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Story Time

© Letterland International Ltd

Annie Apple’s Adventure

1. Annie Apple is swinging in 2. She looks across

her tree. to the farmer’s house.

3. Annie sees something 4. “Is that an animal

up by the attic window. up there?” she asks.

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5. Annie calls for 6. He puts his long ladder
Firefighter Fred. up to the attic.

7. Look! It’s one of Kicking King’s kittens.

“How did you get up there?” asks Firefighter Fred.

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8. Can you see how the kitten got to the attic?
Can you find a toy alligator in the attic?

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Bouncy Ben’s Building Bricks

1. Bouncy Ben has some 2. “Let’s make a tower,”

building bricks. says Talking Tess.

3. “Can I join in?” asks 4. “Make it higher!” says

Jumping Jim. Harry Hat Man.

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5. “Be careful!” warns Clev- 6. “Look out!” shouts Lucy
er Cat. Lamp Light.

7. All the bricks land on the floor with a bump! “Oh both-
er!” says Bouncy Ben.

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8. “Let’s build a better tower!” says Bouncy Ben.
How many blue bricks can you count?

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It was a cold day in “Thank you,” he said,
Letterland and Clever Cat as Clever Cat handed him
and Harry Hat Man were his drink. “Ooooh! It’s a
hurrying home. bit hot!”
“Would you like a cup
of cocoa?” asked Clever
Cat, as they reached her

“Would you like some

cream to cool it down?”
asked Clever Cat. But
the cocoa was still too
“Yes, please,” Harry hot! Then Clever Cat had
Hat Man nodded, happily. another idea!

these words
cup cold
in the story.
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“Could you help Clever Cat.
me to put up my new “Do you think our
curtains while the cocoa cocoa will be cool
is cooling?” she said. enough to drink now?”
asked Harry.
They picked up their
cups and had a sip.
“Oh dear,” Harry said.
“Is it still too hot?”
asked Clever Cat.
“No,” laughed Harry
Hat Man. “It’s too cold
Harry Hat Man
was happy to help.
There were lots of
hooks on the new
curtains. It took a
long time to hang
“Thank you for
helping me,” said

How many more ‘Clever Cat words’

can you find in the story?
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1. “I know, let’s play a 2. “I’ll draw and you have to
game,” says Dippy Duck. guess what it is.”

3. “Is it a dish?” asks 4. “No, it’s a drum,” says

Clever Cat. Dippy. “Try again!”

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5. “Is it a dog?” asks 6. “I know!” cries Clever
Clever Cat, hopefully. Cat. “It’s a donkey!”

7. “Sorry, wrong again!” laughs Dippy Duck.

“This time, I’ve drawn a great big dinosaur!”

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8. What else have Dippy Duck and Clever Cat drawn?

How many pictures begin with Dippy Duck’s letter sound?

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I. “It’s eleven o’clock,” 2. Eddy is hungry at
says Eddy Elephant. this time every day.

3. He looks in the fridge. 4. “Eggs are ever so

What can he eat? easy to cook,” he says.

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5. Oh no! The eggbox 6. Eddy Elephant goes
is completely empty! off to find some eggs.

7. Excellent! Eddy finds three eggs in the barn.

But that’s not enough for a hungry elephant!

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8. Help Eddy find eight more eggs in the farmyard.

Colour or decorate this eggcup for Eddy.

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Forgetful Firefighter Fred

1. Firefighter Fred was 2. “Where has everyone

looking for his friends. gone?” he wondered.

3. Harry Hat Man’s shop 4. Lucy Lamp Light wasn’t

was closed. in her lighthouse.

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5. Even Vicky Violet had 6. Firefighter Fred felt sad as
vanished! he went home.

7. “Surprise!” yelled his friends. “Happy birthday!”

“What fantastic friends!” said Firefighter Fred…

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8. “…I had forgotten it was my birthday!”
How many balloons can you count?

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Golden Girl and the Geese

1. Golden Girl is going to 2. Oh no! She’s left the

work in her garden. gate open!

3. The geese have got into 4. Golden Girl goes to look

the garden. for them.

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5. One goose is hiding in 6. Another goose is in
the gooseberries. the greenhouse.

7. There is even a big goose sitting in Golden Girl’s go-cart!

You can’t drive that, you silly goose!

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8. Golden Girl gathered the rest of the geese.
Point to the three geese hiding in the picture.

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1. Harry Hat Man makes lots 2. He makes huge hats for
of hats. big heads.

3. He makes hard 4. He made Firefighter Fred’s

hats for builders. hard helmet!

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5. He makes happy hats for 6. He made a hat for his
happy children. horse, Henry, too!

7. He even made a hat for his house when the roof blew off
in a hurricane.

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8. Look at all the hats Harry Hat Man has made.
Point to the one you like best.
Colour and decorate this hat for Harry.

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“I can’t see any
insects. I can only see
twigs,” says Impy. “They
must be invisible insects!”
“Look again, it’s quite
difficult to see them,” the
teacher explains.
Impy Ink is sitting
with some children in the
classroom at school. They
are looking at some twigs
in a glass case.
“If you look into the
case carefully,” says the
teacher, “you will see
some little insects.”

these words
imagine Impy
in the story.
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“These insects have
an interesting way of
protecting themselves.
They look just like twigs. “Aren’t stick insects
It helps them to hide very incredible? Just imagine
well indeed.” what it must be like
“That’s why they are behave like a stick all day
called stick insects!” says a long!”
little girl called Isobel.
“That’s very
interesting!” says Impy Ink.

How many more ‘Impy Ink words’

can you find in the story?
© Letterland International Ltd
Jumping Jim’s Jumping Beans

1. Jumping Jim has a present 2. Six jumping jelly beans for

for Bouncy Ben. his birthday!

3. But when he tries to wrap 4. ...they jump right out of

them up... the parcel!

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5. A paper bag doesn’t 6. A jam sandwich helps Jim
work either. think.

7. Ah, the jam jar! Now Jumping Jim has an idea.

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8. The jumping beans can’t jump away now!
Point to Jumping Jim’s jam jar.

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I. Kicking King is going to fly 2. “My kite is very plain,” he
his kite. says.

3. “I’ll paint a kangaroo,” he 4. Kicking King gets his paints

thinks. and brushes out.

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5. Then he goes to put the 6. He doesn’t see what his
kettle on. kittens are up to.

7. “My kite certainly isn’t plain anymore!” laughs Kicking King.

“Thank you for helping, kittens.”

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8. Can you see which kite Kicking King is flying?
Who do the other kites belong to?

© Letterland International Ltd

Let’s share
story about
Lucy Lamp

1. Lucy Lamp Light lives 2. She can see a

in a lighthouse. long, long way.

3. She can see 4. She can see little

large lakes. lambs leaping.

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5. She can see lines of 6. Lucy can see lots
lorries and leafy lanes. of things.

7. And at night, everyone can see Lucy Lamp Light!

Show Lucy
way to th
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8. Thank you, Lucy Lamp Light for your lovely light!
Count the stars twinkling in the sky.

How many Lucy

Lamp Light word
did you count
the story?
© Letterland International Ltd
It’s nearly night time in But when they get to
Letterland. Munching Mike the park, Noisy Nick comes
is going to the park with his over to meet them at the
Mum. gate.
“We mustn’t miss
the Letterland band,”
she tells him. “Tonight
they are playing music by

“The band can’t play,”

he says sadly. “It’s too
cloudy for the moon to
shine brightly and they
can’t see their music. They

these words
music Mum
in the story.
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keep playing the wrong beside the band with her
notes and making an awful light shining brightly. How
noise!” marvellous! Now the band
“Oh no,” says Mike’s can see their music.
Mum. “Now we won’t be “Well done, Mike,”
able to listen to the music.” murmurs his Mum. “That
was a really bright idea!”

“I might be able to help,”

says Munching Mike. “Wait
here for a moment!”
A few minutes later
he comes back with Lucy
Lamp Light. Lucy stands

How many more ‘Munching Mike

words’ can you find in the story?
© Letterland International Ltd
I. Noisy Nick decides to 2. “I’ll be nice and
read the newspaper. quiet now,” he says.

3. Bzzz... “What’s that 4. A fly has buzzed in

noise?” wonders Nick. from the next room.

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5. The fly buzzes 6. and lands on
nearer and nearer... Noisy Nick’s nose!

7. Noisy Nick tries to hit the fly with his

newspaper. Swipe! Swipe!

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8. “Where has the fly gone? You’ll never
find him now, Noisy Nick!”
Now find nine nails hidden in this picture.

© Letterland International Ltd

1. The Letterland park 2. Peter Puppy wants to
looks pretty today. paint a picture of it.

3. He finds some paper 4. He mixes some pots of

and pencils. paint.

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5. But it’s hard to hold 6. Peter Puppy’s flower
a pencil in a paw! petals are not perfect.

7. Peter Puppy puts his paw in the pink paint and

makes a print on the paper. It looks just like petals!

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8. Peter wins the prize for prettiest poster!
Point to Peter Puppy’s poster.
Write the number in the box.

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Sammy’s Special Supper!

1. Sammy Snake is 2. He wants something

shopping for his supper. special for his friends.

3. Will he cook sardines 4. Perhaps he should buy

or salmon? some sausages?

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5. But Sammy likes 6. It’s so hard to
samosas and salad too. choose something special.

7. “Splendid!” says Sammy as he spots something very

special. “I love having spaghetti for supper!”

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8. Sammy Snake’s spaghetti supper is superb.
How many special friends does he share it with?

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1. It’s the Letterland talent 2. Talking Tess wants
contest today. to take part too.

3. She takes a train 4. She puts on her tights

to the town hall. and tap shoes.

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5. Tess watches the the tal- 6. Now it’s her turn.
ent contest. She puts on the tape.

7. Talking Tess tries really hard not to trip over.

She tap dances beautifully in time with the music.

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8. Well done! Tess wins the talent contest trophy!
How many tea cups can you count?

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Uppy Umbrella Gets Stuck!

I. Uppy Umbrella likes 2. She flies up and under

flying up and up. the trees.

3. She flies up to 4. Uppy flies upstairs and

Lucy’s lighthouse. out the window.

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5. But she gets upset
when she ends up

6. Oh dear, Uppy Umbrella! That was unlucky.

Uppy is stuck upside-down, up a tree.

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7. Firefighter Fred will soon untangle her.
How many umbrellas How many are
can you see? upside down?
Write the numbers in the boxes.

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Vicky Violet’s Visitors

1. Vicky Violet has 2. She is very excited

friends visiting today. to see everyone.

3. Vicky shows them the 4. The vast volcano looks

views of the valley. spectacular.

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5. Vicky’s visitors are very 6. They all help to make a big
hungry now! vegetable soup.

7. Vegetable soup is full of vitamins. Afterwards, Vicky serves

up some ice cream. Vanilla of course!

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8. Then, Golden Girl shows the video she made.
How many visitors can you count?

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A Box for Fix-it Max

1. Fix-it Max is extremely 2. The postman has

excited today. delivered a large box.

3. It is a brand new bicycle. 4. Max rides his bike until

Lucky Max! he is exhausted.

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5. Oh! Max bumps into 6. He has to have an
the box. Poor Max! x-ray at the hospital.

7. Fix-it Max is fine, but his bike is broken. “You wont be able
to ride it for a while,” says his mum.

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8. Max has an idea. He makes the bike box into something
new to play with, until his bike is fixed!

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