 enzymes.268,269
Although mechanisms of hemicellulose Although these enzymes are active on native
hydrolysis have been steadily studied over the branched xylan, debranching may increase
years, they have not received the attention their activity.261,270
given to cellulose hydrolysis. Despite this, a Assays for endoxylanases follow the same
general pattern of degradation is beginning to general patterns as endocellulase assays.
emerge. Although there are specific examples Viscosity reduction, reducing sugar produc-
of endo-acting enzymes requiring side chains tion, dye-release, solublization, zymogram
for maximal activity,266 the majority of the analysis, and colorimetric/fluorometric ana-
endo-acting hemicellulose hydrolases tend to logues are all used to determine endoxylanase
be more active on debranched or partially activity.271–280 DNS detection of reducing sug-
debranched hemicellulose, especially in the ars from xylan is the most cited method.
case of xylanases. The limitation on this Endoxylanases tend to have a preference for
increased activity is probably due to solubility polymers of a certain degree of polymeriza-
or the polysaccharides, which tend to become tion (DP). Bray and Clarke reported a
more insoluble as the debranching process Schizophyllum commune endoxylanase with a
continues. Decreasing chain length from the preferred substrate DP of seven,281 whereas
activity of endo-hemicellulases mollifies this, others reported enzymes exhibiting true endo-
allowing the shorter, less substituted fragments type activity, with decreasing activity at lower
to remain soluble. Exo-acting enzymes, which DPs.266,282,283
probably fall into reducing- and nonreducing- There are numerous reports of -xylosi-
end-specific groups and oligomer-hydrolyzing dases that cleave short chain xylo-oligomers
enzymes, also require debranching as a precur- to xylose. In these cases, product detection
sor to maximal activity. Overall, a balance was typically carried out by direct HPLC
must be met among removing the branching analysis or hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl--D-
side chains from the polysaccharide backbone, xylopyranoside.284–287
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Xyloglucanases. Xyloglucans are polysac- -(1 S 3) glucan. Glucan 1,3-beta-glucosidase

charide polymers composed of a linear backbone (EC acts by processively releasing glu-
of -(1 S 4) linked glucopyranose moieties cose from -(1 S 3) glucan from the nonreduc-
with some monomers substituted with xylopyra- ing end. One interesting report utilized an
nose in an -(1 S 6) linkage. The xylose side enzyme-linked sorbant assay in microtiter plates
chains can in turn be substituted with one or coated with biotinylated -glucan to determine
more of the disaccharides -(1 S 2)-L-fuco- activity.302
sylpyranose--(1 S 2)-D-galactopyranose and
 -(1 S 2)-L-galactopyranose-  -(1 S 2)-D- Mannanases, Gluco- and Galactomannan-
galactopyranose, with the fucose residues being ases. Whereas mannan is characteristically
found mainly in primary cell walls.288–293 described as a linear -(1 S 4) mannopyranose
–(1 S 2)-L-arabinofuranose has also been polymer, galactomannan is composed of a poly-
shown to be substituted onto either the main glu- meric -(1 S 4) mannopyranosyl backbone
cose chain or onto the xylose side groups.288,294 highly substituted with -(1 S 6) linked galac-
It has been shown that xyloglucans are acety- topyranose residues.303,304 The degree of substi-
lated through O-linkages to the arabinose or tution varies with source. Glucomannan, found
galactosyl side chains.288,292,294,295 Despite this mainly in the root of the konjac plant
side chain substitution, a specific acetylxyloglu- (Amorphophallous konjac) consists of a -
can esterase has not been discovered. (1 S 4) linked mannopyranose and glucopyra-
There is an exo-acting enzyme that acts on nose backbone in a ratio of 1.6:1.305 The
the nonreducing end of xyloglucan oligomers. backbone residues are substituted in a -(1 S 3)
Oligoxyloglucan beta-glycosidase (EC 3.2.1. linkage with several sugars and short oligosac-
120) is produced by Aspergillus oryzae and charides, as well as with O–linked acetyl groups
removes an -xylo--(1 S 6)-D-glucosyl about every 15 residues.306–308 The structure, and
dimer (isoprimverose) from the nonreducing hence the degradation, of mannan is very analo-
end. gous to cellulose, both being linear -(1 S 4)
linked monosaccharide polymers.309 Mannan,
-Glucanases. -Glucan is a glucopyranose however, is found in only a few particular plants,
polymer containing either -(1 S 3) or mixed notably in the endosperm of the ivory-nut from
–(1 S 3), –(1 S 4) linkages. The ratio of the Tagua palm (Phytelephas macrocarpa) and a
(1 S 4) to (1 S 3) linkages varies by species and few other plants.309 In glucomannan and galac-
gives specific properties to individual -glucan tomannan, as with xylan, degradation requires
polymers. Because of the differences in the link- both debranching and depolymerizing enzymes,
ages, different enzymes are required to cleave the which work in synergy.242 There are two major
two forms of -glucan.296–301 We now know that types of galactomannan, differentiated mainly by
-glucan can be degraded by glycosyl hydrolase the source and degrees of galactose substitution.
family-12 enzymes (EC Although these locust bean gum, derived from the carob tree
endo-acting enzymes are active on -(1 S 4) (Ceratonia siliqua), contains an average of 2000
glycosidic linkages, they are differentiated from sugar residues, with a galactose about every 3.5-
other -(1 S 4)-acting enzymes by the distinc- mannosyl residues. The other major commercial
tion of being able to hydrolyze the -(1 S 4) source is guar gum, from the seed of the legumi-
linkages in mixed -(1 S 3, 1 S 4)-linked poly- nous shrub Cyamopsis tetragonoloba. Guar gum
saccharides. Glucan endo-1,3-beta-D-glucosidase contains more galactose residues than locust
(-(1 S 3) glucanase) (EC is an endo- bean gum, having a galactose every 1.5 to 2
acting glycosyl hydrolase that acts on -(1 S 3) mannose units, and is longer, with residue counts
glucan, but has very limited activity on the mixed of around 10,000.
linkage -glucan. Endo-1,3(4)-beta-glucanase) The enzymes involved in depolymerization
-(1 S 3, 1 S 4) glucanase) (EC, is also of the mannans consist of -mannanase (EC
an endo-acting glycosyl hydrolase. There is an, the endo-acting enzyme, and -
exo-acting glycosyl hydrolase that is active on mannosidase (EC, which produces
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A) B)

Fig. 33.23. AZCL-polysaccharide hydrolysis in (a) Petri plates and (b) microtiter plates. The dark particu-
lates are the AZCL-–Glucan (a) and AZCL-galactan (b). Soluble blue dye is released upon hydrolysis.

mannose from the nonreducing end of the microtiter plate wells. The authors have used
mannose chain.310–312 Debranching of galac- this technique extensively to screen both envi-
tomannan is primarily carried out by -D- ronmental samples and recombinant libraries
galactosidase (EC,314 Tenkanen for glycosyl hydrolase activities (Fig. 33.23).
and co-workers have also reported an acetyl
glucomannan esterase active on the acetyl side
chains in glucomannan.238,315,316 There are lit-
tle other data on specific debranching In addition to cellulose and the hemicelluloses,
enzymes involved in degradation of gluco- pectins are a third class of polysaccharides
mannan. Assays for mannan hydrolysis have found in the cell wall matrix of plant cells.
been carried out using extracted polysaccha- Further information and good structural dia-
rides as substrates, colorimetric analogues, grams can be found in the recent review by
and dyed polysaccharides. Dyed polysaccha- Ridley et al.329 Found mainly between adjacent
rarides have been utilized to determine activi- cell walls in the middle lamellae, pectins fall
ties of cultures on various polysaccharides, into three classes differentiated by their back-
both as activity screens and as quantitative bone structure and branching patterns.330,331
measures. These substrates include both solu- Homogalacturonan (xylogalacturonan) is com-
ble and insoluble forms (dependent mainly on prised of -(1 S 4)-linked galacturonic acid
the properties of the native polysaccharides) chains containing xylose side chains and
and include azurine (azo-), Remazol Brilliant makes up the smooth region of pectin.332
Blue (RBB), and Ostazin Brilliant Red (OBR), Homogalacturonan is methylated through
among others.317–320 For azo-, RBB-, and ester-linkages to the galacturonic acid residues.
OBR-linked substrates, clearing zones on petri Once in place, pectin methyl esterases (EC
plate or acrylamide gel agar overlays indicate remove these side chains and allow
active colonies or protein bands.321–325 The formation of the gel matrix.333 The rhamno-
crosslinked version (AZCL-polysaccharides, galacturonans make up the “hairy” region of
Megazyme, Inc. Bray, Ireland) has also been pectin. In rhamnogalacturonan I, (RG I) the
used to screen for activity of various glycosyl backbone chain is comprised of the disaccha-
hydrolases.326–328 In the case of AZCL sub- ride ( S 4)--D-galacturonic acid--(1 S 2)-
strates, the result of activity is a blue halo sur- -L-rhamnopyranose-(1 S ). The rhamnose is
rounding active colonies or dye release into typically substituted at the C-4 position with a
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branched chain of sugars made up of either porated into plates can be detected by precipi-
galactose or arabinose or a combination of tation with hexadecyl-trimethyl-ammonium
both and other sugars. The arabinose residues bromide, resulting in clear halos of hydrolysis
can be derivatized with ferulic acid. The galac- around active colonies.344 As with other poly-
turonic acid residues in the backbone are usu- saccharide degradation studies, structural deter-
ally O-2 or O-3 acetylated and O-6 methylated. mination of products has been carried out by
The structure and substitution patterns of RG I nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.338
vary widely across plant species. Where the
majority of the side chain is comprised of ara-
binose, the side chains are referred to as arabi- CHEMICAL CATALYSIS FOR BIOMASS
nans. These arabinans are predominantly DECONSTRUCTION
-(1 S 5) linked arabinofuranosyl residues
substituted at either or both the O-2 and O-3
positions.331 Side chains comprised of galac- Deconstruction is a somewhat misleading
tose residues are referred to as galactans. When term, in that it suggests processes exhibiting
these galactans are further substituted with ara- low selectivity or harsh conditions. To the
binan chains, they are refered to as arabino- contrary, selective biomass deconstruction
galactans.334 In contrast to RG I, the structure can be a powerful tool for use within the
of Rhamnogalacturonan II (RG II) is highly biorefinery, as it provides both monomeric
conserved across the plant kingdom.335 It is and polymeric materials for eventual conver-
comprised of 28 glycosyl residues, of which sion into final refinery outputs. Biomass
seven are found in the galacturonic acid back- deconstruction is a separation process highly
bone. The backbone is specifically branched at analogous to petrochemical refining. In any
four points (designated A–D chains) with some process designed to convert a source of raw
unusual sugars such as 2-O-methly-L-fucose materials into products, the raw material
and 3-deoxy-D-manno-2-octulosonic acid, almost always requires some form of prelimi-
aceric acid, and apiose.335 The structures of nary upgrading in order to separate a complex
each branch are known, although the exact mix of materials into individual streams of
point of attachment of branch D is still unclear. initial building blocks. The petrochemical
As is apparent from the complex structure, industry “deconstructs” crude oil, using dis-
there is a diverse enzyme suite required to tillation to make mixed hydrocarbon streams
hydrolyze pectin. As in hemicellulase sys- for various fuel uses, or cracking (primarily
tems, there are depolymerizing and debranch- using chemical catalysis) to prepare the
ing enzymes, mainly esterases, that act industry’s primary building blocks of ethyl-
synergistically.320,336 The depolymerizing ene, propylene, BTX, butenes, and methane
enzymes include both glycosyl hydrolases, for chemical uses.345
which cleave glycosidic bonds by an acid- The biorefinery is no different. Renewable
base catalysis mechanism, and polysaccharide raw materials are complex mixtures of different
lyases, which hydrolyze the glycosidic bond biopolymers, and chemical deconstruction
through a -elimination mechanism, resulting processes (as differentiated from biochemical
in a double bond between the C-4 and C-5 of processes described earlier in this chapter) may
the new nonreducing end.320 Recent reviews be used to separate these biopolymers from one
by Kashyap et al. and by Kennedy and another. However, deconstruction processes
Methacanon outline the pectinase enzymes in optimized for the biorefinery offer more flexi-
detail.143,337 Assay techniques involve the bility than those used in the petrochemical
usual assortment of reducing sugar produc- industry. The petrochemical industry tends to
tion, viscosity reduction, HPLC analysis, and focus on refining processes that give low molec-
dye release.320,336,338–343 Ruthenium red stain- ular weight (very roughly mw 300) materials.
ing in plates and zymograms have also been Biorefining, depending on how it is carried
used.336 Because of its solubility, pectin incor- out, can give either high-molecular-weight
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Fig. 33.24. Biomass deconstruction is a Key step in its conversion to chemical products and fuels.

biopolymers or low-molecular-weight chemi- the petrochemical industry. Although highly

cals and intermediates, both suitable for use by important to overall biorefinery operation,
the chemical industry (Fig. 33.24). further catalytic transformations of this initial
The wide range of different biomass materi- set of building blocks to chemical products is
als can be somewhat daunting. However, bio- not included in this discussion.
mass deconstruction processes greatly simplify The selective deconstruction of biomass for
this initial slate of raw material sources. biorefinery use is of particular importance
Biomass provides three primary feedstocks: when viewed in the context of biomass avail-
sugars, in the form of starch, cellulose, and ability. Biomass is exceedingly abundant. A
hemicellulose; aromatics, in the form of lignin; vast amount of renewable carbon is produced
and hydrocarbons, in the form of plant triglyc- in the biosphere, as much as 170  109 met-
erides. Further deconstruction of these poly- ric tons is fixed annually. This amount could
mers and oligomers leads to monomeric supply almost all domestic organic chemical
materials including individual sugars and needs, currently about 7 to 8 percent of our
related polyols such as glycerol from triglyc- total nonrenewable energy and materials con-
erides, low molecular weight aromatics from sumption.349–352 When measured in energy
lignin, and fatty acid hydrocarbons from terms, the amount of carbon synthesized is
triglycerides.346,347 Under proper conditions, nearly ten times the world consumption.353
deconstruction of the polymeric materials can Cellulose, the most abundant organic chemi-
also lead to structural modification of the cal on earth, has an annual production of
monomeric units, leading to materials such as about 90  109 metric tons.354–356 Lignin pro-
furfural, levulinic acid, and levoglucosan.348 duction by the pulp and paper industry is
Chemical catalysis can play a key role in 30–50  106 metric tons/year.357 The yearly
each of these deconstruction processes, pro- availability of renewables is most important,
moting conversions of raw materials into indi- inasmuch as—in contrast to petrochemi-
vidual polymers, and individual polymers into cals—it makes this resource almost unlimited,
low-molecular-weight compounds. This sec- if used in a sustainable manner. Some projec-
tion reviews examples of each type of tions have world oil production peaking in the
process, showing how catalysis leads to core next 5 to 10 years.358,359 It is unlikely that
building blocks for the biorefinery, analogous demand will decrease in line with production.
to the initial building blocks manufactured by In the United States, energy consumption has
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increased by more than 28 percent—about 21 processes, and several examples of these con-
ekajoules (EJ)—during the last 25 years, with versions are described below.
more than half of this energy growth—about The options for practical operation of a
11 EJ—occurring during the last 6 years, biorefinery are also complex. Very broadly, the
indicating that other feedstock sources will be biorefinery will have the capability of decon-
needed.360 Chemical catalysis has been a key structing biomass into several categories of
contributor to the success of the petrochemi- outputs including:
cal industry, with more than 90 percent of all
● Constituent polymers of biomass
processes using some form of catalysis.361 It
● Oligomeric fractions of these polymers
is reasonable to assume that catalysis tailored
● Monomers comprising these polymers or
for the specific features of biomass raw mate-
rials will play a similar role within the biore-
● Individual chemicals from structural
finery, both to effectively and sustainably use
reorganization of other fractions.
this resource and to help address the growing
needs of the world. Ideally, biorefinery operation will be selec-
tive and flexible enough to switch among
these categories depending on the needs of
the market. Moreover, these categories could,
Chemical catalysis for processes leading to cel- in principle, be combined to provide diverse
lulose, hemicellulose, lignin, and their deriva- product profiles.367,368 In one instance, the
tives is an extremely broad topic. It is also biorefinery would provide cellulose, hemi-
somewhat hard to define for biomass. A num- cellulose, and lignin. However, modification
ber of different processes exist for separation of conditions could further transform the ini-
of biomass into its constituent biopolymers. tially produced carbohydrate polymers in
The corn wet mill produces carbohydrates as situ, for example, hydrolyzing the hemicellu-
starch. The kraft process for pulping of wood lose to xylose, and then converting it to fur-
produces carbohydrates as cellulose, and under fural. The Acetosolv process for the
certain conditions, isolable lignin. The kraft separation of wood is operated in this man-
process itself is stoichiometric, but extensive ner.369 Pulping of wood with the Formacell
research has been done on the use of catalytic process (pulping with HOAc/HCOOH mix-
amounts of additives to promote this and tures) can produce cellulose, lignin, furfural,
related separations.362 Many other separation and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural as primary
processes have been categorized under the products.370 Thus the exact choice of operat-
term “pretreatment”363–366 and are linked ing mode and resulting product profile can be
closely to the generation of fermentable sugars strictly dependent on the needs of the biore-
for fuel ethanol production, but can also pro- finery operators.
vide polymeric materials for chemical use. Even with this potential variability in opera-
Some pretreatments are solvolyses, which are tion types, it is anticipated that the biorefinery
technically noncatalytic. Yet the active compo- industry will migrate toward a small group of
nent of the solvent (e.g., a proton) is not con- easily produced primary building blocks from
sumed within the molecular level mechanism, which a much larger group of final products
and serves to promote the reaction in a cat- will be derived. This approach would directly
alytic sense. Other systems are autocatalyzed parallel the petrochemical industry, which uses
through generation of a catalytically active seven primary building blocks for the eventual
species over the course of the separation. production of tens of thousands of marketplace
The subsequent deconstruction of biopoly- products. The analogous group of primary
mers into single, low-molecular-weight chem- building blocks for the biorefinery has not yet
icals, allows the identification and definition been defined, making the potential matrix of
of catalyst to become clearer. Chemical catal- deconstruction processes and initial outputs
ysis has been used to improve many of these complicated. Using carbohydrate polymers
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again as an example, hemicellulose, xylose, or studied technology for the separation of the
furfural could each be a biorefinery primary starting biomass raw material into its individ-
building block as they are all linked by chemi- ual components. This process has been and
cally catalyzed deconstruction processes. continues to be extensively investigated, and
In this section, we seek to identify materials the reader is referred to the many reviews
that are the reasonable first structures to arise available in the literature.88,363–366,372–378
from biomass deconstruction, and to describe
how chemically catalyzed processes are being
Solvent Separation Processes
developed for their production. For that rea-
son, commercially practiced processes that Biomass separation based on the use of
use catalysis, such as the reduction of glucose organic solvents (“organosolv” processes)
to sorbitol, are mentioned only briefly or not offers more selective access to the biopoly-
at all. Chemical catalysis will certainly play meric constituents of renewable raw materi-
an additional role in the further conversion als, as such operations normally give separate
of these initial building blocks into second- and high-quality process streams of cellulose,
ary intermediates or final marketplace prod- hemicellulose, and lignin. Several reviews on
ucts (e.g., oxidative conversion of levulinic organosolv technology and the mechanism of
acid into succinic acid), but such multistep separation are available.379–385 Most examples
possibilities are outside the scope of this of organosolv processes use volatile alcohols,
discussion. such as methanol and ethanol, however, a
huge variety of additional solvents has been
employed, including 1,3-BDO, 1,4-BDO,386
SEPARATION OF BIOPOLYMERS FROM ethylene glycol,387 glycerol,388 phenol,389 and
organic acids under the names of Formacell,
Biomass raw materials are made up primarily Milox, and Acetocell.390–395 Attempts to com-
of the three biopolymers, cellulose, hemicel- mercialize organosolv technologies have also
lulose and lignin, and each of these materials appeared as the Alcell, Organocell, or ASAM
finds use as a chemical feedstock. A wide processes.385,396–402 Because these processes
variety of methods has been described for were primarily focused on new methods of
their separation and isolation. The paper producing cellulose pulp for the paper indus-
industry describes these processes as pulp- try, their expense precluded commercializa-
ing, whereas the biorefinery industry more tion. However, the selectivity of organosolv
normally refers to them as pretreatments. The technology makes it well suited for the pro-
goal in each case is the same: production of duction of chemical building blocks from
separate biopolymer streams for conversion renewable raw materials.
to final product outputs. The uses of chemi- In almost all organosolv processes, chemical
cal grade cellulose are well known in indus- catalysis plays a necessary role, as solvents
try and the literature and include cellophane alone do not function effectively for the separa-
and various cellulose esters and ethers.215 tion of biomass.403 The most commonly
Certain forms of lignin are also items of employed processes, based on the treatment of
commerce.371 Chemical catalysis of the fol- biomass with aqueous alcohols at elevated tem-
lowing pretreatment/pulping processes has peratures, are autocatalyzed. Acetic acid is gen-
been examined to improve the initial separa- erated during the separation process through
tion of lignocellulosics into their constituent hydrolysis of acetate groups present on the
polymers. hemicellulose polymer.397,404–406 Alternatively,
acid can be added to the separation medium
prior to the process. Adding acid catalyst nor-
Dilute Acid Pretreatments
mally allows lower separation temperatures and
Within the context of the biorefinery, the use milder conditions. Chemical catalysis has
of dilute acid is probably the most widely proven to be of particular importance for the
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fiberize cellulose
wash pulp

phase separation

aqueous organic

hemicellulose lignin

Fig. 33.25. The NREL clean fractionation process.

organosolv separation of softwoods. Normally, biomass feedstocks including corn stover,

softwoods are poor substrates in solvent-based newsprint, bagasse, corn fiber, and rice straw.
processes. However, the addition of alkaline
earth metals to alcohol separation processes
Steam Explosion and Related Processes
has resulted in effective softwood separa-
tion.403,407–409 The steam explosion process is a rapid and
An example of an acid-catalyzed organosolv decades-old treatment process for lignocellu-
biomass separation is the clean fractionation lose that releases individual biomass compo-
(CF) process, developed at the National nents through steam impregnation under
Renewable Energy Laboratory (Fig. 33.25).410 pressure, followed by a rapid pressure release.
The process treats the biomass with a ternary Steam explosion is carried out using high-
mixture of methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK), pressure steam and short contact times.411–414
ethanol (EtOH), and water (H2O) in the pres- This process has generally been used as a
ence of sulfuric acid. The separation is carried method for preparing cellulose pulp but can
out using a 16/34/50 ratio of MIBK/EtOH/H2O also serve as source of lignin. Alkaline extrac-
for 56 minutes at 140oC in the presence of tion after explosion recovers more than 90
0.025 M–0.2 M H2SO4 as standard conditions. percent of the lignin when wood is used as the
The solvent mixture selectively dissolves the feedstock.415–419
lignin and hemicellulose components, leaving Catalysis of steam explosion processes has
the cellulose as an undissolved material that can been carried out, primarily through the addi-
be washed, fiberized, and further purified. The tion of acid376,378,420,421 or SO2 to the separa-
soluble fraction containing the lignin and hemi- tion. Added SO2 has been shown to exhibit
cellulose is treated with water, causing a phase benefits in conversion yields and separation
separation yielding an organic phase containing conditions.422,423 The characteristics of the
the lignin and an aqueous phase containing the oligosaccharides and lignin from these
hemicellulose. Solvent removal gives CF lignin processes have been examined.415–419,424
in high yield as a shiny, brown, free-flowing
powder exhibiting properties consistent with
The Kraft Process
other organosolv lignins, and a generally lower-
molecular-weight profile and greater solubility Kraft pulping is the most widely used process
in polar organic solvents than other lignins. CF in the world for separating cellulose from wood,
appears to be a very general process, and can but is not normally considered as a potential
be used for fractionation of a wide range of operating unit for biorefineries. Certainly for
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white liquor
NaOH, Na2S
H2O, heat NaOH, Na2S
some Na2CO3
digester clarifier causticizer

Ca(OH)2 generation
blow tank
green liquor (aq. Na2S +
H2S, Me2S Na2CO3) clarifier

makeup Na2SO4

cellulose recovery
washer evaporation
processing furnace
black liquor CO2
lignin, spent chemicals


Fig. 33.26. Overview of the kraft process.

new construction, use of the kraft process quinone (AQ, 1). The use of AQ in alkaline
would face considerable challenges, including pulping processes has been widely examined
the enormous capital cost of a new plant. by the industry.362,428,429
Nonetheless, the existing infrastructure of the
pulp and paper industry consumes more than O
100  106 metric tons/yr of wood, the majority
of this with kraft technology, offering a possible
opportunity for any underused capacity.103
The process is conducted at the high pH in
the presence of sodium sulfide, sodium O
hydrosulfide, and sodium hydroxide at
150–180ºC for about 2 hours (Fig. 33.26).
Along with the primary cellulose product, the As a catalyst, AQ offers a number of bene-
process generates a solution containing dis- fits, including an increase in pulping rate, a
solved lignin, most of the wood’s hemicellu- decrease in the amount of pulping chemicals
loses, and spent pulping chemicals (“black used, a decrease in degradation of the cellulose
liquor”). This solution is used in the kraft during pulping, and improvement of cellulose
recovery boiler as a source of power for the bleaching processes. In the context of the
mill and fuel for chemical recovery operations biorefinery, these improvements lead to faster
crucial to economic operation. The chemistry production and higher yield of a more easily
of pulping reactions has been the subject of purified cellulose biopolymer. AQ is typically
much study, and summaries are available the added at levels of 0.05 to 0.1 percent based on
literature.425–427 the weight of raw wood feedstock used.
The kraft process itself is stoichiometric, Considerable mechanistic study has been per-
however, the process can be improved through formed to determine how AQ exerts these
the addition of catalytic amounts of anthra- effects.430,431
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DECONSTRUCTION OF BIOREFINERY At high concentrations, corrosion-resistant

RAW MATERIALS AND BIOPOLYMERS reactors and an effective acid recovery process
TO MONOMERIC PRODUCTS are needed, raising the cost of the intermediate
Initial separation of biomass raw materials glucose. Dilute acid treatments minimize
can yield separate streams of biopolymers, these problems, but a number of kinetic mod-
each of which has potential utility as a prod- els indicate that the maximum conversion of
uct within the biorefinery. Further selective cellulose to glucose under these conditions is
deconstruction processes can convert these 65 to 70 percent because subsequent degrada-
biopolymers into their individual monomeric tion reactions of the glucose to HMF and lev-
units, or to structurally rearranged materials. ulinic acid take place. The modern biorefinery
The following are examples of processes that is learning to exploit this reaction manifold,
have been improved through the use of chem- because these “decomposition” products can
ical catalysis. be manufactured as the primary product of
polysaccharide hydrolysis (see below).
Polymeric Carbohydrate
Hydrolysis Processes Carbohydrate Pyrolysis
The hydrolysis of polysaccharides into Pyrolysis of C6 mono- and polysaccharides
monomeric sugars is a well-studied process; deconstructs the polymer chain forming
its mechanism is still believed to be accu- either levoglucosan or levoglucosenone. In
rately described by the work of Saeman in the presence of an acid catalyst (normally
1945.432 Its significance is linked to the pro- H3PO4), levoglucosenone is also formed in
duction of fermentable sugars for ethanol man- low yields (Fig. 33.27).435–440 The transforma-
ufacture. Many of these processes are based on tions are straightforward, but separation of
acid catalysis and overlap closely the pretreat- these potential biorefinery building blocks is
ment methods described earlier.363,364,373 complicated by the formation of considerable
Treatments with both concentrated and dilute amounts of tar. Nonetheless, attempts have
acids are well known as methods for the been made to develop levoglucosan as a com-
hydrolysis of cellulose and hemicellulose, as mercial product.348
is the use of organic dicarboxylic acids as The formation of levoglucosan and levoglu-
alternative catalysts to mineral acids.433 cosenone is found to be strongly dependent
However, further cellulose deconstruction is on the presence of catalytic amounts of vari-
considerably more difficult after acid hydroly- ous cations during pyrolysis. However, the lit-
sis. Commercial processes for acid hydrolysis erature is inconsistent regarding the effect of
of cellulose were known in the early part of the these cations. By varying the amount of acid
twentieth century.434 The use of either low- or catalyst used, Faix et al. were able to control
high-acid concentrations has disadvantages. the relative amount of the two products.441,442

pyrolysis O levoglucosan
HO pyrolysis
n O

Fig. 33.27. Production of levoglucosan and levoglucosenone.

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Transition metal catalysts were also found to lulose, respectively) being the most likely ini-
influence the course of the pyrolysis. Addition tial feedstocks. Glucose oxidation in the pres-
of Fe or Cu increased the yield of levoglu- ence of TEMPO and bleach has been used for
cosan formation from wood or newsprint.443 the production of glucaric acids (see below)
The presence of Ca ions also increased the by selective, high-yield oxidation of the ini-
yield of these products, whereas catalytic tial and terminal carbons of the starting
amounts of Na ions were found to decrease sugar.456–459
the pyrolysis yields.444 In contrast, earlier
work indicated that Li, K, and Ca ions all had
a negative effect on the pyrolysis process.445 OH OH OH OH
Carbohydrate Oxidation OH NaOCl OH OH OH
D-Glucose Glucaric acid
A considerable amount of recent work has
focused on the oxidation of polymeric and
monomeric carbohydrates in aqueous media. These materials can serve as novel polymer
In the context of the biorefinery, these components in the production of new polyhy-
processes could be used for the preparation of droxylated polyamides460 and as starting
oxidized carbohydrates as primary outputs of points for the production of other biorefinery
biomass deconstruction. Of particular interest intermediates. Conventional processes for the
are processes catalyzed with stable oxygen- conversion of sugars to aldaric acids use
centered radicals such as the nitroxyl radical HNO3 as the oxidizing agent. However, yields
TEMPO (2) (2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidi- of aldaric acids using these processes are only
noxyl) and using bleach as the stoichiometric fair, and the use of HNO3 as the oxidant is
oxidant. potentially hazardous and environmentally
unfriendly (NOx emissions). Development of
single-step biorefinery processes could make
aldaric acids a useful primary building block
N O of the biorefinery.
Other carbohydrates can also undergo
selective, high-yield oxidation. For example,
sucrose (the primary product of the sugar
industry) converts into the corresponding tri-
The reaction appears to be well suited for carboxylic acid.461
selective conversion of biomass carbohy-
drates into their corresponding oxidized
Carbohydrate Dehydration
derivatives. This system serves to oxidize sev-
eral polymeric carbohydrates including The removal of water from initially formed
starches and pullulan.446–449 More recent work biomass sugars is an important process for the
has described the TEMPO-catalyzed intro- production of primary biorefinery building
duction of carboxyl groups in native cellulose blocks. Of particular interest are 5-hydrox-
and its different morphological forms,450–452 ymethylfurfural and levulinic acid (from the
cellulose derivatives,453 and the surface of cel- dehydration of glucose or other C6 sugars) and
lulose nanocrystals.454 The related biopoly- furfural (from xylose dehydration). Recent
mer, chitin, also is oxidized under these research has led to new catalytic processes for
conditions.455 the production of each of these materials.
Under proper conditions, biomass decon-
struction will generate streams of monomeric Furfural. Dehydration of xylose, available
or oligomeric carbohydrates, with glucose from biorefinery hemicellulose, leads to the
and xylose (from cellulose/starch or hemicel- production of furfural.462–464
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O H+ O
OH -H2 O
xylan polymer xylose furfural

Although the process for furfural production conversions.475 Faujasite and mordenite cata-
has been known for decades and is applicable lysts have been examined as acid catalysts.476
to most any C5-sugar-containing feed- The presence of metal oxides has also been
stock,465–468 it is not highly efficient, with com- reported to improve furfural yield.466
mercial yields generally around 50 percent.469
Current research is directed at improving the Levulinic Acid. Dehydration of glucose or
production of furfural from xylose or hemicel- other monomeric and polymeric C6 sugars
lulose with new catalytic transformations. leads to the direct formation of levulinic acid
Improvement of process conditions for the (LA) as a potential primary building block for
standard H2SO4-catalyzed furfural production the biorefinery, and several reviews have
from the xylose in corn cobs was realized by described its potential commercial utility.477,478
use of HCl, leading to an 85 percent furfural The preparation of levulinic acid is not diffi-
yield.470 A related process charges dry feed- cult, although the mechanism of its formation
stock with catalytic gaseous HCl, minimizing from carbohydrates is complex, and offers
decomposition reactions through a more rapid several alternative decomposition pathways
removal of furfural from the reactor.471 (equation 3).479

O H+ O
monomeric or levulinic acid
polymeric C6 (4-oxopentanoic
furfural (5-HMF)
sugars acid)

The need to recover homogeneous acid cat- Dehydration of glucose in the presence of
alysts in the production of furfural has microporous pillared clays has also been
spurred the investigation of acidic heteroge- explored but, the selectivity to levulinic acid
neous catalysts to promote the dehydration of was low.480
C5 sugars. A relatively high conversion of The most widely used approach for produc-
xylose to furfural was reported using hetero- ing levulinic acid is the direct hydrolysis of
geneous sulfonated mesoporous silicas.472 biomass or carbohydrates, catalyzed by aque-
Rapid removal of furfural from the reaction ous acid.478,480–483 However, this forms large
mixture using supercritical CO2 has been amounts of side products and intractable
examined as a method to improve furfural materials, requiring an expensive separation
yields.473,474 Combining supercritical CO2 that drives up its cost. Several years ago, a
extraction with xylose dehydration in the new process developed by the Biofine
presence of sulfated titania and zirconia cata- Corporation eliminated many of the existing
lysts, led to high furfural yields at high xylose production problems. The Biofine process
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Furfural Furfural

Reactor #2
steam Reactor LA LA
#1 Purification Conversion

feedstock Combustible

Fig. 33.28. The Biofine process.

also uses acid hydrolysis of carbohydrate of levulinic acid as a primary biorefinery

sources (cellulose, starch, paper mill sludge, building block.
urban waste paper, agricultural residues, or
paper fines) to produce LA, but in a novel, 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF). Dehy-
two-reactor system that minimizes sideprod- dration of C6 sugars also produces 5-HMF
uct formation and associated separation prob- (shown above), which is an intermediate within
lems (Fig. 33.28).484,485 the dehydration mechanism leading to levulinic
The process supplies carbohydrate-contain- acid. 5-HMF has been suggested as a potential
ing materials to a first reactor where they are primary building block for the biorefinery,486–488
briefly hydrolyzed at 210–230oC in the pres- but its relatively high instability and associated
ence of mineral acid. This initial hydrolysis difficulties in its isolation have hindered its
produces hydroxymethylfurfural, which is development.
removed continuously and supplied to a sec- Polymeric carbohydrates available from the
ond reactor. In the second reactor, the hydrox- biorefinery can serve as starting materials for
ymethylfurfural is hydrolyzed further at 5-HMF. Recently, LaCl3 has been used to cat-
195–215oC for 15–30 minutes to produce lev- alyze the conversion of cellulose to 5-HMF
ulinic acid, which is again continuously (along with glucose, levulinic acid, and cel-
removed. The yield of LA is 75 percent or lobiose) at elevated temperatures in water.489
greater, based on the C6 content of the carbo- A primary reason for low yields of 5-HMF
hydrate containing starting material, one of is its rapid conversion to levulinic acid in
the highest reported. Two real strengths of this aqueous media. However, catalysis of the
process are its relative insensitivity to the type transformation with lanthanides has led to
of feedstock employed and the wide availabil- dramatic increases in the yield of 5-HMF. The
ity of feedstock sources. Any material con- effectiveness of different lanthanide cations
taining C6 sugars will serve as a good starting has been surveyed.490,491 In nonaqueous sol-
material. The result is a cost-effective process, vents, such as DMSO, almost quantitative
making it suitable as a starting material for a yields of 5-HMF have been reported.492
wide variety of products. Economic projec- Performing the dehydration in the presence of
tions indicate that the LA production cost activated carbon (to adsorb the generated 5-
using this process could be as low as HMF) has also been reported as effective.493
$0.08–$0.12/lb depending on the scale of the Recent work has investigated the selective
operation. This cost is consistent with the use catalytic dehydration of fructose (available
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from corn starch) and related sugars such as sequences have been developed for the sole
glucose, sucrose, and inulin as a source of 5- purpose of nonselectively converting residual
HMF. Standard preparation of 5-HMF is car- lignin remaining with the cellulose into small,
ried out using aqueous acid catalysts.494–496 low-molecular-weight materials that are easily
The process can be improved by dehydrating washed out.507 Catalysis is playing a role in
the fructose with an Amberlyst catalyst in an these processes.508–518 Nonetheless, more
ionic liquid as the reaction medium. Other selective catalytic lignin conversion processes
solid acid catalysts have been reported.497–499 continue to be examined.519
Sub- and supercritical acetone has also been
used as an alternative medium to improve 5- General Lignin Oxidation Processes. A
HMF production.500 5-HMF yields of 80 per- vast amount of work has been done on lignin oxi-
cent were reported under these conditions in dation, primarily to understand and develop new
comparison to control reaction yields of only pulp bleaching processes. More recently, the use
50 percent.501 A number of heterogeneous cat- of catalytic processes has been examined. If
alysts have been used to promote this transfor- made selective, these types of processes could
mation.483 The use of vanadyl phosphate yield a broader family of lignin-derived primary
doped with trivalent metal cations has been building blocks. Because of the complexity of
reported as effective for the production of 5- lignin’s structure, much of the actual research
HMF in high yield without the formation of has been carried out using lignin models. The
polymeric byproducts.502 Niobium phosphate oxidation of lignin models with HOOH in the
catalysts have also been investigated,503,504 as presence of Co catalysts has been studied.520,521
well as acidic mordenites.505 A mechanism for Several more selective oxidation processes
the catalytic reaction over zeolites has also have been examined for the conversion of lignin
been suggested.506 to biorefinery building blocks. Oxidation of
lignin residue from dilute acid pretreatment
leads to a stream of mixed aromatic aldehy-
Lignin Deconstruction
des.522 Cu-catalyzed lignin oxidation with oxy-
Deconstruction of lignin has been carried out gen leads to the production of monomeric
for over a century, but in a largely nonselective phenols.523 Improved separation technology can
manner. There is no doubt that lignin is widely allow effective use of these mixed streams
available. It contributes as much as 30 percent within the biorefinery.524,525 Modeling has
to the weight of lignocellulosic biomass, mak- shown lignin conversion into quinones using
ing it second only to cellulose as a source of cobalt and heteropolyacid catalysts.526–528 and
renewable carbon. Because lignocellulosic will aromatic aldehydes with catalytic NO2 in the
be a major raw material source available to the presence of oxygen.529
biorefinery, isolation of sugars for use in one
operating unit of the biorefinery guarantees a Phenol Hydrogenation. In principle, appro-
parallel lignin process stream. Moreover, the priate lignin deconstruction processes will pro-
separation processes described earlier will pro- vide a stream of mixed phenols. Reduction of
vide separate carbohydrate and lignin compo- these phenols will lead to a new source of cyclic
nents. Lignin’s native structure (a complex aliphatic alcohols of potential use in the manu-
network of oxygenated aromatic rings) cer- facture of adipic acid derivatives. Several cat-
tainly suggests that it could play a central role alytic processes for these types of reductions have
as a new chemical feedstock. But today’s real- appeared for phenol and should be applicable to
ity is that lignin is routinely relegated to very lignin-derived mixed phenols. Phenol itself is
low value uses when considered as a biorefin- reduced to cyclohexanol in the presence of vari-
ery process stream. In the pulp and paper ous heterogeneous catalysts based on Pd.530–535
industry, the bulk of the removed lignin is used
as a boiler fuel for chemical recovery. In other Vanillin. Catalytic oxidation of lignin has
parts of the process, elegant bleaching long been used as a source of vanillin. For the
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most part, yields in these processes tend to be very lower-cost biomass feedstocks. Integrating
low, generally less than 10 percent. However, lower-cost feedstocks with advances in higher-
vanillin production can be used to provide a efficiency biomass thermochemical conversion
low-volume, high-value revenue stream within processes for the production of fuels, chemicals,
certain lignin-generating operations.536,537 The and combined heat and power, provides a
mechanism of the transformation has been number of realizable social, economic, energy,
reported.538–542 and infrastructure security benefits for the
As defined above, biomass materials can be
CONCLUSIONS quite varied with a wide range of physical,
Deconstruction of biomass raw materials fuel, and chemical properties. This variability
offers the biorefinery access to a large num- in the inherent properties of biomass
ber of both polymeric and monomeric pri- resources determines conversion technology
mary building blocks. Biomass offers options that are appropriate for specific appli-
significant flexibility as to the product slate cations.
that various separation processes may realize. Thermochemical conversion applications
These materials, which are the biorefinery are generally fuel-flexible when it comes to
analogues to ethylene, propylene, BTX, and variations in biomass composition. The main
other building block chemicals of the petro- biomass fuel properties that affect the long-
chemical refinery, will serve as the platforms term technical and economic success of a
from which much larger families of products thermochemical conversion process are mois-
can be produced. Importantly, these processes ture content, fixed carbon and volatiles con-
also offer access to a wide range of new struc- tent, impurity (S, N, Cl) concentrations, and
tures that can complement those currently ash content. Collectively, these properties
available from the petrochemical industry. affect the energy density of biomass fuels. The
The challenge in using these materials will be higher heating value of biomass on a dry and
development of appropriate technology tai- ash-free basis is typically around 8000–9000
lored to accommodate these structures and Btu/lb (18.5–20 MJ/kg). High moisture and
facilitate their conversion into biorefinery ash contents reduce the usable energy of bio-
intermediates and final products. mass fuels proportionally. Therefore, from an
energy perspective, maximum system effi-
ciencies are possible with dry, low-ash bio-
THERMOCHEMICAL BIOMASS mass fuels. However, drying biomass can be
CONVERSION costly and low-ash biomass resources are gen-
erally considered premium fuels that tend to
be more expensive.
Biomass combustion has been a source of The bulk density of biomass feedstocks is
heat and light for thousands of years and is also quite low compared to traditional fossil
one of the oldest examples of thermochemical fuels. Lower bulk densities and lower energy
biomass conversion. More recently, biomass densities translate into higher costs for feed-
thermochemical conversion processes and stock preparation, handling, and transporta-
technologies are receiving renewed attention tion, putting biomass conversion technologies
as concerns about the sustainability of energy at an economic disadvantage in current energy
resources increase and mounting evidence of markets. Consequently, biomass utilization is
global climate change brought about by fossil most advantageous when the feedstock is
fuel consumption continues to be revealed. either a high-volume waste product of an
Advances in crop production and harvesting, existing system or is readily available in close
collection, and use of biomass from thinning proximity to the conversion plant. Examples
operations for improved forest health, and uti- of this can be found in the pulp and paper and
lization of biomass residues can provide wood products industries. In fact, the pulp and
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TABLE 33.5 Proximate and Ultimate Analyses of Selected Biomass Feedstocks

Black Thunder Coal

Pittsburgh #8 Coal
Almond Shells

Alfalfa Stems
Wheat Straw

Corn Stover

Rice Straw
HHV, MJ/kg, dry 19.18 19.46 19.34 18.36 14.71 17.64 18.06 19.01 18.63 29.75 31.80
Proximate wt% as received
Ash 0.48 1.16 0.85 4.22 17.30 6.55 4.75 2.80 4.78 5.08 7.90
Volatile 78.52 80.99 76.52 72.73 65.62 75.54 75.96 70.13 71.59 42.70 36.80
Fixed Carbon 11.66 13.05 12.40 14.89 14.23 16.22 13.23 19.22 14.34 30.91 1.14
Moisture 9.34 4.80 10.23 8.16 7.35 6.58 6.06 7.85 9.29 21.30 54.16
Ultimate wt% as received
Moisture 9.34 4.80 10.23 8.16 7.35 6.58 6.06 7.85 9.29 21.30 1.14
C 44.89 47.05 44.07 43.04 35.42 41.96 43.98 46.20 42.79 55.01 78.02
H 5.21 5.71 5.29 5.37 4.82 5.09 5.39 5.48 5.44 3.97 4.87
O* 39.92 41.01 39.21 38.58 34.14 39.28 39.10 36.94 35.09 0.74 1.36
N 0.13 0.22 0.32 0.53 0.81 0.40 0.62 0.68 2.43 0.38 2.78
S 0.03 0.05 0.03 0.10 0.17 0.14 0.10 0.03 0.18 13.45 3.93
Cl** 0.05 0.01 0.01 0.46 0.54 0.21 0.25 0.01 0.45 0.06 0.09

paper industry is the largest generator and mass-fueled systems. The chemical composi-
consumer of biomass energy in the form of tion of biomass ash and the concentration of S,
process heat and electricity produced from N, and Cl in the biomass can have detrimental
black liquor recovery boilers and bark/hog fuel impacts on long-term system operability and
boilers. Agricultural practices for grain pro- environmental performance.
duction also provide the potential to use local- Biomass can be used in thermochemical
ized residues such as straws and stover in processes to produce heat and electricity, as with
biomass thermochemical processes. In the other renewable energy technologies. However,
future, dedicated energy crops such as switch- biomass resources are uniquely suited for con-
grass, poplar, and willow could potentially version into liquid transportation fuels, chemi-
provide a renewable sustainable source of fuel cals, and materials. Thermochemical conversion
for thermochemical conversion processes. of biomass into heat and power, transportation
Important biomass fuel properties for ther- fuels, and chemical feedstocks is achieved by
mochemical conversion processes are reported using one of three processes: pyrolysis, gasifi-
as proximate and ultimate analyses. The proxi- cation, or combustion. All of these processes
mate and ultimate analyses for selected biomass effectively use thermal energy to dehydrate,
feedstocks are presented in Table 33.5. For devolatilize, depolymerize, and oxidize, par-
comparison, the analyses from two selected tially or completely, lignocellulosic materials to
coal samples are also presented. Biomass gen- varying degrees. These thermochemical conver-
erally has a lower energy density than coal, oils, sion processes are arranged in Fig. 33.29 in
and natural gas; it also has higher oxygen con- terms of process severity that can be considered
tent. The higher volatiles and oxygen content of a function of temperature and residence time.
biomass translate into a higher reactivity com- Increased temperature also correlates with
pared to traditional fossil fuels. In terms of ther- increasing oxidation, especially for autothermal
mochemical conversions, this means that less processes. Pressure does not necessarily affect
severe process conditions (lower temperature process severity but can affect the product com-
and shorter residence time) are required for bio- position of thermochemical conversion.
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Biomass Thermochemical Conversion

Pyrolysis Gasification Combustion

ER ≈ 0 0 < ER < 1 ER ≥ 0

Vapor H2O Primary Light HC’s CO, H2, H2O, CO2

Phase CO, CO2 Vapors (aromatics, H2O, CO2, CH4, CO, NOx, SOx,
oxygenates) olefins, tars, HCl, alkalis
NH3, H2S, HCl

Condensed Oils
(high P)
Liquid (phenols, aromatics) Condensible Tars
Phase (BTX, phenols, aromatics)
Primary Liquids
(low P, short τ)

Solid Charcoal
Char/Coke Soot Fly Ash,
Phase (high P, long τ) Bottom Ash

300 - 600 700 - 850 > 90

Temperature C

Fig. 33.29. General product composition as a function of process severity for biomass thermochemical

Biomass pyrolysis is the thermal depolymer- Biomass gasification consists of several ele-
ization of biomass at modest temperatures in mentary steps that occur during the partial oxi-
the absence of added oxygen. The slate of dation of biomass by a gasifying agent,
products from biomass pyrolysis depends on generally air, oxygen, or steam. Initial heating
the process temperature, pressure, and resi- of the biomass leads to evaporation of water. A
dence time of the liberated pyrolysis further increase in temperature initiates bio-
vapors.546–549 Charcoal yields of up to 35 per- mass pyrolysis followed by the partial oxidation
cent550 can be achieved for slow pyrolysis at of pyrolysis vapors. The char remaining after a
low temperature, high pressure, and long resi- biomass particle is devolatilized is also gasi-
dence time. Flash pyrolysis is used to optimize fied. The biomass gasification product gas is a
the liquid products in an oil known as bio- low- to medium-energy content gas (depending
crude or bio-oil.548 High heating rates and on the gasifying agent), known as synthesis gas
short residence times enable rapid biomass or syngas, that consists mainly of CO, H2, CO2,
pyrolysis while minimizing vapor cracking H2O, N2, CH4, and other hydrocarbons. Minor
to optimize liquid product yields with up to components of the product gas include tars, sul-
80 percent efficiency. Hydrothermal upgrading fur and nitrogen oxides, alkali metals, and par-
is a related process that produces a bio-oil ticulates. These minor components of the
product that converts wet biomass at high pres- product gas potentially threaten the successful
sures into oxygenated hydrocarbons. Biomass application of downstream syngas utilization
liquefaction converts wet biomass feedstocks processes. Gas composition and quality are
into liquid hydrocarbons at low temperatures in dependent on a wide range of factors including
a high-pressure hydrogen environment. feedstock composition, type of gasification
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reactor, gasification agents, stoichiometry, tem- present and future application of these ther-
perature, pressure, and the presence or lack of mochemical biomass conversion processes
catalysts. are discussed in the following sections.
Biomass combustion systems range from
very small-scale home heating applications
(wood and pellet stoves) to small-scale com-
mercial heating applications (furnaces and Pyrolysis as defined is a process of thermal
boilers) to modest-size biomass power plants decomposition occurring in the absence of
(20–50 MWe) to large-scale recovery boilers oxygen. Pyrolysis of biomass is a complicated
(400 MWth) used in the pulp and paper indus- multistage reaction for which many pathways
try. Direct biomass combustion systems can and mechanisms have been proposed.551–558
be used to generate process heat and electric- The best known is the model developed by
ity through traditional Rankine steam cycles Broido and Shafizadeh559,560 for pyrolysis of
at relatively low (17–25%) thermal conver- cellulose that can be also applied, at least
sion efficiencies. Biomass can also be co- qualitatively, to whole biomass (Fig. 33.30).
combusted with coal to take advantage of the As shown in this model, pyrolysis of cellulose
high efficiency of large-scale pulverized- always results in solid, liquid, and gaseous prod-
coal-fired power plants. Biomass combustion ucts. However, the proportions of the product
processes are generally feasible only if feed- yields can change depending on the process
stocks contain less than 50 percent moisture. conditions. The knowledge of thermodynamics
Each of these thermochemical conversion and kinetics of the reaction pathways allows us
processes has unique technical barriers and to adjust the conditions to maximize the yield
challenges that have been overcome with of desired products. Dehydration of cellulose is
varying degrees of technical and economic exothermic, whereas depolymerization and sec-
success. The applications of these thermo- ondary vapor cracking are endothermic and
chemical conversion technologies are also in have higher activation energy than dehydration.
various stages of commercial application. For Therefore, lower process temperature and
example, biomass combustion and biomass longer vapor residence times will favor the pro-
pyrolysis for production of a specific food duction of charcoal. High temperature and
additive are commercially practiced. Other longer residence time will increase the biomass
technologies such as biomass gasification and conversion to gas, and moderate temperature
use in integrated combined cycles for power and short vapor residence time, necessary to
production are in the demonstration stage. minimize secondary cracking, are optimum for
The technical details and challenges facing producing liquids. Table 33.6 provides data on

II Water, char, CO2

(dehydration, decarboxylation, carbonisation)

Bio-polymer I “Active” cellulose

III Volatiles
(depolymerisation and scission products, prompt gas)

IV Secondary tar, char, gas

Fig. 33.30. Broido and Shafizadeh model for pyrolysis of cellulose.

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TABLE 33.6 Modes of Pyrolysis and are also recovered. The technologies for pro-
Typical Products of Wood Pyrolysis ducing charcoal have been reviewed in many
textbooks562 and a comprehensive review of
Liquid Char Gas
% % % the fundamentals of slow pyrolysis processes
was recently published.550
Fast Pyrolysis 75 12 13
Moderate temperature and
short residence time, Fast Pyrolysis
particularly vapor
Carbonization 30 35 35 Fast pyrolysis is one of the most recent renew-
Low temperature and able energy processes developed to maximize
long residence time the production of the liquid product, bio-oil. It
Gasification 5 10 85 has achieved commercial status for production
High temperature and of chemicals and is very close to commercial-
long residence times ization for the production of liquid fuels.
Although related to the traditional slow pyrol-
ysis processes for making charcoal, fast pyrol-
the product distribution obtained by different ysis is carried out at a higher temperature
modes of pyrolysis process. (450–550 C) and with much higher biomass
Pyrolysis is always the first step in biomass heating rates (100–1000 C/s). As a result, bio-
thermochemical processes in which it is fol- mass decomposes to generate mostly vapors,
lowed by total or partial oxidation of the pri- gases, and aerosols, and less charcoal. After
mary products. Pyrolysis of biomass has been cooling and condensation of the volatiles, a
practiced for many thousand years to produce dark brown liquid is formed that has a heating
charcoal. In 1996, the world annual charcoal value about half that of conventional fuel oil.
production was estimated at 100 million The essential features of a fast pyrolysis
tons.550,561 Charcoal is a very important fuel in process are:
developing countries and is still a highly
● Very high heating and heat transfer rates,
desired reductant in the metallurgical industry
usually requiring a finely ground biomass
because of its low sulfur and mercury content.
Large amounts of charcoal are also used to
● Carefully controlled pyrolysis reaction
produce activated carbons extensively used
temperature of around 500ºC in the vapor
for cleaning water and air. Charcoal is pro-
phase, with short vapor residence times
duced by a slow pyrolysis process occurring
of typically less than 2 seconds
at temperature 350–450 C with low biomass
● Rapid cooling of the pyrolysis vapors to
heating rates (1–10 C/min). In most processes,
give the bio-oil product.
part of the raw material is oxidized, using a
limited air access, to provide heat for the The main product, bio-oil, is obtained in
process. Although charcoal formation reac- yields of up to 75 percent wt on dry feed
tions are slightly exothermic, heat is needed basis, together with byproduct char and gas,
for drying biomass, which always contains which are used within the process, so there
moisture. Existing charcoal plants range from are no waste streams. Several reviews on fast
earth mound kilns to retorts operating in pyrolysis have been published in recent years
batch mode (cycles from 20 days to 24 hours) that cover, the production, utilization, stor-
to continuous shaft reactors having through- age, and upgrading of biomass pyrolysis
put up to 30 tons/day. Depending on the pro- oils.546,547,549,563–570
duction method, the yields of charcoal can A wide range of reactors such as bubbling
vary from 10 to 35 percent based on dry and circulating fluidized beds, ablative,
wood. In the more developed processes entrainment, rotating cone, auger, and vac-
(Degussa, Lambiotte, Lurgi) byproducts such uum have been operated. Fluidized beds were
as acetic acid, methanol, and other chemicals the most often used because of their ease of
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Cool &

Fig. 33.31. Model for bio-oil production from biomass.

operation and ready scaleup. A typical bub- that for conventional fuel oils and it is also
bling fluidized-bed configuration presented in immiscible with hydrocarbon fuels. An even
Fig. 33.31 uses the byproduct gas and char to more important consequence of the organic
provide the process heat. It also includes the oxygen in bio-oil is its limited stability.
necessary steps of drying the feed to less than Liquid bio-oil can be easily transported and
10 percent water to minimize the water in the stored. Czernik and Bridgwater reviewed the
product liquid oil, and grinding the feed to research on use of bio-oils for heat and power
around 2 mm to supply sufficiently small par- generation, showing that it is possible and usu-
ticles to ensure rapid reaction. ally only requires minor modifications of exist-
Bio-oil from rapid pyrolysis is usually a ing equipment.550 Bio-oil has been successfully
dark brown, free-flowing liquid having a dis- used as boiler fuel and also showed promise for
tinctive smoky odor. It has significantly dif- diesel engines and gas turbines.549,565,571–584
ferent physical and chemical properties Upgrading bio-oil to a quality for liquid trans-
compared to the liquid from slow pyrolysis portation fuels still poses several technical chal-
processes, which is more like a tar. Bio-oils lenges and is not currently economically
are multicomponent mixtures comprised of attractive.549,564,583,585–588
different size molecules derived primarily
from depolymerization and fragmentation Slow Pyrolysis
reactions of the three key biomass building
blocks: cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin. For many centuries, wood slow-pyrolysis liq-
Therefore, the elemental composition of bio- uids were a major source of chemicals such
oil resembles that of biomass rather than that
of petroleum oils. Basic properties of bio- TABLE 33.7 Typical Properties of Wood
oils are shown in Table 33.7. More detail on Derived Bio-Oil
fuel-related characteristics is provided in the Physical Property Typical Value
The single most abundant bio-oil component Moisture content 15–30%
pH 2.5
is water. The other major groups of compounds Specific gravity 1.20
identified are hydroxyaldehydes, hydroxyke- Elemental analysis
tones, sugars, carboxylic acids, and phenolics. C 56.4%
Most of the phenolic compounds are present as H 6.2%
oligomers having a molecular weight ranging O 37.3%
N 0.1%
from 900 to 2500. The presence of oxygen in Ash 0.1%
many bio-oil components is the primary reason HHV as produced (depends on 16–19 MJ/kg
for differences in properties and behavior from moisture)
those of fossil hydrocarbon fuels. Because of Viscosity (at 40 C and 25% water) 40–100 cp
its high oxygen, bio-oil has an energy density Solids (char) 1%
Vacuum distillation residue up to 50%
(heating value) that is less than 50 percent of
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as methanol, acetic acid, turpentine, and tars. reaction describing biomass gasification is as
At present, most of these compounds can be follows.
produced at a lower cost from other feed-
biomass  O2 (or H2O) S CO, CO2,
stocks derived from natural gas, crude oil, or
coal. Though more than 300 compounds have H2O, H2, CH4  other hydrocarbons (33-1)
been identified in wood fast pyrolysis oil, S tar  char  ash
their amounts are small. Isolation of specific S HCN  NH3  HCl  H2S  other
single compounds is seldom practical or eco- sulfur gases
nomical, because it usually requires complex
separation techniques. Some chemicals pro- The actual amount of CO, CO2, H2O, H2, tars,
duced from the whole bio-oil or by its frac- and hydrocarbons depends on the partial oxi-
tionation are already commercial products. dation of the volatile products, as shown in
Liquid smoke food flavoring is one example. Equation (2).
A few others such as pyrolytic lignin as phe-
nol replacement in resins and bio-oil-based CnHm  (n/2  m/4) O2
slow-release fertilizer have a chance for S nCO  (m/2) H2O (33-2)
short-term commercialization, especially in
the context of a bio-refinery based on a fast The char yield in a gasification process can
pyrolysis process. Commercialization of spe- be optimized to maximize carbon conversion
cialty chemicals such as glycolaldehyde or or the char can be combusted to provide heat
levoglucosan589 from bio-oil requires more for the process. Char is partially oxidized or
work to develop reliable low-cost separation gasified according to the following reactions.
procedures. C  1⁄2O2 S CO (33-3)
C  H2O S CO  H2 (33-4)
GASIFICATION C  CO2 S 2CO (Boudouard reaction)
Biomass gasification can effectively convert a
very heterogeneous material into a consistent
The gasification product gas composition,
gaseous fuel intermediate for heating, indus-
particularly the H2/CO ratio, can be further
trial process applications, electricity genera-
adjusted by reforming and shift chemistry.
tion, and liquid fuels production. Biomass
Additional hydrogen is formed when CO
gasification is a complex thermochemical
reacts with excess water vapor according to
process that consists of a number of elemen-
the water–gas shift reaction.
tary chemical reactions, beginning with the
thermal decomposition of a lignocellulosic CO  H2O 4 CO2  H2 (33-6)
fuel followed by partial oxidation of the fuel
with a gasifying agent, usually air, oxygen, or Reforming the light hydrocarbons and tars
steam.590 Volatile matter released as the bio- formed during biomass gasification also pro-
mass fuel is heated partially oxidizes to yield duces hydrogen. Steam reforming and so-
the combustion products H2O and CO2, plus called dry or CO2 reforming occur according
heat to continue the endothermic gasification to the following reactions and are usually pro-
process. Water vaporizes and biomass pyroly- moted by the use of catalysts.
sis continues as the fuel is heated. Thermal CnHm  nH2O S n CO  (n  m/2) H2
decomposition and partial oxidation of the
pyrolysis vapors occur at higher temperatures,
and yield a product gas composed of CO, CnHm  nCO2 S (2n) CO  (m/2) H2
CO2, H2O, H2, CH4, other gaseous hydrocar- (33-8)
bons (including oxygenated hydrocarbons
from some processes), tars, char, volatile The actual biomass gasification product gas
inorganic constituents, and ash. A generalized composition depends heavily on the gasification
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process, the gasifying agent, and the feedstock In downdraft gasification, the gasifying
composition.591,592 medium and biomass fuel both flow in the
same direction as the solid bed. This design
tends to minimize tar and oil production. The
Gasifier Reactor Designs
fuel and pyrolytic gases and vapors move co-
Four primary types of biomass gasification currently downward through the bed. The
systems have been developed. These include pyrolysis products pass through hot char
fixed-bed reactors, bubbling fluidized-bed (about 15% of the original feed) into a com-
reactors, circulating fluidized-bed reactors, bustion zone where they mix with air and are
and entrained-flow reactors. Fixed-bed gasi- thermally cracked and partially oxidized. The
fiers can be classified primarily as updraft oxidizer concentration diminishes down-
and downdraft.593 Updraft gasifiers represent stream of the combustion zone forming a
the oldest and simplest gasifiers. The updraft reduction zone. The remaining hot char in the
gasifier is a counterflow system where fuel reduction zone reduces some of the combus-
is introduced into the top of the gasifier and tion products, CO2 and H2O, to CO and H2.
flows downward and the gasifying medium The product gas exits the gasifier at fairly
is introduced below the grate and flows high temperature, around 700ºC. Downdraft
upwards through the reactor. Feed particle gasification systems typically have low over-
size needs to be controlled to maintain a uni- all thermal efficiency because of heat losses
form bed. from the product gases, however, tar conver-
Char burns in the combustion zone at the sion is high, greater than 99 percent, and is a
bottom of the reactor, forming CO2 and function of temperature, combustion effi-
steam, which flow upward through the bed. ciency, and channeling.
Residual ash is removed from the bottom of Downdraft and updraft gasifiers have the
the reactor at the grate. Operational problems same general constraints on feed properties.
can be avoided for feeds with low-melting- The feed needs to have a fairly uniform parti-
point ash by carefully controlling the temper- cle size with few fines to maintain bed physi-
ature in the combustion zone or with fuel cal properties and minimize channeling. A
blending or additives to alter the ash chem- low-ash feed with a high fusion temperature is
istry on the grate. also preferred to prevent slagging. Feed mois-
The exothermic combustion reactions sup- ture content also needs to be less than about
ply the energy to drive gasification, pyrolysis, 20 percent to maintain the high temperatures
and drying. Above the combustion zone is the required for tar cracking. A variation on the
reduction zone where CO2 and H2O are par- downdraft gasifier is the crossflow gasifier in
tially reduced to CO and H2 according to reac- which air is introduced tangentially at the bot-
tions 4 and 5. The next area of the reactor is tom of the reactor. The principle of operation
the pyrolysis zone where these gases are hot of the crossflow gasifier is the same as the
enough to devolatilize the biomass to produce downdraft gasifier.
pyrolysis products and residual char. At the Alternative gasifier designs are based on
top of the reactor the product gases and more complex reactor systems to maximize
pyrolytic vapors dry the wet biomass. Product heat transfer and gas–solid interactions by
gases exit the gasifier at temperatures (typi- introducing biomass into a moving bed of
cally 80–100 C) higher than the dew point of high-temperature solids.594 In a gas–solid flu-
the product gas. A wide range of condensable idized bed, a stream of gas passes upwards
tars and oils is produced in the pyrolysis zone. through a bed of selected free-flowing granu-
These can condense in transfer lines at the lar materials such as silica, olivine, limestone,
output of the gasifier. For this reason, updraft dolomite, or alumina. A gas distribution man-
gasifiers are usually operated in a close-cou- ifold or series of sparge tubes595–597 is used to
pled mode to a furnace or boiler to produce maintain gas velocities high enough to freely
steam or hot water. circulate the widely separated solid particles
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so that the bed resembles a boiling liquid and bubbling beds to about 9.1 m3/s. The residence
has the physical properties of a fluid. time of the solids in a circulating fluidized bed
Above the bed in a fluidized-bed gasifier, is determined by the solids circulation rate, the
the cross-sectional area of the reactor is solids attrition rate, and the collection effi-
increased to produce a disengaging zone ciency of the solids separation device.
where the superficial gas velocity is below flu-
idization velocity.598 This allows the entrained
Biomass-Gasification Product Gas
sand particles to fall back down and maintain
the bed inventory over time. This larger cross- Various gasification technologies have been
sectional area zone, or freeboard, can be investigated for converting biomass into a
extended to obtain the total desired gas-phase gaseous fuel. The energy content of the gasi-
residence time for complete devolatilization. fication product gas ranges from 5 MJ/Nm3 to
Eroded bed material or fine char and ash par- 15 MJ/Nm3 and is considered a low-to-
ticles that escape the reactor can be collected medium energy-content gas compared to nat-
in a cyclone and either returned to the bed or ural gas (35 MJ/Nm3).600,601 The relative
removed from the system. amount of CO, CO2, H2O, H2, and hydrocar-
In a fluidized-bed gasifier, the oxidizer (air, bons depends on the stoichiometry of the
oxygen, or steam) typically doubles as the flu- gasification process and the selected gasifica-
idizing medium. Biomass can be introduced tion medium. The air/fuel ratio in a gasifica-
either on top of the bed or through an auger tion process generally ranges from 0.2–0.35
into the bed. In-bed feeding improves the con- and if steam is the gasifying agent, the
version of fine particles that would otherwise steam/biomass ratio is around 1. If air is used
be entrained in the fluidizing gas if they were as the gasifying agent, then roughly half of
introduced on top of the bed. As biomass is the product gas is N2.602
introduced into the bed, the organic pyrolysis Air-blown, or directly heated gasifiers, use
vapors are released and partially oxidized in the exothermic reaction between oxygen and
the bed. The exothermic combustion provides organics to provide the heat necessary to
the heat to maintain the bed temperature devolatilize biomass and to convert residual
around 800ºC and to volatilize additional bio- carbon-rich chars. In these directly heated gasi-
mass. Bed temperature is governed by the fiers, the heat to drive the process is generated
desire to obtain complete devolatilization internally within the gasifier. Thus, when air is
(95–99% carbon conversion) versus the need used, the resulting product gas is diluted with
to maintain the bed temperature below the nitrogen and typically has a dry-basis calorific
ash-fusion temperature of the biomass ash. value of about 5–6 MJ/Nm3. The dry-basis
As the gas flow in a bubbling fluidized bed calorific value of the product gas can be
is increased, a turbulent fluidized bed is increased to 13–14 MJ/Nm3 by using oxygen
formed. The gas bubbles become larger, larger instead of air. Oxygen production is expensive,
voids are formed in the bed, and more solids however, and its use has only been proposed
are entrained in the exit gas flow. A circulating for direct-heating gasification applications
fluidized-bed system results if these solids are involving the production of synthesis gas
collected, separated from the gas, and returned where nitrogen is not permitted in downstream
to the bed through a continuous solids circula- synthesis conversion operations. Oxygen typi-
tion loop. A circulating fluidized bed differs cally costs $40 to $60 per Mg and typically is
from a bubbling fluidized bed in that there is used at the rate of 0.25 to 0.3 Mg/Mg of bio-
no distinct separation between the dense solids mass, a cost equivalent to $10 to $20 per Mg
zone and the dilute solids zone. Circulating of biomass.603 Indirectly heated gasifiers
fluidized-bed densities are about 560 kg/m3 accomplish biomass heating and gasification
compared to a bubbling-bed density of 720 through heat transfer from a hot solid or a
kg/m.599 To achieve the lower bed density, gas heat transfer surface. Because air is not intro-
rates are increased from the 1.5–3.7 m3/s of duced into the gasifier, little nitrogen diluent
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is present and a medium calorific gas is pro- tional definitions of “tars” usually comes
duced; dry basis values of 18-20 MJ/Nm3 are from the variable product gas compositions
typical. required for a particular end-use application
Gas phase impurities in syngas include and how the “tars” are collected and analyzed.
NH3, HCN, other nitrogen-containing gases, Tar sampling protocols are being devel-
H2S, other sulfur gases, HCl, alkali metals, oped605–607 to help standardize the way tars are
organic hydrocarbons (tar), and particulates. collected; however, these methods are not yet
The concentration of these non-syngas com- widely established.
ponents strongly depends on the feedstock
composition. Gasification of biomass con-
Syngas Cleanup and Conditioning
taining high nitrogen and sulfur contents
yields high levels of NH3 and H2S in the syn- Gas conditioning is a general term for remov-
gas stream. HCl concentration in biomass- ing the unwanted impurities from biomass-
derived syngas directly correlates with the gasification product gas and generally
chlorine content of the feedstock. Alkali involves an integrated, multistep approach that
metal, mostly potassium, in syngas is related depends on the end use of the product
to the alkali content in the biomass ash. Ash gas.608–611 For close-coupled gasifier-combus-
particles entrained in syngas affect the alkali tor systems, no gas cleanup is required. For
metal content in syngas. The concentration of gas-turbine power generation, the gas has to be
alkali vapors or aerosols in syngas depends on free of particulates, tars, sulfur, and chlorine
the ash chemistry of the selected biomass compounds, and of alkali metals to ensure the
feedstock and the temperature of the gasifica- integrity of the turbine hot section.612–615
tion process. Particulate removal to protect the turbine
The organic impurities in syngas range blades from erosion requires filtration tech-
from low-molecular-weight hydrocarbons to nology, and the removal of tars ensures an
high-molecular-weight polynuclear aromatic even and less luminous combustion process
hydrocarbons. The lower-molecular-weight (to avoid radiative heat transfer problems at
hydrocarbons can be used as fuel in gas tur- the turbine). Alkali metal removal avoids dep-
bines or engines, but are undesirable products osition and corrosion of the turbine blade
in fuel cell applications and methanol synthe- materials. Potassium and sodium levels must
sis. The higher-molecular-weight hydrocar- be reduced to less than 1 part per million to
bons are collectively known as “tar.” Tar ensure long turbine blade and hot-section
yields in biomass-derived syngas can range lifetimes. The tolerance to alkali metals is a
from 0.1 percent (downdraft) to 20 percent function of the temperature of operation of
(updraft) or greater (pyrolysis) in the product the turbine inlet section. At very high tem-
gases. peratures (greater than 1350oC) the level has
One issue associated with biomass gasifier to be less than about 25 parts per billion. The
tars is how they are defined. More often than deposition and corrosion problems can be also
not, tar is given an operational definition by addressed with turbine blade coatings, and it is
those conducting biomass gasification likely that both coating and strengthening of
research. An excellent report by Milne, components will be undertaken as well, as bio-
Abatzoglou, and Evans604 describes in detail mass power technology develops. For internal
the operational definitions of biomass gasifi- combustion use, it is necessary to cool the gas
cation tars as published in the literature and to ensure that a sufficient charge of energy can
provides a comprehensive survey of tar for- be put into each cylinder. Particular attention
mation and conversion. For the most part, has to be given to both tar and particulate con-
“tars” are considered to be the condensable tents, to ensure that valves and cylinders are
fraction of the organic gasification products protected. Fuel-cell applications would require
and are largely aromatic hydrocarbons, the gas to be mainly hydrogen without any sig-
including benzene. The diversity in the opera- nificant sulfur or chloride contamination, to
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protect the electrodes. For synthesis opera- ing the overall efficiency of the process. Hot
tions such as methanol and hydrogen produc- gas conditioning eliminates tars by converting
tion, removal of particulates and contaminants them into desired product gas components,
such as H2S is required to prevent poisoning of thus retaining their chemical energy in the
downstream catalysts. product gas and avoiding treatment of an
Tar removal, conversion, or destruction is additional waste stream. Thermal cracking is
seen as one of the greatest technical chal- a hot gas conditioning option but it requires
lenges for the successful development of temperatures higher than typical gasifier exit
commercial advanced-gasification technolo- temperatures (greater than 1100ºC) to achieve
gies.604 Tars can condense in exit pipes and on high conversion efficiencies. Increased tem-
particulate filters, leading to blockages and peratures for thermally cracking tars can
clogged filters. Tars also have varied impacts come from adding oxygen to the process and
on other downstream processes. Tars can clog consuming some of the product gas to provide
fuel lines and injectors in internal combustion additional heat. Thermal destruction of tars
engines. Luminous combustion and erosion may also produce soot that is an unwanted
from soot formation can occur in pressurized impurity in the product gas stream.
combined-cycle systems where the product An attractive hot gas conditioning method
gases are burned in a gas turbine. The product for tar destruction is catalytic steam reform-
gas from an atmospheric-pressure gasifica- ing.616–621 This technique offers several advan-
tion process needs to be compressed before it tages: (1) catalyst reactor temperatures can be
is burned in a gas turbine and tars can con- thermally integrated with the gasifier exit
dense in the compressor or in the transfer temperature, (2) the composition of the prod-
lines as the product gas cools. uct gas can be catalytically adjusted, and (3)
If the end use of the gas requires cooling to steam can be added to the catalyst reactor to
near ambient temperatures, it is possible to ensure complete reforming of tars. Catalytic
use wet scrubbing and filtration or other phys- tar destruction has been studied for several
ical removal methods, to remove tars. Wet decades622–624 and a number of reviews have
scrubbing is an effective gas-conditioning been written on biomass gasification hot gas
process that condenses the tars out of the cleanup.604,621,625 Numerous catalysts have
product gas. This technology is available and been tested for tar destruction activity at a
can be optimized for tar removal. A disadvan- broad range of scales. Novel catalyst formula-
tage of wet scrubbing for product gas condi- tions have been sought to increase the activity
tioning is the formation and accumulation of and lifetime of tar reforming catalysts.
wastewater. This technique does not eliminate Different approaches for integrating catalytic
tars but merely transfers the problem from the tar destruction into biomass gasification sys-
gas phase to the condensed phase. Wastewater tems have also been investigated.
minimization and treatment are important Calcined dolomites are the most widely
considerations when wet scrubbing is used for used nonmetallic catalysts for tar conversion
tar removal. Also, when tar is removed from in biomass gasification processes.626–631 They
the product gas stream, its fuel value is lost are relatively inexpensive and are considered
and the overall efficiency of the integrated disposable. However, they are not very robust
gasification process is reduced. and quickly undergo attrition in fluidized-bed
If the end use requires that the product gas reactors. Consequently, dolomites find most
remain at high temperature, at or slightly use in fixed-bed catalytic reactors. Tar con-
below the gasifier exit temperature, then version efficiency is high when calcined
some method of hot gas cleaning will be dolomites are operated at high temperatures
needed for tar elimination. Wet scrubbing is (900ºC) with steam. Olivine, another natu-
still an option, however, there will be a severe rally occurring mineral, has also demon-
thermodynamic penalty from cooling and strated tar conversion activity similar to that
reheating the conditioned product gas, reduc- of calcined dolomite. Olivine is a much more
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robust material than calcined dolomite and Hot gas conditioning using current or future
has been applied as a primary catalyst to commercially available catalysts offers the best
reduce the output tar levels from fluidized- solution for mitigating biomass gasification
bed biomass gasifiers. tars. Tars are eliminated, methane can be
Commercial Ni catalysts are designed for reformed if desired, and the H2:CO ratio can be
use in fixed-bed applications and are not adjusted in a single step. The best currently
robust enough for fluidized-bed applications, available tar reforming process consists of a
and therefore are not useful as primary in-bed calcined-dolomite guard bed followed by a
catalysts. These catalysts, however, have been fixed-bed Ni-catalyst reforming reactor operat-
extensively used for biomass-gasification tar ing at about 800ºC. Selection of the ideal Ni
conversion as secondary catalysts in separate catalyst is somewhat premature. Commercially
fixed-bed reactors operated independently to available steam reforming catalysts have been
optimize performance.632–634 They have high demonstrated, but several of the novel research
tar-destruction activity with the added advan- catalysts appear to have the potential of longer
tages of completely reforming methane and of lifetimes. This dual-bed hot gas-conditioning
promoting water–gas shift activity that allows concept has been demonstrated and can be
the H2:CO ratio of the product gas to be used to condition the product gas from any
adjusted. Some studies have also shown that developing gasification process. A proprietary
nickel catalyzes the reverse ammonia reac- Ni-monolith catalyst has also shown consider-
tion, thus reducing the amount of NH3 in gasi- able promise for biomass gasification tar
fication product gas. destruction.620
A limitation of nickel catalyst use for hot
gas conditioning of biomass gasification
Biomass-Derived Syngas Utilization
product gases is rapid deactivation, limiting
catalyst lifetimes. Ni catalyst deactivation is Biomass gasification is a promising thermo-
caused by several factors. Sulfur, chlorine, chemical conversion technique for producing
and alkali metals, that may be present in gasi- electricity and liquid fuels for power genera-
fication product gases, act as catalyst poi- tion because of the high efficiencies projected
sons. Coke formation on the catalyst surface for integrated-gasification combined-cycle
can be substantial when tar levels in product systems. Solid or gasified biomass can be
gases are high. Coke can be removed by burned as boiler fuel to generate electricity
regenerating the catalyst, however, repeated via the steam cycle. Biomass syngas can,
high-temperature processing of nickel cata- however, also be used in diesel, internal com-
lysts can lead to sintering, phase transforma- bustion, or Stirling engines, in high-efficiency
tions, and volatilization of the nickel. gas turbines, or in high-efficiency fuel cells,
Continued disposal of spent toxic Ni catalysts all with higher efficiency potential. All of
is not economical and poses an environmental these are suitable for even higher efficiency
hazard. use with combined heat and power operation.
Using fixed dolomite guard beds to lower Gasification also enables production of a
the input tar concentration can extend Ni cat- wide range of fuels and chemicals, such as
alyst lifetimes. Adding various promoters and syngas, hydrogen, and liquid fuels or
support modifiers has been demonstrated to methanol, ethanol, and Fischer–Tropsch liq-
improve catalyst lifetime by reducing catalyst uids using commercial processes developed
deactivation by coke formation, sulfur and in the petrochemical industry for the conver-
chlorine poisoning, and sintering. Several sion of methane.
novel, Ni-based catalyst formulations have
been developed that show excellent tar
Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle
reforming activity, improved mechanical
properties for fluidized-bed applications, and The integrated gasification combined cycle
enhanced lifetimes. (IGCC) system has two main components, a
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high-efficiency gas turbine and a heat recovery cells (PEFC), a specialized polymer elec-
steam generation system. This system uses heat trolyte fuel cell using methanol as the fuel
from the turbine exhaust to raise steam and pro- called the direct methanol fuel cell, phos-
duce electricity in a traditional steam turbine phoric acid fuel cells (PAFC), molten carbon-
section. Integrated biomass gasification com- ate fuel cells (MCFC), and solid oxide fuel
bined cycle systems for electricity production cells (SOFC).640–644 These technologies are at
have a number of potential advantages.612,613,635 various stages of commercialization and indi-
Projected process efficiencies are much higher vidual fuel cell systems have different appli-
than the direct combustion systems in commer- cations.643 The high cost of fuel cell systems
cial use today. In a co-generation application, ($1000–$20,000/kW) is one of the more sig-
overall system efficiencies can approach 85 nificant barriers to commercialization.641
percent, thus maximizing the conversion of bio- Integrated biomass gasification fuel cell sys-
mass, a relatively low-energy-density fuel, to tems have potential use for distributed and cen-
heat and power.636–639 These process efficiencies tralized power production. Greater fuel
are comparable to high efficiency large-scale flexibility and greater resistance to impurities
pulverized coal systems, but can be achieved at makes developing high-temperature MCFC
a smaller scale of operation. and SOFC systems the most likely technologies
The increased efficiency in IGCC systems for future biomass applications. These systems
translates into environmental benefits because are currently in various stages of development
emissions per unit energy produced are lower. and demonstration, although molten carbonate
This includes CO, NOx, SOx, CO2, and partic- fuel cell systems are nearer to commercializa-
ulates. NOx and SOx emissions are inherently tion.645,646 Unlike PAFC systems, MCFCs can
lower in biomass IGCC systems because bio- tolerate the high concentrations of CO that are
mass fuels tend to have low N and S contents produced in biomass gasification.640,647,648 This
to start with, and gas cleanup and condition- eliminates the need for water–gas shifting and
ing in biomass gasification systems removes selective CO oxidation that would otherwise
these impurities before the syngas is com- increase system costs and reduce overall effi-
busted in the gas turbine. The same is true for ciency. The higher operating temperatures of
particulates. CO2 emissions are effectively MCFC systems also provide an opportunity for
zero, because biomass is a renewable fuel. co-generation or waste heat utilization that
could improve overall system efficiency to
about 85 percent (lower heating value).649
Fuel Cell Applications
Fuel cell systems have the potential to sub-
Syngas to Liquid Fuels
stantially reduce air and water emissions asso-
ciated with electricity production. In all fuel In its simplest form, syngas is composed of two
cell systems, hydrogen is consumed at the diatomic molecules, CO and H2 that provide the
anode and water is produced at the cathode. building blocks upon which an entire field of
The higher system efficiencies for fuel cells fuel science and technology is based.650–655
translate into enhanced fuel utilization and Sabatier and Sanderens, who produced methane
therefore reduced CO2 emissions compared to by passing CO and H2 over Ni, Fe, and Co cata-
lower efficiency systems. Fuel cell power lysts, discovered the synthesis of hydrocarbons
plants will be capable of exceeding stringent from CO hydrogenation in 1902. At about the
present and future environmental regulations same time, the first commercial hydrogen from
for particulates, NOx, and SOx emissions. syngas produced from steam methane reform-
Without considering batteries and other ing was commercialized. Haber and Bosch dis-
chemical storage devices, there are effectively covered the synthesis of ammonia from H2 and
six types of primary or direct fuel cell tech- N2 in 1910 and the first industrial ammonia
nologies currently being developed: alkaline synthesis plant was commissioned in 1913.
fuel cells (AFC), polymer electrolyte fuel The production of liquid hydrocarbons and
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oxygenates from syngas conversion over synthesis the CO bond remains intact.
iron catalysts was discovered in 1923 by Hydrogen has two roles in catalytic syngas
Fischer and Tropsch. Variations on this syn- synthesis reactions. In addition to being a
thesis pathway were soon to follow for the reactant needed for CO hydrogenation, it is
selective production of methanol, mixed usually used to reduce the metalized synthesis
alcohols, and isosynthesis products. Another catalysts and activate the metal surface.
outgrowth of Fischer–Tropsch Synthesis Since the genesis of syngas conversion to
(FTS) was the hydroformylation of olefins fuels and chemicals, a tremendous amount of
discovered in 1938. Many of the syngas con- research and development has been devoted to
version processes were developed in optimizing product yields and process effi-
Germany during the First and Second World ciencies. This includes the discovery of cata-
War at a time when natural resources were lysts with optimized formulations containing
becoming scarce and alternative routes for the most active metals in combination with
hydrogen production, ammonia synthesis, appropriate additives to improve activity and
and transportation fuels were a necessity. selectivity in a given process. Mechanistic
Syngas composition, most importantly the studies have been conducted to interpret the
H2/CO ratio, varies as a function of produc- fundamentals of specific conversion processes
tion technology and feedstock. Steam and measure the kinetic rates of key chemical
methane reforming yields H2/CO ratios of reactions. Reactor design and engineering is
three to one whereas coal and biomass gasifi- another active research and development area
cation yields ratios closer to unity or lower. of syngas conversion technology. Temperature
Conversely, the required properties of the syn- control and stability in conversion reactors is a
gas are a function of the synthesis process. critical process parameter because of the large
Fewer moles of product almost always occur excess heat of reaction. To optimize commer-
when H2 and CO are converted to fuels and cial synthesis processes, detailed process engi-
chemicals. Consequently, syngas conversion neering and integration are used with respect
processes are more thermodynamically favor- to heat integration and to syngas recycling to
able at higher H2 and CO partial pressures. improve conversion efficiencies. Given the rich
The optimum pressures depend on the spe- history of syngas conversion and the extensive
cific synthesis process. research and development efforts devoted to
Catalytic syngas conversion processes are this field of study, it is not surprising that a vast
exothermic reactions generating large excesses amount of literature is available that tracks the
of heat. This highlights the specific need for scientific and technological advances in syngas
removing this heat of reaction to carefully con- chemistry (see the Fischer–Tropsh Archive at
trol reaction temperatures to maintain opti- A summary of
mized process conditions. Maximizing product various catalytic syngas processes, including
yields, minimizing side or competing reac- types of catalyst and reaction conditions, is
tions, and maintaining catalyst integrity dictate shown in the “star” diagram in Fig. 33.32.655
optimum synthesis reaction temperatures. This is by no means a comprehensive list of
Appropriate catalysts are necessary for all potential products, but identifies the available
fuel and chemical synthesis. The basic concept processes for utilizing syngas for producing
of a catalytic reaction is that reactants adsorb fuels and chemicals.
onto the catalyst surface and rearrange and
combine into products that desorb from the
surface. One of the fundamental functional
differences between various syngas synthesis Biomass combustion is the most common and
catalysts is whether the adsorbed CO molecule historically oldest method of extracting energy
dissociates on the catalyst surface. For FTS from biomass (other than food) either directly,
and higher alcohol synthesis, CO dissociation in the form of heat and light from fire, or indi-
is a necessary reaction condition. For methanol rectly through use of this heat to produce steam
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Waxes Olefins
Diesel Gasoline
Mixed Acetic Acid

acidic ion exchange

Alcohols Fischer-Tropsch

+C n
H latio

Fe, Co, Ru


CH rbon
Zn u/Z /Co


C uO

O nO O/

C oS 2

/C ; A


r 2O Cu l 2O


/Z 3
l 2O

Syngas Cu/ZnO zeolites Olefins


i-C4 Methanol Gasoline
ThO2 or ZrO2





Co ologa

HC Co(C O)(P

H h(C

o( O Ph


CO ) 3P 3) 3


) 4 (B



N2 over Fe/FeO Ethanol


NH3 Aldehydes
(K2O, Al2O3, CaO)

Fig. 33.32. Star diagram showing various high-pressure catalytic processes for converting syngas to
fuels and chemicals.

that drives electricity-generating turbines. sustainable energy resources such as bio-

Biomass is the third largest global source of mass can be combusted instead of coal to
energy, accounting for 14 percent of annual produce heat and power and help reduce the
global energy consumption.656 The scale of accumulation of greenhouse gases as carbon
biomass combustion systems ranges from resi- dioxide is consumed during plant growth.
dential heating and cooking applications to Also, on average, the sulfur content of bio-
small-scale distributed energy production to mass is lower than coal, so increasing the use
large-scale centralized power production. of biomass power can reduce sulfur emis-
Biomass use is very prominent in developing sions from power production. The agricul-
countries, particularly for distributed heat and tural and wood products industries generate
power and for domestic heat, cooking, and large quantities of biomass residues that
light. Large-scale biomass power plants and could provide fuel for electricity production.
industrial biomass utilization for heat and Increasing the use of these waste biomass
power supplant the residential and commercial fuels could alleviate the burdens of waste
biomass heating applications in developed disposal in the agricultural and wood prod-
countries. ucts industries.
The impetus for displacing fossil fuels A number of biomass combustion technolo-
with biomass in heat and power combustion gies exist, including grate-fired and fluidized-
systems is typically to reduce emissions of bed processes.657 The simplest biomass
CO2, and of NOx, SOx, and other air toxics, combustion systems are wood stoves and fur-
or to improve utilization of biomass residues naces. These devices generate hot air that is
and wastes. The threat of increased global used for heating residential and commercial
warming has subjected the use of fossil fuels buildings. Biomass boiler systems are more
to increasing scrutiny in terms of greenhouse fuel flexible than the smaller furnaces and can
gas and pollutant emissions. Renewable and be scaled to larger size and used to generate hot
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water or steam for heat and power applications. tinue to be used as base load power in the
Larger-scale biomass boilers include pile burn- existing electrical distribution system.
ers in which biomass accumulates in a furnace Today’s biopower capacity is based on
and combustion air is fed from above and mature, direct-combustion boiler/steam tur-
below the pile. This relatively simple design is bine technology. The average size of biopower
fuel flexible but has low efficiency and poor plants is 20 MW (the largest approach 100
combustion control, leading to relatively high MW) and the average efficiency from steam-
emissions. turbine generators is 17 to 25 percent. The
In grate-fired boilers, the biomass is fed in small plant sizes lead to higher capital cost per
a thin layer, so it is evenly distributed over a kilowatt-hour of power produced and the low
sloped stationary, traveling, or vibrating electrical conversion efficiencies increase sen-
grate. Improved control over the combustion sitivity to fluctuations in feedstock price.658
process can be achieved with better carbon All biomass energy systems suffer from the
conversion. Fluidized-bed combustors are economic barrier associated with the energy
more complex systems, but offer much bet- cost of producing, transporting, and preparing
ter control of combustion temperature, the biomass feedstock. Significant progress has
improved carbon conversion, and fuel flexi- been made in this area, but to be truly econom-
bility. Using a boiler to produce both heat ically competitive, new feedstocks and methods
and electricity (co-generation) can improve for their harvest and preparation must be devel-
the overall system efficiency to as much as oped. Harvesting, preparation, transportation,
85 percent. Boiler efficiencies are affected and feeding of a variety of biomass feedstocks
by fuel moisture content, air–fuel ratio, suitable for power production must be demon-
excess air, combustion temperature, and strated, and new methods developed for reduc-
biomass ash content. ing costs and energy requirements must be
Direct combustion to raise steam is used in verified. This will reduce the delivered cost of
all of the existing biomass generation plants feedstock to the energy facility to a level more
in the United States today. Biopower is a competitive with fossil fuels.
commercially proven electricity-generating Technical barriers for biopower applications
option in the United States and the following arise from the variability of biomass fuel com-
statistics for the use of biomass for electric- positions. The trace elements in biomass—N,
ity production can be found in the 2004 Cl, K, Na, and ash—contribute to operational
Energy Information Agency publications problems and pollutant emissions in biomass
( Renewable energy con- combustion systems.659–662 The nitrogen con-
sumption in the United States in 2003 tent of biomass can vary considerably. Wood
accounted for 6.2 percent of the nation’s 98- and wood wastes tend to have low nitrogen con-
quad total energy supply. The 2.9 quads of tents because hardwood and softwood trees are
energy from biomass accounted for 47 per- relatively slow growing and unfertilized.
cent of the renewable energy consumption. Agricultural residues and grasses tend to be
Biomass surpassed hydropower as the single faster growing and are fertilized and harvested
largest renewable energy resource for the last on a yearly basis. Some agricultural residues
several years. Of the total, nearly 90 percent such as alfalfa and soybeans have value as an
of the biomass energy was consumed in the animal feed because of their high protein (nitro-
pulp and paper and forest products industry, gen) content. Variability in fuel-bound nitrogen
three quarters of which was for process heat. (protein) in biomass leads to varying NOx emis-
Sixty percent of the electricity from biomass sions in biomass combustion systems.
is produced from wood or wood wastes with The chlorine content of biomass is generally
the remaining 40 percent produced from a function of the soil conditions it is grown in
landfill gas, municipal solid waste, and other and the amount of fertilizer applied during
biomass. Electricity production from bio- growth. Consequently, agricultural residues
mass is being used and is expected to con- such as various stovers and straws can have
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high Cl levels. Subsequent HCl emissions dur- of biomass to produce electricity is to co-fire
ing combustion can catalyze high- and low- biomass and coal in existing coal-fired power
temperature corrosion. plants. Coal-fired power plants are used to pro-
The major technical barrier associated with duce the majority of the electricity in the United
biomass combustion systems is the formation States. If biomass were co-fired at low percent-
of tenacious deposits on heat transfer surfaces ages in even a small number of coal-fired power
caused by the unique high-temperature chem- plants, the use of biomass for power production
istry of biomass ash. Many types of biomass would dramatically increase. Co-firing biomass
used in combustion systems contain alkali and coal increases the use of sustainable fuels
metal species: sodium, potassium, and cal- without the need for large capital investments
cium. The ash content of woody biomass is while taking advantage of the high efficiencies
quite low and not a problem. The ash content obtainable in existing coal-fired power plants.
of agricultural residues such as wheat straw, Fuel diversity is another advantage of bio-
rice straw, corn stover, and alfalfa stems can be mass/coal co-firing. Co-firing reduces the need
quite high, on the order of 5 percent or up to for a constant supply of biomass that would be
20 percent for rice straw and rice husks. The required in a dedicated biomass power plant.
presence of alkali metals in conjunction with Co-firing biomass and coal is also a viable way
the high silica content of some biomass ashes to manage the increasing emissions of green-
can lead to molten ash at combustion temper- house gases and other pollutants from power-
atures.663–668 In some cases, the K, Si, and Al generating facilities.
contents are such that very low melting-point Biomass and coal have fundamentally dif-
eutectic mixtures can form. The materials can ferent fuel properties that can lead to benefits
be fluid at combustion temperatures, but form or deterrents to co-firing. For instance, bio-
glasslike deposits on colder downstream sur- mass is a more volatile fuel than coal and has
faces such as heat exchanger tubes. higher oxygen content. Coal, on the other
Ash deposition in biomass combustion sys- hand, has more fixed carbon than biomass.
tems has been the focus of numerous research Wood fuels tend to contain very little ash (on
efforts.659,669 The basic mechanism for deposit the order of 1% ash or less) and consequently
formation in biomass combustion systems increasing the ratio of wood in biomass/coal
starts with the vaporization of alkali metals, blends can reduce the amount of ash that needs
usually chlorides, in the combustor. Fly ash to be disposed. A negative aspect of biomass is
particles, which are predominantly silica, that it can contain more chlorine than coal.
impact and stick to boiler tube surfaces. As the This is particularly true for some grasses,
flue cools the alkali metal vapors and aerosols straws, and other agricultural residues.
quench on the tube surfaces. When the ash Better environmental performance at a mod-
chemistry approaches equilibrium on the sur- est cost is one of the drivers for biomass/coal
face and the deposit becomes molten, the like- co-firing in utility boilers.670–673 Biomass usu-
lihood increases that additional fly ash ally has lower sulfur content than coal, so co-
particles will stick, and deposits grow rapidly. firing reduces SOx emissions because of
Ash deposits can also accelerate the corrosion displacement of sulfur in the fuel blend. Similar
or erosion of the heat transfer surfaces. This reductions are also observed for NOx emis-
greatly increases the maintenance require- sions, because the nitrogen content of the co-
ments of the power plant often causing fired biomass fuels is generally lower than the
unscheduled plant interruptions and shutdown. nitrogen content of the coal. Initially, any
change in NOx emissions as a result of blending
the biomass and coal can be attributed to chang-
ing the amount of nitrogen in the fuel blend.
One solution to increasing biopower is to build The addition of biomass has been shown to
dedicated biomass power plants. An alternative, reduce NOx emissions in most commercial
lower capital cost option for increasing the use facilities, usually beyond the reductions
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expected because of a lower overall fuel- unit. Another example is Steam Plant #2 at
bound nitrogen content. The high volatiles Tacoma Public Utilities’ power plant in
content of biomass can effectively establish a Tacoma, Washington. This plant was recon-
fuel-rich zone early in the burner flame that figured in 1991 to co-fire coal, biomass, and
can reduce NOx emissions similar to fuel refuse-derived fuels on a continuous basis in
injection in flue gases (reburning) for NOx a 50-MWe atmospheric pressure fluidized-
reduction. Adding biomass can also reduce bed combustor. A third example is Northern
flame temperatures, leading to lower levels of States Power’s King Station in Bayport,
thermal NOx. The high moisture content of Minnesota. From 1987 through 1997, wood
some biomass may also be effective for NOx residues from the neighboring Anderson
reduction at full-scale. Window plant were continuously co-fired at
When biomass is co-fired with coal (even in a level of 5 percent (20 tons per hour) in a
small percentages), the alkali metals in biomass 550-MWe coal-fired cyclone boiler.674 Co-
ash can alter the properties of the resulting firing was suspended at the King Station
mixed ash. This could have a significant impact because Anderson Window found a higher
on the coal plant’s operating and maintenance value use for its wood residues, not for tech-
costs or even operability. The addition of bio- nical reasons.
mass to a coal-fired power plant can also nullify Aside from these longer duration co-firing
ash sales contracts for coal flyash. Biomass ash operations, several utilities have tested bio-
components in feedstocks may also reduce the mass/coal co-firing for short durations in util-
long-term efficiency and effectiveness of cer- ity boilers.675–679 These various tests sought to
tain (selective catalytic reduction, SCR) systems systematically determine the impacts of bio-
for the selective catalytic reduction of NOx. mass co-firing on such in-furnace parameters
Fuel preparation and whether to premix the as boiler de-rating, boiler efficiency, emis-
biomass and coal or introduce the two fuels sions reductions, changes in fouling and slag-
separately into the boiler is another important ging behavior, and corrosion. A number of
issue that needs to be addressed for successful demonstration projects are currently being
implementation of co-firing. Fuel handling of funded to add to the knowledge base of util-
biomass in co-firing systems will need to be ity-scale biomass/coal co-firing.
demonstrated with a variety of biomass feed- Several issues clearly remain regarding how
stocks—such as switchgrass, willow, and blending biomass and coal will affect com-
energy cane—to take advantage of lower cost bustion performance, emissions, fouling and
biomass residues and future energy crops. slagging propensities, corrosion, and ash sal-
Biomass co-firing is not a new technology; ability. Nevertheless, several utilities have
several utilities have taken advantage of tested biomass/coal co-firing in utility boilers
opportunities and have or had been co-firing and the Electric Power Research Institute
biomass for many years. One example is the funded a study in 1997 to establish biomass
AES (formerly NYSEG) Greenidge Station co-firing guidelines.680
in Dresden, New York, that began co-firing
tests in October 1994.674 The success of these
tests led to the installation of a separate bio-
mass preparation area in the fuel yard in early
1999, to separately feed biomass into the This work was supported by the U.S. Depart-
108-MWe tangentially fired pulverized-coal ment of Energy Office of the Biomass Program.

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