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University of Wah,

Department of Chemical Engineering

Document No: UW/Ch. E/QF/REV00
Department of Chemical Engineering
Assignment # 02
Course Title: Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics
Semester: 3rd Course Teacher: Mr. Usman Asghar
Total Marks: 20 Course Code: Ch. E- 201
Student Name _____________________ Reg No._______________________

Course Program Learning Domain

Learning Learning
Outcome Outcome

CLO-1 PLO-1 Cognitive 3

PLO-1: Engineering Knowledge: An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science,

engineering fundamentals and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex
engineering problems.
CLO-1: Describe the types/nature of fluid flows, fluid statics, fluid properties, and basic
principle of fluid mechanics.
Q. No. 1: Consider a rectangular element of fluid as shown in Fig 1. The pressure at the
center of the element be designated as P.

Show that how does the pressure in a fluid in which there are no shearing stresses vary
from point to point?

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University of Wah,
Department of Chemical Engineering
Document No: UW/Ch. E/QF/REV00
Q. No. 2: In a stationary mass of a single static fluid, the pressure is constant in any cross
section parallel to the earth’s surface but varies from height to height. Consider the
vertical column of fluid shown in above slide. Assume the cross-sectional area of the
column is S. At a height Z above the base of the column, let the pressure be p and density
be ρ.

a) Solve for incompressible Fluids

b) Solve for compressible Fluids

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