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Cultural Figures

B.M.K haider
Syed Alaol 1. On their way to Chittagong Alaol and his
AKA Pandit father were attacked by Portuguese pirates
and killed his father. Alaol was wounded
Kobi or Wise and taken to Arakan.
Poet 2. His fame as a poet spread and the Prime
(1607-1673) Minister, Magan Thakur, secured him a
place in the court of Arakan.
3. In 1659 Alaol was accused of having had
links with Shah Shuja and was imprisoned
for fifty days.
4. Ragtalnama, his earliest piece of writing, is
on music and is his only original writing
apart from his songs.
Alaol´s literary contribution
● Padmavati (1648) translated from Hindi Padmavat by Malik Mohammad
● Satimayna Lorchandrani (completion of Daulat Qazi's work) (1659)
● Saptapaykar (1665) From Persian Haft Payakara by Nizami Ganjavi
● Sikandarnama (1671–72) From Persian Sikandarnama by Nizami Ganjavi
● Saifulmuluk Badiuzzamal (1669) Based on a Persian text
● Tohfa (1660) from Persian Tuhuf-e-Nasaih by Yusuf
● Ragtalnama (Original)
Importance He translated many famous works in Bangla as well as wrote
his own songs and poetry.
of Alaol in
A significant characteristic of his works is that though they
Bengali were mostly translated from other languages, his creative
literature touch and unique style made the works essentially the eternal
property of Bangla language.

Another thing about Alaol is that he is mostly hailed as one of

the great poets who introduced romantic themes in Bangla
Paragraph on Alaol
EL-Alaol is considered one of the major literary figures in Bengali literature for his translation works. Alaol was
born in 1607 and died in 1680. He got the proper chance to receive a good education in his early years as he was
born into an aristocratic family. He learned Bangla, Sanskrit, Arabic and Persian languages as well as the art of
war and music.His translated works have given the common people of Bangladesh a chance to extract the taste
of literature written in other languages. Some of his famous translations are Padmavat, Saptapaykar, and
Sikandarnama. In addition to then Alaol has a has written Ragtalnama, which is his original work. Alaol is called
the ´Pondit Kobi` or `Wise Poet` of medieval Bengali literature.

CBL- Alaol is considered one of the most influential poet of Bengali literature. Most of his poems combine
emotions with intellect which allowed Bangla speakers to appreciate cultures and literature of other countries. By
his translated works, Alaol extended the style and included vocabulary in Bangla language. Thus he linked Bangla
speakers to a wider cultural world. He enriched Bangla poetry by introducing romantic themes which were thought
to be unsophisticated in 17 centuries. His work depicts history, which gives a chance to know about the real
political scenario of the Arakan and Mughal empire. Alaol´s poems retain an urbanity and a sensibility which
reflects the court culture of Arakan. Alaol´s contribution in Bengali literature is very important and to make his
contribution memorable and to encourage future literary works, Bangladesh introduced an important Bangladeshi
literary prize, the Alaol Sahitya Puraskar,
Lalon AKA Lalon Shah and
Lalon Fakir (1774-1890)
● He born in a Hindu (Kayestha) family but abandoned
by his community after got small pox later picked up by
Siraj Sanyi a Muslim saint.
● Lalon had no institutional education.
● He composed nearly two thousand five hundred
devotional songs.
● By his devotion he acquired deep knowledge on the
religious doctrines of the Hindus and Muslims, the
manifestation of which is found in the songs composed
by him.
● Most of his songs are orally composed.
● Lalon is simultaneously a song-composer, singer, poet,
thinker, theorist, practitioner, and a Faqir
● Lalon left no written copies of his songs, which were
orally transmitted only
● Sab lokey koi Lalon ki jat samsare /Lalon koi
Songs of jater ki rup dekhlam na e najare (All the people
Lalon ask as to what caste Lalon belongs to here on
earth/Lalon says, I have not yet seen what is
the form of a caste)
● Khanchar bhitar achin pakhi (indicating to the
inner soul in the earthly body).
● Jat gelo jat gelo bale
● Emon samaj kobe-go srijan hobe.
● His songs are rich in mystic trend of thought and in
artistic skill. Composed in simple language his
of Lalon songs are significant and impressive, and are
indicative of ideal of human life, humanism and
non-sectarian attitude.
● Lalon Shah has indicated a guideline for the
emergence of a religious, racial and caste
discrimination free society.
● Lalon's songs are unique not only in religious and
social value, but also unique in literary and musical
● His language is spontaneous and easily intelligible.
● In Bengali culture Lalon has become an icon of
religious tolerance.
Paragraph on Lalon
EL-Lalon, also known as Fakir Lalon Shah, Lalon Shah, Lalon Fakir was a prominent Bengali philosopher, author, Baul
saint, mystic songwriter, social reformer and thinker in British India. Fakir Lalon Shah is believed to born 1774 and died
on 17th October 1890. Lalon Shah got born in Hindu Kayastha family. Later he was abandoned by his community,
because he was caught by Smallpox. He was picked up by Muslim saint Siraj Sain and taken care off. Lalon Shah was
an illiterate poet who even turned nobel laureate Tagore into a amused by the deep meaning of his songs. Lalon shah
is believed to have composed 2500 songs. His language is spontaneous and easily intelligible .Some of his famous
songs include Jat gelo Jat gelo bole, Khachar Vitor ochin Pakhi, and Sab Loke koi Lalon ki Jat Samsare.The great
Baul poet- cum- singer Lalon Shah made his mark in the world through his simple yet-deep ballad- like compositions
which ignited the revolt against British raj.

CBL-Lalon Shah was suppressed by his own community but still composed songs of universal spiritual values. His
songs have these universal thoughts which affect all types of people and their life. Turning the clock to today's world,
Baul songs have now gained international popularity among the young contemporary artists. Even after hundred
years of the poet-cum-writer´s demise, when violence in the name of religion is becoming more and more visible,his
songs continue to challenge the ideologies of communalism that fuels the mind of an observer. Lalon Akhra is still
famous among the foreigners and declared as UNESCO world heritage site in Bangladesh. Despite being illiterate his
works are giving tools to humanity and Bengali literature for deeper thoughts about our presence in this world and our
relationship with each other.
Baul ideas
The Baul asceticism is based on supremacy of the guru or preceptor.
The main objective of Baul ascetic practice is to trace and get
company of the inherent and formless Supreme Being who can only
be achieved by divine love, devotion and meditation. The guru
devises the way of devotional success and salvation.
Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941)
● Got born in economically and culturally rich family in 25th Baishakh 1268 in Kolkata.
● He was polymath. Poet, prose writer, composer, painter, essayist, philosopher,
educationist, and social reformer.
● The first Asian to be honoured with the Nobel Prize in 1913 for Geetanjoli (Songs of
● Successive deaths in family made the poet very depressed but continued his literary
works and the result was Geetanjali.
● He started his education in oriental seminary then St, Xavier´s school and finally ended
up with home education.
● Rabindranath published his first poem, 'Abhilas' in the Tattvabodhini patrika in Agrahayan
● He is the writer of the National anthem of Bangladesh, India and some believe for Sri
Lanka as well.
● In 1878 he sailed to England for education but only to come back after one year but this
stay allowed him to experience the western civilization.
● While looking after his father's estates in Bengal, he came into contact with the natural
beauty of Bengal which has been included in one of his classic Galpaguccha
● He established Santiniketan
● Brhamobandhav Upadhyay first called Rabindranath 'Visva Kavi', that is to say,
His works
● Chhabi O Gan (1884)
● Prakritir Pratishodh (1884)
● Kadi O Komal (1886)
● Mayar Khela (1888)
● Manasi (1890)
● His first two novels,

1 Bouthakoranir Hat (1883)

2 Rajarshi (1887).

● Realities of life, the psychology of people has been portrayed in the following writings

1. Chokher Bali (1309 BS)

2. Noukadubi (1313 BS),

3. Gora (1316 BS)

● Short stories titled Galpaguchchha

● Numerous songs
● The Tagores of Jorasanko played a major role in the Bengal Renaissance of the nineteenth
century and in the movement for reforms in religion and society of contemporary Bengal.
● In the works from 1890-1900 reflected the poet's grasp of reality, his ideal of beauty, his
ideas about ancient and contemporary India.
● He developed the Bengali novel after Bankim’s death.
● Rabindranath Tagore not only participated in the Indian National Movement but also
inspired his countrymen to fight against the colonial rule by enumerating nationalist ideas
into his writings
● He adopted the more popular dialect Cholti Bhasha.
● His contribution to the Bengali literature earned him the title “ the bard of Bengal”
● Tagore was a prolific composer. Composed over 2000 songs. His songs are known as
Rabindra Sangeet.
● It has been said that his songs gave a voice to all big or small, rich or poor.
Paragraph on Rabindranath´s early life and works
Rabindranath was a polymath, who left his marks in different sector of arts. Rabindranath was born in the famous
Tagore family of Jorasanko of Kolkata in 1861. It is believed that the Tagore family was a major contributor to
Bengali literary renaissance through their cultural activities. Rabindranath´s affluent family allowed him to get
good home education and travel widely both within and outside of India. His visit to England allowed him to come
closer to an advanced society which helped him to look into the disparities that existed in the Indian subcontinent
at that time. On the other hand, his stay on the river Padma while taking care of his fathers estate helped him to
look deep into nature and the simplicity of people's life. His celebrated poem, 'Nirjharer Swapnabhanga' [The
Fountain's Awakening] is a record of how the world, nature, and mankind had become flooded by a universal wave
of joy. Rabindranath very eloquently described human emotion such as grief of parting from loved ones in
Geetanjali (songs of offerings). This literary work earned him the Nobel prize as the first Indian and Bengali in
1913. Rabindranath was politically aware which is expressed in his famous essay “Swadeshi Samaj” and his strong
opposition to the Division of Bengal in 1905. He famously renounced his Knighthood in protest of Jallianwala
Bagh killing by the British.
Contribution to Bengali literature
Rabindranath could easily be argued as a major contributor to Bengali literature as his literary works
encompass people's emotions, natural beauty, and politics of the contemporary era. His most important
contribution is in Bengali literature is introduction of the use of Chalit Bhasha (a dialect of Bangla widely
spoken by normal people). He gave a totally a new song category by his songs name as Rabindra sangeet
through his numerous songs. His patriotic song Amar Sonar Bangla is the national anthem of Bangladesh.
Rabindranath´s novels, small stories, and poems have enormously enriched Bengali literature. He was also
an educator and established Viswavarati. In order to understand Rabindranath and his contribution to Bengali
literature, we need to look into the different phases of his life where through his writing and actions
contributed not only to the everyday people's emotional expression and making nature an integral part of
literature but also reacted to the political injustices.
Mir Mosharraf Hossain (1847-1912)
● Born in Kushtia
● His father was Zamindar and got good education
● He briefly stayed in Kolkata was admitted in Kalighat school
before living there from 1903-1909.
● As student he worked as reporter for Sangbad Prabhakar and
Grambarta Prakashika
● Later he worked as the editor for Azizannehar (1874) and
Hitakari (1890)
● He wrote under the pen name Mosha (The Mosquito).
Mir Mosharraf Hossain´s works
● His first novel, Ratnavati, was published in 1869. Apart from novels,
Mosharraf Hossain wrote poetry, plays, textbooks and an autobiography.
● Bishad Sindhu (1885-1891), which narrates the tragic tale of the battle of
Karbala, is considered to be his masterpiece.
● Zamindar Durpun (1873) was written against the background of the peasant
riots in Sirajganj during 1872-73.
● In Gazi Miyar Bastani (1899), he criticised the chaos and corruption of
nineteenth-century Bengal in general in satirised way.
● Bibi Khodejar Bibaha (1905)
● Hazrat Omarer Dharmajiban Labh (1905)
● Madinar Gaurab (1906)
● Udasin Pathiker Maner Katha (1890)
Importance in Bengali Literacy
● He did not hesitate to take up positions that would make him unpopular among his
own community.
● He is considered as the first novelist to emerge from the Muslim society and inspiring
later generation to follow.
● His literary works were included in the Bengali Literature curriculum of primary
school level, secondary, higher secondary and graduation level in Bangladesh.
● In Bishad Sindhu for example Mosharraf Hossain did not restrict the narrative to
historical facts, and took novelistic liberties, adding the psychological drama.
● His writings include readers and listeners of all age groups, Muslim and non-Muslim.
● Mosharraf Hossain created an engaging blend of Bankim-derived high literary Bangla
and the popular emotional appeal of the punthi literature of his time.
Mir Mosharraf Hossain early life and works.

Mir Mosharraf Hossain was the first novelist from the Bengali Muslim community. Mir Mosharraf
Hossain born in 1847 in Kushtia in a well off family and died in 1912. He began his formal education at
Kushtia School and then studied up to Class V at Krishnanagar Collegiate School. He was admitted to
Kalighat School in Kolkata but could not complete his studies. As a student he worked as a reporter for
Sangbad Prabhakar and Grambarta Prakashika, which helped him to develop his writing ability. Mir
Mosharraf wrote under the pen name Mosha (the mosquito) characterizing his satirical ability. He wrote
against the British Raj where he slowly infused and showed the disparities with humor in Zamindar
Darpan (1873) where he wrote against the British installed Zamindari system on the backdrop of
peasant riots in 1872-1873. He used his power of writing to let the people know about the oppression of
British raj in a humorous way and later used journalism to spread the words among the common people.
He worked as an editor for Azizannehar (1874) and Hitakari (1890). Mir Mosharraf Hossain´s master
masterpiece is three installments of Bishad Sindhu from 1885-1891, telling the story of karbala.
Mir Mosharraf´s contribution to Bengali literature
Mir Mosharraf´s writings stood tall against the social prejudices and introduced new ways of
writing in the Bengali literature.. His writings attracted people from all ages, sects and religion
because Mosharraf Hossain created an engaging blend of Bankim-derived high literary Bangla
and the popular emotional appeal of the punthi literature of his time. Mosharraf Hossain was
outspoken and free from communal prejudices. He did not hesitate to take up positions that would
make him unpopular among his own community. He believed that the indiscriminate slaughtering
of cows would endanger agriculture and accordingly, wrote the essay 'Gokul Nirmul Ashabka',
against this practice. Mir Mosharraf Hossain´s ability to address social injustices in a satirical
way, his strong position against oppression of the powerful and his writings Muslim historical
figures inspired many future writers.

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