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`Department of Education

Schools Division of


Direction: Kindly read and analyze each item carefully and choose among the choices the
BEST answer.

1. It is referred as the ability of an individual to carry out the day’s activites without undue
A. exercise C. Health-Related Fitness
B. Physical Fitness D. Skill-Related Fitness

2. Physical Activities aim to develop fitness. What body systems directly benefits from regular
A. Nervous System C. Digestive System
B. Respiratory System D. all of the above

3. Health Related fitness is made up of 5 sections. Which of the following DOES NOT belong
to the group?
A. muscular strength and endurance C. Flexibility
B. cardiovascular/respiratory D. body fitness

4. Regular physical activity provides an individual with physical, mental and social health
benefits. The following are benefits of physical activity EXCEPT __________.
A. healthy growth and development
B. strong bones and muscles
C. control of weight and body composition
D. obesity

5. Some people may experience variety of challenges along the way that hinders them to be
physically active. This is referred to as ______.
A. composition C. principles
B. barriers D. components

6. For optimal results one should at least exercise 3-5 times a week. What is the
recommended number of minutes required for teenagers who perform physical activity?
A. at least 25-30 minutes C. at least 50 minutes
B. at least 40 minutes D. at least 60 minutes

7. Cardio-respiratory is called as cardio-vascular fitness. It is the ability of the heart, lungs and
blood vessels to supply oxygen to your body tissues during sustained physical activity.
Which of the following is considered as cardiovascular activity?
A. stretches C. weight lifting
B. jogging D. jumping jacks
8. Aerobic exercise provides muscles with____________ that is needed by the organs and
A. calories C. flexibility
B. water D. oxygen

9. Which statement is true about physical activity?

A. Exercise promotes physical well-being.
B. Regular exercise improves quality of life.
C. Regular exercise reduces risk of diabetes.
D. All the statements are correct.

10. Often, Selena is eating while watching her favorite movie. What type of eating habits she
A. emotional Eating C. distracted eating
B. social Eating D. fueling for performance

11. We eat food to increase our energy, renew our strength to power up our minds. to think
more clearly and to handle problems wisely. A healthy eating pattern includes the following
A. eating a variety of vegetables
B. eating Fat-free or low-fat dairy, including milk, yogurt and cheese
C. eating protein foods, including seafood, lean meats and poultry
D. having a lot of carbohydrates and fatty foods

12. This physiological indicator occurs when your body loses more water than you take in.
A. Overexertion C. Sweating
B. Urinary Tract Infection D. Dehydration

13. What is the correct formula for maximum heart rate?

A. Subtract your age from 220 C. Add your age to 220
B. Divide your age by 220 D. Multiply your age by 220

14. Which of the following is not considered as a way of avoiding physical overexertion?
A. Take frequent breaks from hot environments or strenuous activity.
B. Replenish electrolytes lost through sweat with sports drink or enhanced wat
C. Drink enough water and other fluids.
D. All of the above reasons

15. It is the set of conventional rules of personal behavior in polite society, usually in the form of
an ethical code that delineates the expected and accepted social behaviors that accord with
the conventions and norms observed by the society.
A. Rules C. Etiquettes
B. Regulations D. Morals

16. What is the proper etiquette when using equipment while others are waiting?
A. Keep others waiting while you rest.
B. Put all equipment away from others.
C. Allow others to work in between your sets.
D. All of the above
17. To develop harmonious relationship with others during physical activity the following are
proper etiquette EXCEPT
A. understanding and upholding the rules of using the facility
B. avoiding making excessive noises, remember constant noises can annoy others
C. practicing proper hygiene during and after the physical activity
D. not allowing others to borrow equipment in between sets

18. Below are the purpose, equipment and goal of a particular test. Identify the test that fits the
Purpose: To test flexibility of the Hamstring and hips
Equipment: protractor
Goal: Keeping both legs straight, lift one leg to the maximum angle while the other leg
remains flat on the floor.
A. 3-minute step test C. Hamstring and hip flexor test
B. Flexed- arm support D. Zipper test

19. In a constant pace, step on and off the bench for 3 minutes straight.What does the above
talks about?
A equipment C. Preliminary
B Goal D. Purpose

20. In performing the 90 degree push up, the same procedure is applied to both male and
female, but they vary only in what particular body parts?
A. Arms and fingers C. Thigh and abdomen
B. Head and shoulder D. toes and knees

21. It is a test for cardiovascular endurance level based on how quickly your heart rate will go
back to the normal range after a physical activity. Which from the following choices is being
referred to?
A. 3 minutes step test C. Hamstring and hip flexor test
B. Flexed-arm support D. Zipper test

22. Patricia is preparing the equipment to be used for her Physical Fitness Test particularly the
Curl-up. What equipment should she prepare?
A. mat and adhesive tape C. mat and stopwatch
B. mat and protractor D. mat and tape measure

23. The flexibility of the hamstring and hips is for the hamstring and hip flexor test, t abdominal
muscle strength and endurance is for ___________________.
A. 90 degree push up C. Flexed -arm support
B. Curl up D. Zipper test

24. Measuring your Fitness Level is one way to find out your level of __________________
A. Physical Appearance C. Physical Fitness
B. Physical Education D. All of the above

25. The purpose of this test is to measure body composition. Which of the following choices
below is being referred to?
A. Anthropometric measurements C. Waist line test
B. Height test D. Weight test
26. It is defined as a measure of body mass based on height and weight that aid in determining
weight categories. Which of the following terms below is being referred to?
A. BMI C. Waist to Hip Ratio
B. Waist line D. None of these

27. Catriona will conduct a test to her partner. She helps her partner to stand with trunk
straight, and she measure the distance from the floor to the top of her forehead. What test
is being performed?
A. Anthropometric measurements C. Waist line test
B. Height test D. Weight test

28. This type of training principle states that in order for the muscles to get stronger additional
load must be added to what was used to.
A. Progression C. Overload
B. Specificity D. FITT

29. Ben is a swimmer and in order for him to improve his cardiorespiratory endurance, the
frequency of his work out session should be_______.
A. 5 or more sessions per week C. at least 2 sessions per week
B. 3-4 sessions per week D. 1-3 sessions per week

30. Cardiorespiratory endurance is best described as the ability of the

A. heart and lungs to work efficiently in order to supply oxygen to the muscle
B. joints and bones to move through its full range of motions
C. muscle to work over a long period of time
D. both B and C

31. In FITT formula, the last “T” stands for

A. Time C. Three
B. Tie D. Type

32. Overload, Progression and Specificity are classified as

A. FITT C. Physical Activity
B. Principles of Training D. Phases of Training

33. Overload principle states that in order for your body and muscle group to get stronger and
better you need to add more exercises than normal. Overload principle is essential for it
A. helps develop balance
B. rebuilds muscles
C. increases blood flow
D. allows your body and muscles to adapt to a new level of stress

34. If you are walking at a pace that causes your heart to beat less than 50% of its maximum
heart rate, which of the following FITT principle variable do you need to change to improve
your endurance?
A. Intensity C. Time
B. Type D. Frequency
35. What is the FITT principle recommendation for the time that will give you the most benefit
from your cardiorespiratory workout?
A. 15 minutes C. 30 minutes
B. 25 minutes D. at least 1 hour

36. Intensity during a cardiorespiratory endurance workout means

A. how hard an activity is performed
B. how long an activity is performed
C. what type of activity is performed
D. how often an activity is performed

37. Principle of Progression is best described as the

A. ability to prolong activity
B. gradual increase in exerting effort or load
C. frequency on how often the activity is done
D. specific exercise for specific muscles

38. Determine which statement best describes threshold of training.

A. It is the maximum amount of force a muscle can produce.
B. It refers to the cause of excessive training.
C. It begins and ends to the point where the physical activity becomes counterproductive.
D. It is the minimum amount of physical activity necessary to produce changes or

39. Knowing your own limits is a preventive measure of overexertion. Which of the following is
the best indicator that you are over the limits?
A. Sweating C. Fatigue
B. Dehydration D. All of the above

40. It happens when your body’s temperature drops to dangerously low levels because of the
cool environment.
A. Hypotermia C. Dehydration
B. Hypertemia D. Overexertion

41. In order to attain the desired fitness, one should consider ______________.
A. awareness of the factors that affects health
B. behaviour modification
C. healthy eating habits
D. all of the above

42. It is the ratio of lean tissue to fat tissue in the body. Which among the health related
components is referred to?
A. body Composition C. flexibility
B. muscular Strength D. cardio-respiratory

43. During an intensive physical exercise, what is the best drink to keep you hydrated?
A. water C. milk
B. soda D. fruit Juice

44. Which of the following is NOT a component of Health-Related Fitness?

A. fexibility C. agility
B. body composition D. cardiovascular

45. Which of the following statements best describes good hygiene during physical activities?
A. regular bath to avoid offensive body odors during physical activities
B. washing hands before and after the physical activities
C. wiping down equipment before and after using
D. all of the above

46. Which of the following is NOT considered as proper etiquette inside the fitness venue?
A. Avoid dropping equipment.
B. Use equipment properly according to instructions.
C. Exercise in walking areas as long as you want.
D. Do not disturb others while doing the activities

47. This physiological indicator is referred as the rate or speed of doing physical activity. This
means that a person can take it slow when engaged in physical activities or do them
A. Heart rate C. Rate of perceived exertion
B. Pacing D. Principle of training

48. Its procedure is to stand on a weighing scale free from any object for test accuracy. What
test is being conducted in the said procedure?
A. Anthropometric measurements C. Waist line test
B. Height test D. Weight test

49. Below are the following procedure of waist line test, Which one does not belong in the
A. record in kilograms C. place a tape measure around
B. locate your upper hip bone D. find the proper spot by placing your hands

50. This is to measure stored body fats percentage through the relative measurement of the
waist and hip. What term from the choices below best describes the test?
A. BMI C. Waist to hip ratio
B. Height D. Weight

Prepared by:

1. B 26. A
2. D 27. B
3. D 28. B
4. B 29. B
5. D 30. C
6. D 31. D
7. D 32. D
8. D 33. C
9. D 34. B
10. C 35. A
11. D 36. D
12. D 37. D
13. A 38. B
14. D 39. C
15 C 40 A
16. C 42. A
17. D 42. A
18. D 43. D
19. B 44. C
20. D 45. A
21. A 46. A
22. A 47. D
23.B 48. D
24. C 49. B
25. A 50. D

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